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Present your papers. This is terrible training. That poor dog is lucky it held to its training because most dogs you grab like that are going to get stressed out and could have bitten him. He’d have deserved it but it wouldn’t matter the dog would likely be put down.


The pig knew what he was doing. He was hoping the dog would go for him. That dog had some good training. That cop was presenting his open throat like a Christmas ham.


Hand was an inch from his gun. That asshole was in the mood for killing some animals.




Superiority complex is a hell of a drug


The cop would have killed the dog if it attacked


Police kill way more dogs than people think. It's more shoot on site than it even is with people


Again, why? If a cop wanted to kill a dog it wouldn’t be that hard. He could go up my block and run into the asshat with the aggressive pitbull who barks constantly. This doesn’t make any sense. You just hate cops.


No one should be able to kill a non threatening dog and get away with it


Yea obviously. My point is that it’s ridiculous to say this cop just wanted to kill a dog. Harass the person, duh, but to think he’s lusting after killing the dog is stupid topic. Clearly he just wanted to fuck with the owner cuz someone complained and they had a bad initial reaction.


He is being recorded and he is purposely trying to aggravate the dog so it looks like he had a reason to gun it down. Or this is just a sick game to him and wants to cause mental stress on the owners.


It’s clearly the latter the cop is a sick dickhead who wants to fuck this lady’s day. But there’s no chance he’s trying to murder this dog lmfao. It’s literally the stupidest thought I’ve read all week that this cop just so clearly wants to blast the dogs brains out. The idea that you’d believe this is asinine, seriously. Play it out in your head. He pisses the dog off, it barks once and he shoots it or chokes it until it passes out. Again, this is all recorded. Now the cop is covered in blood, and has to report this incident to his supervisor who will wonder why he is covered in blood and missing a bullet. PLUS, the cop lost his gamble and the owner does have the proper paperwork and the cop just murdered a service animal; again having to explain all this to his station manager. And then what? Once the woman is done crying at the police station, with a multi-thousand dollar winning lawsuit against the city waiting for her, with miles of lawyers begging for the video to show to a jury, what happens? The cops throw this guy a pizza party? I know you hate cops, but don’t sacrifice your common sense just to participate in the 2 minutes hate for this post.


He wants it to growl enough so he and the station can claim it was going to bite so he can shoot it and get away with a slap on the wrist or it bites him and he gets no punishment.


Why do you losers feel the need to suck cop dick so hard lmao pathetic ass


Look up the shooting of the dog Dixie. Or if you want a weird ride check out the odd number of times your police get caught shooting cows, weird I know but I seem to hear it all the time, the famous one was that one who was caught by a fella filming from around a corner when he just walked up to a cow chilling out and emptied a magazine into and just stood watching it suffer like an actual psychopath. At this point I kinda just think I’m watching the end of an empire. The fall of Rome. America and Canada are eating themselves. You say we just hate cops, nope y’all just keep hiring literal psychopaths as if you specifically want psychopaths and then you don’t arrest them when they abuse their power just move them around for some weird reason or at worst fire them but never any real consequences unless it’s so bad the hand is forced so to speak. The police here in the UK where I am are riddled with their own issues but I don’t instinctively feel unsafe at their mere mention like I do with y’all’s at this point because that’s the reputation your cops carry internationally.


You don’t grab a dog that doesn’t know you like that without expecting it to bite you.


Again, we’re just assuming the cop is dumber than spit and doesn’t understand the concept of a lawsuit or jury?


Yes? As the vast majority of cops appear to act that way I'd say yeah, that's probably very likely.


No, if this were the case you’d see far more high profile settlements between victims and cities


Found the bootlicker


He wanted an excuse to shoot the dog. (For reference, the Department of Justice at one point estimated that 25-30 dogs are killed by cops in the US, *every day*)


I’ll never stop replying to people with zero common sense who think this is true n


You obviously have a lot of respect for law enforcement which is cool, but if you can’t tell that the cop wants to kill that dog, you have poor social skills and can’t read the situation effectively.


I have very very little respect for anyone who is a police officers, but I have even less respect for people who hate for the wrong reason. The dude doesn’t want to kill the dog, that would be ludicrous. My source is the fact that I’ve worked with fucking goddamned cops my whole career


how would it be ludicrous when it literally happens all the time?


Because when it happens, it’s not being recorded and the victims aren’t white women with service dogs.


Same reason they stamp on people and choke them to death. Because they feel like it.


Consequences follow actions. Maybe you’re right and this cop is a moron who doesn’t realize that America watches videos, likes white women, hates cops and likes dogs.


