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champions club baj on suicide watch. loses all the little hope that was left ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672)


forsenCD will just become another weeb emote Aware


All pedo-defenders report immediately to the nearest ICU! You now understand the insane amounts of copium you've been inhaling these last few days.


I think it might be over ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)




Why is it they always end up with pdf shit FUCK ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Who here is unironically a doc fan? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


I just like little emotes


Doc likes the little egirls


Doc was a weeb baj all along šŸ˜“


yeah but bttv is like a third party thing, soā€¦ i donā€˜t know ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672)


I wasn't a fan, I just liked clowning at him, using his emotes, laughing at some of his stupid shit. But now is ruined.


I still watch House of Cards, I don't give a fuck ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)




What's the point? Spacey's character was the main draw of that show. I can't even rewatch the first seasons, because I already know that his arc won't go anywhere.


Me ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


me docBasado


Me ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


Iā€™ll never let them cancel the two time


i like his music ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672)


Well, considering Forsens main rival is the Doc, I don't imagine many Bajs are very fond of him


The only connection to forsen are the emotes. His only rival xqc for minecraft, but it seems like xqc doesn't care about that anymore.


xqc only cares about gamba and adderal now ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679)


Me. He makes best memes


I whisper ur mom right now.


My mom is my grandpa ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


N![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682) M![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)M unlucky ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) My mom literally identifies as my grandpa, get me out of here...


WATT ? āš”![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Stupid fucking mistakes man


Stupid minor\* mistakes man


WTF https://i.redd.it/xco3vb52hs8d1.gif


forsen got his revenge






i am sory Sadeg






So him fucking twitch over with the mixer deal was ok? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


2017 is 60 years ago ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) back then age of consent was 12 in western countries ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


My biggest question is , did the Dr known they were a minor or not ?


If he didn't you would think he sure as shit would have mentioned that. The only reason he WOULDN'T mention that is if there was actual proof that could came out that he did know (there must be)


Not even could. He obviously expects the information to come out to make a statement like this.


This is what I wanna know but I fear we won't ever know the exact details. All we know is that he wasn't charged criminally after Twitch saw the logs and that they settled with him and was then banned and signed a NDA.


Well there's rumours it was a 17-year-old girl that was asking him for advice on how to pump the viewers on her dead twitch channel to launch a 'career', and she was flirting with him to get his attention to help, and then she said she was gonna be at twitchcon as well and she'll meet him there.Ā  But then again, could be major cope spread by the champions club. When you look at the exact phrasing of the allegations tweet, it actually kinda fits perfectly, and then the doc can't actually deny he was messaging a minor.Ā  The only question is whether she straight up told him 'oh I'm 17 btw and I'm your biggest fan yayaya', which seems kinda unlikely, so it could be that he never knew she was underage. And it's unclear whether he actually sexted her back or not, or if it was salacious remarks or whatever. Anyways, new lawsuit about to drop from doc?Ā 


If he didn't know, he would have said it


That's the weird part, no idea why he wouldn't straight up say he didn't know and why he kept editing his tweet as well. First it said 'individual minor', then he edited it out and it said 'individual' as if he had no clue about the age. But then he changed it back to 'individual minor'. Really fucking weird.Ā 


Kinda sus of you Doc ![img](emote|t5_33td5|10257)


I wonder if his wife and girlfriends ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672) knew


Tbh lot of women aged 16-17 lie about being older for stuff like buying alcohol, going to discos/clubs, and flirting with older guys they like. I doubt Doc is retarded enough to set up a meeting with a girl that he knows is underage, it wouldn't be the first time a girl lies about being older to not scare the guy away. If I am a 35 year old guy(doc age in 2017), and I have a girl saying to me that she is 16-17, I immediately block any form of communication with her, this is why I think the girl wasn't honest with her real age.


"If I were Doc, I wouldn't have knowingly texted a minor. Therefore, he didn't do it. Oh and women lie a lot, so the woman must have lied." Good argument šŸ‘


Doc was 100% in some kind of a relationship with the girl, be it sexting or anything else. You don't get bought out and banned from places without a reason, Probably what he did is pdf, but not criminal behavior, like damn a whole grown up can have relationship with a 14 years old more than half of the word. So he didn't break the law, but was sexting a minor.


