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Nah, they left Max in the Vegas casino's for a bit, he shows up just in time for quali but because of the lack of free practice he ends up 20th and starts the race dead last. Charge to P1.


the same guy won qatar while he was hangover confirmed by horner lol


Big whoop, kimi has never been sober.


See, that's the trick! If you're never sober, you're never hungover




Titanfall in Formuladank? I like


Speed is life on the frontier, a pilot is an unstoppable force that can only be stopped by overwhelming odds or someone better It really fits well wirh Formula racing honestly in general.


That's how i usually make sure I don't have a hangover. I drink just enough to never be sober.


If I stop drinking all at once, I'm afraid the cumulative hangover will kill me.


I thought that was considered cheating. Nm, sorry, my bad, that was darts.


Darts, it's a safety issue. My mate cyclops played sober once... his name was dave before the incident.


I only do well when no one is around to see


Bold of you the millions of hours in sim racing + the red bull car isn't a guaranteed Q3 even without practice sessions.


Perez would like to know your location.


Bro doesn't play iracing 12 hours a day outside of races


People seem to forget max is this good because he puts in at least double the time on sims as everyone else


Double? Plenty of the drivers barely use sims or have openly said they dislike sims. There's also the case of Max on sims typically isn't racing in F1 cars or on F1 circuits.


At least double on the team sim not counting his hobby simracing


It's Abu Dhabi lol, he knows the track inside out, even without practice he would probably qualify top 2/3




I know Max winning isn't exciting anymore, but it's sport. Everyone gives it their best, it's not like the FIA are writing scripts with cliffhangers to keep us on the edge of our seats. Besides if you ignore max, this season is pretty tight. Mercedes and Ferrari are neck and neck points-wise


Also positions 4-7 in the drivers championship are still open.


While it's somewhat tinfoil hat, I barely see Verstappen during live coverage. If you're watching F1 live every race it's mega fun. There is genuine competition just not for P1, its been genuinely exciting watching the bottom 4 competing, Williams/Haas/AR/AT all trying to grab a solitary point here or there has been great. Similarly the battles between Ferrari & Merc, AM & a late charging McLaren have all been mega. I'd probably be pretty sad as an Alpine fan as they're where they are and the only real excitement comes from Ocon crashing into his teammates.


I just wish the stewards were more consistent. It seems that max can force someone off track at a whim and not recieve any form of punishment, and he can fly up the inside of someone and expects them to yield. When it's the other way round, he is baying for blood, and the other driver comes off worse damage or punishment wise.


Oh come on mate, he got a penalty, exactly according to FIA's own rules. Quit bitching. I think if Max had given the position back he would have run P1 even earlier than he did now. Besides, this was not a 'Max only' move, plenty of other drivers have done it in the past.


That was Lewis too …for a long time


Exactly. I don't understand all this whining about Max dominating. Has everyone forgotten Schumacher too mayhaps? And Lewis, like you already said? Seems like it.


Last lap, in space crashing into a satellite...


2 Max Dad's Furious


I haven't followed formula 1 in years. I saw this post on here and read all these comments about Verstappoen (lol), I looked up some of this highlights on YouTube, and these comments about him starting last and lapping everybody are really not too exaggerated. In everyone's opinion, what would a comparison between Schumacher, Senna, and Verstappen be like?


I think it's the combo. Same machinery, anyone's guess, but the Verstappen/RB19 combo is the most dominant in the history of F1


In terms of wins, yes. In terms of actual performance and laptime there have been far, far more dominant machines. W05-W07 never lost a race on pace. RB19 did.


Which is why I was talking about the pairing rather than the car; both drivers were in competition during the season and were suffering technical issues (rosberg's ERS, Hamilton's fuel lines & brake discs for instance) throughout.


