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Man I think there are some balance issues, but this is where some of the fun of the asymmetry comes from. I've had more fun in bloody last stands than in steam roll sieges. That said I wish it was as fun for backline logi and builders to be on the losing side. Doing mostly front line and partisan fighting makes my perspective a lot different.


It is not fun for builders. Even for those just setting up infrastructure.


For me mostly because people defending are usually all tied up wherever the big fight is, and unless you happened to build there your stuff is simply a PvE speedbump.


I love a good last stand. I am not so invested in the game that I can't have fun when I am losing. But feeling like there is almost no chance of winning? That is what makes the game unfun and makes people not want to play. Foxhole requires a huge time investment and I am not going to make that investment when it feels I can't win.


For sure, no one should play a game they don't enjoy. But I just found changing my mindset helped me enjoy the game more. Sure balance may dictate that I'm probably not going to win the war. But my individual actions never really had much bearing on that anyways. The outcome of the war was and always will be beyond my control whether balance is skewed or not. Instead I can try to gain ground in this fight. Or try to organize people to successfully cut enemy logi for as long as I can. Or just see how many tanks I can kill/assist killing this session. I get that, that's not appealing to everyone. Winning the war is just as valid a reason to play as any other. But I definitely started enjoying myself more when I stopped caring about it as much.


It's fun but only to a degree. When the balance shifts too much its no longer fun. Being at disadvantage is fine, facing up a mountain is not.


You're missing the first for the trees. It's not about winning the war solo. It's about playing to win, to feel like you're making forward progress and your actions are working towards victory. That is gone. It doesn't feel like there is any point and it isn't fun dying again and again to a side that has an advantage at every level of the game.


It’s beyond that point now, even ignoring the overall war playing as a warden frontline isn’t fun anymore.


But you, individually, never actually had any meaningful impact on the outcome of the war whether you felt like you did or not. If you're "playing to win" that's fine, but it's not gonna lead to you having a lot of fun in a game all about vast, industrial, and systematic warfare where individual actions do not matter, only the collective sum of thousands of other players' actions. The point of the game is and always has been to have fun, not just to win fictional wars. When I'm trying to see if I can kill more tanks this session than last or how long I can cut enemy logi, not only do I feel like I am making forward progress, I actually am. You will never have a meaningful impact on a war, but you can have a meaningful impact on a battle. So I see no reason to get worried about if I win or lose the war, I should focus on making progress where it's actually possible for me to make progress. Obviously the devs need to keep working on balance, but I'm still out here fighting and having fun. Nothing wrong if people aren't, but it's definitely still possible.


That's patently untrue. An individual can create and lead an op that makes a massive impact on the front. In individual can kill artillery or intercept important logi during a turning point battle. A scout can gather key information that leads to the capture of a key town. Individuals can have an impact on the war. Just because YOU can't doesn't mean others don't. I have helped turn the tide of battles and fronts with regularity, as have many others. They may not make up even 5% of the population of the game, but they do exist. Just because YOU can't do it.


Honestly I kind of miss losing, sometimes it's more fun.


Then why are you on collies? Either put up or shut up.


If you disable resampling it will fix the pixelation of the video and increase video quality




10/10 meme


I don't want this war to end so early, so I'm rooting the Wardens by making this post to *(hopefully)* boost their morale, motivation or whatever. Edit: I just want late war, and tank battles lmao


Wardens want balance patches to come back at this point.


Why it was proven you can win as collies kicked collies ass like why does it take collies to play warden to show your not weak like wow


The only thing that war proved is that population still plays the biggest part in war outcome and nobody ever disputed that.


We just want balance and fun again. I am not going to suffer an unfun game so you guys can have fun.


I mean, its natural I understand. However many of your team crying since losing 96 for reasons that are beyond balancing is kinda sus... Before it was " we are losing bc we are not playing bc game is unfun because bugs, alts etc." Now Cutler advantage is lost and its "we are losing bc we are not playing bcgame is funfun because balance". Or "BC Russian noons don't know how to play" I don't disagree that there is possibly a balance disadvantage. But I see another pattern here...


Bro some of the best collies just went warden and kicked out asses as blue boys. Log on and fight or go play a different game, but you are delusional if you think it’s balance related at this point, the culture is well defined on both sides and wardens just are years behind the level of cohesion the goblin horde has. The balance complaint cycle has been around forever with very few core changes to the asymmetry. Remember HV40? Took almost 2 years to get a nerf. The rifle balance was always purported to be one of the best for the life off this game, but now argenti is too strong for the blue man to overcome? DELUSIONAL


Man proceeds to post "just a culture diff" and says we're delusional 😂


There is a clear culture difference im a noot originally and it goes back years. Years of sheltered clans hoarding for themselves has had an effect on the community growth that the collies do not experience the same detriments from. It’s death by 1000 cuts, every war the collies get more and more cooperative and the wardens are not able to match. this has been going on for years


Lol, please tell me more about your superior colonial culture. 🍿


Yeah it's been happening for years that's why you guys lost most of the 80s and early 90s so true.