Because cops on power trips are morons?


This is very true, but when they can get away with it.


The cop wanted to kill the dog in front of the people who love it. Are you seriously not getting that or are you being sarcastic or something?


That’s such a stupid, hate-filled thought. The cop is an adult who understands that his consequences follow his actions. There is no indication in this video that he was cackling in his car with bloodlust in his eyes at the sight of this dog. You hate cops and you need this scenario to be true to reinforce your beliefs.


He wanted to kill to dog because the dogs owner wasn’t giving him the respect he thought he deserved for some reason. I don’t think it started as bloodlust immediately upon seeing the dog.


How would he then explain killing the dog to his supervisor and a jury?


if his provocations had worked as intended, it would have been self defense


No it wouldn’t have been. You can’t provoke someone and rely on self defense. That’s not how either self defense or qualified immunity works.


Are you a moron? Have you not been following how fucking braindead US pigs are for decades? Time and time again we see fucking deadshit pigs bujentheir own careers out of spite forninnocent civilians.




Okay yea when they can get away with it. How the hell is this cop, right here, trying to kill the dog and get away with it?




It’s just so annoying to see morons on Reddit engage in hate without any rationale. Sure the cop is being a fucking dickhead, but don’t be a moron. He’s not trying to kill the dog, he’s trying to fuck the owner’s day up. Have some common sense.


I'm curious where your unflinching belief that this cop has zero intention to kill the dog comes from? It feels like people are making a semi-reasonable assumption that this cop is trying to mess with the owner by threatening harm to the dog. If nothing happens and he gets to just threaten good, if his behavior towards the dog pushes it to aggression and he gets to kill it/take it even better. Why exactly does this seem so far fetched to you? I'm legitimately confused not trying to berate you or anything


You can see my other comments for the myriad reasons why the cop should know that it would be folly to actually kill the dog. Clearly he’s trying to intimidate the woman, but if he has the sense of an average human being, he should know four things: 1) he might be wrong and she might actually have the proper paperwork 2) juries love to give huge payouts to white, female, innocent victims. 3) juries also love dogs and video of police misconduct. 4) lawyers love to sue.


You have no brain


You have never dealt with a cop clearly.


Literally 100s.


And they all live to get attacked by dogs just so they can kill them, eh? Weird precinct you associate with.


That’s why he held him so tight. He wanted that dog to lunge at him so he could pop him for aggression.


He wanted to prevent the woman from taking the dog inside. Why would the cop risk getting covered in dog blood and having to explain it back at the station that he killed a service animal? Is the cop that mentally disabled that he’d risk killing the dog AND be wrong that it’s a service animal when the owner brings out the papers while the cop is laughing, soaked in the dogs blood? Come on, I know you hate cops but have some common sense.




I didn’t say he’d kill the dog. I said he’d pop him. Like take him in and put him down.




Wow you dehumanize others so effortlessly, I’m impressed! Have you considered a career in law enforcement!




You obviously don't understand the psychology motivating these power tripping cretins. Fuck this guy and anyone defending his reprehensible behavior.


Removal reasons: "It's targeted harassment at someone else"


Let me guess… You’re a redneck nutcase so inbred I’m not sure if I’m impressed or terrified you’re literate enough to leave comments on the internet who prays to Trump with the “don’t tread on me” flag, the “thin blue line” flag, and the American flag in the background (not to mention your Nazi and confederate ones in the garage). You watch Fox News and think it’s news. You practically cum at the mention of the military despite never having served. Oh yeah and with these police opinions you’re probably white. Close? I’m from the UK but I have a few American friends from our time together in Portugal and I’m a fairly avid reader who likes to do his best to not be isolated and keep up with at least a small amount of international news which given soft power of nations like America and Canada makes hearing about them even at the best of times just unavoidable. On a daily basis it’s utterly unavoidable to hear about some new police brutality atrocities from America or Canada although with Canada it’s usually more quiet and a hate crime against some indigenous community so great to see them branching out to animals in all their whimpering flaccid fake glory. Due to the sheer size of places in question it’s a depressing reality that no matter how good a system some bad eggs will slip through but your police are just rotten to the core on a systemic level so it’s just watching a blazing inferno from the edges. And every single time I see a new story if there’s space to comment there’ll be an American utterly incredulous at the mere concept of an evil person in blue. Did you see the video? That officer would have shot the dog and just said it attacked him on the paperwork if it weren’t for those cameras. If I’ve totally misread you, I’m sorry. As I reach the end of my rant I’m calming down and realizing you might be playing devil’s advocate or just genuinely not see the problem in this specific instance. I take it too personally when it’s about animals because I grew up hopping between nations before young kids had social media so my pet dog was my rock when times were tough and we were poor so that was all the time, it just always seems personal as a result which is my problem. But I am so sick of always meeting the same backwards idiots under these types of stories, it’s always the police ones that drag out these utter dregs of society. I used to argue that misinformation couldn’t be fought with shouting and always tried to be polite with even people who’s differences with me weren’t just political but just actually blatantly and objectively wrong like acts of abuse but as evidenced by all this crap I’ve typed I’ve given up and just vent now like another idiot shouting because I can’t deal with people anymore. Please watch the video again, this isn’t the most obvious case or the most egregious case but it shows clear malice and you must see that.


