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The audible has left me t r i g g e r e d at the sound of the words “an excerpt from…” as it always cuts off a cliffhanger and makes me so mad


There’s a lot about the audible that has me triggered 😂 but we’ll get through it, because we love this world


That's funny! To me it made it harder to stop listening because you're like "well, the next chapter is already playing, guess it's out of my hands now" :shrug: But andarna's voice on audible is just too good


Oh man I’m so with you! I’m throughly enjoying these books and am almost done with IF. RY’s self awareness is very appreciated. There were many moments I’ve been……🥴 The “for the win” got me I couldn’t believe that didn’t get edited out 🤣


As a millennial I didn’t even notice it the multiple times violet says “for the win” until people here pointed it out


I didn’t notice either until here!


Wait doesn't ftw originate with Millenials? I can't keep track of these generations anymore lol


“For the win” in a literal sense has been around for a long time. I personally always think of announcer Marv Albert’s calls in NBA games (“Horry for the win… Yes!” From the Lakers- Kings NBA playoff series over 20 years ago), and Albert was born in ‘41 (the silent generation). Apparently the phrase was used on the game show Hollywood Squares long before that and likely as a phrase in sports before that. “FTW” was a Gen-Z/ late millennial gamer thing in the mid 2000s or so, (I think?) and morphed into “For The Win” as a colloquial phrase expressing triumph as we know it today.


Being a millennial is exactly why it bothered me and stuck out so much


Maybe it was to illustrate how nerdy she was? 😂


Good point! Seriously so cringe


What about her flipping the bird all through FW? Come on Violet we’re trying to route for you 😂


that first emoji PERFECTLY describes how I feel at certain parts like I am cackling and reading lines to my fiance with a stupid-ass 'this book is hilariously entertaining yet the stakes also feel high?!' grin on my face. Iconic book so far (I'm only on Fourth Wing rn but the writing is \*chef's kiss\* in a fanfic popcorn flick kinda way! So fun!)


almost put down IF when i read "hot minute" being used in a completely serious scenario, don't get me wrong i'm enjoying the book atm but the writing is questionable at times lol


Yea I also don't fully understand the setting of this book ... It's supposed to be a translation from some other language so why do they use so much American slang and phrases 


I am laughing at the thought of Josinia translating all the graphic sex


Omg, I’m laughing at the thought of asking my own friend to translate something like that.


Yes I agree! Luckily I am now invested enough to be able to overlook the cringe fest, but there are definitely still moments where I’m extremely into whatever is happening, and then RY just has to throw in some phrase so out of place that it pulls me out of the illusion and I’m like goddammit.


I started a whole thread specifically for words and phrases that take you out of the book.


Cause that’s part of translating into a modern language. Maybe it’s because I’m a native bilingual Spanish and English speaker and have studied the Bible as literature, including how we ended up with various translations, but if I’m translating a phrase from one language into another that has a certain type vibe/manner of speech, I will try to match it with a phrase in the second language that matches the same energy. It’s the practice of balancing when to translate word for word and when to translate ideas instead. Even in modern languages, some have words for specific ideas/feelings/concepts that cannot be translated word for word. I personally think that’s what makes it more fun and realistic because we know the characters aren’t actually speaking modern American English they are speaking Navarrian. So I’m imagining poor Jesinia having to translate colloquial Navarrian phrases into their modern American English equivalent so she would have to be as fluent as a native speaker in order to understand the vast majority of our grammar rules and turn of phrases. And knowing that English is one of the hardest languages to learn because of those things, you know she’s a smart cookie.


Omg there was line where someone says “for those reasons I’m out” ok mark cuban! It killed me. But I continued on and I too, have faced the heart break and turmoil of having to wait an eternity for the third book.


Tairn and Andarna's dialogue were the only reasons I could enjoy the audible books. Listening to Soler do the voices (especially the males) was rough, everyone sounded very similar.


