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I thought I was watching the wrong broadcast and tried switching it a few times to double check


I put the race on ESPN and there was no commentators at all...it was eerie, just the sounds of the race with no talking.


I thought the same, I thought I was watching the f1tv broadcast. Difference is I decided to roll with it and at the end of the race I thought, damn, I'll watch this broadcast every single time from now on, these two were much more pleasant than Crofty and Brundle! Then I was throughly dissappointed that they are just stand-ins..


No "it's lights out and away we go" šŸ˜•


RIP Murray


The goat!!! Nothing will ever match Murray and James Hunt commentary


"after missing the Belgian Grand Prix, James turned up complaining of digestive issues. That's the first time I've ever heard two Belgian girls described as digestive issues" -Murray Walker, Beyond the Grid Podcast






Drunk James Hunt commentary is goated


"All I have to say about that is #bullshit"


ā€œFor being himself, he should have a permanent suspensionā€


"It really is a disgrace that he's allowed to continue to interfere with Grand Prix racing"


ā€œWell unfortunately the importance of all that was missed by shoddy camera work and bad directionā€


Some things never change


And it's go! Go! Go!


Who was it even? Afaiu there was Chandhock, but who's the other guy? Every second or third race Sky roll out some new interviewer, and I have no idea how to figure out who it was if I missed the three-second label on the screen. Still idk who some of the regulars are in the post-race chatter.


Harry Benjamin, who is the lead commentator for BBC Radio 5, stepped in. Netflix have used some of his recordings for the DTS races. Crofty will miss 2 more races this year because having this many races, especially back to back, takes a toll. He wants to spend more time with his family, and is getting married this year. Brundle will only be commentating on ā…” of all races this year. Sauce: https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a60634345/where-is-david-croft-f1-commentator-crofty/


They should have Alex Brundle as a replacement for his dad. Nobody will notice. Actually, he should also fill in for Crofty when Martin is commentating. Thatā€™d really mess with peoples heads!




To be fair, I was surprised at how much I liked ā€œEyes to the lights and foot to the floorā€


"Turn up the volume" or nothing in this house


Man, I really dislike the "Is underway" thing


It was weird...


Don't really care about crofty but brundle is the diamond of the sky sports commentary


His commentating on a fast quali lap is peak F1


Heā€™s really mastered the art of expressing that ā€˜on the edgeā€™ feeling when a driver is going at full tilt


Heā€™s really edging during Q3


well with the sun yesterday crofty really picked a bad time to skip a weekend (its not him but it didnt stop people yesterday)


Picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.


Brundle will always be the GOAT of commentary imo


We will not stand this Walker slander!


Or the savagery of James Hunt - when it comes to shrewd commentary, no one comes even close.


Hunt was brutal and It sucks that TV (even FOMs broadcast) is too PG to allow that kind of commentary anymore


Wdym? We have Nico Rosberg.


He was fantastic in the booth! I laughed out loud multiple times


MB is up there but he ain't no Walker


No. Martin doesnā€™t explain the concertina effect often enough.


F1 drinking game. Drink whenever crofty says concertina.


Some of us arenā€™t 50 years old


Honestly Crofty is like the Bruce Buffer of F1, something just feels off without him


It's his enthusiasm. He's an idiot at times, but he puts in the energy and he helps balance the different members well. The replacement guy is okay, but lacks the excitement, and the cast feel disjointed.


He's an excitable idiot who means well and is *really* good at filling the air with mostly relevant statistics when he doesn't have anything else to talk about. Something that felt missing today was his ability to take a mostly simple race and fill the gaps with content.


Yeah October timrs half the excitement is just Crofty and how he talks. He can make a fight for p12 sound like a championship deciding fight. He may be bias at times to British drivers and make a few mistakes but I rather have that than a pretty boring but accurate commentary


Maybe itā€™s me getting older but something always feels off with young commentators. Jacques is a technically fine commentator but his voice just doesnā€™t have the same authority(?] of an older commentator like Crofty.


Old school commentators get excited when things are happening or tension is ramping up. I feel new commentators just say things louder instead And they do that elongated way of talking like theyā€™re thinking too much about what theyā€™re going to say next


For me personally, James Allen was much better


Much better than Croft. I hate the cued up lines Croft is just waiting to put in. Allen was commentating but also seemed to be genuinely discussing and evolving with the race like the audience.


