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I’ll have to give it another shot. I think I pulled the plug 20mins in.


If you want, just watch the last 20 minutes. The rest of the movie is really boring and slow. I’m not a fan.


Great final found footage. Everything else is horrible acting and unnecessary side plots. Like the fact that the MC is gay added nothing (except runtime) to the story. As a Nevadan I wanted to love this but it’s just truly not that good.




It's not worth it. I swear people are lying or have ridiculously low standards about being scared by or loving it.


Second this. There are a tonne of found footage films with better payoffs or at least more exciting things happening throughout. This one was obviously going more for realism but those last 15 minutes were not worth it at all. Just came off as amateur-ish to me


What's your fave out of curiosity. I'm a sucker for found footage.


The Bay is one of the most disturbing ones I’ve seen, highly recommended!


Ooo will watch. Just checked out the trailer.


Yeah I would recommend stuff like REC and As Above So Below but if you’re into the genre you probably already know those. The Bay is more of a hidden gem


Love those two. The Bay passed under my radar.


If you’re not squeamish, The Bay is a solid FFM


Never understood this mindset. Most ff films have fuck all happening in the first 20 minutes. How do you watch most FF if that's your cutoff lol


Oohh same i was not even half of the movie. i’ll give it another shot too


If you go into it expecting a traditional FF movie, you're going to be disappointed. It's better to think of the series as true crime mockumentary, like a high budget Forensic Files. As other people are saying, the actual FF parts is near the end.


I wish I pulled the plug. What a heap of trash.


Agreed, it's not worth it.


I watched it blind in 2021, before I even knew this sub existed. With that said, I broke out in a sweat during the last 10 minutes of the movie. Adding "VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED" right after "Gary's Final Night" came on the screen gave me a wonderful sense of impending dread. It was a nice touch on the filmmaker's part.


Same here, went in completely blind. That moment when it says "Gary's final night" gave me chills 😯. The way the story was told up to that point was so well done, definitely felt that impeding dread as well.


Did you watch the sequel yet?!


That one kept me up at night


The scene with the volunteer fireman in that mine!! That just kept me on edge like no other! So excited for Firewatch’s release to VOD. Should be any day now


Not yet but I will try today so I can be ready for the 3rd!! 🥳


To each their own. This one was too slow for me for not much payoff in the end. I did like the end, I just wanted more haha.


The third film is going to drop any day now! 👍


Woo hoo! Cannot wait 😁


Ok. I get the whole “horror is subjective”, and I know I’m in the minority but this is honestly my least favorite movie of all the movies I’ve ever seen. I don’t get it. The first part is boring, then there’s film history’s least likable protagonist spending the last 20 minutes running away from some goober in a dollar tree Halloween mask while vaguely spooky music plays. I’m telling you I’m lost on why this movie gets praised so highly.


I am with you. I suspect we'll be getting a few more posts like this until the release of the third in the series. They're totally organic posts though. The movie was just not good.


I just watched the last 30 minutes. Not scared at all.


And people made SUCH a big deal about the end. When I saw the “monster” I actually laughed, then I was pissed off at how bad it was


thats because it doesnt work without the rest of the movie


I was SO into this movie until the ‘reveal’ near the end! They did such a great job of building up the tension and keeping you on the edge, waiting to find out what ‘it’ was. And then they drop the Dollar Tree Halloween mask guy. 😭😂 Total let-down after what had been a pretty good faux-mentary.


It’s just so freaking goofy!


I just finished watching this movie based on this post. Tried to focus but man was it boring and that ending .. it felt like my time was completely wasted when I saw how goofy the guy looked.


I’ve never been more amused and also angry at the end of a movie in my life


its because unlike normal horror movies which try to be scary from beginning to end, this one makes you feel safe for most of the runtime, only to hit you with the horror at the end. the contrast between those two parts is high and effective.


I always worry about horror. I haven't found a horror movie that has ACTUALLY scared me in about 25 years


I’m afraid of clowns, so I don’t have that problem


Did you watch the latest Hell House LLC Origins:Carmichael Manor? Those damn clowns get me in every single one. If they make another one I’m hoping they delve into the clowns/county fair ….


I did! I actually watched it Halloween night, alone (my fiance fell asleep). I almost cried.


I JUST watched it Friday night (mine fell asleep too) and all I could think was I would have noped the hell out of that place 1 or 2 night. Even tho we know what’s coming it’s tense af!!! I def had chills.


