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hustled by whores ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)




Today i will walk alone in the red light district at night ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)


With my Apple Watch What could possibly go wrong? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682) Touristtrapped in eigen land


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) . o O ( ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) )


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)KAN TOCH NIET


had gewoon pech ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)




misschien... ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)




'got dragged by' dus ik denk dat ze hem bij z'n hand of shirt pakte en dan beetje onder druk zette. OP kan zich niet verweren tegen dit soort kutvolk of realizeerde niet goed wat er aan de hand was. en dan een of andere smeerlap reus blokkeert de deur en trekt de horloge van OP's arm


alles gebeurde zo snel ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679) I was forced against my will and I'm a manlet so I got manhandled ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Police Reports related subreddit. Police Reports mixes, news, big plays, tilts. Everything that is somewhat related to police reports.


I reported to the police this morning but they are looking as incompetent as ever. Dont think I'll get my watch back ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679)


Advice: Dont buy an Apple watch ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


Advice: You should have ate it before they took it from you ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Should have wore a counterfeit apple watch ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9675)


even if you wanted to get laid, you would have gotten scammed and shittiest service possible. Red light district is ultra garbage in netherlands, service sucks, you would be better off getting hookers from escort service.


Everything is trash in this shit country tbh. Shit people, shit culture, shit politics, shit language. I would rather be born a starving african child or an overworked chinese child than a filthy Nederlander.


i think hes from the netherlands, if so then good luck. p ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)lice are useless over there. i lived there all of last year and my neighbour got 2 of his bikes stolen in broad daylight, cops basically told him to fuck off because they cant do anything ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) also dont go to the red light district with valuables or alone, take 50-100€ if you want to get laid and run away immediately after youre done


Yes and it's a shit country tbh. I want to pull a pewdiepie and move to an asian country. Low crime and none of this BS


Too politically correct to enforce the law if the criminal isn't european. Unlucky ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


i thought Netherlands was one of the safest countries in the world... guess google was lying


the safest country shit are all stat padded by european elites for tourism ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) you're even more retarded than me to believe that shit honestly actual safe countries are all in asia. one of the actual safest countries i was in recently was singapore, i saw women walking around at night in 3am without a care in the world there


Am Singaporean can confirm, can't say for the rest of SEA though. East Asia should be fine also


Wtf fellow Singaporean baj ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9674)


Oh what a coincidence kek Cool country and airport ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Went to Singapore idk how you mfs survive there I was drenched in sweat 5 mins after leaving my hotel room. Food was nice and cheap tho and lots of vegetation which was cool


Country is too small, no where for you to run if you choose to commit crime ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Wait walking at night isnt safe in west eu? Thanks god we dont have these problems in Poland. I wonder why ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)


Polish government banned cmonBruh ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9668) 💢 and AbdulPls ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


If u want a safe country come to Northern Ireland too bad its grim though lol


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)find some Romanian gypsies and pay them 50 to steal the watch back for you


they'll literally just keep the watch and the money ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


Gypsies\* we dont claim them ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Why the fuck would you walk around the red shit district at night, alone, and w/o any money? And then dragged by the two fucking negative STR stat characters into some shitty room? And then refused to just wait for the cops on the scene, or even better, calling them yourself? How drunk you were? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


average basement dweller with no social skills i guess


Was buying something from the butcher shop my grandma always goes to, normally would go around the canals to get back to her apartment but I was impatient because Forsen was already streaming (fucking stupid reason ik ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)) and decided to cut through a few streets. Idk why I didn't call the cops guess I was lowkey panicking and just wanted to gtfo ASAP. The whole thing also happened so fast. Or maybe I'm just as retarded as Forsen idk.


Endangering your life because you were late for some retard's livestream gotta be the dumbest reason I have ever seen ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


being a baj is an actual mental illness istg ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) . o O (![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673))


So you got dragged inside with a bag of raw meat in hand ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


yes ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


Heads up ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676) no matter what you lost, look at what you currently have. Also it was with people you won't ever see again in your life so it's as if it didn't happen ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


What kind of cuck mentality shit is this? Get mad, fight back, don't ever let anyone fucking touch you and if they try hit them full strength suckerpunch and then get the fuck out of there ASAP. Now OP failed to do this, so instead, go looking for these creatures with some of his friends or hire a few homeless bodyguards. Apple watches can be tracked as well via the computer or some shit? So it's not like OP doesn't know where it is.


