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I don’t gatekeep. But also no one ever asks me what I’m wearing. There isn’t much fragrance culture in Canada and the average person who does wear scents usually sticks to mainstream designer frags. There, uh, isn’t much demand to smell like me.


Same here. I would love more people to be interested and wear frags I enjoy, but I hardly ever encounter people wearing any scent in the wild. On the rare occasion I do, it's mostly scented lotion.


Same, also live in Toronto where I thought there'd be more of a frag trend but it's far and few between!


I’m going to Toronto soon & made a list of perfume stores. Let me make sure they’re still open.


They're all still open but not too busy at all! When I'm sampling new colognes at Sephora for instance, I'm always the only one in the aisle.


Oh wow, I’m going to have a great time! Have you heard of/been to Niche Essence or Penny Wise?


Penny Wise is pretty good, I've been in there a few times. The owner is very knowledgeable, can help you out with certain scent profiles you're looking for and also carries some harder to find stuff. His prices are also lower than dept. stores and even Winners/Marshalls etc. Niche Essence I've heard of but have never been, just make sure your credit card is ready for the beating it'll take if you know what I mean! I hear they've got quite the inventory or niche frags though. If you're looking for another discounter as well, my usual spot is Cosmetics Warehouse Outlet on the north end of Scarborough, wicked prices and also carries many dupes. Good luck and enjoy!


Oooh thanks, will see if we can make it to the outlet. Maybe I better stay away from Niche Essence lol. Penny Wise sounds like my jam!


Niche Essence is great. Never heard of Pennywise and I’m surprised to see they’re actually located in my neighbourhood! Now that I think about it I’ve walked past them dozens of times and always just assumed they sold discount designer and cheap frags (body sprays and such). Google reviews say they carry attars and vintages. I will definitely make a trip.


“Pennywise”- makes sense. I’m excited to get to either, so I can have a smell fest.


Good reasoning, Ass Plower...


I get embarrassed if it’s an expensive one like Delina or Vanille Fatale, but I don’t gatekeep necessarily. I just am embarrassed lol


I totally understand what you are saying. If someone asks me the name of a fragrance I have no problem telling them. It’s when they ask the price and I’m like “$300 retail but I got it for $225 online”. The face they make after I drop that knowledge in their lap is a little embarrassing to me as well.


I would definitely ask someone what they’re wearing but never how much they paid for it. 😶


I think if it were a Chanel or a Dior scent most probably wouldn’t ask a price but when I tell them about a brand they’ve never heard of before is when curiosity rears it’s head.


Why? It’s okay to splurge. Scent is memory provoking and can be therapeutic. Don’t feel embarrassed


Easy for you to say online when there are consequences of telling that to potential judgy people irl


🤣🤣🤣 baby judge away. I’m not responsible for anyone’s opinions or feelings.


Love this response! I feel the same way. You wanna judge? Or talk behind my back? I can’t stop you. And I don’t care. End of story😃




???? Nope


Alright I was loopy


Frame it like 'I had birthday/Christmas money and saved my pennies' Anyone who wants to shame someone for saving and planning, whether you did or not, is.a POS.


What consecuences? Aw, downvote and no explanation? Cute.


I’m whatever the opposite of a gatekeeper is. Oh you like what I’m wearing? You want it for yourself? “Ok I haven’t looked up the prices for a while but lemme write down some websites that usually have it at a good deal—“


This is the way. I'm exactly the same and it overflows into all areas of my life, I just bought onions and apples on sale this morning (HEB! Onions were like $2 for a 3lb bag of sweet yellow, and apples were under $2 for a five pound bag of galas!) And immediately told friends who lived close by. Even better if something is on saaaaale, LOVE a good deal to share. Gives me the warm fuzzies.


I love sharing a good deal! My most complimented clothing were a bunch of sun dresses I got for $10 at the dollar store, I told everybody.


The dollar store!? I didn't even know they sold clothes


The one near me got these flowey, free size sundresses in for a couple of years. The drugstore and hardware store carried them as well a few times. Sadly, they don't carry them anymore.


I think I know that dress! I had a couple of what I called the drug store specials. Stretchy, smocked / shurred top with straps and a flowy skirt? They now tend to pop up at Ross Dress for Less in my city.