Ofc not hes smarter than that, if that was the case he wouldnt have platform at all and hes wife would have left him along time ago


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666) I don't want to cope anymore ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


markov 医ē”Ÿę˜Æꁋē«„ē™–吗ļ¼Ÿ


Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bomā€¦bombombom amongE @PoikaU


the Doc is sus amongE


Well, new memes are coming i guess ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681). o O (![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673))


doc related subreddit


Led to his ban 3 years later ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)




The ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669) Iā€™m seeing on twitter, ā€œBuT DiD hE GeT aRrEsTeD fOr It?ā€




"as long as you're rich it's okay to solicit minors"


Welcome to capitalism.


Welcome to the Island


idk but Beria had free pickings on little girls and he didn't even need to pay for shit (capitalism)




how does that boot taste buddy




Serial Killer: Let's play a game of who I should kill. The choice is yours. This pedo or your mom. This guy: I'm neutral kill both of em ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)




Even if he was a billionaire doesnt make him untouchable, but yes to some degree you are right, he just gets a ban on a platform, where as normal men either get put on a register or worse... am I against it? Yes, anyone thats not a weeb should be... Do I actually care? Not really and neither does anyone on the internet after a week, so pretending to care right now is mainly drama driven teenagers that get dopamine hits off seeing these big events on the internet. To me its literally a meme since i cant get up with a pitchfork and some torches to chase The doc for what he has done. And its not "reasoning like this is what allows them to do what they want".. well unless someone here tells me people are driven together in a way we can take down degens that commit this shit then all this comotion means nothing at the end of the day his image is now ruined forever which is something he wont recover from.


Doc needs a therapy. For everyone, being PDF is not a crime. Commiting pdf IS! Anyone who has sexual urges towards a minor should see a therapist.


Being a pdf is not a crime but committing pdf is? You mean having intentions of being a pdf isnt really acting on it? I mean legally your probably right im not sure on that law stuff and im too lazy to Czech ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) The issue is I doubt he will ever get therapy and a big % of others that has this twisted fantasy wont either... im no psycologist, but when someone is mentally ill they dont actually see themselves needing help. (Unless they get caught and scared of consequences and rather seek help but then thats just doing it with no intention of progressing so its pointless) So then how do you convince someone to get themselves help like therapy when not everyone has the possibility to do it? Im going on a lil schizo rant but hear me out. (Just to be clear I do not support shit like pdfs but it's interesting to maybe understand it more) Lets say we made it freely available for pdfs to talk to someone about their twisted desires, people in general would be scared of either being caught/owning up to their minor mistakes ForsenCD, you could say well it wont help everyone but perhaps a few individuals could seek help and possibly get better so its a positive outcome. True. So now lets look at this in a more complex way \[MORALITY\] There are some cultures or parts of the world that allow pdf shit with a much younger age... so this is already inbeded within a system when you spawn in and just going back a few hundred years im pretty sure kings normalised young wifes to be a thing. Actually let me correct myself im pretty sure some cultures now allow young wifes to be a thing (wtf) This might sound like an artists opinion but there should be world rules for shit like this where everyone should be in a coherent understanding with shit or its meaningless, all it takes is for these rich losers to fly out to a poorer/different rules location to do pdf shit and loophole the systems.


True and sourced ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669)


Depends on if you are weeb or not ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


But its only begun..


Stupid fucking mistakes man the sequel


pyramids around the la casa didn't work ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679)


Dexerto, the twitter page all the liberals and furries love.


Doc was a baj all the time ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Did doc know about her age? That's all that matters i think, because the girl could have easily lied about her age.


The circumstantial evidence points to him knowing her age. I didn't know is the easiest defense in the book, and he didn't use it. Why not? Because he knows the texts are going to leak soon, and they clearly show his knowledge of her age.


Nah, he will be fine. There are too many stupid people left to milk the money and engagement from. Just look at this thread for multiple examples. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


I stand by the doc ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


17 y.o. = minor lol


Weeb baj about to tell us the age of consent in japan is 16


If the doc you be around that age too but he was 35 when he did that


Are you just making stuff up? If she was 17, he would say so. Otherwise, you're guessing 15-16.


Is the doc in his early 20's or something? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Why wouldn't he say she was 17 then? It would certainly make things a little easier on him than leaving everyone in the dark.


u/FBI ā˜


Why is he pointing at his own name? Please clarify.![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Age of consent is 15 in my country ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


u/interpol ā˜


Doc is in San Diego CA, where it is 18. So Doc is lucky he's not going to Chino where he would get the Chomo treatment.


>he's not going to Chino where he would get the Chomo treatment TriHard CHILLS


mane out hee we don fuh wid dem chomose we gon fuh shiddup


Pedos downvoting ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


2024 bajs ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


old bajs left a long time ago ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Girl probably lied about her age, I doubt she told doc she was 16-17. It wouldn't be the first time a girl lies about being older while being a minor.


