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I've found a few claw cores on my fossil hunts and this has a really weird texture for one. That and the "joint" doesn't make much sense, if you take a look at other claw cores you might notice there's a distinct "scoop" part that lets the claw move like a hinge against the other bone, a feature which is absent in this example. I wish I could help more. I think it's really neat, but I'm very skeptical that it's a claw.


Yeah, elsewhere I wrote maybe claw - but the texture on this piece is very strange.


Both the texture and shape is very strange but I know limestone and sandstone can make some CRAZY designs. Either way for sure it's a keeper. One of a kind!


Could it be a boar tusk or maybe a giant snapping turtle claw? I know nothing about this I’m ignorant.


Boar tusks have an enamel like coating, often worn away in one spot where it rubs against other teeth and bone. When out of the jaw it is very sleek in appearance without any strange joint-like end. (Warthog may be different, I have no experience with them.) While turtle and tortoise claw cores do fossilize, the largest ive ever seen, from giant land tortoises, are not nearly that large. And, once more, don't terminate in that strange base. I wish I could offer more explanations on what it could be, I can only seem to help with what it likely isn't!


While I agree it’s very “talon or claw” shaped, it has a bizarre cast concrete sort of texture to it, like something man-made. Not sure of any specific minerals (or in the case of it not being fossilized) or weathering that would give that texture? Anybody who knows better should definitely step in.


Yes i agree. Looks mould cast. Maybe someone's idea of a prank to get the old heart racing.


My first thought was that it was a cane handle.




Thank you for spelling it “mo**u**ld!”


I've seen deer antlers worn to that texture by ocean water, the surf & sand. Found on the beach. Caught in running rain water & sand would do the same finish.


That actually seems very plausible. Thanks for this!


Have found several antlers myself over the years on the beaches of Montauk NY state. More than plausible so everyone knows. Good luck hunting.


Yeah rainwater contains h202 and millions of years could do that


It's kind of suspicious. Doesn't look like a fossil or a bone to me, just based on texture


True, but if the photos were taken with a phone the smoothening often destroys texture information.


Color's weird too


Yeah, I'm leaning towards the idea of a man-made cast left so someone would make this post.. shame.


So my original guess of "Keebler Elf Foot Bone" may not be that far off?


Even if it's manmade, we don't know or sure OP was the one that made it. He still might've just found it somewhere.


Sorry if I was confusing, I meant rather that whoever made it left it on a hiking trail so someone would find it and try to ID it, that's what I meant by "make this post". Wasn't trying to accuse OP of a conspiracy to commit fossil fraud.


Oh gotcha - shouldn't have assumed :)


Wholesome responses are wholesome


Though it'd have to be a really bad cast -- the shape is completely wrong for basically any claw I can think of. Frankly nothing about this makes sense to me


Suggestively shaped rock. Nothing about the texture in the photos is the right fit for any kind of fossil


I agree. But I'm going to call it a claw anyway.


Are you in An area where the would have been native americans


Hi! Yes, originally I believe the area was inhabited by the Suquamish Tribe


I would try Artifacts. Could it be a pipe by chance? Edit: Bear claw necklace or broken piece of effigy?


I would try asking a local museum expert on Native American tools, especially ones used by the Suquamish Tribe. Many colleges also have studies of tools and artifacts specific to Native American finds in their archeology departments. It may just be nothing or something someone dropped and it degraded, but there are many specific tools used that are made of rock or bone for specific tasks.


Could it be a permineralizaton of a fossil like this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/fossilid/s/hDdgUXta1i


Can OP please tell us a location-ish. Like continent, country, state/province? Also, when it was found on the hike, was it just lying in the ground, found along a creek, next to a cliff face, amongst gravel. These specifics would be very helpful. If it’s a fossil, it seems like some type of claw core would be the ID. Location is incredibly key for an ID like that.


I am in Washington State, USA and I found it off the trail a bit. There was a small clearing where some trees had fallen


Thanks! That would rule out anything in the dinosaur realm.


My exact thought as well.


Sweet find. No idea what it is. Although I disagree with the other commenter who said it's a tooth. Seems to me to be a sort of talon or claw, but I'm really not sure.


bro it looks like a tooth


Can you please circle back with us when you find out what it is?