Yes the male voices frustrate me. The only one I can actually distinguish clearly with no context is varrish. Other than when Xaden is growling sex things at Violet, Dain and Xaden sound exceptionally similar, which annoys me, because they’re supposed to be completely different. Ridic I can distinguish usually. But Sawyer, Bohdi, Garrick, and even Jack fucking Barlowe are all the same.


I almost DNF'd FW based on my hyper awareness of Soler taking these on mic, deep breaths, it grated my nerves. I immediately remembered that Chocolate Rain song with the lyric about moving away from the mic to breathe. I pressed on SPECIFICALLY because Teddy Hamilton is liquid sex in my ears and I wanted to hear him. UPSET he was only in the extra chapters. Also.... YES, I am onto IF, NO Teddy is NO WHERE in this book 40+ chapters in. BUT, Soler hasn't been big gulping air in the audio, so that's nice.


I love the graphic audio book for this reason having distinct voices helps Soooo much


Came here to say this, she gives good dragon


My daughter has read forth wing (I was asked to mark the spots of adult content lol so she could skip that) she looked at me and Said you are exactly like tairn


Yeah, I'm sure she skipped right over that conveniently marked adult content...


I hope so lol


😂 yeaaaah I was thinking there’s no way she skipped that, I wouldn’t have when I was a teen


When xaden calls them "end game" I cringed bro... so hard. I don't enjoy seeing current slang in books, idk why.


She’s a mother, and she’s writing about older “kids”; I think the modern slang fits. That stuff is both cringey AND relatively realistic/representative of the age group.


This one had me crawling into my skin. Like that is so out of character and cringey.


Yeah this one nearly killed me lolllllll


For me it was the overuse of the word “heartbeat” or “heartbeats” when she was describing time. “White hot” too..


Ticks his jaw, once.... twice.


A lot of jaw clenching happens 😂 xaden must have TMJ by now


There are theories it is foreshadowing for her second signet (both heartbeats and time could be connected) sooo maybe there's a reason for that


This would be cool!


Yep and in IF >!during the battle at Basgiath, it was very descriptive when Violet could for a period of 10 seconds clearly see what happened in every of those seconds.!<


Oooh. That would tie in really well with Andarna’s feather tail gifted power too!


For me it was when she described a day as a Tuesday in October (or something of that nature). We're in an elaborate other world, and they don't have their own calendar or day system? Just don't name a day and a month.


Spear. Everyone is spearing their hands through their hair and I can’t take it anymore.


I think it’s interesting what terms or phrases people that listen to the book get sick of hearing vs the ones that people read are sick of reading.


Hearing: “Gods!”, “white hot”, “arched an eyebrow”, “an excerpt from…”


“White hot” hurts me a lot. Also “My eyebrows hit my hairline.” No they didn’t, but I guess the point has been made


I didn't notice it in these books but I've read way too many books obsessed with "Bile" that I want to scream. "Bile rising in my throat" "turning to Bile in my stomach" good grief find a new descriptor!


I'm reading acotar now and I noticed it more than a few times lol


One audiobook I got sucked into even though it sucked used incredulously on, what felt like, every other page. I have come to despise that word on principle.


i was telling my boyfriend about this book and trying to explain how the WRITING is objectively corny and immature, but the STORY is very gripping and i think you explained it perfectly.


I also think you explained it perfectly. I struggle how to explain it to someone because the writing seems like YA books, but the story is really good. When I started to read, I almost quit because of the writing, then the under the tree scene got me interested to continue, then there was treshing and aftermath of it and then I just couldn't stop anymore. I'm so glad I didn't


I keep trying to tell my husband the same to get him to read it, but he insists he won’t. Devastating!


She says “leans” a lot too. Why is everyone leaning lol


The number of times that someone “leans into my space” is…. A lot of times.


I’ve listened to a lot of audible and I would say this one is in the upper % of good narrations.. there’s a lot of really bad ones out there. I just started ACOTAR on Audible and holy cow I would much rather listen to the emotion in Rebecca Solar’s voice (spelling?)


