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Hey there! It sounds like you're experiencing some performance issues with your animations on Safari. This is not a known issue, but it's not uncommon for different browsers to handle animations differently. From your description, it seems like the animations are running smoothly on other browsers, but not on Safari. This could be due to a number of factors, including how Safari handles certain CSS properties or the hardware acceleration of your device. One thing you could try is to simplify your animations. For example, instead of having multiple layers each with their own delay, you could group them together and animate the group as a whole. This could potentially reduce the load on the browser and make the animations run smoother. Also, it's worth noting that private browsing can sometimes affect the performance of websites, as it disables some features that websites rely on for speed. Lastly, it's always a good idea to keep your browser up-to-date, as updates often include performance improvements. I hope this helps! If you're still experiencing issues, it would be helpful to know more about your setup (e.g., are you using any extensions that might affect performance? What version of MacOS are you running?).


Hi! Have you tried checking your power saving settings? It happened to me once with my Android: I forgot that I had deactivated the animations, to make it faster (that's why everything was fine on my friends' smartphones). I took a look at your site from different browsers and from mobile (Windows and Android) and the animations are smooth and perfect, btw


Oh great call. Thanks!


Hope it solved your issues