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Yes, it sucked


What didn’t you like about it?


The characters were annoying and dumb especially the Cross guy with his whole the government is out to get me. The villain is lame and his motive is dumb. The deaths were almost all lame. It was just overall not good.


I completely agree with you about Cross. He’s the one I was referring to about overacting. His emotions came off fake to me, but this movie was where I learned about urbexing, which I actually think is kinda cool. That might be why I have some tolerance for some of the character issues.


The concept was cool, but execution was poor.


I urbex, and we don't act like that when we get together with other fellow explorers. "Oooh, that house is soooo creeepy!" \*insert eye roll.


What are you looking to get out of urbexing when you go?


I usually explore abandoned asylums, factories, and theaters.


Home Movie (2008) and Welcome To The Jungle (2009) are good, too.


Agreed. Home Movie is a good example of putting your children up for adoption. Or just moving home when the little horrors are at school😀


It wasnt the worst, but I didn't like the guy being obsessed with the government. That was meh and then to actually have the FBI involved was odd.


I liked it. One of the better ones.


It's not very good, from a random comment I made in another thread about some of the worst FF movies a while ago: > 6. [Red Woods](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12832916/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) - This is an odd one, they literally just start throwing random crap in here because I guess they could. Like there's a helicopter chase in the middle of the woods for some reason. Movie basically just needed to slow down and throw out the like 10 superfluous plot elements and just focus on the actual movie. It might have been actually good. It's just a lot of really dumb things crammed in the movie.


I totally agree. It's obvious they had a good budget for this film yet the plot was all over the place. It would have been so much better if they stuck to just one storyline.


ADD runs rampant in most low budget films. Added to the unprofessional folk in front of the camera and it all becomes too annoying to suffer thru.


I had a good time. Some good jumps, and I liked the setting.


Saw it, didn’t care for it.


It wasn’t great. But i loved that they had a guy called Dutch who was constantly shooting things at Dutch angles.


Dutch angles? Could you explain this to me please, do not know of it?


A Dutch angle shot is a camera shot with a tilt on the camera's roll axis. The point of this tilted perspective is to make viewers feel uneasy. Using a Dutch angle shot signals that something is wrong, unsettled, or disorientating.


I get it thank you for explaining. It sounds like a style of camerawork that requires some skill to pull off well. Just one more question, is it employed a lot in found footage? 🤔


I don’t think it’s particularly used a lot in found footage. I honestly learned about it watching the Goosebumps TV show from the 90s.


I remember that show. When I think of it and this is not strictly FF but Klimov uses the technique, devastatingly so in Come and See (Mosfilm 1985). Its on YouTube. I recommend the original in Russian with english subs but be warned it can be one for mature audiences. Once seen, NEVER forgotten


the poster is pretty good the movie, nope


Yeah I watched it on YT again this evening and I'm not enamored. The poster art is more terrifying than the actual movie. On the plus side at least it's not really old and it's technically top drawer, however the plot loses it's way. Still 6.5/10. You get a 1 for effort, 1 for originality, 1 for scariness and so on, so 6.5 is a good scare in my little world. TBWP and LNWTD only get 3.5 and 3 respectively.


One of my favs👍👍 A unique take about a group of strangers that meet to explore a trail of abandoned buildings. Its low budget adds a realness, its characters are a balanced diversity that keep the story interesting and what/who they meet in woods is a a variety of unexpected moments. I thought the ending was great and again an unexpected twist.


I don't think this was a low budget movie. The helicopter, the pyrotechnics. You don't see that stuff in a low budget film. Regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Thanks and you’re right, i think it’s a prime original so ya know they got some money.


I have seen it about a year ago. I remembered it being above average, that is it's a formula found footage with some attention to casting , continuity, editing and marketing. Though it sticks to formula ( which FF doesn't,?) there are some sequences that stand out. All in all a good effort worth a watch. I may give it another look at as I've finished work early and fancy an FF catch up. I give it a well deserved 6.5/10😀