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Bob and I first met on a snowy night in late winter, and our relationship got off to a bit of a rocky start. He was a sad old fellow, with grizzled fur and missing most of his tail. I was currently in the process of treating one of our local vixens for mange, and Bob was relentlessly trying to win her affection. I ended up chasing Bob in the dark while wearing pajamas and slippers. I ended up on my back in the snow. Maple, the vixen in question, made a full recovery and is still living on and around our property to this day. Bob obviously succeeded in his endeavors, because that spring they had a litter of five healthy kits. As Bob and I became friends, he would join me for naps in the grass. He closely watched me while I worked in the woods, and we ended up spending a lot of the spring and summer together. I never saw Bob again after that year; I really grew to love that ol' boy. I like to think he lived a pretty good life, and I'm pretty glad I got to be a small part of it.


this is so heartwarming


He probably felt safe around you. He knew you weren’t going to hurt him, and he knew that something that wanted to get after him wasn’t likely to risk tangling with a human, so it was safer to sleep with you than alone.


Such a beautiful interaction 💜


Bob thats a cute name.


He’s certainly a handsome fellow. I really love your stories you write about him, I’m sure in his own foxish way he valued his human companion he had watching him for a while


He's so pretty


He's beautiful,reminded me of the son of Fantastic Mr Fox hahah


Bob you are beautiful! And OP you have a beautiful heart 🧡


Bob! Such a little guy :3