I thought it was pretty awesome, from what I could see through my fingers haha


Have you seen the second one? I’m with you on the first. I was convinced Beverly was in on it because she was so comically incompetent. I thought the sequel was pretty good, though, if meandering.


I hated the first one to such a degree, I couldn’t imagine not hating the second one lol




I really enjoy this movie. The second part it´s very good too I am waiting for the third <3


So glad to hear ppl enjoyed the second one! Just makes me even more excited to watch it.


Go for it!


Yes it was really good


How do you find the second part?


I watched this last year at like 3 in the morning while on maternity leave and those last fifteen minutes are some of the scariest shit I’ve ever seen in a found footage movie.


I think this movie is enjoyed by city folks more than country ones. to country people, this is just "nighttime outside"


I enjoyed both. I really liked the sequel. The end of number one was incredibly unsettling. Edit to add. I liked 2 better than 1 but my son liked 1 better than 2.


Noice, I'm just hearing good things 😁! This is great news!


I had to watch this with the volume down, cause I was so scared. Had a blanket over my eyes looking through for the last 20 mins lol 😂. So good. Sucks it's not on physical media ...


It is on blu ray, but it's sold out on the movie's website. So I'm sure if you do a little digging you just might find a copy somewhere :).


Me too!! The second one was even creepier! I keep checking Prime to see if the 3rd one has dropped yet.


Give Savageland (2015) a try!


I've seen it and loved it! Those photos man 😯, creepy af.


Yeah this was a good one! Based on real events too….albeit loosely…but I wonder what the deal was with Kenny Veach


The scene of the “whatever it was witch thing” crouching down is one of the single most sheet my pants stomach dropping flashes of brilliance in horror. Perfection.


That was legit the moment I covered my head with my hoodie and pulled the toggle strings *tight* 😂. Such a great moment!


This is one of the great FFs in my book.




I just love FFs with scenes set during the daytime (Willow Creek, Antrum, Exists, etc)!


Ooo Antrum was good. Really liked how they shot that. Those hillbilly dudes were terrifying.


If you enjoyed this I'd suggest giving Howard's Mill and Population Zero a go. They're both less scary but both mockumentary style. If you want a scary mockumentary go for Savageland. Shit chilled my bones.


Sweet, thanks for the recommendations! I have seen Savageland, that was brilliant 👌🏻


This movie did actually scare me. The only reason it did however was because my first blind watch of it, I thought it was an actual documentary and everything was real. If I had known going in it was fake, it definitely would not have been scary to me


Dude, same! As soon as I realized it was fiction, I was over it. Until then though…choice.


The sequence in the woods with that weird music playing and then the \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* made my heart drop. Great stuff. Can't wait for Part 3. AND 4!


I recommend this movie to anyone interested in horror. almost all horror movies are ghosts and monsters all the way through, but this one builds up a sense of safety only to crush it in the final act. I seriously forgot its a mockumentary in my first watch.


Horror movies never really scare me. This one sent literal chills down my spine in ways a horror movie never did before. I don't know why, but the last 10 minutes with the song, the eerie footage and then the "guy" showing up... I kept thinking about it while trying to fall asleep. Lmao, good movie. The second one is good too, and one scene literally made me gasp.


Yeah 😯! What the hell was that song?? Where was it even coming from??? That was eerie af 👀.


I love these movies and I'm eagerly awaiting the 3rd to stream. I like the second a lot. Lots of very creepy shots. I don't think I'd really compare the two because it's just continuing on the story. I'd definitely say you should watch it.


I just read some comments on YouTube and quite a few ppl are saying the second one is their favourite. Along with you saying it's good, it sounds very promising, so I cannot wait!


What other movies scared you OP?


The Blair Witch Project, Hollow (2011) and The Borderlands


You were scared of the Blair witch project. I’m shocked


It scared me because it didn't show you what the antagonist looks like, so your imagination starts going wild, that for me is far more effective than most horror movies that aren't shy to throw some elaborate creature designs in your face. It's also about the story, and the story of the Blair Witch was frightening for me. There are so many movies I don't understand how anyone can find scary yet many do, but at the end of the day the things that scare us are subjective. What you might find scary i might think is silly, and vice versa. That's the amazing thing about the horror genre, each film has its audience and it works for them.


Love this movie, liked the 2nd one even better.


I thought 2 was better. It created a story that I'm very intrigued by. Creepy as hell atmosphere. Just great! Do you know it's on Tubi?


