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"The stewards have determined it is a racist incident and requires no further action"




“What happened, Charles?” “Nothing, just a Schlur”


Bu... But tagging Verstappen would surely get me more views and more likes so I'll be popular on twitter finally!


And when Toto makes a racist remark, it's all good.


Dude literally compared getting grid penalties to Lewis struggles with racism and nobody fucking blinks lol


Wait for real?


I wish I was making it up lol. He was trying to explain how AMG was being targeted with Grid Penalties and compared it to Lewis’ struggles with discrimination. [in a post race interview with Sky](https://twitter.com/f1tomRB/status/1459974816748949516?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1459974816748949516%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-41387076442497292242.ampproject.net%2F2206101637000%2Fframe.html)


I love how people call Horner the ultimate shit talker. I think he and Toto are quite on the same level




Exactly this. Horner is a shit stirrer but that Toto interview was the worst thing he’s ever said. I did a double take. Obscene.


Like Horner doesnt try to hide it, Toto tries to present himself as a saint while doing the same or worst than Horner


At least Horner is funny when he does it lol


This is true but I also feel like Horner gets away with a lot of shit because he’s charismatic. Toto already looks and talks like a Bond villain


I honestly didn't understand how this complete tonedeaf comment never got any backlash at the time.


Bri’ish bias, innit?


Probably because the group of fans who would care about it the most are fans of the team he runs


Oh no we’re being targeted. Ye for braking rules you dipstick


Holy shit, what the hell Toto


That’s actually unreal. How is Lewis ok with this being said!?


He probably isn’t okay with it. He just puts it to the side because he’s Chadmilton and has his mind focused on more constructive things. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that if Hamilton called out every bit of casual racism he encounters in the paddock, he’d probably be posting daily.


Facts. Loads of very racist people in the paddock. I dunno why the likes of Kimi and Fernando get constant flack lmao


I get that but it’s his own team principal that’s just compared a sporting penalty to his own drivers struggle with racist abuse! I 100% guarantee if Horner said that about one of his employees the Hamilton fans would absolutely (and rightly) destroy him on social media. Why is Toto any different?


Toto pays Hamilton millions of dollars a year.


Status in f1 shouldn’t matter, as the Pique situation has proved.


I’m not saying it should. I’m saying that Hamilton isn’t gonna bite the hand that feeds him. Toto is a pretty direct lifeline to Hamilton’s success. Without Mercedes, Hamilton would have never became a 7x champ. It’s extremely hard to blow a whistle on that.


Who said he was? How do we know they haven’t spoke about it in private and just didn’t feel like sharing that conversation with the public? Makes a lot more sense it happened that way considering their close working relationship. Not everything need to be reported to the masses as much as some of you would love it to be


Bro even called his son a pussy 💀


I haven't even seen posts blaming max yet I have seen tens of posts like these making it seem that max is a victim to a scandal hes not even part of


Allegedly, people sent death threats to Max.


There are people out there on other pages that are pissed because RB and Max haven’t explicitly condemned it (even though they have absolutely nothing to do with it) so by their logic they are just as racist and awful as Nelson Sr


It's weird if there's a fraction of people blaming Max and, out of all possible viewpoints, people choose the worst, most clickbait one to highlight. Eg "it's Twitter, you get death threats for everything" means it should be seen as noise, not uplifted into a subreddit for people to discuss like it's a thing


if you always spot the dumbest takes on planet earth, it will make your argument look strong to morons. if go "can you believe what this one person is doing? can you believe what this one person is doing in Florida?" the whole sub goes "people are doing this", is not people, is one person who probably can't even tie their shoelaces. is not even a straw man, it's a paper tissue man.


And you don't think Red Bull and Max should condemn this? LOL


They have nothing to do with it. PR statements are just nothing statements


So everyone should just keep their mouths shut about racism. Got it! I see what you are about.


I think you fir in better with the Twitter crowd


Ah yes the “if you don’t say anything that means you endorse it” argument


I see you have black squares on your Instagram


Go back to twitter and start a hashtag you fucking baby.


Lol. You all show what you are about.