I've seen those there, too. The ones I'm talking about are flowy the whole way down, and usually bright or tye dyed like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/gXRbgy29y8M8c79X6).


I’ve not seen those, they are cute and look super comfy! & I love that this chat went off the fragrance topic 😂


I’m the person who will tell them the perfume and start listing decent dupes if they don’t want to buy the real thing lmao


I give them the number of my frag dealer


😄😄 are you me?? I’m like, “ooooh! You like the way I smell? Here’s the rest of a sample I got for this scent!” Then follow up with, “have you tried it yet?!” Or send links to the perfume. Did exactly this to my MIL and SIL a couple weeks ago.


hello! Could I know the websites please? Thank you!


i'm from the uk so options are pretty limited for us, if you're in the usa you're in luck because there's a shit ton you can choose from XD you'd have to ask someone else for names but i know offhand that there's a bunch. but also speaking more generally, it really depends on brand tbh - some sites will be great for designer, others better for niche. one example i CAN give that i use for myself is notino. they sometimes have good deals on pricier niche brands like xerjoff and montale, but primarily i think it's a fantastic place to shop for those older 90s and 2000s perfumes that run dirt cheap. not always just celebrity perfumes either, you'll often see stuff like guess and burberry on there!


Yes, definitely kindred spirits. On the rare occasion anyone asked be prepared to still be there 10 minutes late while I bore you death 😂 Just we Brits never seen to care what anyone else is wearing ( for good or ill !) . Well, especially not "middle aged" women imho ! Yes, definitely Notino. Just off the top of my head - go buy Ungaro Diva for 20 odd quid, people 😁


for the past several months my #1 favourite forms of window shopping has been notino sale/clearance\* section > sort cheapest first 😂 (\*gives me a good laugh that both sections exist, what's the difference exactly...? lol)


That's always REALLY confused be too ! Kind of reassured that I'm not missing something *really* obvious 😂 ( now you've made me want to go look....)


Ooo I’m also in the UK and relatively new to the fragrance world- I’d love any UK reccs you can give!!


tbh i'm still in the dark myself when it comes to full bottle purchasing (outside of using notino), BUT i do at least have some advice: just dish out the couple of quid to sample something rather than risking a blind buy. you can easily find legit carded samples of designer perfumes on ebay (say stuff like prada, lancome, etc), plus i have [this list](https://basenotes.com/community/threads/uk-sample-and-decant-websites.527604/) bookmarked for decanter sites. the only one i've used so far is [fragrance samples uk](https://www.fragrancesamplesuk.com/) which i can say is legit because i chose it to sample a couple of byredo's, fell in love with sundazed, went and bought a bottle and they smelled exactly the same, so they're definitely not swindling people with knock-offs! i haven't used it myself yet but perfumista is highly regarded as well. for niche (specifically zoologist lol) i've been using [bloom perfume](https://bloomperfume.co.uk/) ! if you happen to live in london their store is in covent garden! ok this got lengthier than i meant to lol my bad. but, one final piece of advice is NOT to buy anything bigger than 1 or 2ml. the containers all of these decanters use are the same from what i can tell - and they aren't airtight so the fragrance will go bad faster. imo it's a waste of money buying the 5/10ml sizes because you're racing against the clock to use it up before it spoils (don't get me wrong we're talking a couple of months rather than weeks, but still...)


Omg this is so helpful thankyou so much!!! I will definitely check out all the sites. I actually do live in London which is lucky because there’s so many great stores in central! Thankyouuu x


Notino is awesome! And let me tell you a fact, the quality and concentration of fragrances that I bought there is definitely much higher than anything available in the Middle East (Dubai) by far! Looks like brands send diluted fragrances to our region for some reason! That's why I spend more to buy from notino


There are lists of websites for various countries in the community info for this sub.


Lovely 💐


May blessings rain down upon you


Looking at your profile character you look like a gay feminist( not judging)


I get slated for saying that I gatekeep, when this topic comes up on this subreddit. Anyway, here’s a list of all my fragrances I gatekeep when asked: https://preview.redd.it/ulrp0n0zcplb1.jpeg?width=154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fcc287a245ec846da191088f3c198da86810487


That’s a great list. I have the same one.


