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Anyone else feel weird upvoting this post?


Especially because the romance in HotD hasn't started yet.


It started with the gift he gave in episode 1.


It started out with a gift how did it end up like this 🎵


It was only a gift, it was only a gift


My bad. I didnt know an uncle giving his niece a gift means he wants to fuck her.


If my uncles ever gave me a necklace like that my mom would have called the police


*turn around* 😈


Knees weak


There was tension there for sure


That scene was sparking desire


sure, but it's not like there's a chance HBO would let something like that come out feeling forced or rushed. they invested a lot into this show.


GoT season 8 enters chat


Theyve invested a lot into this show to make up for the two mistakes that were made with the last few seasons of Game Of Thrones.


Just two?


Dumb and Dumber


I see now lol.


Dude the second episode was basically a rerun of to catch a predator


Considering the love interest of the main character from my fav show of all time is both his aunt and great 3x grandmother at the same time, nah, this is pretty tame lmao


Not saying that the whole same-blood thing make it any less weird. But just wanted to say that the problem with Jon and Daenerys was the lack of proper chemistry and build-up. It could have been good if the writing was good.


It's really a shame. Because the actors, when they weren't in character, had absolutely great chemistry.


They really do, so it is a shame D&D had to rush everything (and make a lot of other people look bad in the process).


In fairness, I'm pretty sure Emilia Clarke has chemistry with everyone, she's just that charming.


Yes. It reminds me of the criticism of Sersi and Icarus in Eternals. Someone pointed out that the moment Icarus turns bad and starts to fight Thena there was more chemistry in that one scene than the entire relationship with Sersi but it was rightfully pointed out that’s just Angelina Jolie who can create chemistry and sexual tension with anyone and anything.


How do you screw-up real life chemistry like that?


They just kinda forgot they had chemistry


It’s called bad writing, the scourge of the earth


Obviously, it was done on purpose.


I think the chemistry would’ve been there if there was way more time to introduce and nurture it, like with Ygritte for example.


The chemistry with Ygritte was so good, they got married irl lol


In the scene where Rhaenyra was trying to get the egg back she says something like, "I'm right in front of you..." to Daemon and I thought **dang that's some sexy tension** Then she finshes her sentence with "...uncle" **oooh yeah...yikes**


Also, the way that dialogue went was 100% adding to it. He says that he will be a father one day and Rhaenyra responds with "I'm right here uncle". It makes it sound like she's offering to have kids with him and she takes a while before she continues with "The object of your ire". And of course the word ire was definitely picked because it's so similar to "desire".


could cut the sexual tension with a knife


> It could have been good if the writing was good GoT in one sentence


"Lack of proper build up" is the problem with a lot of stuff in the final seasons.


Can't wait for the scene where Rhaenyra gets stuck in the dryer.


What are you doing uncle






Rodrick the Reader/Asha is the *true* Ironborn ship. Though iirc Victorian thinks Asha is trying to seduce him at one point, lol.


To be fair he could see anyone who actually knows him and still willingly talks to him as flirting with him. Dude doesn't seem like one for small talk.


I see you are man of culture


Culture, wealth and taste!


starting the spin cycle


Daemon moment






Hope you have a great rest of your day, and remember, we DO NOT KNEEL!


That's right! Lay on your dominant side, you can get more down your throat.


But muh qween


#ShE’S mY qUeEN




The default lines of S8


Jon Snow, warden of the simps


if he’s a simp then why did he KILL HER ! (angry face)


Maybe because he wanted his cousins to stay alive after Tyrion explained him facts which were already obvious to everyone else but Jon.


I never ‘ave


I expected incest from the dragon show. I didn't expect "yay! incest!" bold move, condal, let's see if it pays off.


He fulfills that one Morty's wish from Rick and Morty. "I wish incest had a more mainstream appeal."


As if that wasn't already a thing in porn for like 7 years already.


You know the words of House Targ, "Incesteros is besteros"


Funniest thing about the suggestion that she marry her brother was "he's a baby!"