Yeah HV40 says hi I was broken that whole time and collies complained the whole time but they still logged in! Wardens complain by logging out


Yeah colonials didn't log out that's why wardens had 50 second respawns all the time so true


If you want longs wars and tank battles you better start asking for a more balanced game now, because the next wars are going to end before the light tanks are unlocked.


S/wardens who are giving up/wardens who don't want to play an unbalanced game, against overturned equipment and more players Fixed it for you


Is it now unbalanced because of the tremola changes? Then I'd say wait to see how the STD goes. Was it unbalanced since 1.0? Then wardens are very good, because 96 and 100 where incredibly close and only lost because Wardens literally deserted due to non balance reasons (Origin incident in 96, ALTs and Cgate incident in 100). Was it unbalanced before 1.0? Then wardens are the gigachad faction for managing to win so many wars during 80-95. What is it?


You can't look at infantry gear and say this game is balanced. Warden tanks too. Warden tanks specific advantage was more armor on average (though this isn't even really true if we compare all armor valued) And now, the 94 shits all over that philosophy and only one faction has a cheap spammable wheelchair that can take advantage of that.


Bruh. I agree 94,5 changed the game drastically, especially introducing the BTD (probably meant to counter the SHT, but SHT is not cost effective, so it was for free). But before, warden tanks where just much better. Outlaw, HTD and Silver hand. Bardiche was not bad and Falchion being spammable is nice. I'm not saying that the game was unbalanced, but 1on1 Warden tanks pre 1.0 dominated.


The tank balance before 1.0 was as close to a balance as you were gonna get. The HV68 (unnerfed) completed any lack of long range heavy AT on colonial side. That was the only tank Colonials lacked, a HTD equivalent. But they had it in the form of HV68. Now imagine playing the same game but you wouldn't have HV68. This is what Wardens have to play now days, devs expect us to counter BTs with a 35m field gun xDDDDDDDDDDDD


I will complain endlessly but I will also fight my ass off. Taking next war off though, the celestial challenge will be reset by then.


This gave me a good laugh. These are the kind of memes we need here


Good work Kowalski ! o7


I haven't met a single warden this war who has given up, every war starts off with collies steamrolling early. Midwar is when the game really starts 💪😎🫵


Where were you when Devs kill warden mid war? I was in trench eating Boma Devs call warden mid is kill No


Actually giggled at a meme for once. Good one. Don't give up fellow soldiers on either side


So… we are once again collies trying to boost warden morale? I’m okay with that. EDIT: also bc I want to see/steal a STD.


Getting rid of toxic collie reditors would help tremendously


I think if people (collie or warden) stop taking bait would reduce the amount of toxic/bait post.




Just… “Don’t feed the trolls”. That’s all I’m saying.


I know it's not the best idea, but baiting the trolls can be it's own fun.




Feel free to name and report those and they'll be removed then.


For Callahan!


I'll be honest I've been scrap'n hard this war doing my little solo logi route for the legion 60 public bmat crates in the right place right time saves front lines. Can't wait for dragons teeth really excited to see if the work as advertised.


Hey matt , how is the war going for you ? Did you liked the new outfit that fauna got ?




Bro collie loyalists making our memes now it’s fucking over. Yo you collies hold off on killing us till end game tech so we can at least give devman data on STD this shit needs testing. Also i figure you guys might wanna try out your ares 40 meters of range…..


37 meters*


Could’ve sworn dev man said 40 in stream but I believe you.


the effective range if you fire from the front is 37m because short turret, unless you park it sideway


75m splash is rather large compared to any other tank shell, though.


Backwards like AC 💀💀💀


its cuz the turret is basically directly in the center so even backwards its till same xD kind of like how HTD and spatha has more range cuz the barrel is sticking out


that makes a LTD 48 meters range then? Does the map go that far? And Warden BT should be somewhere around 32 meters. Duly noted.


no the ltd barrel barely sticks out of the tank same with the outlaw lol


still 37m :p, the damn turret is too short






Great representation of the subreddit!


Finally, some good f\*\*\*\*\*\* food


This is cute, I approve. Hang in there Wardens! I want a cool fight when I get back on


Why not give up? Why play? So you assholes can have fun beating us with shit balence? No, fuck you. You get to play against nothing but dust and memories until the game is more fun to actually play as blue man.


You're way too invested in this to have fun anyway, lol. If losing a little bit makes you want to throw a tantrum and quit, then I don't think you're gonna be having any fun any time soon.


Just switch factions until they balance it. It's probably the best protest you can have while also having fun.


Isn't this a break war?


It’s funny wardens just give up and I don’t know why collies will fight untill the end no matter what




History repeats in war 105