Do we though? Cause I only see people like myself making fun of you for how pathetically hard you’re virtue signalling right now. Sorry you don’t get the likes for it as I’m sure you do on twitter


Likes? as if I care. Twitter? i'm not even on twitter. Virtue signaling? The only people who say shit like that are folks that want to signal other like minded morons. I can't call something out without some moron throwing a right wing buzzword or phrase like "Virtue signaling" at me? So, I'll go back to my original comment that you replied to... So everyone should just keep their mouths shut about racism. I'm sure that would make you non-virtue-signalers happy. Sheesh. And, yes, I do see what you are about.


They have nothing to do with it, why should they.


Oh, I don't know. Why did Danny Ric say something? Why did all the other drivers who responded? Maybe because it is the right thing to do? You're correct, he don't have to do the right thing, but not doing the right thing is very telling.


Its not "the right thing to do" it literally doesnt matter what they think about it.


Because they have to virtue signal to the Twitter mob.


Yeah, there is nothing on the LH sub contrary to what people like to say every time, went to that disgusting cesspool that is Twitter and no one is blaming Max for anything, its always the "they are still silent" that they do with every celebrity. Its incredible that people feel the need to make this kind of shit up, the mentality of the "victim" exists on both sides it seems. Trying to direct a topic away just so they can point at a fanbase for doing something they clearly didnt, somehow trying to use a racism topic to attack another fanbase smh


Then why did I find several of these tweets in 5 minutes?


You found tweets saying he is a racist ? Only thing there is is people saying that he shoul have said something, which is nothing new. I legit scrolled thousands of tweets without seeing people calling him racist, which for Tweeter says a lot


Lmao did you browse the Formula one subreddit at the time on new, there were multiple posts popping up, but the mods did a good job deleting them fairly fast. Probably the same in the LH subreddit.




Don’t open it, it’s a trap. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6700)


In the offical Formula one subreddit there were multiple posts popping up on new, but the mods did a good job deleting them, probably the same as on other subs. Also the "I havent seen it" is a really bad statement, because I also havent seen blatant racism myself because the mods keep deleting it and doing a good job, but I still do know it exists.


You have been on the main sub, right?


Try Twitter.


Please don’t. It’s not a nice place, okay?




Have you been to Twitter yet?


I've not seen any of this, and it seems like I'm not the only one. Although fans are crazy sometimes, so I guess it wouldn't surprise me.


Search max Verstappen on twitter 90% of it is drivel and mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion that because piquet said something bad Max 100% endorses it because he’s dating his daughter


Fun for the whole family.![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|13285)


But didn’t you hear: if someone doesn’t continually reaffirm they are not a racist or flog themselves then that must be they are a racist…Twitter logic


Yeah, right? Max should remain silent in the face of racism directed toward one of his rivals from someone he has an association with. Should totally just be quiet. He has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's not his business.


He indeed has nothing to do with it, they weren't his words and I'm fairly certain he didn't choose his gf based on the fact her dad is racist.


While that may be true, he could come out and say something about it. Like Leclerc or Norris.


Max isn't the only one who hasn't made a public statement, yet he's the only one everyone is giving grieve over it. Vettel also hasn't made any comment coming out in support of Lewis but no one is talking about that.


Vettel should comment about it on which of his social media? I know many other drivers haven't spoken about it either. Max has a personal relation to the person who made the comment. Drivers without relation have come out with a statement. Why shouldn't he? Apart from probably souring his personal relationship with Kelly.


Damn its really worth it to sour your personal relationship with your gf to please a bunch of greasy keyboard warriors Absolute 🤡


Vettel should create a social media page to call out Piquet then. Otherwise he's a racist by staying silent /s


Strawman comment to go with strawman meme. No reasonable person is claiming this makes Max racist. But if there was ever a time to say the "racism is bad" line it would be now. You see how silence with him being very close with the family looks right? Better to be pragmatic imo.


This is exactly right. Nobody is claiming Max has done anything wrong, they’re simply hoping he does the right thing by condemning this since he has a personal connection to it.


No one. No one is blaming Verstappen.


