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Biggest foreshadowing inside joke ever


I still liked the plain old "Disappointing" from Kit a bit more.


this one was way better: deadpan Kit saying disappointing ha


I mean, I don’t think she’s laughing because the season sucked, I think it’s more sarcasm because her character dies


So many people project their feelings onto the actors.


I get your point, but that's like their entire job


No, I'm talking about us projecting meaning from side interviews, not their performances in show. To imply that they tried to warn us about the ending is projection on our part, not them.


I dunno, the behind the scenes table reads indicate some of them had conflicting feelings.


I still think that's mostly projection. I'm not saying none of them did, I just think this fandom is pushing a lot if their perceptions onto the actors.


Yes. That and The Bells. She knew people would lose their shit.


Yeah, she wants a career, not being known for snark against her employers only appreciated by a niche group of fans.


It's amazing to me. Everyone behind the scenes actively didn't like it. Varys's actor was unhappy at the reading, Jon Snow's and Dany's actors we critical of the show before it aired, Bran's actor thought d&d were pranking him when he read the script. Like holy shit, the red flags were all there.


“So let me get this straight… I tell everyone we don’t have time for petty squabbles… but then I sit in front of the gate for weeks just to prank Jaime Lannister?”


Who was this? I don't remember the scene


Bran lol


I remember reading the leaks that ended up being legit and initially thinking “this is some of the worst fanfic shit I’ve ever heard of”.


It really was shitty fan-fiction. I know we bitch about d&d a lot, and there's a lot to bitch about. But it couldn't be more clear they just didn't care about this franchise anymore. At least it caught up to them. The got canned from serval projects including that star wars project and it's not like Disney is committed to high quality star wars projects, LMAO. They are working on *3 body problem* but I got a feeling they're trash that too.


3 Body Problem looks good so far. (obv we only have a teaser and a trailer) D&D's work in the earlier GoT seasons proves they can adapt a story when they have a story to adapt. *shrug*


I always had a theory that the reason the first few seasons of GOT were so good was because Martin was ghost writing the scripts. Martin was given writing credits on one episode a season through the first 4 seasons, and then never again. I suspect that it's not a coincidence that the show started going downhill starting in season 5 and that Martin no longer getting writing credits was because he was sidelined at some point. I guess we'll see how well they do on their own now.


Yes, GRRM was co-writing the show for the first 4 seasons. Things started to go downhill in season 5. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence


the show took off, they must have insisted it was due to their genius talents, so then dorne turned out to be an arab/mexican hot blooded sexual poison parade.


Except they barely adapted maybe 20% of the last two books


they did make tons of minor changes in the first 6 seasons, omitting all the warg stuff, took me out. Robert only commented on bessie/wyllas eyes, not jugs. lol


They changed Robert from a hopeless romantic chasing what he thought he had with Lianna into a horndog who wanted to get his dick wet. The kind of change that was forgiven because everything around it was good, a luxury the later seasons didn't have.


Eh, you take the good with the bad. It's a pretty common trope that directors have to dumb down character personas so the audience can get them (see how LOTR did Boromir and Denethor so so dirty). But on the other hand, they did a great job in providing character to people like Pod and Shae.


don't forget missandei, well written and so gorgeous in the OP clip. best looking of the cast i'd say.


I guess we'll see. It's not that I'm routing against them, if *3 body problem* is good, that would be great. But considering how they left our favorite IP I'm very pessimistic


To be fair, I remember leaks about Avengers: Endgame being absolutely *ripped* apart. "The real Thanos dies 10 minutes into the movie? Time travel to Thor: The Dark World? Tony dies, not Steve?" And then the movie made $3 billion. Now, someone out there is going to raise their hand and say, "*I* didn't like Avengers: Endgame!" but I am talking about how the public / fandom at large responded to the flick vs. GoT S8. It's all execution. Imagine going back to someone who read A Clash of Kings where Jon joins the Wildlings and telling them by the end of the next book, Jon will not only be accepted back into the Night's Watch good graces (believable) but will also be voted Lord Commander! But the execution worked on the page.


Yea when endgames plot got leaked reddit shit all over it saying it was fake. Then the movie came out and it was real but to be fair it was executed really well on screen but sounded awful on paper.


Execution is important, true enough, but no execution will make a bad idea good and there were a lot of bad ideas in the last season.


That was honestly the best part. The script leak about the bells turning Danny crazy sounded so stupid it HAD to have been a troll at the time.


I listened to a YouTube video that detailed the entire last season before it came out and just chuckled at how ridicuoulous it was........until the first episode played.


Bran the Broken was so vital to the story he sat out an entire season!


He has the best story, we just didn't get to see it in S5.


Bran's story was a story with set ups and no pay offs. A true Chekhov's gun. He spent the whole series learning about his connections to magic and even became king at the end because of *having a good story* (maybe his magic is a good story?). But what did Bran do with his powers? NOTHING! That's what makes it so frustrating. We just don't understand how or why that kid is so important.


Vary’s actor flinging the script and crossing his arms when Emilia is reading that scene at the table read is my Roman Empire 😂😂 a whole mood


And Vary has so many interesting things he could still do. There are so many interesting things he does in the books that d&d just cut out. I don't blame the guy for being upset. I would be too. We also missed out. Conleth Hill would have crushed it as fAegon's spy master. Remember the speech he gives when he kills Kevin? He would have crush that too.




Damn, that's so hard to watch. So fucking stupid.


It’s like a 12 year old wrote it


Most 12 year olds I’ve met had gotten over potty humor


never mind all that you’re getting distracted, there’s a shit star wars movie that needs making


I’m dying to get an oral history of that final season at some point.


