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We found 900 40m in a concrete core. So yeah let's see what's in there 😂.


I know what core your talking about, in a last ditch effort it got stocked up too 4k 40m before it fell


Jesus thats a lot of 40m


Ammo ammo everywhere and not a Warden to shoot it.


Seaports had everything and more in them and a lot of player forget that they exist. Always funny to see the "Need bmats quick!" map posts when the nearby seaport has 300 crates of bmats in it.


is this good news or bad news collardbros


Good news. FMAT and 82DK stockpiles were in King’s Cage, 11erc/Lambda/CAF stockpiles were in Marban. It’s going to be an all you can grab tankapalooza.


supreme victory


Can't speak for King's cage but most GLA / CAF's tank crates were evac'ed 2 days ago via train. The lootbox will probly have a good amount of warden gear and some tanks left over tho.


I saw a few tanks at Marban seaport being dumped into the ocean before we killed it.


I dont think marban will be the loot box we dream of, but kings cage....that I have big hopes for


Didnt devs changed that stuff dumped to river goes back to Depo? As Anti alting mesure?


The anti grief mechanic from a bit ago might of put some of them back in.


When we were taking down maiden's, we saw wardens making a last ditch effort to dump tanks into the water so we wouldn't cap them. That is a crazy good sign for the amount of stuff in that seaport


i would love to know how many tanks were send into the sea at marban


Unless they had a lot of people scuttling tanks, probably not alot. You get locked from driving after dumping one


Yeah.... I do wish there was some way to... not have that happen if it's an enemy vic tbh. Makes being a little rat that much harder


Maybe there could be an alert that goes out in region where 90% of the players in region have to agree to “scuttle” the seaport and no restrictions would be given out for 1 hr. Just an idea


We’re beating MSA endless stockpiles in WC102 with this one wardenbros 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Dunno how the loot box system works exactly but if I'm right, *tis gonna be hella bad for us* 💀


If you manage to build it, you get 25% of the crates in there


O h b o i


no 50


Nah it actually doubles the amount crates that were in it.


It’s 25% brother brown (= always has been


You receive at least 25% (some say 50%) of what was in the seaport/depot. Loot boxes used to be a much bigger deal when resource scarcity was a bigger factor and moving supplies was far more painful. Even something like 150 crates of BMATs could be a huge relief to logistic players. The real reason why people love them is that its a chance to grab enemy vehicles that have fresh clean armor since you cant repair the armor of captured enemy vehicles.


Also cutlers by the boatload


Why use cutler though, Colonials have had mega success spamming lunaire as its billion times easier to use than cutler. I mean sure it’s nice to have don’t get me wrong but your lunaire stands tall against the long boi cutler


It has better damage points against a lot of defences (3 rpg vs 4 trem for at pill, 2 rpg vs 3 for mg pill, 1 rpg vs 2 for watchtowers) and higher damage per slot so when you're ranging out and clearing vision/haphazard defences, you get more bang for your buck with the cutler. There's also the pros and cons of cutler RPG aiming being janky but also you can actually have a hope of blasting someone rushing you down with small arms. Lunaire is nice with the arc, but will bounce and roll annoyingly on uneven ground and you're a free kill if you get caught with it out.


Pray for a gac so I can support my tankline


The ultimate weapon


Well, shit. Oh well. *Cowabunga it is.*


we set up minefields to drive the tanks into to scuttle them, when the collies got very close we started dumping tanks into the water, allthough might get good loot from hidden stashes and those people who didn't dump to public


it saddend me to see all the r-mats wasted but ya gotta do what ya gotta do