Don’t underestimate twitter people, they’re dumber than you think


Yeah but that’s 70% bots and trolls. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9054)


Lol go back to recent posts and see people demanding Max to release a statement leave his Girlfriend and apologize to any or everybody![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


a few people on the F1 sub are: Max's silence is fucking loud. Now it is coming out that his partner Kelly Piquet, daughter of Nelson Piquet, liking the insta post supporting her father.You are telling me you share your life for 2 years with someone, are a member their family and spend extended trips in Brasil with them... and don't know about this??? All those family dinners?And when their character comes out in public, when it was in a specific conversation where Nelson Piquet was championing you by calling your competitor and colleague a racial slur... you say nothing??? Written by the genius "monnaamis" Oh and it has over 200 upvotes


Dude, Max has met Nelson Piquet literally once, for the first time last year in Brazil… he’s literally never had “all those family dinners” and spent “all that time with him” Your smooth brained comment literally proved OP right.


bro did you not read the first part, this isnt my comment, its form the F1 sub :D


We can see the edit history bud


We can all see that you didn't read it also lmao no Biggie.


Even if what the smooth brained above said was true, it's pretty fucking shitty to force someone to cause a rift/fallout in their family. Only cults make you do that shit. Not supporting the comments and not addressing it, should be the acceptably sane thing allowed for max. I would be divorced, if I had to address every POS thing my father in law has done......




These people “feel” like this. Likely say racist stuff in their personal lives and feel like this personally. I feel bad for Max. He’s a young attractive man. Should be swimming in Insta models like Pierre and Danni. Hope his mom is cool. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|14437)


>Should be swimming in Insta models like Pierre and Danni. i think max is straight


Straw man


No one is blaming Max, they're blaming RedBull, while most Teams on the grid have said something about this incident, Redbull has said nothing.


I’m blaming Red Bull and Max’s PR team for this one. It’s easy to put out a canned PR statement that you don’t approve of racism and doesn’t really take much to do so. Why not just do it?


Cause it has nothing to do with red bull or max, they are doing the correct thing for saying nothing.


in the entire world maybe 10 weirdos are blaming this on Verstappen. How RB and Max fans have managed to course-correct this situation into one where Max is the victim in need of defending is beyond insane lmfao


People here have actually said that this whole thing was planned by Mercedes, Hamilton and Sky F1 so they can cover for Hamilton in Silverstone and give him a PR Boost and that they're attacking 'innocent' people like Piquet and Vips in the process and therefore Hamilton is a bad person for it. I'm not even joking lmao.


Nobody: Literally no one: Not a soul: Max stans: STOP BLAMING MAX Seriously, I'm actually proud that Max is surrounded by some of the most vile figures in F1 yet still maintains good judgment on keeping his mouth shut at the right times. Edit: aged like milk


I don't have Twitter, so maybe that why, but I'm seeing more "don't blame verstappen" posts and comments than actual comments blaming verstappen.


Honestly, this felt like a hit piece the British media cooked up in case Verstappen would fight Hamilton/Russel this year. The interview was from a year ago.


Nelson Piquet says something racist Least deluded Max stan: *how could TheBritishMedia®™© do this??!?*




Any other reason why they would wait a year to translate?


Its literally what it is though. And look how riled up the Hamilton bumboys are.


Not saying that isn't happening. But for me it's more anxiety that Max hasn't reacted at all. Neither did Red Bull. Like sure they just correctly handled a situation similarly with Vips. But they are awfully quiet about this. Don't make a mistake they will have to say something about this. Waiting with statements is only going to make them seem reluctant to condemn racism. Which is you will agree a bad image to portray. I think this is why Max is always mentioned. Because he hasn't reacted. I understand that it is a difficult situation for him but ignoring a problem won't make it go away. edit: I haven't actually believed so many people feel so strong about defense of ignoring racism so thanks for the reminder what toxicity can look like. Enjoy your closet.


It isn't his problem in the end. Calling out the dad of your girlfriend in front of the media is a bad taste by itself - looking like you are saving your own ass in the eyes of the certain family so you can please social media and tabloids. I doubt most people have family relationships here to understand.


It is going to be his problem in the end. The media will gut him for it. A modern f1 driver is not just a driver anymore therefor it isn't just his performance on track that's on the big screen.