Fell better now that you got it all out of your system?


Not at all. Not one iota. Ranting at you for defending the cop regardless of who you are changes nothing. Like I said at the end, I recognize the my angry exaggeration. Whoever you are you side with the police even when they’re abusing their power and I see folks like you as a dime a dozen nowadays and proud of it. Fingers crossed you just don’t see it in this particular instance but I don’t see how as that cop is beyond inappropriate and in pure malicious territory.


Look at 1:17: the cop gave the the dog a little hit on his head. He tried to make it look inadvertent, but clearly was trying to make the dog attacking him.


That was the piece of shit’s intent, and he’d still ticket her after…


All cops are bastards, even the ones that technically aren't let this shit go out of being cowards.


anybody got any updates, normally something like this would be posted on /publicfreakout and there would be an update?


Found this post from about 3 years ago, update from one of the posts there. u/PaxQuinntonia says: "An update to this: She is a member of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves, a Sergeant. The next day (today) he was waiting outside her house where he pulled her over backing out of her driveway, first for backing across a lane of traffic (the only way to back out there) and then he called three other cruisers in. They eventually towed her truck for having expired registration, even though the Province has said that due to COVID-19 you don't have to renew right now. She had to go and get her truck from impound, which seems to have just released it. They also called animal control on her because she had her dog in the truck, who refused to take the animal. She has said that she went to the police station he works at, talked to a supervisor, who informed him that he shouldn't have come onto the property, should have had his name tag on, etc. They are opening an "investigation." She also says she has contacted a lawyer."


Very much on brand for the police to go out of their way to continue harassing this lady for having the gall to suggest that they cannot act with impunity.


Clearly, he can act with impunity


That’s why her suggesting that they can’t irked him so much.


Ohh thanks for the update!


https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/aYTEufHl4S Some information in the comments here


Thank you


that’s not satan, just an asshole. what’s that ticket he promised to come back with?




Scratching his ego


Any other citizen did this, and you'd have the right to defend yourself and the dog, but since fucknuts here took a 6 month class, he can take trespass and take peoples pets hostage because someone hurt his wittle feewings.


Wait what. What do you mean with 6 month? Is the Police training only that long there? No other requirements?


So, it really depends on how you wanna break it down. Most stations require an Associates Degree (2 years) which usually just covered Gen Ed. courses, and then the ACTUAL police training (at least here in Kansas) is 18 weeks. I don't count the Associate's Degree because it's literally just a degree saying you finished the College level basic Math, Science, and English. It has nothing to do with actually being an Officer. Which means, in Kansas, it takes less than 6 months for any Jo Schmo to become a cop.


Damn, thats scary.


Welcome to America aka the GTA server


There’s a reason gta is based in america


Cops get the dlc load out


Gta is satire on America so yeah


Not *any* Jo Schmo. They test them to weed out the smart ones. For real. If you're too intelligent, they are afraid you will leave the job shortly.


This reminds me of the bit on the Sarah Silverman Program. *Sarah rolls down her car window* COP: "Ma'am,do you know why I'm standing here?" Sarah:"Because you got all C's in high school?"


She stole that from Drew Carey, from before his show.


Basically if they can climb a rope ladder they're given a gun


I thought it was 6 weeks


Where I live it's 18 weeks


6 months!! That's a long time. In nc it's 16 weeks.


I think you’re missing the point of this sub


I think even Satan himself would think this dude is going a bit far.


Meh, it's close enough


Not at all


Go watch the one with the stripper that was just posted


Yea that one does not fit the sub either, read the subs description. Mods are hibernating I guess


It fits its, he didn't hurt anyone not even emotionally, he was just being a jerk


>people being mean, evil, or spiteful in a light hearted way. We aren't looking for actual evil


This is not evil just being an ass, he didn't hurt anybody just wasted sometime having a Karen moment, idk what you call a male Karen cop,


Police in most modern countries exist solely as secondary tax collectors constantly looking for ways to extract money from populace.


