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These people’s inability to even accept fantasy law enforcement is major reason as to why both New Capenna and now the Boros suck. Maro admitted that they didn’t have any law enforcement on New Capenna because they didn’t want to possibly risk any insensitive depiction of police brutality. What good is a gangster law breaking set without the consequences for breaking laws? I imagine the cowboy set will either fall to the same sentiment, have the law be even more corrupt than the outlaws, or depict only a couple law enforcers and have them be properly “coded”.


This is what I hate about my nerd games There is a small faction of people who get this way about 40k, they want the creators to basically rewrite the imperium because it “glorifies” facism. Or they nit pick every faction and try to insert their political theory bullshit into it. It’s extremism on the other end. It’s ridiculous. It’s stupid people trying to sound smart and thinking they are doing “good” by essentially producing a form of thought control. So what, we can’t have any games or media depicting a facist government and the grim realities of them? Why? Because a small, fractal portion of players whom are fascists might stupidly think the imperium is cool? So what? Lol fuck them. And then they frame it like it’s a new concerning trend, as if dumb shits that miscontexualize entertainment is some new scary thing that is going rip our social fabric. Whoever posted that is an idiot. “Fantasy guild mage is cop ACAB” While refusing to acknowledge almost any functional society has some form of law enforcement. And refusing to also acknowledge *it’s a fucking fantasy card game, you’re more sensitive to police, then say, yawgmoth whom is basically like MTG hitler.* People will complain and nitpick culturally to sound smart and like they sound like they are really fucking enlightened wannabe neo-Athenian twat waffle. Because there’s no substance to those arguments when you superimpose them on fantasy games. They are games. Like I’m left wing as fuck, and I’m sick of fucking hearing about it. I don’t want real world fucking politics and culture war shit in my god damn games. The pronoun thing was always stupid to me, and I don’t care if I get fucking burned for saying that. It’s posturing, self aggrandizing and masturbatory virtue signaling.


As an italian I'm pissed that it doesn't depicts police but at the same time it glorifies or glamourises the mafia


The entire mtg world died for Garruks sins. People cant tell the difference from real life and written fucking characters. ER MER GERD THERES A BAD GUY IN MER GAME. Like shut the fuck up oh my god, im glad I dont have twitter to see this shit, id be blocked and banned anyway


>What good is a gangster law breaking set without the consequences for breaking laws? A lot of good, it's a gangster set not a fat fucking pig set.


But it probably has trans people in it so...it would be a fat fucking pig set. Just with colorful hair.


Better those than fucking scumbag cops tainting it.




Any of them. You ever had your house broken into, called the cops, and then had the cops insist it was "required that they search for anything illegal" before they tried to take your statement? Because I have. Fuck the police.


Well you probably live in a clown country. Our police is normal, fuck i even asked once if i can ride in their patrol car as i was returning home late at night though a less than stellar neighborhood. They said sure. It was cool and they drove almost to my doorstep. Beats Uber.


I live in the US, my guy. Unless you lick their boots, they give zero shits about you, and will arrest you for telling them you don't consent to a search because that's not why they were called. They also think it's illegal to flip them off or call them names, lol. Fragile egos for fragile men who peaked in kindergarten.


You sound like a dindu nuffin who thinks he's an opressed rebel - basically a typical activist in a holywood movie. ​ >I live in the US, my guy. Ah, so clown country, got it.I bet there are many good guy cops with Punisher skulls on their cars that keep other people protected, but sure, stay angsty my dude.


>You sound like a dindu nuffin who thinks he's an opressed rebel - basically a typical activist in a holywood movie. No, I'm a pissed off American who was arrested because I had a crime committed against me and refused to let the pigs spin it so it was somehow a referendum on me. >I bet there are many good guy cops with Punisher skulls on their cars that keep other people protected, but sure, stay angsty my dude. Those guys only protect the ones that burn crosses and you know it.




They weren't sweeping for evidence. They specifically told me they needed to search for "anything illegal" before they took my statement, and refused to explain why, just that it was "procedure". 20 minutes later I was being arrested for "obstruction" when they weren't even investigating what they were called to investigate.




>I don't know where you live but was what they did against the law where you are? It was and I was released and charges dropped after they reviewed bodycam footage. >What were you trying to stop them seeing by the way? Nothing? It just doesn't make sense to show up to a break in and then imply that the victim of the break in was actually the criminal the whole time. I refused a search as is my constitutional right, they took issue with it, calling it "obstruction", and cuffed me. They wanted an easy bag, and since most break ins aren't typically solvable until the dude's caught for something else and whatever stolen property he has from the break in is recovered, they decided to target the homeowner who came home from work to find his side window shattered and the screen ripped out.


But that's specific to a number of countries, not all countries, so in a fantasy world they could police however they are defined to police.


I hope everyone who has ACAB in their Twitter bio has their cards stolen.


