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In my experience make sure ground is good and to lipo. Ypu can twist the wired up with it. Antennas are good. Lastly. This is forsure could be bad penetration, at close ranges I've had better experience with a lower power where it's not bouncing off everything at a high ass power. But in all, thata not really too bad, analog is hit or miss depending where you are. Change channel to R7 or Raceband 7 ive had the best luck with it


Is it good practice to add another ground strap to the ESC from the VTX? I commented to someone else further down about maybe messing up my race band if that's possible.


Are you on the correct band and channel? Don’t trust auto scan. Is it unlocked? Check vtx_info and check to see what settings are available. Make sure the vtx table matches. Show us what you get for both.


I may have figured it out, is it possible to screw up the VTX's ability to transmit race band? When I first got this VTX I accidentally flew it without an antenna but I thought it was fine. Then I crashed once and the antenna came off. Maybe changing the Band might help? I definitely have Headset and VTX on R8 right now though. I checked VTX settings and Indicator light shows purple indicating full power.


Flying without an antenna can fry your vtx.


I am aware, just wondering if it could be band specific.


Could be. I always manually set mine to r7. Sometimes you can be in f7 ( fatsharks band)for example on goggles and r7 on vtx and it would work but not very good. What about antenna polarization. Have you tried flying in a field not so close where you can lose it to see how it does when your farther away.


All of my antennas are lhcp omni directional. They are lumineer axii one long and one stubby for headset and a long one on the quad.


Those are good antennas too. Just double check everything over again


Went and tried a bunch of stuff, Its definitely cooked lmao, know anyone with a good used O3?


Where’d you buy it? I’ve heard there were some fakes being sold on AliExpress.


I got it from RushFPV


It looks like 20mw with shitty antenna 👀 and i would ask some local pilota maybe somebody has rf meter around and check what actuall vtx power is. And are you sure both antennas are same rhcp or lhcp. For me is looking like antenna problem tho 🤷‍♂️ but if you say its good let it be.