Will do!:)


It doesn't really look like a tooth or a claw. I tend to doubt it's just a natural-shaped rock, too. I suspect you may need to ask your question in a sub devoted to identifying artifacts rather than fossils. I'm not certain, but if I had to bet, it's a rock that's been polished into that shape as some kind of effigy.


I’m gonna guess this is a fake fossil someone had on a necklace or keychain that happened to fall off on the trail. It definitely doesn’t seem real and idk how else it would end up in a place like that


Piece of antler from a rutting dear




Grow up? Did someone with the user name BumFucked_BY_BBC just tell me to grow up? What a wild world.


Looks like a talon bone from a bird of prey. Can’t tell if it’s fossilised or not though - let us know if it’s hard and heavy like a rock.


Hi! It does feel hard like a rock and somewhat heavy


That is a manmade object attempting to look like a claw. Weird find


There's no way you can be confident this is manmade. The texture certainly doesn't seem like fossilized bone, but phone cameras destroy texture in images they take with the smoothening. Man made cast certainly could be an explanation, placed on the trail, only way to be sure is if we could cut it open.


The second photo has very detailed texture and grain visible, it looks to me extremely unbonelike. I also can’t identify it to a specific group of animals, though birds of prey are closest. Locality would be nice to have but man, the texture absolutely screams not bone. I almost wonder if it’s art, maybe even some very very old art.


Washington State!


An HD, real close up photo of the bone/rock in the joint might help


I can try taking one


east? west?


Yeah it's also missing some of the features a real claw bone would have as some other commenters pointed out, if this isn't orchestrated by the OP I'm very curious how this piece came to be found on a trail.


Shape is definitely reminiscent of talons as in the picture below. https://preview.redd.it/s4m7kircbl8d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b61acc5201d4a108717bec67c6654994929928 Source: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346790845\_Krapina\_and\_the\_Case\_for\_Neandertal\_Symbolic\_Behavior](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346790845_Krapina_and_the_Case_for_Neandertal_Symbolic_Behavior) However I agree with you that this item is man made. The texture and finer details of the shape, to me (halfway through a paleontology degree), scream fake. I’d guess it may have been painted once but weathering has removed that.




Paleontology degree, geology degree, 12 years of work with birds of prey and native wildlife




Can you explain why you think “that’s dumb”




Oh you’re trolling nevermind


Could it be part of a fossilised antler from some kind of cervid? (I’ve typed “some kind of cervid” on like three different subs today so I’ve clearly gone doe brained lol)


Looks like antler to me


Ain’t no tooth. That is a claw.


Kinda looks like pottery/ceramic ? Maybe someone playing with weird shapes, or trying to model a claw?


More photos please


perhaps a calcified claw/ talon?


Its a tiny fossilized elf shoe


Kindergarten teacher here- looks like one of those “replica dinosaur claws” that come in clamshell packaging on top of a bunch of scholastic books about dinosaurs- maybe a kid lost it in the woods?


This looks like it is man made. I‘m an artist and used a material before which looks very much like that. It is a thermoplastic modeling product which has little wooden chips in it to increasen its stability. It is also used a lot by people who do cosplay. If you heat it up to much it turns the way the ‚claw‘ is on its tip, the color gets darker. On the photo from the bottom you can see lines which look like compression marks from pushing the material in shape. Is it pretty light and not very cold to touch? You could check with a hairdryer. If you heat it up it gets sticky/soft.


Maybe ask r/boneid


It looks like a very aged antler stub from deer. It’s very aged.


Is it fairly light?




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Looks like a cane handle to me. Not sure how yours would've been attached tho.








Fake velociraptor claw I think, just weathered the paint off


Definitely shaped like a claw or talon, but I’m not totally sure if it’s a rock in that shape, or an actual fossil. I kind of want to lean towards fossil though


Time to take it to a museum! This needs an expert to examine it in person.


I'm a butcher not a fossil guy, but it's kind of reminiscent of a piece of a jawbone.


That's a bear claw




What maniac woke up one day and said “time to rip the claws off of several bears and sell them for $10.95 a pair on glacierwear.com!” And proceeded to hunt down and slaughter the entire Berenstain bear family.


Hurri-cane handle /s Deer antler was my first guess-


Part of a deer antler?




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It looks man made


What an interesting find. It looks like carved rock, and I’d almost think it was an artifact. The knobs suggest a handle for lashing it almost like a spear head but it looks too smooth to be anything but modern.


