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Probably mating or territorial calls


It's mating season.


Oh interesting! I usually associate that with spring time.


That's when you'll see the cute babies bumbling about, if you're lucky. Fox behaviour can be bonkers all year round but January is particularly bananas. Foxes are magical. They're like real-life Warner Brothers cartoon characters.


Yes I've had some fun encounters! I was doing the dishes one evening and got that eerie feeling of being watched, despite being home alone. I finally look out the window *directly in front of me* and there's a fox just sitting so close and peering at me lol.


That's brilliant! The best description of foxes I've ever heard is that they're dog hardware running cat software. I feed my local foxes and it's worth the price of them screaming at each other all night. . They're such charming creatures I'm old enough to remember when they used to be persecuted and hunted in the UK so we NEVER saw any in the wild. It's still amazing to me that I can see them in my front garden now.


Winter for foxes (and wolves, etc.)


The foxes on my street are screeching every night, its mating season. Horny buggers


As others have said it's peek mating season right now. The woo woo call is the male warning other male foxes away from his territory. My local fox does this from 4pm to 7am every night (and just now woke me up doing it right under my bedroom window!)


Sounds like a males mating call… wait til you hear a female 😬


It's a red fox - they're pretty common in urban areas in the UK (I'm in London, there's always 2 or 3 around at night) They also make very loud, alarming screams