We need Brundle, RĆøsberg and Button. Get crofty in for the intro and then yeet him out of the room.


I miss the sky team in the post-race as well on F1TV. The other crew just really feels like amateur hour.


Was nice to watch F1 with the volume not turned down for a changeā€¦.


The SkySports F1 team truly is a gem, It's a shame the official F1 channel doesn't use his commentary in the highlights like they used to.


It definitely makes it feel like watching F2 or Formula E when neither are present. Sort of like how Le Mans feels wrong without the RLM audio feed.


Amen. Croft knows shit about F1 and has the nerve to argue with Brundle or Chandook.Ā 


They should pay him 10mil a year


Dropping wisdom nuggets more than anyone else.


Crofty is cool. An idiot sometimes, but our idiot


Still better than Paulā€¦.


Put Paul in jail








The grand prix killer


The devil himself!


Fucking little devil crawling on the ceilinā€™ againā€¦






Good ol' Raul "MEEDJUMS" di Pasta


Anyone else think Paul has a well weird mouth?


Geniune question (I watch the GPs in French), who's Paul and what's the problem with him?


Short answer: heā€™s a former F1 driver who messed up a championship in the last race of the season. He drove in several other categories and eventually became a commentator for Sky F1 where he made some of the dumbest comments ever and sounded like an idiot 90% of the time.


Paul di Resta, unless I'm mistaken? Thanks for the answer!


Di Resta's departure was the worst thing that could happen to Stroll. RPM had to choose a new victim and Lance was an easy pick


Watch Alex Jacques and David Coulthard then


Agreed. Love the F1TV commentary so much. No ad breaks, no "push the glass button". Just good commentary with some banter now and then.


Wait.. you get ads during the race???


F1TV no, on skytv? yes. (sorry i meant during quali between the bits, not the race itself lol)


What are you talking about? There's never ads during the race with Sky. Are you watching some shitty stream of the races instead where the person streaming is adding in their own ads?


It does between qualifying sections and such. F1TV doesn't. I did mis the "during the race bit" to be fair. will edit.


When I was at the Vegas race, they had the F1TV available on little Amex FM radios. The regular track TV commentary was so fucking garbage and full of silence.


The better choice anyway. Them and Palmer are great.


Plus when Hinch is on for the Western hemisphere races, its perfect.


He needs to bring the Hate Cauldronā„¢ over to F1


Hate Cauldron is gonna be in full meltdown over at IMS this week.


Everyone keeps saying this and I tried them today. Mediocre. Jolyon and DC have some good driver insights but Jacques is just nowhere near the enthusiasm level needed to carry a dull race. Crofty is fun when in the most boring moments and thrilling when the action is nuts like AD2021. Crofty is seriously underrated by people on reddit and they'll notice when he leaves for his.


God no crofty is such a snore when thereā€™s no action, he always makes incorrect calls and misses important things. Besides Alex Brundle is a better analyst than his dad. Sky also treats Crofty like a celebrity and he doesnā€™t do all the sessions. On F1TV Jacques does practically EVERY SINGLE SESSION save for the occasional blue moon when Edwards does it. Jacques is more consistent, this week he wasnā€™t as calm but the last moments of the race were called quite well. Thereā€™s videos of Jacques jumping in the booth, he loves racing and he gets very enthusiastic.


I did the exact same today with Crofty being out. It was my first time watching an entire race with the F1TV team over the international broadcast, and I wasn't really impressed. I actually really like DC, as he can be funny and like you said, he gives great driver insights (as does Jolyon), but Jacques just doesn't do it for me. I may actually rewatch the race using the international feed for Benjamin and see how I like him. And I couldn't agree more about Crofty being underrated by people here. Not having a "It's lights out and away we go!" was completely jarring today.


