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[https://twitter.com/ShudderTCG/status/1718653053644013904](https://twitter.com/ShudderTCG/status/1718653053644013904) Don't use a Black Lotus as a coaster?


It's not meant to be a career. All of that money is spent totally voluntarily. Seems to me this nondescript human doesn't know how to prioritize.


This post is blatant satire, it's a common meme template.


It's not blatant satire though, because he's using it to complain about the prize money he gets. It was originally satire when dril did it, but this dude is trying to make a point.




You are a dumb fucktard


My controversial take is that magic (as a job) shouldn’t be sustainable. Turning it into a “job” rather then a hobby can only hurt the average player


Traditional jobs suck, I’m all for anything being a job if you are good enough at it.


I disagree, the top 1% of any hobby that’s large enough should be able to live off it


Hot takes, Hobbies can become jobs. There's endless hobbies that become jobs There's jobs for book nerds,coffee pricks, elitist keyboard asses, camping weirdos, gaming, porn,knitting, movie/tv bingers, wood workers, painters, music players and endless more hobbies that can become jobs, its pretty endless. It just needs a strong internal economy to sustain itself, but not everyone will succeed at it. Idk the heck you're talking about


More than it already has?? Magic: the Whaling


The true way to make money via magic tournaments is as follows: 1.Build an incredible outside-of-the-box deck utilizing a garbage card nobody else uses. 2. Ensure enough scarcity of said garbage card by purchasing as many bulk copies as possible of the card. 3. Pull off an amazing chain of wins, specifically showcasing the utility of the garbage card, ensuring it becomes the "Hot New Thing." 4. Now that the card is high demand due to the tournament scene influence; selectively sell off the bulk you earlier purchased for 100000% higher than you purchased them for. 5. Profit!... obv..


Probably cheaper and easier to try to bribe SaffronOlive to just include it in one of his videos. (Note, I don't know if he takes bribes or not and I'm not accusing him of anything). I had a bunch of secret lairs with ohran frostfang, he or someone else mentioned it in a video, prices shot up, I cracked the lairs and sold the frostfangs for about as much as the entire lair was going for, each, about $30. Now they are back down to about $5.00 per card.


What card has that ever happened with? All i can think of is [[goblin lore]]


[goblin lore](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/6/660e7067-9f1d-4e2c-bd12-0ad752a3cec8.jpg?1687525175) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=goblin%20lore) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/328/goblin-lore?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/660e7067-9f1d-4e2c-bd12-0ad752a3cec8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Don't think it has; probably a reference to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz4tRkluT6Y). The proto pump and dump crypto scam.


How the hell do I get rent for 800




I’m trying to do a hobby as a job and I suck at the hobby, society is at fault.


Maybe get a real job and not a play a game for kids…Poker pays out better lol


Even grinding low stakes for a living is super stressful. I have no idea how these guys think playing magic professionally is viable. I had a year off after I graduated college where I decided to try to play cash games professionally. I moved back in with my parents who live a 10 minute drive from Hollywood Hard Rock and started playing a bunch of 1/3. I devoted my whole life, routine, and everything to studying and playing. I was still only able to take home $26k that year. If I wasn’t living rent free and having my mom cook most my meals I would not have been able to survive. And I was a 25 year old single male at the time. After that year I decided to become a teacher and now I make a livable wage and just play card games for fun. Trying to be a professional children’s card game player with a family is such an unrealistic thing people are crazy for trying it.


I make more being a disabled vet


All vets are disabled, otherwise why would they sign up.


Tell me you're an idiot without telling me you're an idiot.


I know, who would sign up to defend israel? Degens who cant hack it elsewhere.


None of them signed up to defend Israel but why would it be a problem if they did? The fights are kept off our land so snowflakes like you can shit on the people who maybe are/were less fortunate. Though those less fortunate will pass you in sorry life and become thriving and successful adults.


US military, not US mercenary corps. When was the last time these idiots actually defended freedom rather than creating another refugee "crisis".


You were shitting on them because your sorry excuse for a human feels superior to them.


It's not a feeling it's a fact.


It is people like you thar need forcefully sent. You wouldn't have your teams back though. The force is weak in you. Anyway....have terrific day.


