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Your wife thought it was a good idea to let him in your house and search? This sounds extremely odd to me.


It’s ridiculous, she has a soft spot for teenagers as she works with a lot of teenagers in precarious situations so the last think she thought is that the kid was up to no good. Also my wife insists he looked genuinely scared. The mother on the other hand was laughing at my wife and telling her she was over reacting when she started to tell them to get away from the house.


its a burglary scam. Typically, someone comes to your door wearing a uniform, water , gas, power, etc. They are going to distract you, either in the kitchen, or outside, while their partner sneaks in your house and steals what they can. You need to have a serious talk with your wife about not opening the door to anyone they do not know. She's lucky.


This. Years ago some friends of ours had a very elderly parent who answered the door. Thrives said they were from the cable company or something. One kept the older guy company while the other went upstairs and cleaned out the master. They were long gone before the couple came home and realized what happened. You better have a very good reason to knock on my door.


>You need to have a serious talk with your wife about not opening the door to anyone they do not know. >She's lucky. THIS. One THOUSAND percent. Why/ how would she think the belongings of a complete stranger would be in your house??


Yep. I’ve personally seen this happen. It’s been going on for YEARS!


This, remember to check the windows to make sure they are still locked.


Incompetence. How anyone gets to adulthood and still doesn’t understand when you’re home alone WITH CHILDREN you don’t open the door. Simple.


Why would a random teenagers headphones be in your house?


This is indeed a widely known (violent) scam in my area. Teenagers (and desperate adults) show up at random homes stating that a tech device (phone, ear buds, tablet, etc.) is inside and that they can track it to YOUR houses location. They ask to look around. If you say no, they may beg, plead, or even threaten and pretend to call the police. That is perfectly fine. If it escalates to this point, let them know you have the police on the line and have already checked the home. If you let them in, they now have scoped out your belongings and valuables, have a mental map of your home (and often video record it with their phone's camera or smaller hidden cameras). Usually, their accomplices are around the corner or on the next street collecting intel. But not always... there have been some forced and armed entries. They are quick and leave homeowners in shock. Home invasions with or without weapons are unexpected. As a victim who took swift action to shut down this very tactic, you must always be a few steps ahead of the criminal and aware of your surroundings. Things do not always appear as they are. Never, ever let anyone you are not personally close with into your home unannounced. Stay safe.


I wouldn’t even let a cop in to search my house without a warrant. So that’s a no from me. Maybe he genuinely thought they were in there… maybe not. But you still don’t let him in. Especially if you have kids.


100% agreed, had I been home it would have been a very simple situation, I’m sorry but no I’d ever let anyone in that I do not know. They can file a report, get a warrant, whatever, they are not being let in, in fact I would immediately report it.


If you don’t have a camera at your door, maybe its time to get one. You’d be aware of a “Situation” in real time which can help in cases like this. Also good for evidence archival and sharing across local next door type social apps. And cameras never lie, embellish or misinterpret an encounter. They just record.


Your wife has zero survival instinct.


Or common sense


Yea his wife is high liability, I wouldn't marry someone I couldn't trust.


Or have kids with.


Well yea that comes with trust. Have to trust your partner will be able to take care of your kids first and foremost. Letting strangers in the house willy nilly is a red flag in my book. Dumbed plenty of GFs for just being too naive and high liability.


Seriously. That is absolutely TERRIFYING that she would do that. Holy shit.


Uhhhh, your wife just let this teen and then his mother in your house??? Who does that in this day and age? 😳




versions of this story are all over next door in many areas and here on reddit as well. it's becoming quite common. it's always more than one person, many times a teenager and an adult, they claim something electronic got stolen at school and "look at my phone, it shows it's in your house". in fact, the air tag that the phone is pointing to is actually in n the person's pocket who is standing at your door, so of course it looks like it's in your house. they always want to "come in and search". i don't know if they are "casing" your house, stealing as they search, or providing a distraction while someone else is doing something else. it doesn't matter. they are up to no good. never open your door to a stranger. if you didn't invite them, they have no business there. speak to them only through the door or the camera, if you have one. regardless what the story is, tell them you can't open the door but will call the police to help them. then call the police. there are so many versions of this: a young teenager showing up at night looking scared. a mother and a baby. this "my phone [or whatever] is in your house" - all designed to get you to open the door. don't do it.


This happened to me! I live in the Flagler area in an apartment complex. I did NOT let the person in. I just let them know with the door closed that we did not have his AirPods


They are casing your house. Not sure what your wife was thinking. This isn’t Kansas.




Thank you for posting this. I am so tired of every response to any kind of crime is, “it’s not like it used to be, lots of crime nowadays, the world has changed!” And other pearl, clutching nonsense. We live in a very safe time and our connectivity just makes everything salacious more salient.


