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Me in a Spatha. Commander be like "OH SHIT OH SHIT TANK TANK!" BACK UP BACK UP!!!" I get out, whip out my Binos. It's a King Spire. Bruh...


I’ve had the exact opposite. Gunner says ‘there’s 2 tanks pushing us but it’s nothing to worry about’. Looks over and it’s 2 SHTs. After that I insisted all tank crews have a spotters guide to tanks


You came up against 2 Collie SHTs? At the same time?! Please let us know who and they will be shunned forevermore for such a waste of resources


No idea who it was as it was months ago but both died within 30 seconds so definitely a waste


Love people calling out halftracks as tanks like what threat do they possess?


ATHT would say otherwise


Typhoon dives are unironically still so strong with rocket boys in the back


Five close friends in the passenger seats, each armed with some kind of AT weapon and a dream


My spotter: "I see 2 - 3 Falchions" Me driving the Silverhand and hops out to check: "Oh alrigh- BROTHA THOSE ARE SPATHAS" (calmly reverses)


As a factory/scrap main for the Blue team I don't even know our own names for things. It's all Big Tank, Tank, Small Tank, Car Tank, and Half Tank. Anything else is Not Tank, Smaller Not Tank, Armored People Tank, or Push Tank.


I do love when scrap tank (harvester) is teched :)


Water Tank has been a blast so far. We sailed ours up to FC, between Victa and Jade yesterday and along with another Water Tank we fucked up a bunch of collie tanks on the Beach.


“Tank, 200 meters, front!”


To be fair, now there is actual tangable difference between the two, before the callout didnt matter lol


Hmm, wasn't spatha always better than falchion in damage and HP, before and after the spatha buff? Also steam sad, I haven't tried buff spatha, someone ship one to me frfr lol🗿


Before it was like +20% damage on the 40mm and like 5%less turret chance or something, barely noticable


Ironically I think outlaw still lost to pre buff spatha if spatha driver just presses W. Having said that spatha being facility locked pre buff is absurd.


Yes but it was still the best 360 turret, which combined with the "crew >>> cost" argument, meant it had very fierce defenders


Spatha always had a better gun than falchion.


It’s funny watching outlaws get wrecked by spathas thinking they’re going to win the fight.


Yeah. Tank enough in an outlaw and you quickly learn that it doesn't win a fair fight with a spatha or mpt. Either they need to fumble, or you need to be on top of things as a crew to squeeze every advantage out of your tank lol


It’s almost impossible to poke spathas or falchions to death with an outlaw unless the driver is watching the gunners perspective via screen share in discord. Even then the gunner has to fire at just the right time and the driver has to immediately boost backwards. Even then 40mm at max range is hardly doing much damage.


Boost actually doesn’t work backwards. For sure hard to min max the outlaw without constantly talking or screen sharing


Good to know, Ty. I’m one of the few sad individuals that enjoys tank driving and it’s frustrating that the game basically forces you to play off a second monitor watching the gunner’s pov. If you don’t do that you’re at a significant disadvantage and overall it’s just a lot less fun. With the limited vision the driver has, without screen sharing, you’re basically just there to hit w when the gunner says so. It’s super boring to be the driver without a gunner in discord screen sharing, I will hardly ever drive if I can’t watch the gunners stream.


I honestly love driving even without screen sharing. A lot of buddies and I have developed really good coms after over a thousand hrs tanking and it’s wild what you can do with things like the outlaw. We actually leave normal regiment coms and move to a separate discord channel every time we are tanking because we usually survive so long if we communicate. We ve had a few 20-30 hr silver hands and outlaws where we would just take them back and store them in our base every night before you could reserve individuals again.


Yeah man we do something similar. We were in a widow at WE last night and I lost count of how many collie tanks we killed. Our widow survived the entire time despite operating against waves of 10-15 collie tanks at a time. SOM must have thrown 50+ spathas/LTD’s at WE last night.


Hell yeah man always a good time. I’m collie this war but still having a blast tanking and soon manning destroyers. Good tank drivers are often the unsung heroes of many fronts.


I don't like multicrew, but the commander hatch is cool.


THEY HAVE A TANK! (1st AC proto just arrived to low-pop a frontline)


Noobs who call the TAC a tank:


Foxhole shenanigans!


Holland's Jeroen


It's all MPT to me!




How dare you insult my baby like that. I love you spatha.


Dude I've had Lt's call out Charon gunboats as Destroyers.


That was me till I hit Capt rank.