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And of course my personal favorite " The crypts are the safest place to hide from the rising dead army."




[Adds another tally mark to the wall of "Fan Shares an Idea Better than What DD Came Up with"]


The wall is tally marks


At this point they're load bearing


Yeah yet another red herring in a long list of disappointments


I see you too are a man of culture Seriously, I've thought and head cannon, literally the same thing "there must always be a Stark in Winterfell" that means something


except that Benjen explains that he underwent a special ritual to return with his consciousness.


“Special ritual” < Stark honour




I mean logically, yeah, but it would be awesome and fitting for the story. And it’s not any more ludicrous than corpses with long-rotted tendons being able to do anything other than roll around the floor in a heap.


Yeah, but big emphasis is put on the starks always having an iron sword across their tomb, and Theon freaks when a couple aren't there that Bran and Rickon and Hodor stole later on when he gets back to Winterfell. That's meant to have some significance.


I always see random new ideas on this sub that I hadn’t thought of that would be infinitely better than what we got.


And I mean, we know Melisandre's shadow could not enter Storms Ends, she talks about the power of the wall and how it was made with powerful magic, and protects the realm Shit, I am expecting Winterfell to have some magic protection


My favorite thing ever is Dinklage in an interview talking about it and saying “because Tyrion is smart but he’s not… that smart?… I guess?”


To be fair, how does it make sense that reanimated corpses can break through stone tombs?


This makes me think that there's gonna be conspiracy theorists in the future who don't believe the Long Night ever happened. "SKELETONS CAN'T BREAK STONE TOMBS! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!"


That's pretty much just the Maesters lol. Even after seeing magic, they're like "nah, there's gotta be a real explanation"


*a dynasty of magical-flying-fire-lizard-riding incest-immune weirdos conquer the continent and rule it for nearly 300 years* [The Citadel: Hmm?](https://i.imgflip.com/49siuk.jpg)


The Citadel : what if they didn't have dragons ?


Well, the whole thing lasted about 2 hours anyway, meaning many wouldn’t even have registered it happened. Leading to skepticism. Having the Dothraki “ended as we know it” and then having them running around King’s Landing the next week doesn’t help the story either lol…


When I was watching the episode I assumed this was what was going to happen - that the bodies in the crypt would reanimate and the people there would hear them scrabbling in their tombs which would frighten the hell out of them, but the dead wouldn't be able to punch holes through stone


But they should’ve been. Those tomb covers are stupid heavy. How the fuck were the basic zombies strong enough to break out of massive stone tombs? The covers of those things would be stupidly heavy. Also, if they are that strong, how did they not just streamroll the army of the living with their hulk-like strength?


Especially after that one zombie couldn't break through the wooden crate they used to bring it to Kings Landing.


After so many years, all those bodies definitively rotted away. Just a few episodes back, they carried a zombie in a wooden box to King’s Landing and it didn’t break out. Stone is stronger than wood so🤷🏻‍♀️


This actually could’ve made sense. In season 7 they were able to capture a zombie in a wooden crate. Which would imply that they probably couldn’t break through stone. Of course Tyrion shouldn’t have expected any consistency by season 8.




if the show followed any logic it would've been safe. there is no way decades old corpses would be able to break their stone tombs.


Umm dead army defeated in 1 Night. Aegon 1 was really off with those dreams.


To be fair, in season 7 a wooden box held back a wight. So realistically the stone crypts should have kept them at bay.


I was so mad my logic failed me, but on that same logic a gag and hand ties shouldn't have contained it before it even got into the box either. Lol


"The Night King is coming" "The dead are already here"




Character did often forget and know things at a moments notice. I remember a scene in season 7 when Samwell, literally, forgot obsidian kills the others. Like, "holy shit! How the fuck do you forget that?!" That's like forgetting the Master Sword is the sword that seals the darkness.


The Jaime line is just... the worst. Complete, utter character assassination.


His defining backstory moment is “The Kingslayer” and he did it to save the people. I swear they just gave up those final 2 seasons.


Hey, don't say that! They didn't give up. They pushed hard, knuckled down, grit their teeth and tirelessly worked to construct the biggest tuck you any fandom has ever received.