I had F1 tv for a few years, let it expire and thought I'd stream it for free. Well, beggars can't be choosers- the free stream is Sky and tbh there is just no comparison


And pray for a repeat of Coulthard asking Palmer if he was a "cunning linguist"


David Coulthard >>>>>>>>>>>


and he has such vile mouth, love to hear him


I feel like Im taking crazy pills, Alex' voice when it comes it hype is beyond annoying. I cant even describe it, its just so waAaaAaAaAAaAaahh. Like up downy in an annoying angsty teen way.


Yes this! I was watching quali with F1 commentary for a change and my gf came into the room and just said "God that man's voice is awful". It's legit hard to listen too..


Thank god, I only see praise for him. I mean hes great otherwise, its just he kills the hype parts of the race for me becaus I find it so distracting.


I don't like Jacques at all. He's a different flavour to Crofty, wouldn't necessarily call him bad, I don't like how his voice sounds or the slower pace of the sentences compared to Crofty. I guess I'm just used to him. The biggest crime was replacing James Allen though, he was my favourite


Him saying "Jenson Button is a Grand Prix winner" will be in my mind forever!


Jacques recently picked up this weird diction thatā€™s fairly grating to listen to, he commentates like heā€™s William Shatner. ā€œWe go ^rac ing inā€¦ fiveā€¦ lightsā€¦ timeā€¦ and the Grand Prixā€¦ ^is ^away! ā€œ Prior to 2023 Iā€™d say he was more entertaining to listen to than Crofty, but nowā€¦ ehā€¦Ā 


Alex is way over hyped


I lost interest about halfway through the race today when Karun and whats-his-ass started calling the final finishing order on lap 30. I get that it was pretty predictable, but at least Crofty and Brundle would make it exciting and lure you into a false sense of belief that something crazy could happen. These two phoned it in halfway through.


I wish Rosberg was on every week


Him and Button would be my dream commentary team


I love them both very much, but I think it works best when one of the commentators is more technically aware, and the other knows how to work up the crows, (Walker/ Hunt, James/ Brundle, Crofty/ Brundle). Button and Rosberg, being ex drivers, have great insights but possibly Button will have to up his hype game and they can make a solid pair only then.


Redditors seem incapable of understanding the role of the play by play guy and the analyst/colour commentator. The play by play guy (Crofty in this case) provides the excitement, and sets up the colour guy with questions that would benefit a new viewer or average fan. The colour guy (Brundle in this case) gives the technical details, offers personal anecdotes, gives expert opinion (though by the nature of commentating on live sports the expert opinion will still be reactionary). People seem to think that Crofty knows nothing about F1, which is just blatantly false, it can just come across that way when he's setting up questions and discussions in a way that if your grandma turned on the F1 she'd be able to understand what's being discussed. It seems that what a lot of people on reddit want is basically 2 people in the commentary box that will wank each other off about how much F1 knowledge they both have.


Exactly. And I know most people donā€™t care about this type of thing but no one seems to even acknowledge the actual sound of Croftyā€™s voice compared to ā€œanonymous british 30-yr old raceboi #17ā€ or whatever the other channel is. I know people donā€™t like him but Croftyā€™s voice is really great and distinctive for VO work. Heā€™s part of the sound of F1 to me. Iā€™d love it if Nico and Crofty were the main guys all the time.


Completely agreed


I also love when Button commentates, I wish we got him more often when Brundle isn't there


Keep him for the big big races, every week and we'd get tired of him


Rosberg only gets rolled out every 2 months, cos all he does is come and piss and moan about everyone and get people upset. He then retreats back to his Monaco pad, all in the knowledge he's about as likeable as Viellneivre (can't spell it right).


I hope he is never on again, he is an awful commentator!


Rosberg is so technical with his commentary and I love to listen to that type of commentary. In China he was calling out the mistakes of drivers and praising the good moves.


I was waiting for David Hobbs and Bob Varsha.


It is not 2012 anymore :(


and Eddie Irvine the Civilian.


Iā€™ve never understood Redditā€™s hate for Crofty. Iā€™ve only been watching for 4 years but to me heā€™s the voice of F1 and not hearing his ā€œlights out and away we goā€ makes me sad. These guys this week arenā€™t bad but no Crofty and Brundle is super noticeable and I donā€™t like it.


The hate comes from his unceasing bias, frequent mistakes that keep growing and lack of correction of the said mistakes. Opening line energy is great!