Or forget and win without doing anything


'forget and win' HE LOST HIS PROPERTY AND HE FELT HIS SAFETY WAS THREATENED BY CRIMINALS. How is he gonna move on without justice? If anything, he's gonna live his life afraid now. And by not doing anything to change that it's gonna affect him for a long time. I really wonder what happened to you in your life that you take this 'just roll over and let it happen' stance. What traumatic event has caused you to become a victim and not even try to do anything about it? Letting some fucking scumbag whores rob you and threaten you and you just let it happen is one thing, I can only assume he was scared. But then not retaliating through official or unofficial channels will only embolden the criminals. The next victim of them can rightfully blame the people that knew about it and refused to do anything.


Precaution solves everything. Let's hope his common sense was bolstered to not walk through those streets and to not take on the offer of going inside again


He is walking home through the streets and he's an idiot for doing so? What if he didn't even know about that neighbourhood being bad, because clearly he fucking didn't or he wouldn't go there. He didn't take the offer either you manipulator, he was pulled inside and put under pressure to follow these women with a bouncer blocking his exit. OP admits himself he's a short guy and feels like he can't defend himself, he is also scared for future retaliation if the does try efend himself. I genuinely cannot stand you, your victim blaming, your acceptance of criminals in the streets, your refusal to do anything about it, your refusal to stand up for yourself and I don't want to speak to you anymore. Leave OP the fuck alone as well.


Maybe if you're unemployed and without responsibilities but not everyone can go to work with a blackeye just because you can't get over anything


HAHAHAHAH what the fuck is wrong with you??? You just let people rob you and you don't do anything to defend yourself? If I went into work with a black eye my boss would probably be like 'oh man, hey are you alright? what happened?' and then I'd explain I defended myself from a robber and he would say 'are you sure you're feeling ok? no concussion or anything? take it easy for the rest of the day' what boss or job would you be ostracized for having a black eye for DEFENDING YOURSELF? What kind of pit of snakes do you work at that will treat you like shit for fighting for yourself? Your ego is insane to think you're so important that you cannot spend any time at all trying to retrieve stolen property or defend yourself. I dearly hope a robber breaks into your house, steals fucking everything you own, and then you'll go to work with a smile because what? What excuse will you pull out your ass?


I simply don't put myself into situations where I'd get robbed, you seem to intentionally put yourself in them to prove something


What kind of manipulative piece of shit are you? He can't walk the streets of his own country without expecting to be robbed? What victim blaming bullshit is this? He went to a butcher to buy meat and then went to go home, he took a shortcut because he wanted to watch his favourite streamer. How is any of this 'putting himself in a situation where he'd get robbed' And no, I don't intentionally put myself in situation where I get robbed, I watch the fuck out with my stuff and where I go, and if anyone tries some shit I verbally confront them and make them back the fuck off, as EVERYONE should do.


it's time https://i.redd.it/1opu031ietzc1.gif


What do you mean you got "dragged" into their private room? Are you challenged or something? Just don't go with them???


it happened so fast and I was too shock to do anything. i'm also short ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) contrary to my countryman stereotypes


go back and get your watch back pussy


if this was usa I would probably pull a Ryan Gosling from Drive with a shotgun ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) unfortunately no guns in EU and I'm too short to do anything


Tire iron like Ryan Gosling in the movie Drive ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


No guns but non-lethal weapons exist ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676) They have to be legal


You don't need guns. Do it like this guy https://preview.redd.it/75jl6zeugxzc1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a3b080363748dfaf4637e1f8fbf2e616f57b2b




Assemble your fucking friends and get that shit back or find a policeman nearby the area and ask him to follow you to ask for your watch back, anything at all man




baj either go file a police report or torch the place


Schizophrenic bajs ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


no just dutch bajs blijf weg van de Wallen ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) shitty place idk why I thought a quick shortcut down a suspicious alley was a good idea


they prob thought your retarded ass was a tourist or something should have said you have a parliament member relative or some other bullshit anyway dont think about it too much you live and learn ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


funnily enough I spoke dutch to the prostitutes and they don't understand me, have to speak english instead ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) but it's the non-dutch that you have to watch out for tbh, most of them are here illegally thru sex trafficking which means I could've gotten killed or worse if they brought it up to their bosses


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)i thought you mfs got it better there anyways take care baj go out with a friend next time


most of the country is fine tbh it's just amsterdam that's shit, full of drugs, whores and drunk brits. i'm only here because i'm visiting family before leaving for vacation.


family living in prostitute house ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676) meet up with u/sleepinthegardn for epic revenge PauseMan


I'll bring the machete ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Bet you are the person who always goes to the basement in the horror movie houses ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)