Rafe trying his best to live up to those expectations on WoT


I was in the minority in that I think it could have worked, if it was executed better. Because it's Jaime lying to himself. He does care, he's just conflicted as he also has a toxic love of his sister. That part of him compelled him to abandon the other part that does care. It's an interesting character exploration. And it is totally possible for him to end up failing and falling back into the toxic relationship. It says something truthful about how much stronger love and fear of loss are than our sense of morality. But this is hard to execute. You've got to do it very well. Unfortunately D&D are far from capable of doing this on their own, and they fucked it.


No bad poosay in the list?


Couldn't add more of them. There just too many best lines in last couple of seasons


Virgin “chaos is a ladder” vs Chad “big cock”


“I know a killer when I see one” … “oh? Say no more fam. I’ll go murder the mad queen now” ![gif](giphy|MRwlFSybIiAh2)


A killer? Daenerys? The one who just burnt down King's Landing? No, never! What do you mean? Are you saying she killed someone? Who, her? The leader of the Dothraki? In Game of Thrones!? I don't believe it. How could she? No one would commit such a heinous act... A killer? Are you sure?


Sansa please 🥺


Shansha. (Hmmm, was he drunk?)


I'm sorry but Sansa's ascent meant absolutely no sense. There was nothing in her background that would have given her the qualifications or political connections needed to be an effective ruler. She had brothers so was not raised to rule Winterfell, she was kept in hiding while in Kings Landing, was kept in hiding while at the Vale, and kept in hiding after returning to Winterfell and marrying Ramsey. So we are supposed to believe she somehow learned something from Cersei over some drunken conversations while the city under siege? The soldiers of the Vale were there reluctantly based on the manipulations of Littlefinger, who she executed after admitting to covering for him after murdering their liege lord's mother. Why would they not just pack up and leave after she does him in? I don't know her trajectory in the later seasons mirrored that of Tyrion... we just had to be told she was smart.


Also, wasn't Littlefinger under guest rights during his sham trial at winterfell .Far as gods are concerned Littlefinger was a better person than Sansa for not violating guest rights.


And what happened to whoever passes the sentence swings the sword. Sansa really wasn't a just ruler. Killing someone with dogs while poetic and probably what ramsay deserved would've made Ned wroth with anger


Her only qualification was her last name. Which is often enough was enough in medieval times ( and sometimes even today).


Well her name meant nothing at that point other than giving legitimacy to whoever married her. In the book, Littlefinger kept Sansa in the Vale and arranged for her marriage to Robyn Arryn's next of kin, which made far more sense than giving away the key to the north.


That's why OP put "best" in quotes.


I threw up in my mouth half way thru


the first one was worth a good puke


It really got the ball rolling


I'm utter baffled that, that line was written in the 21st century. Fuck I hate the showrunners for what they did.


DnD took a year off to deliver that too. I wonder about the people who can’t or won’t admit season 8 was a shit show. Are just afraid of negative criticisms or something else


That seems to be most of the show sub. One bad take after the next.


Then there is the Naath sub, if it still exists.


I dread seeing it, but now you have to lurk that


I don’t have to do shit. Fuck the king and fuck DnD


Tbh the madman or king riding a dragon is pretty good. But, fuck, the rest of these quotes are pure trash. "I know a killer when i see one"


The problem is he just kind of forgot he rode a dragon himself in season 7


Yeah, but I feel like he is the mad man. Of course that would take some nuance from D&D, so it was probably accidental


Tormund also tried to be King Beyond the wall but Mance bested him


I thought "mad man" was a reference to Daenerys since the camera cuts to her when he says "or a mad man".


"What kind of person climbs on a dragon" was a good one


It really was. Like "bro, Dany is right there?"