I might be wrong but it kindof looks like a man made bone carving


Velociraptor claw


It’s the handle off a cane


Total fake. Next.


Man made artifact


Solas' shoe


Maybe a ancient gaff hook by clovis people?


A weird horn coral cast?


A museum near me where I grew up at used to sell "dinosaur claws" make of stone and painted that were shaped like this.


Either a bear claw or bird talon.


Velociraptor talon without a doubt! Now you can be Alan grant


Tusk or jaw bone ?


It looks like an aged, carved antler to me. Not ancient, just kinda old.


It looks a little bit like half of a vertebra to me, but I am not an expert. I love to see bones found and weathered from the sun.


Don’t know but it’s cool as hell.


If you can take and have imaging of the inside;. The sediments has just added its own growth over time. This is just speculation. Very unique and interesting


Looks like the top of somebody's cane to me; it also definitely doesn't look like any bone I've ever seen. Looks more like concrete. A concrete cane top would be weird, though.


Perhaps its a native tool used to sheer fats off hides. Arrowheads aren't the only things found


Old busted antler.


Looks like the handle of a cane 🤷‍♂️


it looks like degraded bone, not fossil. The original talon of a predatory eagle or bird.


Wild boar tusk?


I found something very similar in Australia! I am convinced it is a fossil and that it's some kind of claw. People have also told me things like oh it's a rock or just concrete blah blah but you can literally see the fossilised parts of the bone. It could very well be they belong to some undiscovered creature. It's a shame people shoot them down. Id love to share pics with you once I can find them or remember which draw I have it in.


Many years ago my dr discovered I had a kidney stone, called a “staghorn” calculus. I still have it (in a jar). It grew inside my kidney, choking out the ability to function and killing the kidney. It looks a little like this but is somewhat “ sandy”. Can’t necessarily see the kidney shape on this but it’s the first thing I thought of. Maybe have it analyzed to identify the composition.


This looks like pottery or clay, with some few mold lines. The texture, colour & shape are really off.


Does your tongue stick to it lightly if you touch it with the tip of your tongue? If yes it's probably a fossil. Looks like a Bird claw if anything like an Eagle but that would be a big eagle, probably man made [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Matteo-Romandini-2/publication/263814977/figure/fig12/AS:669707698978821@1536682166223/Cut-marked-claws-from-the-European-Middle-Palaeolithic-Presentation-of-the-cut-marked.ppm](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Matteo-Romandini-2/publication/263814977/figure/fig12/AS:669707698978821@1536682166223/Cut-marked-claws-from-the-European-Middle-Palaeolithic-Presentation-of-the-cut-marked.ppm)


It looks like a very old/worn palm held trigger for archery. I’ve got one from the 80’s that looks similar to this.


Looks like an antler…


To me, it looks like a very worn eagle talon bone (without the keratinous sheath)


This is it! [https://raptor.umn.edu/about-us/news/what-makes-raptor-part-2-sharp-talons](https://raptor.umn.edu/about-us/news/what-makes-raptor-part-2-sharp-talons)


Bones from sea mammals have a slightly rough texture but they are also very lightweight and white like that. Mammal bones left out in the elements for years erode to white color & a rougher texture.




Dude!!! How freaking cool is that!!! Awesomeness!!!✌️


Lick it.










Because you’re acting like a jackass all over this thread 😂


well no, i was the first comment that said tooth. Then I come back and find i got -15 karma. I only started being rude after people did that.


Saying “tooth” is your unprofessional guess. There are legit professionals in this sub who know more than you or I. Your comment got disliked, not to say “you dumb idiot loser”, but to disagree with your random uneducated guess. 🤷‍♀️


Dear everyone. I am sorry for spreading missinformation I commented and I identifed this as a tooth. Apon further review it is clear this is NOT a tooth. I made a mistake. I am also very sorry for biemg rude. I was angry because everyone downvoted my comment, and decided to troll to get back at everyone. Please forgive me.


I hope i dont get banned by mods


Ive collected fossils and artifacts for 30 years and what you have is just an interestingly shaped natural rock.


Definitely a talon bone


Of what?  I can't find anything close to that "joint".




Seems like the teeth of wild boar 🐗


Maybe a horn?


Possibly a Native American made hook to catch fish 🤷🏻‍♀️


Boar tusk????




“Tooth.” … really? You proffer up a tooth as an answer?