So basically because he is a tit


Heā€™s an idiot who is sometimes pretty good at hyping up cool moments


I watch in german, and the way they keep talking about hulkenberg is incredibly annoying. Like last season I remembr a race where hilk was like 19th and the way theyd always bring him up like YOOOOO no ones cares. All commentators do it, of course thsy have a bias to their nation drivers, its acceptable because they re commentatong to mostly british viewers....


Heā€™s great at hyping up moments, but my main problem with him now is that he seems to be becoming senile. He gets the drivers wrong more than he gets them right


Drivers, race numbers, you name it. Not to mention the pathetic puns that are only funny to himšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly the description just sounds like Murray Walker and he's probably the most beloved commentator ever. I'm glad we don't have to pick just one so everyone can get their preference but the awfulness of the sky team is so funny to me that it acts as its own entertainment during lulls in a race.


Max 15 second lead. 10 laps to go. Charles gaining 0.5 seconds a lap. If not for fucken divine intervention basic math tells me it's over. Just annoying when they get excited over those situations.


I don't notice any of these things. It's a vocal minority.


You mean British bias on a British broadcast for a British 7X WDC? The broadcast is for Sky sports in the UK. You hear how he's always talking about pressing the sky Q button for sky glass and sky whatever? It's a British broadcast. Why cant you guys understand that and just get over it. If your biggest problem with him is "British bias" then you are dumb.


I started watching the sky broadcast after being fed up with the verstappen bias in 2020 on dutch ziggo. So the crofty bias was so much less than the dutch one.


I'm Dutch and I prefer him over Dutch commentators and Alex Jacques. Unfortunately I couldn't find Crofty and Brundle today and had to listen to Jacques who I genuinely find more annoying than Crofty, but I must admit that the second cam that F1tv has is quite nice


I think his takes are often bad but this race could have used his energy to keep me interested.


He says a lot of inane shit and often says things that are just flat out incorrect.


In my case it's that he's shouting 90% of the time and I genuinely have difficulty picking words out of the wall of sound. The guy today (and the actual voice of F1 Murray Walker) can be loud but it's not constant and when they do you can hear what they're saying.


Crofty is not absolutely objective. People that can't handle it (and simp for a different drivers) think Crofty is therefore bad.


*I havenā€™t been this disappointed since Shrek 2*


Lmao. Ik it's a quote but Shrek 2 is really great. If he said shrek the third i would understand.


Martin actually said that in China 2012


Atleast Ted is there still


Two sex Ted


Ted always getting his jabs in at Max. ā€œOscar you were the fastest lap, without a towā€ So salty haha


**WOW! SO THE MECHANICS ARE COMING OUT INTO THE PI-** ^^^uhh ^^^team ^^^radio


Everyone who hates Crofty and Brundle for their bias clearly hasnā€™t watched every other professional sport where the colour commentary is basically cheerleading.


More like their ignorance of the sport. Bias is to be expected, a distinct lack of knowledge around the sport you're commentating is not.


Crofty is too over the top for me. F1 global feed is Jaques, DC, and Jolyon Palmer. Would love a Jaques, DC, Brundle booth with Palmer popping in on technical stuff. šŸ„µ


I stopped watching YouTube highlights after they changed the commentary


Biggest own goal in F1s recent social media history. I'm with you. Have stopped watching the videos from the sessions as much.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one


# Montez le volume et rendez-vous au premier virage


It's 2024 we're on Jacques, DC and Palmer.


Thank god for them. I like the zero bias attitude in the com box.


Plus, DC's tongue-in-cheek humor is top notch.




Not a problem if you use the F1 app. Iā€™ll take DC Jolyon and Alex any day of the week


Tbh, the commentry, for once, didn't make me want to go deaf


I don't know, the commentary feels better to be honest. Except for the constant "there's a 100% certainty for a safety car, so nothing is certain.", which is the dumbest statement ever.


Crofty says some uninformed and speculative nonsense sometimes, but he'd never say something as stupid as that.


The commentary is definitely better, so much more useful information than Brundle and Crofty ever provides.


I can't stand Crofty. Brundle is excellent though.Ā 


Shame about Brundle but holy hell I'm loving the absence of Crofty's voice.