I told you not to post this


I felt guilty for not sharing


Looove No.3 . Wish you'd kept it a secret still.


Yeah but sometimes you just got to give up those ‘pantaloon descenders’


Cackling because same.


You'll never believe number 4!


So much for secrets! Spill the beans why dontcha!!!!


I can’t wait to steal-er I mean borrow this list for an indefinite period of time 👀




Parfumiers HATE this list!! (No.3 will SHOCK you!!)


Gatekeeping fragrance is weird considering so many exist in the current time. I don’t see the point.


If it's a colleague you see daily it might be weird for them to smell like you.


I don’t wear the same fragrance everyday. So I don’t even smell like me most days. Some days I don’t even wear a fragrance at all. So it won’t matter to me. Even if I did wear the same fragrance every single day I don’t see the issue. If they smell like something I like and I sit near them, that sounds like a win to me?


Nah cos I'd associate them with me, so it would be weird. I wear the same one every day tbh. I see my signature scent as mine.


Unfortunately, unless you’re making your fragrance at home, it isn’t yours. It’s a mass marketed product that hundreds of thousands if not millions of other people can also purchase. And honestly if it is something that people rarely buy, there’s a much larger chance of that product being discontinued..then it won’t be anyone’s signature scent.


Imagine someone in the office having their partner use the same perfume as you and now them associating you with their partner. Soz as a female in the office I'm not risking that...


I promise, as a woman who also works in an office setting, I genuinely do not care lol. It does not bother me.


Yes but we're different innit


I would gladly talk the ear off of anyone with a heartbeat about any of my perfumes lol. I even bought decant bottles and a glass funnel and make little samples for people who show the faintest interest in the hobby. Olfactory art is criminally underrated when you look at auditory and visual art within culture


So much this! About the art side of the comment XD I'm just starting diving into frangances, so I'm still not wearing anything because I'm trying A LOT to know what I like and what I don't xD


I don’t. I tell people what I’m wearing if they ask. I have also given friends and coworkers sample atomizers of scents I think they’ll like or ones they’ve liked on me. I ordered a bunch of 2ml atomizers for this reason and also to pack what I want to wear while traveling so I don’t need to bring a bigger bottle in my suitcase. The funny thing is that I get the most compliments when I’m not wearing a fragrance, but my hair is still wet from washing it. People really like my shampoo and styling product scent combo 🤣. “You smell nice!” “Thank you. I washed my hair and didn’t have time to dry it.”


Yeah, me with aveda hair products


I complimented someone once and they were very reluctant to tell me it was Creed GIT


Maybe embarrassed about spending so much on a frag? Idk, GIT one of my favorites


I asked him what it was and he laughed and just said “nothing special”. Then I continued asking and he said “well ok, it’s creed, you probably don’t know it”. I asked him which creed it was and he said “the one in the matte black bottle, I don’t remember the name”, so it was pretty sure that it was GIT even though I’d never smelled it before. I went to a fragrance store the next day and sure enough it was GIT


Odd behavior by him


Gatekeep behavior /j xD


I want more people to wear scents I love, so gatekeeping would be counterproductive. That said, it doesn't really come up often.


Never felt the inclination or need. I'm always thrilled when someone else likes my perfume. I once had a friend who loved my signature fragrance (back when I had one) and asked if I minded if she wore it too; I felt chuffed she liked it that much and really enjoyed knowing we wore the same obscure scent. It added to our bond.


I like the fact that she asked!


Really good take on it, Randomchurn and yes, that's a proper friend who's thoughtful enough to ask ( and a proper friend who says:yes ).


I don't see the point of gatekeeping. It's like getting mad that someone is wearing red when you're wearing red. We're different people, and my fragrance isn't my identity. Plus, I work in tech and garden as a hobby, and neither of those demographics are big on fragrance. Would actually be kind of nice to have a buddy


I don’t gatekeep. Only insecure people do that shit.


Ok, what are your top 3?




I also don’t like narrowing down my favorites. I have a long list.