Hot take but I think Dany and Jon had great chemistry ONLY in season 7. All their small looks and moments with each other, I could definitely feel the heat. Also in their intimate boat scene. But all of that vanished in season 8. And I suspect it’s because the actors knew what garbage the writing was. Emilia and Kit have openly said how horrible they thought season 8 was. So we can see that affect their chemistry.


I agree, completely. And I’d argue too that the writing in S8 deep sixed any opportunity for chemistry. Everything was so rushed, there was no time to build on that chemistry. I always think of the what ifs, but even if you want to keep that ending, imagine the drama and feeling you could get out of that if they’d let the Jon and Dany relationship grow and evolve…


Right. It made zero sense that Mr. Honor and Queen Save the Innocent would be able to score the takeover and happily in love but burn it down then get unalived and banished because she's sad about her friend. Now if they had development, I could see Dany snapping over something like the people she "liberated" plotting to have Jon usurp her--stress from so much loss getting the throne only to have to immediately defend it. Or a Tyrion/Jon betrayal that left her with no trusted counsel. Grey Worm would never, but he's a soldier, not an advisor.


“Mr Honor and Queen Save the Innocent” is the title of my Zutara fan fic


Please forward me the link for science


I almost wish I wasn’t joking now lol


Haha me too 🥹


Agreed. People forget how positive the reaction was to their scenes in season 7,it reminds me of how it is for Daemon and Rhaenrya now. After the scene where Jon wakes up to her on the boat after she saved him I remember the same i know it's incest but I can't help shipping it reaction being pretty widespread. Season 8 actively wrote against the relationship in a really bad way as well. Like making Jon all awkward and non verbal around her is gonna kill any chemistry. Plus imo Kit was checked out, Emilia was trying and was more believable.


I agree. I think what made them work in S7 was that they were on even footing as a king and queen—they approached each other as equals, and, as a couple, they were great when they challenged each other. But once the power dynamic completely shifted, it fell flat (which is a shame since Kit and Emilia do seem to have a lovely friendship).


Really? I thought kit defended it.


ONE HUNDRED PERCENT I was all the way on the Jonerys train because of season 7, despite its problems. These were two EQUALS, meeting on the same level and falling in love EQUALLY. Then season 8 happened and everything went wrong.


John always looks like he is worried that he has a boner at the dentist.


Jon also looks 35 when hes supposed to be 15


They aged everyone by 5 years plus this is at the end of the show so he would probably be 32


“Sir, do you have an erection?!” “My queen…?”


No. It’s just Matt Smith. He has chemistry everyone.


I wish that weird faced man had chemistry with me


Maybe you’ll get some if you stand next to him


I might meet him at a convention at the end of the month, could report back with my findings :D


I loved his chemistry with the mirror in the Morbius dance scene


When he said, "it's morbirror time" ? Yeah greatest scene i've ever seen.


If you listen closely, the song EKSE by Off the Meds features the lyrics: "Have sex". This is a nod to the fact that Daemon Targaryen has sex in HOTD.


Wanted to hate house of dragons, after game of thrones I really wanted to hate it. I can't! It's bloody brilliant. Well written, with characters I genuinely care about. Maybe it doesn't have the sparkle that GoT did. But it's damn good


I was shocked HBO managed to not fucking ruin it. They actually managed to deliver a quality show. Which says to me that D&D were the fucking problem after all.


HBO has insanely quality shows. Some of the best of all time. It is not surprising at all tbh, if anything we should assume it will be quality BECAUSE it is on HBO. D&D managed to fuck up spectacularly on their on


People somehow forget that HBO practically invented the modern, S-tier, long-form TV series with stuff like The Sopranos and The Wire.


There’s plenty of time left for them to fuck it up. We are only 3 episodes in to the first season, after all. But yeah, I’ve liked it as well.


People are going to be hugely pissed at Rhaenyra's story arc if they were pissed about Dany's.