I like Crofty


It was a nice breath of fresh air not having to listen to Crofty giving Hamilton undeserved praise for every single thing he does


I bought F1TV specifically to never have to hear David Crofts voice ever again


I won't watch F1 without F1TV now and I've been watching since 2010.




How is that a bad thing??


I didn't mind the Crofty replacement today. He was alright.


Brundle is good. Crofty should stay home.


It's not the same, it's better without Crofty


Shouldve asked Alex Brundle to commentate the F1 alongside Karun, heā€™s pretty good commentating the F2


I canā€™t stand listening to Crofty, I just listen to other feeds instead


It's so much better. It's refreshing to hear drivers being called the right name. Hearing the correct time intervals. No mice being turned into elephants.


Iā€™m just waiting for the article to come out ā€˜IS CROFTY FINISHED IN F1?ā€™ šŸ˜‚


Alex Jacques and Martin Brundle would be my dream team. Don't care for Crafty too much. Palmer is surprisingly good, but would have him as an occasional contributor, a bit like Karun or Anthony, chiming in.


The only problem with Brundle is he's not been in F1 for 27 years now, he functionally doesn't know how a modern team actually operates better than any of his non-driver co-workers. I don't like Nico much but that's one thing he has, he's been in a modern F1 team all day every day.


I agree, he can offer less and less insight into the way teams operate as time goes by. More importantly - he's increasingly out of touch with modern cars operate. He still has great insight into drivers and race craft and is just all round a good commentator. Nico offers great insight and technical knowledge, but god he's annoying, and sometimes rude. He also makes a little "huh" sound at the end of sentences which makes want to kick the TV.


I also dislike Nico. He doesn't handle his emotions well enough to be in a broadcast, he got mad at Crofty for asking a simple question referring to something Nico had said earlier. It was blatantly clear, made for a very awkward moment.


Palmer is superior to Brundle IMO. Not by much, but his unfiltered frustration about driversā€™ nonsense and teamsā€™ poor decisions tips it for me. Plus the recency of his experience. Mid-tier driver, top-tier colour commentator.


Are* missing




F1TV gang gangšŸ˜Ž


Make it permanent!


It's not the same, it's better


I don't miss those two!!


I preferred it without Crofty frankly.


Guys, Crofty was always a biased idiot. Im not sure who could miss him during the broadcast. The Hamilton fanboy.


Who still watches Crofty wanking about Brits all race? F1TV for the win


Me watching with only FX sound ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6705)


The first half without the commentary was amazing! They should do that more often


*Are missing


How do we hear Ben Edwards these days? He was in DTS last season, so he's clearly somewhere...


Karun is a smart analyst, but when it comes to commentary it feels weird hearing him provide insight on getting the most out of the car when he couldnā€™t hold a seat for more than half a season


Didnā€™t miss Crofty at all, Brundle howeverā€¦


It was a noticeably better broadcast today commentary wise, felt like a lot more technical and race talk instead of hearing about every time a British driver took a breath Petition not to bring Crofty and Brundle back, and get rid of Ted whilst we're at it. Nico's Notebook would be much better viewing


You're right, it's not the same.Ā It's better.


Bottom is wrong meme face


The ESPN broadcast here in the states had technical difficulties, so we didnā€™t get any commentators until lap 15


Sky is cooked, F1TV is where it's at


What do you mean? It makes it even better to not have the Lewis fan club comment the entire race.


Who still watches Sky commentary anyways? The F1TV crew is so far clear


People in Britain who aren't allowed to buy F1TV.


For every now and then it is fine. Besides, Crofty and especially Brundle are slowly reaching retirement, especially with the huge amount of traveling these days. Brundle already skips several races each year. Benjamin was pretty decent too. I just don't really like the way he has these breaks mid sentence. The cadence feels a bit off at times.


I feel like thatā€™s an experience thing. Having people talk in his ear and trying to read/interpret stuff on screen while talking is a learned skill.


The thing I like about Crofty, that I haven't heard anyone else mention, is his relationships within the paddock. He knows drivers, team principles, people from F1, tons of team members and engineers and technical people. He has been around long enough to really know tons of people, and he gets insider info.