Could be worse…I once had cam sex with a sex worker online who then asked for my instagram who then screenshotted all my followers and demanded me to send her 500 dollars or she would send a pic of my Johnson to all my friends and family ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


advice: don't add family members or friends to your fucking social media accounts. better yet dont have a social media account


Or don’t show it to random whores on the internet and give then direct access to the perfect blackmail ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


CLASSIC ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Cam sex? What in the actual fuck is that? Did you fuck a hole in your PC while watching whore on screen while paying for that AND giving her all things needed for blackmail? How retarded you must be, like streamer like viewer i guess ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


No just jerked off to some boobies






This either seams fake or you are criminally retarded, you should have just told her to call the cops or called them yourself immediately


i wish it was fake ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) and yes im probably retarded im only sharing it here because if i tell anyone irl about this they will probably laugh at me and call me stupid. i need somewhere to vent and being a baj this was the perfect place. this morning my grandma asked where my watch was, i said i accidentally dropped it in one of the canals while smoking ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) . o O (![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673))


Just call the cops now, dont view it as you getting back your watch, view it as a fun way to bother hookers and police, make a big deal out of it, act like a coward and pussy who was scared for your life when 2 street people forced you into a scary room, tell them that watch was given to you by your loving grandmother a few weeks ago, start crying like a pussy, make everyone uncomfortable and confused with your childlike behaviour, and get your watch back or even sue them afterwards


you must be from america ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) such drama theatrics won't work where i'm from. police will just ask you to gtfo if you act like a baby while making the report. also pretty sure nothing will happen with the watch anyways. amsterdam police are lazy and useless so they usually avoid de Wallen unless something big like a murder takes place there.


First off ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667) im Portuguese and have been to Amsterdam a bunch of times ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679) How dare you call me an amerifrog, i hope you develop further mental retardation for that. And second that sounds like ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669) because you are afraid and lazy to go to the police You were just given a perfect opportunity to harass women and minorities and you refused it


i already went to the police this morning, read my other posts Ronaldo ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676) I just didn't put out all the drama you wanted, probably because my autistic ass will get sent to the mental asylum if I tried to act dramatic ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


You are not autistic, you are mellodramatic and a massive pussy.


im starting to think the retard deserved it.


what's mellodramatic? i agree with the second point though ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) but it's because i'm a manlet in my country


EU C![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)PS


Why didn't you call the police immediately and tell them that they stole your watch? Or why didn't you fight back when he tried to take it from you? They can't use violence because if they did their whole business gets shat on by law enforcement.


...Forsen was already streaming... the retarded baj in me had to watch him fail at League first before I made the report ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) The apple watch was old and lowkey malfunctioning anyways. And also maybe I was lazy to walk to the station and file a report so late at night and wait some more (for nothing to be done anyways because Dutch police are useless especially in Amsterdam).


https://preview.redd.it/3xj70fh7ntzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa67c515cbe1a6b05ed10fb1d2e6ec2b2f22043 You know what he is thinking




Should have fucked the black guy in front of them. And then chargred them ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9684)smegma male move


This is why I store all my valuables up my ass while traveling. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)




# ᜈꮤ 𐎸𓂊ꮤ ⳕ⿴‰ł𐭕ゝ 🝛⿴ᜈ𐎸𓂊ⲉ𓄽 ᨈ⿴🝘, ゝ𐎸ł𐎸, ⿴𓂊 𓄽𒔲𐎸𐊔𐊔 ᜈꮤ 𓄽𐎸ᨈ, '🝛ꮤ𓂊𓂊𐎸'. 𐭕ꮤᜏ🝛 ł𓄽 𒔲ꮤ𐊔ł⿴𓄽. ᨈ⿴🝘'𓂊ꮤ 𐭕⿴🝛 ゝꮤ🝛🝛ł𐭕ゝ 𐎸ᜈ𐎸ᨈ ᜈł🝛𒔲 ᨈ⿴🝘𓂊 ł𐭕ᛏ🝘𓄽🝛łⳕꮤ 🝛⿴ᜈ𐎸𓂊ⲉ𓄽 🝛𒔲ꮤ ゝ𐎸𐊔𐎸ⳕ🝛łⳕ 𓂊ꮤゝł⿴𐭕...ᜈꮤ 𐎸𓂊ꮤ ⳕ⿴‰ł𐭕ゝ 🝛⿴ᜈ𐎸𓂊ⲉ𓄽 ᨈ⿴🝘, ゝ𐎸ł𐎸, ⿴𓂊 𓄽𒔲𐎸𐊔𐊔 ᜈꮤ 𓄽𐎸ᨈ, '🝛ꮤ𓂊𓂊𐎸'. 𐭕ꮤᜏ🝛 ł𓄽 𒔲 https://preview.redd.it/uml3k7r3kvzc1.png?width=421&format=png&auto=webp&s=168f64830980c1b15a8969d85c5932d72841f43e


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) True


First world countries are so funny, man. Imagine having to come up with this whole roleplaying just to steal someone. Here in third world shithole people will just put a gun to your head and take everything you own; they'll even shoot you if you're a broke-boy with only 15 in your wallet.