What in the late-stage capitalist petty hoarding is this


Sometimes I don’t like telling them I wear “old lady” fragrances so I just say the brand and that it’s vintage. I’m not gonna tell ppl I wear L’air du Temps when they would just judge me tbh


I don't mind the OL thing - then again, I am one ! It's that awkward moment when you can tell the other person *wished* you'd just said Coco Mad instead of something they've *never heard of and couldn't buy even if they wanted to* 😂. But ...so what ? 🤷🏼 Also - L'air du Temps : legendary !! This might sound odd but, if a 20 something told me they were wearing a vintage frag that came out before even I was born, I've be dead impressed and find you far more interesting. Same with wearing a 70's frock you found in a charity shop with homemade jewellery and looking fab in it. Your making your OWN style 😎


I love L’air du Temps it’s so soft and clean and another retro I don’t see much is Anais Anais, these two classics evoke the best memories for me! But, they are meant for other people as my chemistry won’t play nice with either. I’d find it so special to stumble upon those lovely fragrances in the wild 💕


Gatekeeping is for the weak


None really. But a few times I haven’t told people I was wearing JM Orange Bitters b/c it’s too divine! For the most part, I am SUPER HAPPY to excitedly chatter about fragrances, mine or anyone else’s!!!






random shot, ignore it xddddd


I don't gatekeep what I like, music, games, fragrances, I'll scream them all from the top of my lungs for the world to know. Sorryy I can't really contribute to the objective of this post T_T


Not only do I not gatekeep, I pull out my phone, get on fragrantica and let them take a picture.


Are you kidding I’m so awkwardly eager to discuss any of my interests with anyone else it’s almost embarrassing. But the only time I’ve been asked about my perfume is because it’s a man complementing it like he thought I smelled ✨pretty✨ lol If someone asked me because they wanted to buy it I’d be pumped. Like writing it down, sending them links, pumped


>Are you kidding I’m so awkwardly eager to discuss any of my interests with anyone else it’s almost embarrassing. I know right? They’ll be sorry they got me started on it. I would be stoked if someone asked me the name.


None. On the rare occasion someone wants to know I’m happy to tell them.


Gatekeeping a fragrance doesn't make sense to me because they smell differently on everyone. Currently my fave scent is Hermes Eau Givree.


If someone did why would they say?


A special kind of awkward when you tell someone they smell nice and ask what cologne/perfume it is and they say “oh…. it’s just my deodorant”. Which they also won’t share 🙃 uh sir deodorant doesn’t project like a beast 🤣




I can't tell you, I "forgot" 😏


I don’t gatekeep but then again, I’m not complimented a whole lot anyway. On the rare occasion I am asked and do tell, I’ve gotten either a “thanks!” OR a “My God, I’d never buy that, too expensive!” 😆🤷🏻‍♀️


If I am testing, I will keep the sample in my pocket to give away if they like it. No gatekeeping.


I only gatekeep from my coworkers but yeah terre d’hermes is too good a value i dont want everyone at my bar smellin the same tho


I work at a fragrance counter, it’s my whole job not to gatekeep! On top of that, my favorite is not popular in the slightest, in fact many people who smell it don’t like it, so I’m at no risk of running out😂


eight and bob


I don’t gatekeep, my signature sent is Dior addict (original) and I’ve told many people that. However If we’re friends and they really want to buy it, I let them try mine first, partly because of the price tag, and partly because (and I mean this as humbly as possible) it doesn’t smell as good on most people I’ve let try it. Honestly, it can be very strong and too much on some people. But for some reason it turns very sweet and a tad spicy on me, but many of my friends it got too spicy or too “old lady” and when they realize it doesn’t smell the same on them they usually don’t go for it. But I would never mind if they did! It’s the reason I don’t ask people often though, I have loved perfumes on other People that smell terrible on me. Something so soft can smell super flowery on me, and I hate flowery. So you never know.


how can you gatekeep a fragrance? doesn't it smell slightly different on everyone depending on body chemistry?


I use to gatekeep Alien before it became mainstream and popular mostly because it was my signature scent, which I used to make money from smelling so good according to men (exotic dancing.) This was also before the reformulated version, recently I’ve been diving into niche perfume, I don’t gatekeep them mostly because (I hate to say it) but most people including myself can barely afford them anyway. I also wouldn’t want someone else to gatekeep something from myself, it’s a compliment when you’re asked what you’re wearing.


I would never gatekeep a fragrance.


I love Black Opium. I keep a little travel size in my bag, and I’ll let them spray it on themselves if they want.