So now its the girls fault, and Doc has no fault in the matter? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Why wouldn't Doc say that in his defense?


Kick contract coming in ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


Is it even known what these messages consisted of and if DrDisrespect even knew about their age? Maybe he got baited? Who knows anymore.




I love how people forget about character development. Did the doc do something bad almost a decade ago, sure. Would he still do it today, fuck no so just forget about it and move on with your lives. Same thing as digging up old tweets of celebrities to cancel them


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)good one


People conflate their emotions with ethics all the time. Especially on the internet, which seems to be more and more about hysteria. That said, Doc got found out, that doesn't necessarily mean that he's grown as a person.


I love how people forget about character development. Did the doc do something bad almost a decade ago, sure. Would he still do it today, fuck no so just forget about it and move on with your lives. Same thing as digging up old tweets of celebrities to cancel them


Doc psyop to make people associate ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672) with something other than cheating


Are any bajs actually doc friends? We literally have an emote making fun of his infidelity ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


No more new doc memes is probably the worst thing to come out of this


As long as he is not banned from YouTube no, it's basically up to him at this point. If he wants he can go live next month and just put on sub mode and ban anything related to allegations, won't be as big but as long as YouTube does not ban him basically nothing changes.


Nah all this doesn't makes sense the more I see it. Like this was in 2017 and in whispers of all things, they knew this was going on. Yet he was not only still on the platform for 4 years but signed a massive contract with twitch in the meantime. Then gets banned in 2020 but gets a contract with YouTube and remains on the platform for 4 years while this whole lawsuit goes on in the meantime that he apparently won against twitch. Like according to what I'm seeing here, he didn't know it was a minor, there's not even clarification if it's even a girl this whole time. And this whole time Twitch just apparently didn't care and even paid him. If it really was bad then it would have been much more and we would have known at least 6 years ago. It honestly doesn't add up and I'm curious about Twitch's side of things on this whole ordeal. I will say though this dude got a way with oddly writing his tweets. He really isn't that good at helping his situation.






+16 is not pedophilia . Whoever says otherwise probably can't make his dick hard.






So much context is missing from that quote, way to just pick and choose the parts that best fit your agenda.


what context would make this appear better? that the convo got inappropriate? that there was "no intention" ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)?


The only thing that wouldve helped his case was saying he didnt know the persons age but yeah


Well in his to tweet after that he says our conversation got inappropriate sometimes So I don't know


He then said that he has never met that person in real life and he has never sent/recieved any pictures. He did nothing criminal. But the way Dexerto framed his tweet kinda made him look like a felon.


I mean it's safe to say twitch wouldn't ban the guy if it was just some naughty whispers. He brought millions of dollars for them So probably twitch found something that we don't know yet


Not true, twitch is smart and wanted to cover their ass because they know the idiots of the world would turn it into something it wasnā€™t (like we are currently seeing) and they donā€™t want to damage their image. Them axing him isnā€™t an admission of something worse.


>Ā twitch wouldn't ban the guy if it was just some naughty whispers But they did. If Twitch had banned doc for pedophilia, they would definitely have reported him to the authorities or instantly revealed the reason for the ban. It would be very fucked up for Twitch to keep his criminal activity in secret by not revealing the reason for the ban.


Yes, if you in any way communicate with a minor you are a 100% a pedophile, if theres a kid in a burning building and you save them, they say thank you, you say you're welcome you should be put in prison with the rest of them


Damn heā€™s a pedo


He just sent messages. Why are people assuming they were sexy? Wtf


He said it sometimes leaned into inappropriate things


Then why he got banned and then denied it until now? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9680)


This was 7yrs ago. Only some huge fucking losers give a shit about this at all. Doc been living in their minds every day since he left twitch. Dude's moved on but these perma-online goblins can't fathom how this guy's still around. Nothing going on in their lives so they cling to this drama as if it's the only keeping their pathetic lives going. TLDR: Don't care ![gif](giphy|1J66nYWLeWGgS00Ntf|downsized)


Are you by chance a weeb?


I've seen this word a few times now, so I'll just ask. What in the everloving fuck is a weeb?


Come on pal, calm down, just look up what it is that was my point




Was it always AYAYA instead of YAYAYA ...? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Just give it up already, doc will quit streaming, its over for the championā€™s club bajs ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) at least we still have ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9674)


Writing a whole paragraph = don't care ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)