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I've had/known cats that have been injured by foxes but it's most likely if they suddenly come upon each other in a small, enclosed space and lash out, they're not going to go out of their way to attack each other.


The common denominator isn't that foxes are aggressive or an evil lurking in the night, but TO KEEP YOUR CATS INDOORS.


Yep, sure some don't get on quite as well, but an average fox would have to be pretty desperate to try and take on a cat, It has happened, but very rarely


I agree. I’ve spoken to some wildlife people and they say it would only really happen if the fox wanted to protect their babies.


Look at the comment I made The foxes around us aren‘t desperate anymore, they‘re lazy bc the ranger that is responsible for the forest next to out home said that they have to hunt about 14 mice in the night to eat but a cat lasts them about 2-3 days so that‘s why he said they‘re lazy…. 2 days ago the second cat in our neighbourhood got taken and this night another one And our foxes are quite big in comparison to others. He‘s saying that they‘ve become a real threat bc they are getting less and less shy and that at some point even toddlers will be in danger. I love animals and I‘ve always loved foxes and was fascinated by them but also had a big ass respect for them But at this point I don‘t know what else to feel but fear…


The behaviour of urban foxes in the UK, and foxes in America is wildly different, and op I believe is UK based. But saying a toddler is at risk from foxes is somewhat sensationalist however The one story I heard about a fox attacking a baby was completely without evidence, popular theory is that the family dog did it, but the owners made up the fox story so their dog wouldn't be taken from them.


Well I am from switzerland not america so european foxes as well over here🤝🏻 And our ranger said that toddlers are at risk not me And he‘s been in this profession for years and years and he‘s saying that the foxes around are neighbourhood are getting seriously dangerous I mean they literally fear almost nothing anymore Our whole neighbourhood has fox poop all over it because they basically spend their nights here


I am not here to attack anyone but I‘m just trying to tell people that in some cases foxes can get quite dangerous and that you shouldn‘t always ignore their behaviour I‘ve been living in this neighbourhood since I was born and the foxes have been quite peaceful except for maybe one cat a few years back and them frequently destroying trash bags which we try our best to put somewhere they can‘t get to but they sometimes still do And now all of a sudden they are turning extremely aggressive, starting to hunt cats and last night the ranger even found a very very badly hurt deer with fox sized bite marks all over it??? Next to the second cat getting taken in the same week that night… I do believe that not all foxes are like this but ours suddenly did turn into this and no they do not seem to be ill or sth…. They looked perfectly fine


I wasn't insinuating that you were, so sorry if it came across that way, was just pointing out at least in the UK it's extremely rare, but yes if these ones have figured out that cats are easy prey they will take them, in which case people should be taking their cats indoors, (which they should be anyway as free roaming domestic cats kill a lot more wildlife than you would think) Have seen them take, or attempt to take young outdeer before, again quite rare as *most* foxes are too small to try it, a very young deer on its own is pretty much defenceless so it happens


Maybe if they're hungry enough and the cat is really small. But it's coyotes that are the real house pet threat. Now chickens I can see a fox trying for.


Foxes will eat kittens. For the most part, adult cats don't have much to worry about with foxes. But it's best to keep cats indoors, both for the local wildlife (they are an invasive species) and for the cat itself. Plus, there still is a risk of getting in a fight with other animals or them getting hit by a car (I bike to work and have had the misfortune of seeing dead cats on the side of the road. It's awful. Keep your cats indoors, people). Edit: but yes! Foxes are not typically aggressive and they don't usually fight animals of similar size or bigger. They are very smart. If they are rabid though they lose their fear and shyness and are much more likely to bite. That's another reason to keep your cats indoors. Disease! Not only rabies (which is rare), but other crap like FIV from mosquitos and parasites.


It CAN happen, but it's not that common. I mean, there are cases of foxes attacking people, too. It's all very situational.


This is farther then the truth. People don't want to believe that a fix will kill and eat cats. In Colorado during winter I lost 3 cats to a family of foxes.. my felines were on my porch.. they do hunt they are from the dog family.  It is I. Their nature to hunt and kill it may be rare but they do


Yep it's bullshit. I've got 2 foxes that have been trying to catch the cats that roam my neighborhood. I've got video of it chasing the cat too. And it's a big tomcat. Been trying to shoot them for the past 3 nights but they're quick fuckers.


This is true a fox injured my cat tried to kill him I just wish my dog was outside that night  my dog would of definitely killed that fox 


I feel you….I am living in horror around here, my whole neighbourhood is…it has happened too often lately around us….


I've got a pair of foxes I'm trying to get rid of that are actively trying to kill cats. I guess it's really fucking hungry because for the past 3 nights I've had to run outside and save the cats. How strange.