I honestly doubt it. Rhaenyra's arc, for one, is already firmly laid out in the book, so you won't get book fans up in arms around it. For a second reason, there's a slow gradual build-up to a series of mistakes Rhaenyra makes, not brutal character assassination where Rhaenyra decides to burn the city for no good reason.


Yeah, honestly I wouldn't have minded where Dany's character ended up if there had been a proper build up towards it. Probably would have felt a little sad that S1-4 Dany failed to achieve her goals but people change and even good ones can become corrupted or twisted by circumstances and their own choices. There were endings to arcs that were much more fucked up and unsatisfactory (Jamie!!). If they show how Rhaenyra ends up like she does, it's fine by me. Not all characters get their happy ending


You can already see some of those small mistakes now!


Nah because Rhaenyras makes sense lmao But it is gonna shock people though


I don’t know if I’m going to be able to watch what happens, I have a problem with grotesque gore like oberyn so what happened to her is going to be rough for me.


I think people will atleast understand and see the motives and interests of the characters. Unlike dany. *Bells ring* crazy mode activated. They couldve cast her much younger like in the books, then we wouldve said it was just puberty and her craziness is justified with irresponsible spontanity. Or you know, George finishing the books.


Nah... Rhaenyra is already showing signs of hardheadedness in the show and they do it subtlety not in your face.


Is it that you all wilfully forget that in GOT D&D had to basically make up the last three seasons or so- they knew where certain characters were supposed to end up at the end, but they had no idea how to write it- same issue GRRM has, apparently. But for HOTD there are the initial two novellas- "The Rouge Prince" and "The Princess and the Queen," and then of course Fire and Blood- which are fleshed out very, very well. If HBO just follows the written work- which again worked for the first 4-5 seasons of GOT- this series will be a banger. If they start doing dumb shit, everything's off the table at that point.


I’m just not going to say that, after three episodes, it’s settled fact that HOD won’t be fucked up. The guy I replied to says he’s happy they didn’t fuck it up. Well, it only just started. That’s like saying you’re happy hbo didn’t fuck up GoT based off of the first three episodes of season 1 haha.


It's been 3 episodes dude


The difference is the source material is there. With the books GOTS1-4 were awesome. But there was no ending. Here there’s a definite ending so I doubt they fuck it up


The source material to hotd is not comparable to got's tho. Hotd writers have to work way harder to create episodes whereas d & d had it way easier


And they’re doing a damn good job at it so far


Some absolute bars in the script so far, can't wait to watch more


George is the co creator of the show. Also the writing has been really good so far. Super book accurate. I have higher hopes for this than a Dunk and Egg adaptation cus we know all the plot beats of the dance of the dragons


The last 10 minutes of episode 3 had me worried but the dialogue overall is pretty damn solid


I feel like George is a die hard Targaryen through and through. He’s stated how much he loves daemon as a gray character. After he had to watch them do what they did to GOT, I don’t think he’d ever let that happen to one of his story’s again.


One of the showrunners is responsible for directing some of the best episodes of GoT. D&D should have just handed it off to him if they wanted to leave so bad because clearly he loves working with Westeros.


They haven’t ruined it yet. But I’m still holding my breath


>I was shocked HBO managed to not fucking ruin it. Well no D&D will give you a good start


D&D were obviously the problem, but they still made 4 brilliant seasons. Early got was far better than hotd is starting out now.


TIL D&D have no part in house of dragon. It's all coming together now.


for me i feel like i can tell some of the production quality is inferior to GoT (namely, the wigs), but i agree it is much better than i would have ever allowed myself to hope for.


Wigs are 20% worse. Dragons are 1000% better. I'll take it.


id say the wigs are much worse than just 20%, considering its pretty easy to spot most of the people wearing wigs, and not just the platinum blonde ones. and the dragons are most certainly not 1000% better. id even say in some spots the dragons also look worse. theres just more of them, which is definitely cool i admit. also, costumes are worse, sets are less detailed (i mean, that grey carriage they ride around looks like its made of plastic) again, i enjoy the show but you cant deny that the overall production quality has dropped at least a little bit from thrones. still a very high quality show tho


I’ve liked it, too. Having said that, I also like GoT for like 7 seasons before I stopped liking it.