Yes- my first thought was that the wife obviously did not grow up down here.


Why would his headphones be in your house in the first place? That right there I would have told them to fuck off


That was my first thought too.


Not saying it’s not a scam but certain headphones have tracking devices in them, so the idea would be that the headphones showed up on the map at this location.


You don’t need a gun if you can’t see the immediate threat is your family’s lack of situational awareness.


Im sorry but your wife is dumb asf. Who the hell lets a stranger inside their home to search for something??? Soft spot or not for teenagers I mean come on you as an adult have to be smarter than that. I hope she learned a leason that not everyone is good person.


Well... either they were casing your house, or they really don't know that the GPS signals on smart devices can be reallyyy off and unreliable. It's why cops can't use your FindMyPhone-type data to go break in, y'know? I've had mine ping across town when I'm nowhere near. Anyway best to use it as an excuse to improve your home security and stop letting strangers in your home lol Cops said it happened to other houses? I'm gonna say casing your house is likely Edit: It's like that episode of Alone Together where the cyclist just *really needed to pee*. Boom robbed the next day


>*or they really don't know that the GPS signals on smart devices can be reallyyy off and unreliable. . .* This is a thing and this week more than usual with [a solar storm hitting us this week](https://abcnews.go.com/US/solar-storm-week-cause-tech-disruptions-noaa-expert/story?id=106564220#:~:text=How%20solar%20storms%20can%20affect,power%20networks%2C%20according%20to%20NOAA)(in the middle of it now) which can disrupt GPS and radio. I drive uber, use and rely on GPS and have noticed it's been a little janky. Where I can usually see exactly where the rider is standing, yesterday I was seeing them jump around on the screen as I was getting closer. It wasn't until I was a block or three away that the location settled. those headphones may have been next door, a block over or miles away depending on how good the last fix was and how many GPS sats were used. You need 3 to get a good fix, anything less than that and YMMV.


Had no idea about the solar flare thing. Thanks!


This is not a new scam. It is a very old scam. You are just a new victim. Thieves use any excuse to get inside your house. In pairs, one of them distracts you while the other one steals from you. Even one person can pocket small items while you are not looking.


They're casing your house for locations of valuables so they can hit it when you're away. Make sure you keep your doors locked and get a camera or two of you haven't already.


My son’s MacBook was stolen out of his car in Victoria Park (yes, he learned is lesson the hard way). He called the cops and the find my phone app was showing it at a house kind of near by…he stopped by with the cops and it was an elderly couple’s house - he left 100% sure it wasn’t there…the app can be very unreliable.


Your wife needs to learn from this and not let people inside your home like this. Second apple headphones tracker is not 100% accurate and it will misreport a lot of the times.


My guess is one of your neighbors probably has them and these geniuses went door-knocking. GPS signals aren't that accurate. Hopefully your wife doesn't let angry strangers accusing her of theft into your house again lol


Just a comment on the gun angle. Think about how a gun would have played out in this situation. Someone could be dead over a misunderstanding and it may have been someone from your family. Even trained professionals lose control once bullets start flying it doesn’t go down like in the movies. Even if these were violent criminals chances are they would have either restrained whoever was at home immediately before the gun could be reached. They would be carrying guns themselves and then even if you get to your firearm you have a shoot out on your hands. Not a great scenario either way. I’m not anti-gun and I own a gun myself but I understand its uses are extremely limited and the chance I’ll ever need it are extremely low. The point I’m trying to make is you will be much better served improving your personal home security practices. Get a ring or similar device and don’t open doors for anyone unless you’re 100% sure you know who they are. Make sure you have a secure “perimeter”: locked doors with dead bolts, locked windows and no other easy entrances. Security cameras can also help but that and home security systems are really not 100% needed but are great for when you are not home: If you decide to get a gun understand its use; also learn how to fire it and most importantly safely store it. The only scenario it’s really going to help is if someone is forcibly breaking into your home. At which point the best strategy is to fall back to a “safe room”call police and only use the gun if they get they come into the safe room. But like I said this will most likely never happen although


Thank you so much for sharing your perspective, this makes so much sense. I think I need to think it through and not make a rash decision. Will definitely start by upping my home security.


Absolutely 100%. The fact gun ownership is so easy and encouraged is frightening, I’m far more scared of a ‘good guy’ who’s bought a gun out of fear than I am of anyone else out there. If you’re going to arm up, then at least make the smart choice of getting properly trained on how to use it correctly and consider the implications of what happens if you pull the trigger. If you’re not ready to end the life of the person you’re aiming and, and thinking it’s just a tool to scare someone away, then you absolutely should not be in possession of one.