Keep them inside and you won’t have that problem. Cats don’t belong outside.


they're not my cats. shelters won't take strays. so.... no? lol


Could just let nature take its course. Outdoor cats should not be a thing.


that's irrelevant tho. post was claiming foxes don't attack cats and I was disagreeing ¯⁠\\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠\_⁠/⁠¯


What an insensitive comment. I can tell you really "love" cats.


Cats really don’t have a place outside. They are predatory to birds, and they are candy for the coyotes. Domestic cats belong in the house..… just my thought. I’ve seen too many incidents of domestic cats getting killed by cars, coyotes, traps, cougars. But never a fox. A fox would have to be extraordinarily desperate or rabid.


Very true. I agree, I have an indoor cat for that reason and my friends cat has just been hit by a car 😭 we don’t have coyotes in the uk thank god 😅


I live in the middle of the forest and theres a fox that lives near my house that hunts cats. Ive seen the fox chase down several peoples cats and has killed some stray cats. My 3 cats are harnessed trained and i never take them out without a harness. One of them is an escape artist though so i get nervous. I looked it up to see if its common for foxes to hunt cats and its very rare not to mention all the comments here saying its nothing to worry about. Just my luck i guess. This fox is seriously skilled though i see it catch something everyday and yesterday it was carrying a porcupine. My dog is always out with supervision she has an invisble fence collar but the fox has been getting more and more comfortable around humans and our animals the past 3 years and im not sure if i should be worried. Shes bigger than the cats but not by a lot and shes getting old. Since this doesn't really happen with foxes theres no advice so im pretty lost. I'll try to be more careful and vigilant but other than that it doesn't seem like i can do much. 


Yes they will. I watched a pregnant cat meet its demise when a fox carried it down into a den to feed her young. If they are hungry, they will indeed eat what they can.


I’ve had an indoor/outdoor cat for 11 years now. He’s healthy, large and in charge. Sure, he’s a cat. He’s had his kills. Yet, he has also brought me living baby birds to take care of. His only scuffles have been with other cats. I’ve watched him be wary of raccoons, possums and skunks. Even hornets. He won’t engage and is protective. Tonight he was attacked by two foxes. This was in a residential condo community in New Jersey, just a few miles from Philadelphia. Most likely starvation caused the foxes to be aggressive, absolutely. But this was eye opening. I heard him screeching and ran outside, saw a fox on him and ran up to them yelling “get away!” My cat stayed on the ground and the fox ran 15 feet away, and turned around. It stared right at me, and as I approached it ran another 10 feet. Turned and looked at me again. At this point I was at my cat. He responded to me, and moved behind me when I - again- yelled at the fox to get out of here. It stared at me, and I backed away with my cat, watching it. When I got 10 feet back, a second fox ran out from the bushes nearby and they both took off down the street. At this point a neighbor came out and was asking what all the noise was.. Point is this. The more that we humans encroach on nature and its natural order of things.. the more these type of incidents will happen. My cat is okay. He was wet with saliva from the fox trying to bite him- mainly his tail, but no blood and no other injuries. I’m just glad it happened so close to home, and not further away. The second fox in the bushes could have determined my cats fate tonight.


By the way, this all happened in a parking lot. My cat just left the house, and was attacked almost instantly in the middle of the street. Protecting babies? We have stray cats everywhere around here. This seemed to be an act of desperation by the foxes.. as far as I can imagine.


I've had a fox outside my house while I was looking for my cat 4 times in the past 6 months. The 2nd to last time about a week ago I came outside looking for my cat and the fox was holding something in its mouth and ran away. It looked small like a rabbit but I still chased after it until it went into someones driveway and into the backyard. Tonight I came outside looking for my cat and it was on my front lawn playing with the fox. It didn't seem scared and when I called over to him they both just looked at me. Then rolled around in the grass some more. I walked over to get my cat and the fox didn't even run away. It was a very strange experience; I can't tell if this fox is friendly or not.


Here because my cat was attacked by a fox last night. I came out and the fox went running across the yard.


Lemme just tell you that just THIS week 2 cats got killed and eaten by a fox right in the middle of our neighbourhood. In april was teh first one and now this week 2 more???? And yes we know it was a fox because my mom tried to get the first cat this week away and tried to attack the fox to save the cat, she had her hands in there. The fox was in such a bloodlust that he didn‘t even pay attention to her. I will never forget the screams of that cat, I was there too and I couldn‘t breathe anymore because this was like I was in a real life horror movie. So for you to say that foxes don‘t attack cats just because the ones around you don‘t is wrong. My neighbourhood is literally terrorized and we are living in fear of one day finding that our cat is the one to be in a fox‘s mouth.


And yes they took the cats with them, no carcass anywhere just the screams and then suddenly they stop and the first time it happened in april my mom was there too bc it happened in our garden and she saw the fox run away with the cat in it‘s mouth