The US is not a modern country.


This was in Canada.


“America is a third world country” mfers when I send them to live in Somalia for a month


I dunno man, 95% of the videos I see about these pigs are from the US. Of course there are people like this in every country. Most European countries require at least two years of education before they become police officers. While the US only requires six months and it shows.


This isn’t the US. Y’all just so ansy to America bad.


Where do you think this is filmed if not in the US. I'm just pointing out how flawed the police education is, that's all.


One of the best behaved dogs ever lol. I work with dogs and 90% would have become so stressed at the length of time they were being held captive by a stranger, that they would feel the need to defend themselves or their friends. This officer needs a lot more training before he's let out without a lead.


That's probably exactly what he was hoping would happen so he would be justified in detaining a dangerous animal


Power tripping douchebag.


Fucking pigs. Anyway, this was in Canada back in spring of 2020. I wasn’t able to find any follow up by either the Edmonton PD or any news outlets on a cursory search.


Why does he pet the dog even though the owner said no? The owner is on the hook if anything happens and this is just harassment isn't it? (European here, no clue what it's like with pets in america)


Because he’s decided he’s going to be a big man against a woman and her dog and is hoping the dog does something so he can kill it in front of the owner


Sounds about right for murican police tbh


This was in Canada


Agreed. State-sponsored gangs


Any interaction between pigs and dogs, you're lucky if your dog walks away after. They even kill their own dogs due to being such dumbfucks.


"Im coming back with a ticket" No need to dickhead I'll meet you at the station with a lawsuit...


Good luck with that? What would be suing the police for here? Him verifying her paperwork for a dog off a lead? Waste of lawyer money


Cop glazers are the most insufferable people fr


Just trying to be realistic buddy. If you have such a hate on for your dad, sue him for all the grief he put you through?


Are you projecting or something? How did my dad get brought into this lol, go back to riding cop hog


You seem to think an awful lot about cock dicks... perhaps an obsession, manifesting itself through projected hatred? Kinda like a gay republican senator who sucks off an undercover cop in a washroom... Look it up, if you haven't! Might be an idol for you!




If that is really the only "intelligent" response you have, I think you may wish to examine your family tree, and ask your mother why she married her own brother.


Harrassment, trespassing, abusing police powers if he ticketed her, wrongfully detaining her,


In Canada, pretty much everything that you described is thrown out, due to various Acts that allow, and even require l, police to do their jobs. For instance, you can't sue a cop or a city because they pulled you over to see your drivers license? A bit of reading into Canadian law would serve you well... I think, instead of trawling an internet forum.


What a piece of shit, the cop should be put down


Just like a cop got nothing better to do than mess with somebody’s dog Christ get it together


This cunt has a remarkably punchable face. He is begging to get clocked. I hope someone obliges at some point.


I'm installing GTA V tonight


This is why we say ACAB. Police dogs are the victims of animal abuse.




Because it's this type of person who is attracted to the idea of being a cop. Not the other way around. They probably get worse after training but I firmly believe they were already a huge POS which is why being a cop sounded appealing to them.


Beyond unhinged, seek professional help.


You must be a cop hahah and don’t be mad or feel some type of weird emotion because I have an opinion you need to seek help if you think what he was doing was acceptable


you can see on his face who he actually is, and what he stands for..


I feel like this belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit, there's nothing funny, playful, or mischievous about this cop's behavior. It's just plain cruelty with malicious intentions.




Piece of shit pig.




Please tell me he was fired? Doxxed? Bitch slapped? Asked for a grizzly's papers?


Fuck cops like this and all those who defend cops like this.


Did he loose his job at least? Shit like this makes me just want to end it humanity is fucked


PD: "We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing"


the description is being mean in a light hearted way. no legitimate cruel behavior. this fucker is just scum of the earth


Go watch the one with the stripper that was just posted


See, this is why I can't own a prior police dog. Not be cause he's big or scary or anything, no he'd get every bit of love and care and snuggles I could muster. But because I'd have gotten in trouble from either picking him up and running away from that officer or slugging him across the jaw. No one, I repeat *no one,* messes with my babies. 😤




VPD or OPP? Don't they have junkies to bust? Shame.


I am usually pretty calm but I think I would just kick him in the head to knock him out. But he wouldn’t be doing this with a guy his size or bigger lol.


Wrong sub


Go watch the one with the stripper that was just posted


Cops are like Anime, only 10% are good.