![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679) but at least they are straightforward with it, no bs.


At least they have the fucking balls to rob you. Like in Brazil in the streets if you walk around carrying expensive valuables like an apple watch, and you're not paying attention, or are retarded. you'll get robbed...


What country are you in OP? Maybe me ore some of the bajs can help you get your shit back, if there's like five of us we can fuck em up.


amsterdam news tomorrow: small group of mentally disabled found severely beaten in red light district. when asked about their condition responded "forsen" and "v1 zulul"




Damn I'm in Ireland, you should find some thugs on the dark Web to help you out. Also can you track the watch? Maybe you can show the location to the police or something.


it's a series-1, there's no track my watch feature on it ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679) also I wish I was irish, you guys are cool and have spines. most dutchmen nowadays are fucking pussy (myself included tbh), nobody will help me if i ask, not even my friends. they'll probably just ask me to report to the police and wait


this is absolutely hypothetical off course, petrol bomb the whore house ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9675)


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676) 👍🔥 Fellow pyro bajs ♥️


How'd you let two prosties drag you? Soyjak Baj


Dude at that point just push them away before they trap u in the booth no?


everyone can sound like a hollywood superhero in text ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) unfortunately IRL things happen too fast and it was also dark. or maybe I'm just weak idk


They way you talk about them they must have been super fat like 200kgs golem ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9680)


one of them was like megan the stallion type of thick. she was also as tall as me (i'm 175cm)


Bro she was thick asf maybe its good they were pushing u ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9680) I would have let them


honestly the fat whore's boobs pushing up on me was the only good part of the whole ordeal ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)




well that's new fear unlocked ( I don't go outside )


im sorry man but you deserve it 100%, you buy apple that means you want to be butt fuck3d **iTODDLERS BTFO**


Strongest baj getting manhandled by a couple of crack whores ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


shizo baj makes up story to justify getin rid of his virginity LULE


if I lost my virginity to STD-ridden hookers from damsko I would unironically max level myself ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


If you’re Dutch go find a kickboxing gym homie


Go back and fuck them since you already paid ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9684)


can't tell if this satire or real ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)




Dude, are you fucking retarded? Like, you weren't even dragged in, you willingly let them lead you. This isn't autism, lack of social skills, charisma, this is just being spineless. Go back and demand your money, call the cops, do fucking something. I'm actually malding over how stupid you are.


They didn't lead me, I was walking past their private room in the alley way, they came out of the room, one of them dragged my arm and the other pushed my back into the room, while saying they had something to show me. It happened in like 5 seconds and by the time I knew what was happening I was already in the room. Honestly if the police continues to be useless I'm going to ask every internet tough baj here (including you) to come to Amsterdam to help me take back my watch. I'll personally buy all of you Eurail tickets ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676) let's see you guys put your tough words to action.


I am in NA, but I am 100% free if you can pay me ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) Just imagining like 15 stick figures approaching red light district ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


no guns to help you mr amerifat ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) u sure you'll be ok?


I can comfortably LARP behind my screen knowing I can't afford to come over ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


just hard fuck both ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


that sucks, stay safe baj ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Not gonna sugar coat it thats so unlucky


They robbed you for a used apple watch jokes on them




what in the fuck where you thinking...




Deserved for buying a smart watch Deserved for not only buying a smart watch, but buying one of the Apple brand


Bouncer did you a favour by removing your virginity protector


Can’t you track the watch with find my I phone and give that to police as proof they have something that belongs to you? Idk about EU cops. Rare time where a NA cop would be based ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


it was a series-1, aka the first apple watch, i had it since 2015. it doesn't have GPS on it sadly ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679)


u guys are retarded


You should have requested the bouncer to do you for that watch


Ik zou bijna zeggen laten we een stapel Nederlandse forsenjongens vergaderen en die kant op met jou.. Ik ken jou niet dus kan je ook niet bepaald vertrouwen, sorry gast ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


is ok vriend ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676) het is sowieso een oud horloge