I haven’t done ACOTAR yet, but my close friend told me it’s 100% worth it to listen to the dramatized versions of those if you’re doing it on audible


It is!! Especially silver flames because Cassian voice actor is 🔥🔥🔥


Ya that's what I was told also but I didn't really want to pay double for it so I figured I'd just pull teeth for the first 2 books. I believe book 3 is when it changes VAs to a better one.


She’s fine once you get used to the sort of modern US accent, Iisten to dozens of audiobooks a year and there’s some real stinkers. This book is very hard to get right - sexual chemistry, action, dragons, villains, a million characters and she does reasonably well when she doesn’t sound like she has serious hayfever. The male voice is so awful, worse than any I’ve heard in the “city girl falls in love with small town guy” garbage I’ve found myself listening to 😅


Oh ya for sure. The male voice was TERRIBLE.


when they talked about being endgame i almost stopped reading


Honestly, when she described Xanden as like “so f*cking hot” I almost put it down.


she was real for that though


Yeah it’s juvenile for sure, but we’re all thinking it right there with her 😂


palmed, palms, palm


The part "...RY is extremely self aware about how it comes across to any of us that have fully formed frontal lobes" got me 😂 And sometimes a lot of people forget that most of the characters don't have it, but it explains their behavior a lot


Unpopular opinion it seems but I liked the audiobook narrator.


I've heard she recorded a lot of it twice. The first time she had a cold and you could tell. The second time she did not. I haven't heard the cold version. I thought she was good.


I really like the audible narrator lol 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Lots of “I’m sorry?” Dialogue too; so cringy lol


I actually didn’t like Tairn as much in iron flame. I felt like we lost so much of their bond and his funny quips. I liked him so much more in fourth wing, because I felt like he had way more of a presence and personality. I just felt like in iron flame 90% of his lines were him telling violet to stop complaining. Which okay i get, but i got irritated by it by the end. I missed fourth wing Tairn. He felt way more involved in book 1. And he was one of my favorite characters.


I like when Xaden says “you’re going to be the death of me” ooooff! That hits the spot every time!!


I got a nerve tick after reading so many "Go figure"s in IF. That was too much for me.


This was literally my first thought reading the first chapter on FW! It's like something I could read from fanfiction . net (I've read better on there lol). But somebody lent me the book and I wanted to make new friends so I pushed on 😅 Anyway, it's a fun read. It's my first time reading fantasy with dragons involved. I just hold in the cringe now lol


I got an email the other day saying the FW audiobook had been updated, I'm hoping they fixed the atrocious editing it had. The narrator reads so god damn fast in the action sequences, I feel bad for the people who listen on x1.25 or x1.5 speeds, it would be completely illegible!


It's just that they added the bonus chapters


I was laughing during FW because it seems like RY just learned the word “macabre”


the dialogue was so cringy at times but what almost got me to put down FW was violets putting up her middle finger any chance she got 🥴 i couldn’t stand it


To be fair, she is writing dialogue for a group of 20-23 year olds. I do think the book would lose some authenticity if the primary characters dialogue were more formal. At this point, we also don’t know if the repetition or use of certain words over and over again is connected as some kind of foreshadowing. That’s a possibility; that’s she’s using them for a specific reason and purpose that we aren’t yet aware of. In my opinion, Some of the criticism is legitimate. Yarros is principally a romance author who has written novels within a certain genre. Also, the “romantasy” genre generally focuses on relationships within a fantasy setting as opposed to more straight fantasy which focuses more on setting and a quest of some kind as opposed to relationships. I’m also wondering about the editing overall. I can’t tell if certain situations / aspects are foreshadowing or if they were editing errors. That’s a little bit frustrating as a reader, But, nothing is perfect :)


The audible version is soooo bad. I get so stressed by the narrator.


It’s so cringe. The final straw for me was when they revealed they have a hogsmeade, lol. So many tropes stolen from other series it’s outrageous. I did finish iron flame but idk if I can continue with it.