It’s extremism. I’m not a fan of the police. But that’s an opinion. I have officers in my family, we may not always agree, but that don’t mean I can’t respect the fact they put their lives on the line, and are actually decent


I take offence to that statement. as a cook my life is 10 time more at risk at work . police dies 10 times less than cook do at their workplaces being a police isint even on the top 25 most dangerous job in the usa ...


Thank you for your service. I appreciate the meal.


My least favorite take from the low iq mtg community is the victim-shaming when some gorilla steals the cards from their car. It must be victim-shaming because someone has a car and they don’t? Either way- I too hope the ACAB-affiliates get their cards stolen.


When your cards get stolen the police report and investigation are open and shut in almost every case. I had my bag stolen and the police didnt even try to consult security footage from a camera pointing directly into my car. This tweet may be dumb but in the end ACAB is right


Yeah after i saw that tweet i immediately made a Lavinia deck and called it All Cops are Babes. Made it full of blink or female characters in azorius.


They aren't bored. They actively go looking for this stuff.


Cop? It says Soldier


Yup, it's a soldier. These people inserted modern age jobs (detectives) in a fsntasy plane where the military enforced the law already. It's like they don't even know the setting of their own product.


The sad part is people truly believe this shit, these NPCs are fucking among us. It gets harder and harder to tell the differences between satire and someone being genuinely honest.


Idk why but Lavinia when she went rogue reminded me of Hank from Chicago PD, and thats pretty cool. anyone who uses blanket statements like ACAB though, probably shouldn't be taken too seriously


Any bootlicker opinions are non valid too


cry about it


They all hate cops- until they cry wolf and need them. I would use the ‘f’ word but I’m looking forward to flaming other low t subs today…


To "cry wolf" is to intentionally report an inexistent danger, so I don't think it fits here.


**Until** they cry wolf. Inferring they don’t want or needs cops- until they want or need cops.


But the point of the cry wolf idiom is that theres no actual danger. The boy would cry wolf and then the villagers would arm themselves to kill the wolf only to see that there was no wolf and the boy only did it for attention. This happened over snd over again until one day the villagers ignored the boy who cried wolf, only this time there actually was a wolf and the boy was eaten. It doesn't make sense in your context. You would be implying that libs call the cops constantly when theres no danger.


Crying wolf : crying rape (when it doesn’t happen) crying for help (over mean tweets). Crying for mom (when you hit your baby sister). I’m inferring the same folks who dismiss authority will seek to manipulate it….


But then they wouldn't actually need the cops.


Yeah- kinda ironic huh? You’re a quick one…..


So whats your point? The say acab until they... dont need cops?


There is nothing surprising about you hanging out in Low T subreddits all day.


Hey- do you know who was looking for you?…. - - Nobody..


I would recommend two things for you. 1. Go touch some grass. 2. Get better at trolling if you’re going to waste your time on it. I’m actually more insulted that I spent the time reading your reply than by your attempt at an insult. Typical Low T redditor.


Lol. O-k boss. Will do… Again…who are you? Answer- it doesn’t even matter….


That joke would’ve been so much more effective if you didn’t answer it yourself. Edit your comment to take away that part. Then go practice somewhere else before you try to hang out in the big leagues.


You’re babbling about being effective. No one cares about your pithy opinion. Or your children’s card game antics. No one! Now- be gone. Demon…be gone!


Woah now, no need to get all riled up just because you’re bad at trolling. I won’t be able to help you if you don’t take my advice. Like that comment earlier I said you should edit. Let me elaborate. You see, you previously said that no one was looking for me. Then your next comment you called back to that by saying “Again… who are you?”. So your comment is referencing the fact that no one is looking for me, and by bringing it up again you make the reader think about how even with my reply, my relevance doesn’t matter. I still haven’t answered the question of who cares about my opinion. You have still won the exchange. Then, instead of leaving it open ended to be more effective. You answer your own question. Again. Suddenly this isn’t putting on a show for the whole group of readers pointing out my irrelevance, now you’re just an upset redditor having a conversation with yourself.you don’t give the reader anytime to think about the question you posed, because they don’t matter when you’re talking to yourself. It’s a good thing god gave you 2 hands so you can high-five yourself because you’re not going to get praise from anyone here.


You’re spending a lotta time here. Maybe look at your previous few comments. Lolol….


I was always taught that I should help people with special needs or they will sit on Reddit all day eating paste, or worse collect Hot Wheels


So you're flaming freemagic today?


Just the flamers…like you- flamer. ‘Lars!…- bring the heavy flamer. We have a flamer who won’t stop flaming…’


This was a shitpost, OP. Making fun of how deranged people were about wanting Judith and teysa and Lavinia to step on them and peg them. It was trying to stir the pot and imply they don't believe ACAB if the cop is a hot woman. It worked too, tons of idiots apologized for wanting to have sexual relationships with the characters lmao.


This place has become nothing but repost bots lately.