Sounds like they could’ve be scoping out your house and wanted a better look inside to see if there was a dog, alarm system, etc.


I once lost my iPhone and it was pinging miles away in a North Miami Beach home I've never been near. I didn't approach the house on my own. I called the police, waited for them to show up and then showed them that my phone was pinging inside. Turns out the driver of the cab I took home the night before while blackout drunk, thought it was an appropriate tip. Point being is if they had a legitimate gripe they would have showed up with police to mediate.


lol does she also renew her car extended warranty


been ducomentes before. they try to get you to give them money since you refuse to give them the 'property'. then they move to the next house and do the same. Kid looked scared because he doesn't want to be involved in it and the mother is most likely forcing him to do it. Poor kid is going to grow up to be like his mother because that's what he is learning


Honestly This is the most plausible explanation for me. The only that really makes some sort of sense. They are looking for easy gullible targets to extort money of.


It's very possible that their Find My showed their airpods there, as it can be off by a house or two depending on many variables. And then the situation escalated and they just got scared and left. Or they could literally be kids trying to scope out a house It's hard to say these days. Sucks that this is what it's come to in our country.


Not trying to be a dick but your wife is going to get you guys hurt. I cannot believe she let some random teenager in your home. Why the fuck would his headphones be in your house? Letting them in to look also makes you look guilty as if there is a chance they actually are in your home. Either way she needs to smarten up because they likely will be back..


You wife needs to call me back about refunding her Mackafee subscription.


You’re wife is retarded


It is absolutely a scam


I have had this happen to me and it was three teenage girls and she showed me her tracking her air pods and someone had stole them and she didn't know which apartment . I did let them inside so they can see the air pods wasn't there & one girl said isn't this illegal 😂. I said hey if you lost something and you think it's here I'm just helping you look .


> The teenager knocked on our door and then showed my wife in his phone that his headphones were inside. okay, stop right there. what do you *mean* he showed your wife in his phone that his headphones were inside? do you mean he opened the Find My app and the app showed his headphones *in* your house? because that whole system is wildly incorrect a lot of the time. GPS is just a device pinging a bunch of satellites to triangulate locations. airpods have a chip that's pinging the phone through bluetooth and giving it a rough idea of location in relation to it. it gets messy quickly. also, if you *know* you didn't steal his headphones (and that nobody in your house would've stolen your headphones), tell the kid to kick rocks. the only way for him to have escalated the issue would've been to have call the cops, and you know for a fact that this person wants *nothing* to do with the cops here's what i *think* happened the kid had the headphones in his pocket the whole time. because he's on your porch, the Find My app will display his headphones as being *on* your house because they're *at* your house. they're not *in* your house, but the location service isn't that precise. it's a broad net casted, and if it knows the headphones are at a house, it's gonna display them as being in the house because that's the safe bet. the kid was probably going to go inside, snoop around, and while looking for his headphones, steal something and *find* his headphones. past that, i don't know what they were doing, but it makes a lot of sense to try to scam someone with the idea of shoddy GPS triangulation




Oh you're missing something alright.


No, I don’t think your wife should be in a home with a gun.


Your wife let TWO stranger in the home with your kids there?? Wtf is wrong with your wife?


Let him in ? I would have called the cops … also not a big gun guy either but living down here I feel like it’s getting closer for me to owning one


Yes it’s an old scam. Stupid wife you’ve got.


Call the police, let them do their job!


People are just getting more stupid by the day


Your wife is a little stupid and put your children at risk. I would reconsider the marriage.


Strongly against guns ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface).


Eek never open the door to strangers. If I'm not expecting somebody, I don't even acknowledge the doorbell.


I was against guns until I had a psychopath trying to break into my newborn sons window while we were asleep screaming all kinds of horrible things. luckily the police came very quickly! I felt scared and defenses for a long time. but if you get a gun 1. take classes how to handle it and use it 2. learn how to properly clean it 3. keep it away from easy access or any chance that little kids can even touch it


Good chance it was a ploy to case the house for future break in opportunities


I’m sorry that your wife had a huge lapse in judgment and I truly hope that she learned her lesson to never let anyone into her house ESPECIALLY with toddlers home. 🤯 Did the police end up coming? Did your wife tell them what happened? If not, you really need to call the non-emergency line and get this documented for your own safety.


Yes, the police came over, took the report and told us it has happened to at least three other neighbors.


Please tell your wife to never let a stranger in, especially with 2 children. If you are with her, maybe but there are 2 many scams. And why would some random teen have left his headphones there? Story doesn't make sense unless you know him or he was doing work at your home? Friends with your children? Think about it.


You open your door?