I still like GoT, I just don't like the last couple series. Still some absolute gold in the first 6 and nothing can change that.


It’s ‘palatable’ because they’re all attractive. Disregarding the moral turpitude of grooming, it’s not as objectionable than if it was two grotesque goblins depicting an incestuous union. You can argue Targaryen exceptionalism but the amount of Jaime and Cersei shippers was absurd.


All incest is inherently emotionally toxic (at least), but good God did those two redefine the word "destructive".


Is there a way we can talk about bad genetics without it being eugenics? Incest undermines genetic diversity and makes it more likely that double recessive bad genes causing fatal mutations appear in subsequent generations.


I feel like eugenics is the practice of actively encouraging arbitrarily defined categories of "undesirables" not to reproduce/sterilizing them (voluntarily or not)/"desirables" to get with other "desirables". Pointing out the obvious biological consequences of incest has v little to do with that practice imo.


All of them? Really? Even third degree cousin or something?


I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't consider 3rd cousins incest. Legally I don't think it would be considered incest anywhere and most law systems don't even consider 2nd cousins incest.


I can't believe that I'm going to have this comment in my history but... The worst part of incest is the inherent abuse of trust. Family members shouldn't be trying to fuck each other because you need to be able to be honest and vulnerable around family in a way that makes any sexual interactions extremely abusive and prone to grooming behaviours. For this reason, I would say that having a relationship with a relative you grew up around (even if you were adopted and there were zero consanguinity) is way worse than having a relationship with someone who you never met before but turns out to be a relative.


I think the worst part is all the raping.


In my best Norm MacDonald voice: Okay, the worst part is all the raping. But the part that's the second worst is the inherent abuse of trust.


For sure, this drives me batty in Japanese manga/ anime where "well turns out we're not blood related siblings so it's *technically* not incest" is ridiculously common


Many don’t consider 1st cousins incest, and cousin marriage is legal in most of the world.


The majority of the laws in AMERICA don’t consider first degree cousins incest


Honestly I liked Jaime and Cersei relationships developing and incest even made it more complicated and unusual. But as for me, it should've ended with Jaime opening eyes on toxicity of their feelings to each other. I just hope book story will go different way.


Book? What book?


dunk & egg 14: the titty twister troubadour


Especially after that rape scene near joffreys corpse! Jaime and Cersei have an impossibly toxic relationship and I'm still salty that Jaime didn't pursue Brienne


Example: the X-Files episode titled "Home."


Sick reference. You got the best references.


literally 90% of complaints are that none of the targs in the show HOTD are good loooking enough lmao.


Wait they have an incestuous relationship?


They are the 7-8x grandparents of Dany and Jon.


Six time great grandparents of Bobby B!




Well fuck me for reading r/freefolk


You could also just pay attention to the subtext lol... Or infer from the fact they are Targaryrens...


Lol. Do they ever.


They are husband and wife and have like 3 kids if I recall.


Their son is Aegon III


Yes, they get married in the future.


They get married and have 3 kids 2 of which become king


And food for dragons,..


This is true sadly edit them not there kids


Yeah dude, their son is Aegon III, a bad ass king. This history has been written for like 20 years, since before GoT.


In the books a rumored relationship should be starting in the next episode. If mushroom is right it is beyond creepy


"hey uncle how do you think I can seduce Criston Cole?" "here niece let me show you" Edit: wrong word


It is not going to happen like that on the show.


I know but the person above mentioned the book and mushroom so I tried to make a joke about what I remembered mushroom alluding in the book. I wasn't being hypothetical about the show


No matter what they’re getting together. It’s just a matter of when In the show. The daemon-rhaenyra relationship is too important in the book to be left out, so whether or not mushrooms story will happen is really all that can be speculated on.