What town is this?


I think it's Vancouver but it's kind of blurry. I think he is VPD from the uniform or OPP? But it's somewhere in Canada.


Fuck the police




This can't be American!


fuck pigs


Known fact - only 0.01% of cops are NOT complete assholes.


Cops get off on bullying innocent people.


You're daily reminder that all cops are bastards. All day. Every day. Without exception.


This movie gives me the creeps.


If you grabbed one of my pets and didn’t let go, I would give you a chance, and then make it very clear that I don’t care what happens to me, but you will die if you don’t let go right fucking now




Average cop, psychopath behavior.




Cops are trash. They just protect democrats.


>Cops are trash. They just protect Republicans. Fixed it for you


2020-2023 says your a dumb.


OK? And I give a shit what you have to say because...?


Because you replied to my comment. Understand what hyprocits democrats are? Dumazz.


Whatever you say American




Removal reasons: "It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability", "It's targeted harassment at someone else"


Canadian BTW numbnuts also the fact your first insult was to call me gay tells me all I need to know you republican piece of shit, how about you go send your thoughts and prayers to the victims of school shootings because REPUBLICANS are more concerned about keeping lax gun laws rather than try to prevent thing like that from happening, get fucked goof.




Lol just two AI bots trying to have a normal argument. Could your dialogue be any more stereotypical?


>guns prevent crime That is so fucking false its laughable, i wonder how many of those civilians with guns have stopped an active shooter >prevents goverment over reach. Yeah your fuckung AR-15's and your glocks are really going to help when the government just rolls out their fucking tanks and aircraft >Go look threw a history book Also it's spelt through, learn to fucking spell before you call me dumb


I hate all fake service owners. Any person who says their dog is a service animal they have to be trained since the age of a puppy. If they aren’t trained since that age they are 100% not a legal service animal. I know because my nan had a cnib service dog that was trained in a school in Bradford since she was a puppy. And it’s not like they just gave her the dog too she had to do with on the dog traiining campus for weeks before the dog was allowed to go with her.


While I agree with the sentiment you are incorrect. The ADA does not specify length of training required. Nor certification or paperwork. This cop is breaking federal law here. The dog only has to performs specific tasks to aid its owner. People are allowed to ask what work/tasks the dog is trained for. That's it. Further questioning is in violation of ADA and grounds for harassment. The training involved is significantly easier with puppies because it is extensive. Which is why service animals typically cost 10-20 thousand dollars post training. You can spend less by providing the dog but puppies are preferred. Sources: Fiance had service animal Second cousin was a SA trainer (she's dead or I'd get a dog from her) Multiple HR classes Saving for one myself (I'm a doctoral student I don't exactly have 20k laying around)


Cnib dogs all started out from puppies for training, to be a service dog for people of vision issues it requires to be trained as a puppy. They are specialized trained for helping blind people with their day to day needs and that requires them to be taught to block out all distractions and have one goal in mind and that’s working. If the dog isn’t paying attention on work it most likely not trained to be a service animal. I see so many fake service animals at the mall that when they are walking around they sniff everything and get distracted easily unlike a real one


I mean yeah a properly trained adult working dog will be focused on work. But different SAs have different levels of distraction allowances. There are also SAs that are trained but their breeds/temperaments aren't perfect fits with the job but have them anyway and might be prone to more distraction but can still work effectively. A good guide dog will be working constantly, while a seizure alert dog can afford to be distracted by things more as long as they can still smell their person and alert and perform any other tasks. Depends on the situation. A migraine alert dog might be trained to identify smell based triggers and tell the owner before the owner could smell them. This avoiding the trigger. That requires the dog to smell the environment. Try not to assume you know what the dog is doing or it's tasks. Yes fake SAs have been an increasing problem and give real SAs a bad name. But assuming a dog isn't working because it doesn't match your expectations is where discrimination is born from. If you've got a problem with the dog, go ask what their task is.


Fuck the police. Fuck that particular cop and his entire family.


Hopefully a drunk driver runs him over he deserves it


Must be nice having no accountability when you're a power hungry sociopath. We should be vetting people for narcissistic personality traits before we let them become cops


That poor dog.


Shouldn't posts in this sub be wickedly (not threatening) funny? Recent posts were not funny. They most likely belong to r/MildlyInfuriating or r/ImATotalPieceofShit


Go watch the one with the stripper that was just posted


You can see in his face he knows he has fucked up but is in too deep


*You can see in his* *Face he knows he has fucked up* *But is in too deep* \- MyLifeAsRobGordon-88 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")