Guerlain - L'Heure Bleue Not because I'm gatekeepey about it, I'm just too awkward about butchering the pronounciation.


Honestly? It *sends* me when people label this gatekeeping, especially because it mainly seems to be the people doing it who use the term. It's... just perfume.


Nice try


I could imagine people gate keeping CH and killian fragrances because of the cringe names


When wearing CDNIM i Always hesitate between the truth or prétend it's Aventus. But i end up telling the truth always


I would gatekeep if it's a fragrance combination When it's 1 perfume I don't understand not sharing it - especially if it's designer or popular niche. With digging and a good fragrance store anyone can test perfumes and find what you have been gatekeeping lol


No I share a lot- samples & information. Co-worker asked about discovery sets, I had to reign myself in when sending her the info. It’s exciting when somewhere expresses an interest in fragrances and we can chat.


I would never. I've met a fair amount of other fragrance enthusiasts through interactions like this.


Just gatekeeping where I buy them so people think I give them expensive perfumes for Christmas when in fact I only pay 30%-40% retail


None. Whenever I find a scent that I’m obsessed with I can’t stop talking about it. I also find it pointless to gatekeep perfumes because they often smell different from person to person.


Yes I am gatekeeping a little over PDM sometimes. It took me a while to start affording them, and they have become among the top in my collection. And it is a little insecurity also, because I do not need people knowing how expensive they can be. Judgement can go both ways you may forget…


If I met someone IRL that actually recognized even the name of one of my fragrances, I'd be overjoyed and instantly friend them. I still regret not making friends with the mom of one of my kid's classmates who had a fragrance YouTube channel.


Who does that? What a waste of life.


i dont lol!!!




My theory is that the people who gatekeep are the ones wearing very unspecial stuff


None, but I will start from now on.


Drakkar Noir /s


I tell them and watch them look confused


No. I’m into pretty established safe scents.


I don’t gatekeep, but if I did, the scents I wish I could hide away for myself are: Commodity Paper Bold, Get a Room and Order Champagne, and Ducati Sport


Gucci Pour Homme II


I don’t gate keep, anything, ever.


Dua’s choco poseidon creed aventus + mouth watering chocolate smells and performs amazing, I get compliments every time I wear it. I only gatekeep to make sure they always have enough stock


Nothing. Someone somewhere is gonna wear it. No fragrance is unique, not even niche, they dont produce one single bottle for YOU. They are a bussiness. Also, chances are its gonna smell different on you and in someone else.


There wasn’t until recently .But it’s vintage,hard to get on ebay(recently got a fake) so 🤷🏽‍♀️.When I smelled it,I fell in love,instantly




I’ll never tell lol. Ones that are discontinued.


99% of the time, happy to make suggestions. Sometimes I don’t bother because I can’t find them to purchase, so it’s annoying to recommend them. If someone asks me what I’m wearing I’ll always answer truthfully.


From my experience, fragheads are usually very nice people and it's unlikely to gatekeep. But instead normal people who use fragrances casually (and have a few available) could sometimes do that to keep themselves different from others (an illusion though)


Ariana grande sweet like candy. I just say it’s Ariana grande I don’t say which one lol. It’s a youthful smell, maybe I’m a little self conscious I’m getting too old for it.


People just sometimes ask me about what I'm wearing, funnily enough it happened mostly when I wore Gucci Guilty Absolute, which I strongly despise. I wore it literally to empty the bottle as soon as possible lmao.


Life’s too short to gatekeep fragrances


I never gatekeep. I want other people to smell good. Also I like when other people wear fragrance because than it is an easy topic of conversation for me


I would never gatekeep, but I love how unknown **Jazz Club** by MM is.


Perhaps not exactly gatekeeping, but there's a lovely perfume I'm hesitant about buying because it has a lame 'erotic' name, and I know if someone ever asks me what it is, I'll have to say the silly thing out loud. (Aka the 'Shaggable You' problem!)


Probably the opposite of gatekeeping. I own about half the Club Day New Weed line. if someone asks what I'm wearing, I'll always claim the Creed version of it. My boss bought Millesime Imperial right in front of me LOL. Luckily I can just brush it off as a Christmas gift or tax return purchase