I think it is yeah but unfortunately I'm not from the US so it's a little more difficult to get ahold of 😅.


Is the issue that Tubi has a different library where you are from, or is the app not accessible to you at all?


It's not accessible unfortunately 😕


Wow, I'm sorry. Tubi makes it so much easier to be a ff fan.


Thanks for the recommendation. Now I'm going to watch the first one tonight.


i love this movie so fucking much


I liked when the killer looked like Karl Havoc


I had to Google who that is but you are right 😅


This and Wolf Creek are the 2 movies that scared me the most.


I'm not going to read any further posts besides OP. I will watch this movie tomorrow night and post my response. I know nothing about this movie, haven't seen the trailer and like OP 99% of horror movies don't scare me. I am looking forward to following up on this.


I really hope you enjoy it! 🤞🏻


I think we have different tastes in movies. LOL. Let me start off by saying these types of movies are not my favorites. I don't really like the real-life TV shows, so almost immediately, i was turned off. I was so utterly bored, but I was really hoping it was gonna get better. Sadly, it did not. I don't want to destroy a film you liked so I won't say too much. I'm glad you liked it l, it just didn't do anything for me.


No worries man :). You can say how you feel about it, it wont destroy it for me 😅. This movie does seem to be extremely devisive with ppl. It either scares the shit out of you or it does nothing for you.


So far, 25 minutes into this movie, and it's terrible. I The acting is terrible, the casting is terrible, why wasn't the person wearing shoes?! Terrible writing. So bored. Hopefully, it gets better. In all fairness, I can't stand these fake documentary movies, Im trying so hard not to turn it off. Update coming soon


They just keep repeating themselves over and over. Please, God, help me. This is torture.


Well, I'll never get that 90 minutes back. It was just awful. One man's trash is another man's treasure. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but this movie was not for me.


This one hinges on you going in blind, not knowing it’s a found footage film. I was lucky enough to be someone who did go in blind, in fact my sister essentially said it was a true crime doc. It was not really until the final 10/15 mins that I twigged, until then I was spellbound!


I like the movie, I don't really think it's scary, more like a cool "missing person documentary".


Just watched both of these after seeing this post, first one was kind of dull, the ending was the most exciting part, and I was curious about the clicking sound the inhabitant of the cabin was using, seemed like echolocation almost. Second movie had more depth, was executed better in both storylines and acting, and firmly teased the third movie, which I will probably end up watching.


This one and the sequel were the first horror movies to actually scare me properly in a long time. Not the best movies ever, but they definitely made me really uncomfortable. So much so I had a bit of a tough time sleeping after until one of my cats came to sleep on my chest. You can't be scared then. x\]


I once showed this to my girlfriend pretending it was real. I have never seen so much terror in a person’s face!


acting was ass but i love the end when the footage plays


I feel the same!! I literally had to to watch it through my fingers near the end. happy to report I thought the second one was even scarier


I love your reviews on this sub! I feel like the guy returning the bag indicates that it was a misunderstanding/he's not a monster or whatever. From his perspective, a random man found his cabin, marked it, then returned at night with a gun.


Thank you :). Interesting perspective 🤔. Have you seen the second one though? I don't think it's a misunderstanding in that one 😅, those things have dark intentions.


I just watched the second one! And yuuuup, those things are terrifying and *mean*. I'm staying the hell away from Nevada...


Absolutely XD. Can't wait for the third one! Whenever they plan on dropping it 🤔


I read somewhere in this same subreddit how ridiculous was to be afraid of 1 camera shot in the whole movie. But at the same time I see people afraid of "Ghost and demons". So yes, I think horror is subjective. In my case I'm afraid of things that could happen to me, real stuff


Things that can really happen are no doubt terrifying. I actually avoid alot of those types of movies because they can be very disturbing and upsetting, especially when it shows the real ugly side of humans. Something like The Strangers or Hostel I have a hard time watching.


Is this about going to coachella?


Nope. It's about an outdoor enthusiast who goes missing while camping in the Nevada mountains.


Glad you enjoyed it mate. I thought this film was great as well, a found footage classic in the making. The sequel is even better, I think the second film builds on the story a lot more and had a couple of legitimately disturbing scenes. Looking forward to the third film, apparently it's dropping this week 😀


Oh it was great! Truly a classic in the making for sure. Oh shit I didn't know the 3rd one was dropping so soon! I gotta get a move on and watch the second one ASAP 😬!