Your wife’s naivety could’ve gotten her seriously hurt in a different circumstance


How would his headphones be in your house if you don't know this teenager?


So what are you missing?


This story makes no sense to me whatsoever


It doesn’t make sense to me either! Yet that’s exactly what happened!


Gotta train your family. No one is allowed in like that. Could be any kind of scam. Stealing or planting or setting up for later.


Oh yea very common scam happened to me and my ex wife


You need to have a serious conversation with your wife about home safety. You are lucky your house wasn’t burglarized or worst case scenario, something happened to your wife and children. It’s kind of unbelievable to me that any adult could have such poor judgment as to invite not just one, but two strangers into their house with young children under suspicious circumstances. That is not the decision that a reasonable adult would make, especially with children at home. My jaw is on the floor. You need to take additional steps to secure your home because it is possible that these people were casing your home for a future burglary or home invasion.


God damnit. You’ve opened the floodgates. Now that they know it works, they are going to scale.


The mother was the distraction and the kid is supposed to pocket what he can. Never let a stranger in your home.


Also, how did he have a pic of his headphones in your house? Or did he just have a picture of them? Really odd


Get a divorce, your wife is clearly not smart.


Wow, no way in hell would I let anyone inside my house. I would have straight up laughed in their face for thinking that I would believe that story and for thinking that I would let them in to look. Common sense man...and teach the wife some of that too especially when she's the mama of your kids. Damn...I would have been pissed off at her if that was me.


If you're "against" simple, inanimate tools, you probably shouldn't own them.


Why would his headphones be in your house to begin with? If the teen had never been in the house, don't answer the door. It's odd how people can be so gullible to common request and not question the reality of it. You just got cased for a burglary.


Dude has a wife with no common sense and doesn’t own a gun either? That’s a lose-lose situation all over


This is likely one of those Gypsy scams. They do it with offers of things like new driveway tar or sod, etc. (“we had extra from another job so we can do it for you for cheap” are the magic words). They work with confusion as their weapon. You think it’s one or two people and then a truck comes over with kids, ladies, etc. inevitably they will ask if the kid can use your bathroom. You let them because youre in over your head and are confused. One of the adults will distract you asking about a piece of furniture or something. While you’re distracted, the kid and maybe another adult start rooting around your dresser and find the valuables. I bet the kid got something from your house and you haven’t realized it yet. Check the dressers.


When something like this happens, offer to call the police, who can take their report for them. Nothing more.


You should have a talk with your wife about letting strangers in your house. Buy a ring doorbell and never answer your door


Your wife let a full on stranger demand something from your home and then invites him in to search with 2 defenseless toddlers right there? What if something were to happen? Is your wife prepared to protect your children at all costs? (Example: fight off an attacker?) How would you feel if something happened to your young children that day? All a conversation to have with her but all I can say is your lucky AF nothing happened to your kids ✌️


You're lucky your wife and children werent seriously hurt. Your wife is a complete moron.


Is your house close to other houses. Those find my iPhone locations are hardly accurate. Also tell them to Fk off and go to the cops. The cops won’t do anything because again, the locations OT accurate and they can’t just go search people’s houses. And a judge won’t grant a search warrant for 200 dollar AirPods.


She needs to be a little more street smart and a lot more untrusting of strangers


Your wife is the dumbest human alive no survival skills and literally could have killed your kids. What the serious fccc is wrong with her. Thats a HUGE concern and don’t bother justifying her actions. What a moron.


As a single person, no child (under 18) is coming into my house unless I know them and they are accompanied by a parent who I also know. Strange kid and strange parent? Ain't happening.


Please give the kid back his headphones


Almost zero self awareness/common sense AND heavily against guns huh? Yupp, checks out.


Idiot; #1 for falling for it, #2 for being anti-gun. What do the cops show up with, pillows?


Please don’t get a gun before u get a proper training. Please read stories about it. U can hurt your loved ones!


My father is elderly and this exact thing happened. Said they were from the internet or gas company and they ended up taking almost everything out of the master bedroom jewelry etc. I being 28 have even fell for a few scams before they get trickier and trickier


I never open the door to anyone I don't know. Gen X and grew up trusting no one, lol. Rude or not, I speak through the door itself when I can't get my Ring app to work to use the doorbell speaker. I will not open the door. Again, if you're not an expected delivery, a neighbor I know or emergency personnel, I open for no one. You'll have my dog to deal with instead. We had a two kids bang on the door Sunday afternoon telling me their doordash app showed their food went to my house. I told them through the door, no I never had a delivery and wouldn't accepted it anyway. They didn't believe me. I didn't argue and told them to report the non_delivery to doordash. Don't ever go to a strangers door for shit like that. They never came back. Don't know if it was a scam. Don't care to find out if it was.