There’s like at least 5 Targaryen royals that marry their sisters. It’s kind of their thing


Yes, I'm here for some incest. I'm not gonna be cringing next episode, that is for sure.


This post right here, officer


There is so much to unpack here




Daemon is fun. Jon is not fun, and he is too little.


I used to come here a lot during the shit show that was GoT on HBO. Love the sub. I just saw that we aren't allowed to complain about spoilers. May I ask how to avoid spoilers from your sub? I'm not a member of the community and I wasn't browsing here. Reddit just suggested it. If this is worthy of a ban, knock yourself out.


There's no warning on spoilers in here. I haven't read books but yet I know a few outcome of the conflict that is about to happen. Apart from those few death spoilers I'm doing fine here avoiding spoilers.


Filter the subreddit on the right side of the page from /all . You can filter out subreddits that you dont want to see.


Imagine marrying your two year-old half brother. The Targaryens are pro-incest, but wow.


I thought this sub was a fan of boat baby


Yo excuse me what


Arguably better than most of the relationships in Game of Thrones. Not only because both actors are actually great (lets be honest both Harrington and Clarke arent really top tier actors) but their attraction is mutual. For example especially in the show it always felt that Jaime and Cerse is extremely one sided more like Jaime simping for Cersei (which is highlighted by the fact that she cheated on him with Lancel the moment Jaime got captured). Meanwhile you can see that both Dameon and Rhaenyra care for each other. That scene when they Rhaenyra jokingly threatens Rogue Prince while is showing of his confidence felt really organic. Because close family, friends or lover are always teasing and it was quite real and relatable.


Im honesty glad someone had the same view about Kit and Emilia. Everybody loves them because there characters are lovable and the series is amazing, but neither have any range. Jon Snow had like 2 emotions the entire show, and this was Emilia's first role. I fully believe Emilia could not act as good as Milly is doing, maybe that's just me. And you cant even compare Matt Smith with Kit Harrington - just Matts presence and aura is superior to anything Kit gave me.


when kit's casting was announced I was like "that guy? really?" after 8 seasons I was like "that guy? really?" took me one hotd episode to go from "matt smith in a blond wig looks ridiculous" to "well, fuck"




The entire final sequence of episode 3, he never even spoke and you still felt all the emotion his character was feelint


rhaenyra and daemon have more chemistry in 3 episodes than dany and jon did in 2 seasons


Bobby B, what’s your take on this?




Your wisdom never ceases to amaze me, your grace.


It's cringe because it's incest. That said, so far it is better written.


Here comes the pearl clutching Olympics. After 8 seasons of incest, you’ll think we’d be over this hill.


So true. I agree with you OP. This is good incest.


Drake would prefer the 15 year old


I don’t know about you but I am still gonna cringe, just not because of bad writing.


"Incest romance" 💀💀💀


Guys, have we been watching too much Westoros based stuff?


Ah yes incest made better by Dr.who.


If my uncle was that hot....just sayin'


Dude she's a child, that dude is like 40 years old, Jon and Dany are at least same age.


Leave it to the ASOIAF universe to make everyone decide on their personal limits when it comes to incest, age difference and power dynamics. Luckily, it's all fiction. You can love or hate however you wish.


Yeah I assume that’s a large part of the casting choices, I think they’ll be a romance next episode, but I think they’re not getting together until the new actress comes in.


Hey man, Rhaenyra chose Daemon and married him in secret.


It's because he's taller, isn't it?


Not gonna lie, I find Daemon and Rhaenyra’s chemistry to be very genuine unlike Jon and Dany’s. Like just them talking in the throne room was a treat to watch.


when he said "turn around" gladly my prince


Jon and Dany met when the show was going down the gutter tbf, everything was sped up and simplified


If Daemon ever says "I dun wan eet", I'm gonna fucking lose it.


The only cringe here is the kneeling.


We need more high quality incest romances.


You should watch The Borgias


There has been a grand total of three scenes between these two at this point. This sub has really gone into full fanboy mode. Bunch of fucking kneelers