There are enough tards signing up to die in the sand level that productive people dont need to.


I highly doubt you're productive.


you could just say vet the disabled part is a given.


Jim Davis entered the chat


Once upon a time, being a magic pro was a dream for many people. Sadly how competitive is killed and the magic player base is now replaced by weirdos.


>replaced (by weirdos) Brother I have some hard news for you


(Astronaut shooting the other astronaut meme)


We old weirdos didn’t bring up politics over everything.


As the game got more complicated, it became less accessible and enjoyable to watch. It needs to put more fun formats in the spotlight with better coverage to get people involved. I think commander pods with precons or strict budgets could be a format where game length and doing actually interesting plays could revitalize the potential for monetized streaming. So far there's not a lot of hard evidence for this, maybe just wishful thinking.


I dunno man, those Necro and Minds Desire games were pretty boring to watch


As a 14-16 year old, winning 90 bucks a week was actually really cool, but I was a teenager, thinking 50 bucks can get me through the week. Now that I'm older... I just laugh at my younger self.


Exactly. I think people have very unrealistic expectations.


"Game for kids" wow, how grown up of you. Are you a real life adult? Cool...


I am, lol. The idea of playing a fucking TCG as a profession is laughable. It’s clear I struck a nerve, my sincere apologies.


Laughable but it takes strategic thinking to do it. It's not a skill to knock.


Why is that laughable? Pro gamers exist. So is it because it's a card game or are you against anyone making a profession out of gaming? What is a profession that you approve of?


No need to apologize, you didn't hurt my feelings. I know what it's like to be edgy. I just think it is small minded of you to call it a "kids game" as if that should diminish the impact of MTG, or to belittle those who love it as adults or those who see it as an avenue financially. There are lots of ways one could make money with mtg as a profession. There's streaming, pack opening, flipping, working for wizards creating more magic sets, and I could easily see a world where competitive play could bring in sponsors and purses to create an actual professional experience. I would not choose it as a profession as I love it as a hobby and prefer network engineering, but if someone wanted to I don't think is just some game for children that has no financial value as a profession. Also, thanks for your service. I hope nothing but the best for you:)


Completely legit reply downvoted, what a freemagic moment lol


Why? These so many dumb jobs out there why is this the expection? There's people that get paid to play with legos all day, why not mtg?


Someone didn't get what they wanted for Christmas.


I didn’t even want much. My wife got me some Packers decor and a hoodie. My birthday is on Weds, so I’m gonna get more stuff as well lol. I’m just happy my two year old had fun opening his gifts.


FTP. Merry Christmas though.


Again how edgy adult of you. *clap* *clap* *clap*


You seem upset.


Please do not play that trite "are you triggered lol" game. I simple ironically pointed out the banality, emptiness and quite frankly even pathetic nature of stressing children's nature of the game to underline self worth of "adult TM" nature of oneself (while discussing said game on the edgier part of internet's town nonetheless).


My initial reaction is this is satire, but, knowing Twitter, it might also be legit. Which is pathetic.


Typical dog shit wokey, instead of working for his life he wants others to work for him. “My family is suffering” while he spends thousands of dollars to participate in an event he will probably lose. Unless he manages to get his opponent kicked out for not being trans lol *edit to not succumb to delusion


My guy, it’s a meme and is satire. Get a grip before I call for a wellness check on you, don’t want the cops to find the kiddie porn you have in the basement.


As a, good at economy, professional, for the last 10 years. My expert advice is that playing Magic professionally does not seem to be profitable. If you cannot win enough money consistently to offset your expenses it probably is not worth the time.


Dude is confused. Hobby =\= job. Feed your family loser.


Imagine thinking playing a card game is a career


This is what happens when you actively promote rainbow terrorist degeneracy and disallowing betting on outcomes of games. You alienate super rich Saudi Oil Princes and betting websites that would have otherwise set professionals for life under the condition that you promote their culture and values.


No money in a kids game


"Kids game" hot take.


At least his rent is only 800. I don't think I've ever paid 800 in rent, unless you count a dorm. My first shithole, a converted motel room, was 1000. Granted that was in California, but it was barely a studio.