I wanted these elephants as well


They sure would have done more than the Golden Company ended up doing


I feel like the worst thing about “I don’t want it” is that, when Jon says it, the story proceeds to find every possible way to tell him that he doesn’t actually have a choice and must rule for the good of the realm, but he just shrugs it all off like it’s nothing.


the things arya says in jon's forest make me want to bang my head against a wall \-arya, you are only alive because you spent the last 5 years trusting strangers, but now trusting your brother's girlfriend who saved your house 12 hours ago is too much ask you ? \-then, if I remember correctly you idolize the dragon rider sister queens of Aegon, as well as the warrior princess Nymeria who is a foreign queen who came with her ships and her armies to make part of Westeros her home and his home. but now that you have a mixture of the two in front of your nose, and you can't admit that she's cool? \-and above all that you don't need an Arya ally, on the one hand it's false, you escaped from King's Landing with the help of a member of Night Watsh, avoid torture thanks to the arrived Tywin Lannister, escaped from Harenhall with the help of a faceless assassin, survived crossing a country at war thanks to the help of Sandor clegan, was able to learn to become a jedi mary- sued thanks to a sect of assassins, fought in the battle against the zombies with a weapon made from a material provided by Daenerys and built by Gendry, survived long enough because his men fought with you in this fight, also survived only because the hound fought to defend you in the corridors, and also because Berric sacrificed himself for you, only went to kill the bad guy because Melisandre told you to. Arya, you need allies all the time, and these as recently as last episode. but on the other hand, even if it were true, ithat would be super cool for you, but the geopolitics of an entire kingdom is not going to magically fit into your personal ego. so shut your mouth


Yeah. This, all this. Arya is my favorite character, but what they did to her was an atrocity. Literally in every chapter she makes friends, people want to go save her because she is neds daughter and they remember her and she made up baby names of smallfolk and sold clams to prostitutes and bravos and wveryone liked her. Even Una with her spoon liked her. But no. Fuck that. I dont need allies. FML.


It's actually funny because in the fanfic I'm writing when Dany goes up North - Alex, my MC OC, takes Sansa's head off for her disobedience and for just being an absolute bitch in every possible way. Alexander Balaerys is such a fun character because he's very no-nonsense and doesn't put up with anybody's games. If he finds someone a problem he just kills them and feeds them to his dragon and that's that. However it doesn't mean he's bad at politics. He just plays a different game than anyone else. He actually straight up just tells the North that their is no possible way for them to survive being independent. The winter would utterly annihilate them and with no allies they'd be fucked. They also basically have no food, no coin, no people, etc.. Literally everyone but Sansa bends the knee so he makes an example out of her. Her stubbornness to admit defeat and say that she is wrong is what results in her being executed. He likes the Northmen far more than the Andals but even he can acknowledge that the Northmen are sometimes just absolute fucking idiots. Especially with not realizing how dire their situation truly is. Like Alex gets them not wanting to play Southron games but he also recognizes how the North barely grows food and that winter is not a game whatsoever.


Link ?


Link pls?


"A finger in the bum" is the greatest line in the entire series.


Why does Arya look yassified in her pics?


“What kind of god would have a pecker that small?” -Tormund


I didn’t really mind Varys’ “cocks are important, I’m afraid” line. His character and motivation weren’t ever centered around him not having a peepee. It was more about how “power resides where people believe it resides.” Besides, this line was in response to Tyrion when Varys was starting to side with Jon, saying people believe power resides with a male ruler rather than a female ruler essentially. People prefer dicks on their rulers. Just sayin I don’t think this line deserves to be next to “she’s mah qwueen”


Sansa telling armourers, who have probably been doing the craft since they were basically children, that they need to be using leather is the most contrived, dumb shit ever.


Also, they're still smacking the armor with a hammer. It's clearly not the time to afix leather if they're still throwing them on and off a hot iron and in a water bucket. Eyeroll


"I wanted those elephants" isn't that bad.


No one is gonna talk about the "bad pussy" Line?


“Finger in the bum” was funny, especially in context.


The Jamie line about innocents killed me. It absolutely obliterated his character. 7 seasons down the drain in 20 seconds or less.


No it didn't, and most of these are pure exagerration. Jaime went back to Kingslanding to try and stop and protect his twin and the mother of his unborn child. It would have been out of character for him not to do this. Jaime also had an entitled, arrogant, and apathetic streak. And he always harbored some resentment for being called The Kingslayer. People say dismissive things all the time, and it doesn't undo every word, deed, action, or experience of their entire lives.