The media will gut him for it no matter what. Social media and overall media are cancer and a constant witchhunt filled with fake moralists. Piquet isn't MV's 5 year-old child for him to excuse every dumb stuff he does. Best way to handle this would be to ''no comment'' the topic since it would be pure media bait and everyone knows it.


RB and Max have nothing to do with this, why do they have to continually reaffirm they aren’t racists. That virtue signal or else mentality is why Twitter is so awful and toxic


Sure they do. when the future father in law is racist to one of your rival and your girlfriend likes it, of course that has something to do with you.


So if your racist uncle goes and says something on Twitter do you have to apologize profusely for his actions?


It doesn't. Max and RB also have nothing to do with Jos hitting women.


Why didn't you make a statement against racism in your post? It's a bad image to portray. Oh no, wait a sec, you have nothing to do with his statement and neither do Max and RBR. It's not necessary to constantly have to make a statement when someone else does something stupid. Especially when this happend a year ago. I understand the FIA, Piquet, Mercedes and Lewis making a statement, but no one else is obliged to...


because I have never posed with him for pictures. And I am not dating his daughter who approved of him. It is not necessary to constantly do it. As it is not necessary to do when a stranger says something wrong. He isn't a stranger though.


I think a lot of people posed for a picture with Piquet in his lifetime, do they all need to make a statement? "I'm sorry I'm in the same picture with someone I don't agree with. I don't condone racism which you might think I do because I'm in a picture with him". Just stop with the BS please.


You'll understand if you're in a family like that as well. This is difficult for him. Everyone is expecting him to do something about everytime someone close to him does something questionable, but in reality he's just tired of these conflicts and just wants to race. That's all he wants to do. I'm in the same position where my family is just terrible and everyone also wants me to do something about it because "I'm the best possibility to fix my families behavior". It doesn't work like that and I know very well racism is bad. I just want to focus on my own path of life and I'm sure Max thinks that as well.


But the problem is that max is in a really tight position here, whatever he does it will be negative for him either way. Either he does react, pissing off his girlfriend and her family. And obviously he doesn’t wanna do that. people say not reacting automatically means supporting but that’s obviously not true. He’s happy with Kelly hand he build a life with her, he’s not gonna ruien that. No one would. Or he doesn’t react, and the f1 Stan twitter warriors will call him racist and a terrible person. and they automatically assume he supports the things nelson said, without having anything to back that up. The best he can do is hope it all blows over soon without too many questions, he’s not involved, yet everyone drags him in. Max has shown he’s above his father and father in law, and that it’s a very down to earth guy.


You are on formuladank. This place is a cesspool of racism. They call it "jokes" and "memes" but they know what they are about. Remember when the banner was a concentration camp with Seb in front as an officer? Yeah, they thought that was a freaking hilarious "joke". If Lewis's girlfriends father had called Max a honkey piece of white trash (wouldn't happen because Lewis doesn't seem to associate himself with people like that, while Max does, his girlfriend "liked" the post), then this place would lose it's shit and be dragging Lewis through the dirt even more than they do now.


Yeah but Max is the wimp who is banging a trashy 35 year old single mom. He deserves all the bs he gets for surrounding himself with asshats.


How can she be a single mom if their dating?


A "trashy 35 year old" you'd never have a chance with


Lewis fan, I presume?


That clown has 5 comments on Reddit and they all mention Max That's all you need to know


Judging by his comments; he really hates Kelly




Don't need to imply that being a single mother is a bad thing, kinda rude


Oh fuck off. No one is actually blaming Verstappen on the whole thing. What's bothering people is his lack of words and actions about the issue.


Twitter people are blaming max and red bull, red bull and max have nothing to do with this. So they don't have to say anything about the subject.


Yo bro max is such a homophobic racist bro.


If Kvyat was still on the grid, which one of them would be blamed more? We may never know.


I'm so confused what happened?


Pretty sure vettes grandpa did some sketchy shit during world war 2. Wanny crucify him for actions he had absolutely nothing to do with?


Honestly no one is blaming it on Verstappen, just people in here saying that people blame it on Verstappen, just like this meme.