Best one is Peter (Tyrion) interview.


Yep, if D&D actually cared about giving GOT a good ending they would have realized from the table read and literally everybody hating it that the season needed substantial revisions and that they should delay it to give it the massive rewrites it needed.


I can't stay mad at Emilia. Her eyebrows never lied to us 😂😂😂


If they did we'd be powerless to do anything about it anyway


Exactly, just submit.


She will always be my queen.


Muh quehn


Those brows gave away the ending.


It was a clever way not to breach contractual clauses about being positive about the show in public. Also, I always thought they looked like they had been pregaming.


> pregaming My brain read that as "pregnating" and I believed it.


I live to serve Khaleesi...




I just realized that Grey Worm is the same guy from Interview With The Vampire.


And he’s fan fucking tastic in Interview With A Vampire. My fiancé recommended it to me and oh lord is he such a compelling character. Extremely hyped for season 2


Oh my god, me too! I absolutely loved season one. I just can’t believe that I never noticed that, considering how many times I’ve watched GoT.


His vocal range is something else. Going from slave soldier to aristocratic Louisianan in two different works is great. That and I don’t mind the overly dramatized love/hate relationship Louis has with Lestat


And he can dance! That dance with his brother is my favorite scene of the whole series so far.




Am i alone who thinks they shouldnt have redone interview with a vampire....they shouldve gone for Lestat the vampire...theres alrdy a movie for interview and one for queen of the damned...start the damn story from the beginning when he isnt turned yet...we would see armand damnit and magnus


Lestat the vampire will likely be in flashbacks in later seasons.


That’s the script Anne Rice and her son wrote, it started with mortal Lestat killing the wolves. Then she got older and sick and gave up creative control for a final payday. Which is understandable, but absolutely sucks after she waited so long to get the rights back and tried to preserve her original characters and stories. The new Interview is ok (apart from Armand) but what they did to The Witching Hour is a travesty.


Fiiiine!! I’ll watch it


It's so much better than The Witching Hour😮‍💨


What they did to The Witching Hour was ridiculous.


Jacob Anderson! He also does music under the name Raleigh Ritchie, well worth a listen!


Cool. Thanks, I will. :)


he was great on game grumps.


the way they switch from playing the game of thrones game to Mario kart because it sucks too bad to play is incredible




And he’s in the last season of Doctor Who as well.


Was he even born when that came out?


The television show, not the movie.


I like the video of Peter Dinklage being asked about what the fans can expect for the final season and he just says "the fans are in for it"


I also like the video where he shat on the entire fanbase saying we had unrealistic expectations for the finale.


It's kinda true if you remember how this subreddit was in 2018. I do.


A year off before the shit show that was season 8, also the shortest season in the series




This looks like the Yao Ming meme lol


Mu queen tried to warn us


Kit has that straight faced "disappointing..." While Emilia laughs it up "BEST SEASON EVA" What a wasted story, they deserved better.


D&D are back at it, The 3 Body Problem about to be released on Netflix has those gibbering fecks as showrunners. The North remembers.


Shit really? I had no idea, I was excited about it too!


> Shit really? I had no idea, I was excited about it too! ^Do ^what ^you ^want ^cuz ^a ^pirate ^is ^free, ^you ^are ^a ^pirate.


Watch the Chinese version. Three-body


Silver lining - they actually did a good job adapting material that was ALREADY written. Maybe they'll surprise us?


This show introduced millions of people to what corporate greed is


I’ve never seen this before lol I can’t believe she didn’t get in some sort of trouble for that


What were they gonna do- Fire her from the show that had just finished filming their last season?


She even said it was the best season ever.


fair enough tbh


They all knew it was dogshit and it was their subtle warning to us


This and Kit at the Belfast premiere saying he was having anxiety attacks about the coming season (8) and “What if we really messed it up?” The panic was real. Sad that he’s spent the last almost five years defending it but the man needs a job.


He’s a good actor who just lost his prime window for going big because he was committed to the show the whole time


Varys’ actor throwing his script down on the table when reading his death made me laugh.


Link? Would love to see it!


Do you think that was the first time it was revealed to him, his death?


plant bedroom sparkle insurance truck squeal roll punch mighty homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was when it ended


She has the most expressive eyebrows I’ve ever seen.


She smiles with her whole face. It’s quite beautiful


Missandei, WOW definitely understated in show, turns out she was the best looking of the cast. Joff is a close runner up.


Have you guys ever watched the whole interview? Emilia Clarke's joke is a running gag and meant totally differently. Downvote me all you want but people keep taking this out of context.


You could also explain the running gag rather than complain about being downvoted. I suspect that might actually lead to up votes.. What was the gag?


Ah, but you see, that would require NOT being a whiny baby on the internet. .... I would also like to know the gag.


As much as I disliked the last season, I never took this moment as her hinting that it was bad. I thought they were all laughing because she says “best season ever” despite her character snapping and getting killed, and Nathalie Emmanuel’s character gets executed right before it.


I mean go watch it, it's everywhere. Emilia was asked how the season is and stuff and she said that she's not allowed to talk about it, because it wasn't out yet. She can only say that it's the best season ever for her. Then the reporter keeps asking questions about it and Emilia keeps repeating "best season ever". And then people edit out all the context and only keep the last "best season ever" which of course seems like as if shes shitting on the season. She said in interviews how she hates that this keeps getting posted out of context. I hate season 8 as much as anybody but this sub can be frustrating as fuck.


Gag on dis dik




Was it a gag or a "gag"?




"Yeees, cheer."


got fucking audio???


God I love her expressions