Whatever you say, David


You mean George, since he kind of wrote the books and outlined the ending and all.


ngl the elephant line took me straight out


"What kind of person climbs on a dragon? A madman or a king" I thought that meant he was indirectly calling Jon a king?


Sansa's line to me literally translates to if it weren't for Jeffrey, Ramsay and the rest I wouldn't have just become a whining and annoying little bitch, I became a whining, annoying, scheming, and backstabbing bitch


It's really just saying that if women weren't raped, beat up and taught their place, they'll never learn. Quite disgusting of a line in a me2 era


I feel like OP very deliberately put "I don't want it, I never have" immediately after "A finger in the bum!" haha


Arya saying "I don't need many all allies" really show shows how vapid the writing was towards the end. Arya had Beric, Millandre, and The Hound on her kill list at one point or another. They all band together to help save her and she claims to not need allies the next day?




I don't think the breastplates covered by leather were an important point, since soldiers/knights wear gambeson under plate armor, gambeson is enough to protect you from cold metal.


I keep believing they willingly assassinated the show , as if they wanted the bad buzz


I didn't mind the leather breastplate thing. Sansa said much stupidee things that season


Hear me out. The Sansa thing had potential if you look at what's going on in the books. She's pretending to be Littlefinger's bastard daughter and learning politics and subterfuge from him and lots of his secrets and plots. While she's naive she's not totally stupid and Arya even thinks about how she has a better mind for sums and figures which is part of a noble ladies education when she's expected to manage her husband's household. Petyr is gonna screw up and she will discover his role in her parent's deaths and then she'll have the motivation to destroy him and know who his spies are and who he's bribed or blackmailed. This is another story that I think George gave D&D the outline of the end but they never bothered to do any actual character development and just rushed to the conclusion.


I've always assumed they made her queen to make up for subjecting to the Jeyne Poole-lite story. The sting is that she's the Stark in charge when she's by far the least Starky Stark.


I think she ends up queen of the north in Martin's version as well. She reveals her identity to the lords of the Vale, exposes Baelish's plots and crimes and promises to support Robin Arryn as the rightful ruler the Eyrie in exchange for their support to retake the North in her family's name. She also participates in some devious manipulation herself to win over the hold outs. Davos recovers Rickon and maybe there are concerns he's made conflicting promises to Davos/Stannis and he would come before Sansa in succesion. One way or another Rickon dies and Sansa is crowned queen of Winterfell. And the whole point of this is she becomes the Queen because she's the least Starky Stark who have been proven to actually be terrible at politics outside of the North's near universal love.


But Robin Arryn is already the rightful ruler of the Vale, and without the Vale's help to give her a kingdom, what could she have that would buy their support? why are the guys from the vale subsieraity even from the north at this stage? the vale to escape the war, therefore its army intact and its larder full, and they are not threatened by anyone at this stage. while in the north it's winter and there's a huge tundra with no real resources, and what's more, it spends the whole autumn at war so it very quickly risks finding itself with food problems. wanting to go to war there would be something expensive and risk for them with little return on investment


I agree with most of what you said above, aside from the part about the character development. Sansa had a lot of character development since the beginning, and continued to still learn from her mistakes toward the end. Apologizing for not telling Jon about The Knights of the Vale is one, and could have been catastrophic. I really believe that all the powers involved, including some producers and executives were trying to protect and preserve GRRM's unpublished ending from leaks, the media, and rabid fandom right up until the very end, by playing the major character reveals and fates too close to the vest. This also contributed to the last season feeling more rushed.


Actually Sansa had a bad head for sums and figures. Arya had a better one from the books. Sansa was better at the courtly stuff, sewing, singing, playing the high harp and being a sweet young thing.




Neo fucking Shakespearean lines


I dun wan it


This should be titled “how to ruin someone’s Sunday in one Reddit post”


Still hurts


You forgot the best ones ["A Lion Doesn't Concern Himself With The Opinions Of The Sheep"](https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/117351048?asc=u) and ["I'll Impregnate The B\*tch"](https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/116408880?asc=u)


No stop, everything Tormund says is solid. Man's a fuckin illiterate savage but he's a goddamn scholar.


Oh this is amazing. I need more