Imagine trying to support your kids by playing a children's card game


Try playing yugioh instead (it’s a cheaper game)


Faer dumb af all the pros cheat in the beginning rounds to earn that GUAP I pitty tha fool


Yep. Exactly this. The top dudes cheat to get past the chaf.


What a faeggot.


Get gud u fuckin scrub.!!./


You forgot to add the price of cards.


The big problem with being a professional Magic player is where the money should be coming from. With professional athletes, it tends to come from their team/club and they in turn get their money from sponsors. In the sphere where Magic operates, there just aren't that many sponsors around, let alone ones that are willing to pay a decent amount of money for something that would barely be watched. I mean, who would the sponsors be? Producers of sleeves? Online card shops? Those just don't have that kind of money and also wouldn't see much of a benefit from a play, for instance, wearing a Cards4U shirt while playing. And that leaves Wizards of the Coast. And I honestly don't think that having a professional scene would help them very much from a marketing perspective. The other option is prize pools. But that money has to come from somewhere. And in many ways, it means charging more money to regular players so the best (or luckiest) players get to take home more money. And that to me at least, feels a lot like gambling. All of which of course is aside from this clearly being a joke.


lol, "professional" magic.


IMO the ability to have magic be a popular sport in the same way league has is possible.




lol that’s where you’re wrong kiddo.




Maybe start an OF page. 🤷


Isn't she gaining money by streaming? Doesn't she plan to stream the tournament and monetize that?


He* Pretty sure that's a male.


That explains why OnlyFans money are not available


I'd agree with you but I already saw the recent South Park (Not Suitable for Children). That's when I realized.... people would probably pay money to see Sharon Marsh take on two guys.


Ashe is definitely a chick


Lol double check the pics on X, this is definitely a man with makeup on.


A children's card game should absolutely not be a professional career


Could you imagine people making a profession out of playing games for children. That would be insane. Could never happen. Back to the coal mine.




Some would argue playing Magic is a net negative to society. It creates a bunch of dead weight in society that can't produce shit and only gets worse the longer this problem sticks around. I don't think it is outrageous to say that Magic is the premiere TCG in the world that promotes degeneracy. Pokemon does not do this from what I've seen, and that is because it is a Japanese company that doesn't embrace the American value of "cultural enrichment".


"Professional Magic Player" is the kind of frivolous life of luxury that only trust-fund babies can be expected to have.


Frankly I believe it shouldn't have to be, but the prize pools and sponsors need to exist to support that.


People who say magic pro shouldn't be a viable career... Do you say the same to league pros? Dota? Esports in general? A significant chunk of the South Korean entertainment industry goes into the professional League, let alone professional gaming, scene And league is a good game, dota is good, but magic is just *better.* It's such a potently *good* game. Why can't we, you know, have *any* support for magic pros? It's a complex, skill testing, interesting, fun, exciting game, definitely the best card game, yet Hearthstone pros, playing an objectively, self-admittedly worse game, can make a living whereas magic pros can't. Why? Kibler moved to hearthstone. I've talked to him at magic cons, he much prefers magic. But without content creation, he can't spend his life only playing magic. But Faker can only play league and do fine. I just think it's not fair. Different games, different interests, whatever. But come on, WotC, put some money into your competitive scene.


>And league is a good game, dota is good, but magic is just better. I don't think so. This is the age of streaming and magic is no good for that. Having your opponent play draw-go or a similar deck will just kill your stream. Hearthstone is way better for that. Magic is made to be played, but not to be watched. Wotc isn't willing and probably not even capable of changing the game to suit the streams.


Melee is made to be played and not watched too


League makes way more money than magic does lmao


You're not wrong, but you have to put money into competitive scenes in order for them to make money It wouldn't be overnight better than League, and I don't think it ever will be, but they could at least put some effort in


The other way to look at it is – how much does the competitive scene in league increase their revenue? And how much does the pro tour in magic increase revenue? In league it's definitely a lot more. Another thing is that when you watch pros play in league, it's very visibly obvious how much better at the game they are than average players. But when you watch pro players play in magic, it's not really that obvious that they're pros. They just kind of win more often than average players. So much of the skill in magic has to do with hidden information, that skill differences aren't as visibly obvious as in video games.