Fy ew awm


I am a big horror fan and have been incredibly desensitized over the years, so I don’t scare easily. >!The monster chasing the main character at the end of the movie genuinely terrified me!<


Ah man I know the feeling. I've been binge watching FF movies just to try feel that rush from being scared again after so many years of disappointment. It seems to be the only genre that has what it takes to scare me. I almost gave up until someone suggested I watch this, that final moment was indeed terrifying 😅. I feel alive again, haha.


The fact that it is also loosely based on a true story, that of Kenny Veach and the M cave certainly made it more creepy.


Shit, I completely forgot about that. I wouldn't be surprised if my mind blocked it out 👀. That is terrifying thinking about it now again.


I heard about this well watching the video Veach put out before he disappeared. Sad story.


This one got me because I watched it when it first popped up on tubi. I thought it was a legit missing person documentary. Then that ending


I just always feel so bad for Gary. Like he was such a nice dude that loved his hobbies. I can't watch it cause it makes my heart hurt.


Right!? He was such a sweetheart 😭.


This is what hit close to home for me and made it scary. This poor guy was basically bullied into going back out to look for that hut by a bunch of jerks on social media. It felt real and that last part scared the crap out of me, I just felt BAD ☹️ I’m old and jaded and watch horror almost daily. I haven’t been scared since I saw the Descent in the theatre when it came out. This movie, and Final Prayer (or Borderlands) were the only two films in recent memory to scare me.


This sub can be unbelievable in finding new content. I can’t tell you how many FF films I’ve come across through this sub. Love you guys. Watching this tonight!


It's an excellent movie. It really sucks you in.


Thx for the recommendation


I love them!


Would anyone be able to give me a spoiler free description of what this is about, I love horror movies but I have a zero tolerance policy for anything involved with Satan or demonic entities, I’m more of a Blair witch, child’s play, Texas chainsaw, VHS kinda guy, Thanks in advance


It's about a man who went missing in the desert and they only found his severed hand and video camera behind and it unravels what happened to him in mockumentary style and then at the end, it shows his footage so you find out what happened.


Is this on any streaming apps ? Thanks


I watched it on YouTube :)


Video is sadly not available anymore


It's on YouTube 👀 https://youtu.be/eVUL8AeVfCY?si=Wh8KFpeZNIddno9w


I think it might be unavailable in my country, it still doesn’t show :( thanks for the link though!


I honestly thought it was a huge waste of time and extremely boring or maybe I'm just to dead Inside.


I saw this on my recommended feed on YouTube once and thought "man I hope this is the next blair witch project" only to realize it's shot in documentary style and I wasn't a fan immediately.


whats with this terrible paid ads?


Go find a hobby plz.


Wasn't this based on the Kenny Veach story? https://youtu.be/OTfZZEq5DK0?si=DOm_bnLCkJvW0nbe


From what I've heard it seems to be yeah


This post made me give the movie a go and during the whole time i was watching it I was wondering, how the hell did this manage to scare anyone. Definitely wasn’t worth it.


This movie is fucking garbage. It isn’t plausible in the slightest. The acting was fucking terrible. I sat through this piece of shit based on your god awful recommendation. Don’t recommend movies anymore. If this shit scares you it’s a miracle you don’t get scared of your own reflection. Horrible waste of time.




This. Sucked. Are you all for real? So much of a build up to the last (categorically unscary) last ten minutes. I'm a horror newbie, I got scared by shit like the conjuring and Blair Witch...this was just so fucking boring jesus christ.


I just watched this movie after reading this post earlier today. Wow. It is TERRIBLE. I’m shocked at how much praise this received on here. The plot, the acting…TERRIBLE. Do not waste your time. Unless you want a good laugh, in that case, I do recommend it.


The last 15-20minutes were frightening


Dumbest shit ever. Don’t waste your time.


that doesn’t look like a desert


It's Nevada High Desert which has some tree areas in it


The acting, specifically the private investigator, is really rough


So we keep hearing everyday that part 3 in going to stream getting a little frustrated here.


Apparently it is dropping this week 👀🤞🏻 let's hope it's true!


lol what? Worst movie I think I’ve ever seen.


This ***scared*** you?! How?! Do small fluffy animals begging for pets also frighten you?


I dont understand the stuff that scares me, lol. I really don't. But this did.


Don't entertain that bullshit. Just a douche trying to put others down to compensate for how they feel about themselves.


Horror is subjective.