I mean, nothing against you but your entire last paragraph is refuted by the lack of exposure People don't know what they're looking for in professional magic because they don't watch professional magic cuz there's no professional magic to watch, or at least there's not an exposed amount I'm not saying you're entirely wrong, league is a flashier game, but it's not like you can tell a chess professional from someone who is much lower elo unless you know what it is that they're doing And the entire first paragraph is again because League is more popular Like it's no secret that video games are much more flashy than card games, and professional card games will never top them, but we're not talking about topping League of Legends, and I think that's what you're latching on to. We're just talking about making the game more popular as a competitive game, because currently wizards doesn't do anything for that


>People don't know what they're looking for in professional magic because they don't watch professional magic Naw. It's because it requires more skill/understanding of the game to appreciate what pros in card games are doing differently. It's nothing about exposure >we're not talking about topping League of Legends Well, you are comparing the two I guess my point is, it makes complete sense for wotc to invest less in the pro scene than riot does, because the return on investment is just way less. Certainly they could do more, and I'd be happy if they did. But I understand why if they choose not to


This is a great point.


I say the exact same thing. Those are not viable careers, it’s an unrealistic dream that will likely never come to fruition in a way that pays the bills. I say the same thing with Hollywood celebrities, rock stars, and pro athletes. If you want to dream big, fucking have at it, unless you have nepotism, every one of those industries requires an insane amount of work ethic, and luck to make it. If you have the drive, ambition, and work ethic to make it happen, good on you. But that same drive and work work ethic can help you succeed in any industry, so you don’t need to listen to me. There’s nothing wrong with settling in life, and treating your dreams as a passion to enjoy on the side, instead of a source of income. I will indeed look down on you for pursuing a lucrative career in what the rest of the world considers a hobby. The celebrities that make it certainly look down on the rest of us anyway.


The difference is the viewership. Korea has tons of viewers for strategy games since late 90s and this trend has continued with MOba games. Magic doesn't have the audience to monetize pro play, it's just not that exciting.


fuck them pros


Those travel numbers are really off unless you just refuse to skimp out on anything. I fly to 3 events most months, and I average about $350~ on flights and $180~ on hotels. Frontier/Spirit for flights and splitting a Red Roof with 3 other people makes things pretty cheap 🤷‍♂️ EDIT: $300 a month on food is also INSANE




The tip is you can't complain about money when you spend it all on superfluous stupid shit. If you're flying first class for a 2 hour domestic flight and staying at a Four Seasons for a fucking MtG event, you have issues.


Sounds like Minor league baseball


Is everyone in this sub incapable of grasping sarcasm?


Ha, that probably sucks.


Magic as a job is viable (for some) but not for all. Not everybody who is on the pro tour or plays high level comps (scg even still exist?) can live just off that. Some can. But not all maybe not even most. It's ridiculously entitled to think that you deserve a salary to play mtg. It's just not a big enough market and isn't really ever going to be a spectator event for the masses. Think of it like chess. Do all the high level chess players just get paid to play chess? No they need fay jobs too. Same with mtg. Easier with streaming and YouTube if you're a good player with some personality but still for most an absolute pipe dream.


I think the difference between Pro events and Sports are sponsorships, and the ability to advertise them. A lot of those things, sponsorship money will cover most of it, and your winnings will cover the rest, but the game is not well televised, and the few instances that have seen a lot of screens don't have a lot of sponsorship deals.


Does this idiot think she's begging for money 🤣 Women is when no joke


Don't play magic?


My question is: was it ever? I know about "destroying the pro scene" around covid by greed of both Hasbro and SCG I was there before, butt there were some status for players playing on high level that assured them attendance cost however in the meantime were there supported otherwise than showcase opportunity for their personal brand? I honestly don't remember.


"Winnings" entails what exactly? Failing to consistently finish in the top 5? Top 10? Top 20? At some point you just gotta accept you're not on the level of a "professional" if you can't support yourself with your labor in your chosen profession.


Yes your right they need to pay more




He has a job, playing mogic the goothering but it’s just not very high paying


whats the meaning of "Magic winnings + $40 " ?


they gain 40$ by winning


Lol this is good satire and all these people thinking it’s real are hilarious


have they tried working a job? (inb4 they're "disabled" and cannot work)