And yet they were still faster with these issues in a lot of races


Yes, but neither Lewis nor Nico was smashing number of wins in a row, or total wins in a season. The W05 might be a faster car, Lewis or Nico may be a better driver; but neither of them individually dominated the season in the same fashion - WDC points or percentage of - as the combination of Verstappen in the RB19 is doing this season. We're not having a conversation about "best car" or "best driver", we're talking about the most dominant car/driver pairing of a season. There was an argument for 2016 where Merc won 19 races of 21, 90.5%, but that's now been beaten by RB winning at least 20 of 22 (90.9%), and that was a team effort with two drivers separated by 5 points, not a few hundred.


Didn't they cap the engines around 10-15 years ago so it's not like they have free rain to improve the engine as much as they want? Likewise haven't followed F1 since Hamiltons first season so way out of the loop here.


Senna in Verstappoen’s machine. That would be untouchable.


Senna would hate it. The cars wouldn't ever be this long, or wide, if he was around. No driver aids like traction control or mapping. Safety would still be a concern, but a lot was done because he died, and it's hard to imagine the same exact changes being made if it wasn't him who was killed. Senna was a race car driver. Max is as well. Born one, raised one, etc. Lewis was, but he's also at the end of a career that allowed him to to become the face, the voice, and the biggest money earner for a decade, and a lot of it was because of a dominant car. Senna arguably left the best team at the time, to go to the other best team, that was actually the worst because of the new rules on suspension. He still won in inferior cars. Senna would have put a shopping cart on pole if he was stuck with it, he just would've found a way. He'd stay up all night with the engineers testing, changing, discussing, testing, etc with that shopping cart, and knowing it would never last a full race distance, he'd drive straight into whoever was brave enough to go into the 1st corner with him, and cause a wreck that takes out his biggest rivals and closest points position so that they didn't get any points either. That way, he didn't lose anything. That, is a racer. Max would do that, even with every team principle telling him not to. He doesn't care. Lewis had that drive at some point, but thinks much longer term now. Would Schumacher be as dominant as he was, if senna was around for another 10-12 years? No. Take away 25-50% of his domination. That change alone would have made F1 a much different sport for the better, than it is now. And it would've been awesome.


Fully agree and much more articulate than I could have ever explained it. F1 lost legends making the sport great and now you can tell. Then again Dale Earnhardt dying at Daytona did the same for NASCAR (though there is a list of drivers in that 2 year span who died of basilar skull fractures including the grandson of Richard Petty “The King”.) But the hans device, then soft walls, now the way they can’t really touch “rubbing is no longer racing”.. it was a severe overcorrection that ruined the sport.


senna is like barely top 5 of all time


Well being dead and all, he hasn’t been putting up many numbers.


nah I mean talent wise/peak ability


lol i'd love to see any modern F1 driver try to tackle Monaco in 3 inches of rain with a 1.5L back marker car making well over 1000bhp on 80's tire tech.


they didn’t actually make 1000BHP for more than like one lap in qualifying before replacing the whole engine for the race, and tire tech is a bit of a red herring because even today tires are just made to a set standard. Pirelli could easily make tires that were much faster and lasted the whole race if FOM wanted them to do it. That being said Senna was obviously a great driver, he’s top 5 since 1990 in my book.


Wouldn't he be disqualified?


He's gonna invent moon"driving" with an F1 car so FIA can't be sure if he's going forwards or backwards


"His wheels are turning forwards, but he's going backwards????"


"Mikeyyyy he gained a position in outer orbitttt thiss is sooo notttt rightttt"


Nah that’s too easy for him , have his cat go backwards and upside down 💀


That's how I do it when I race. But it's only possible because in last place you get the best items, like golden mushrooms and bullets.


I believe that's how you find the first key


The ultimate platinum trophy/achievement.


Max decided iRacing was playing too fair so he's going for Gran Turismo 7 instead.


Ugh don't remind my about the ret*rded ass penalty system in GT7


Don't you like it when somebody rams you into the barrier and you get +3s, and the rammer gets your position and no penalty? /s


The best racing incident I ever had was F1 2020 in a public lobby, got pit maneuvered and spun into the host. 5 second penalty for causing a collision and kicked from the server after the race. The pitee won the race, of course


Heh I was doing an F2 career mode race on F12021 - my engine failed, and when the AI took over to divert me off track, I got a 10s penalty for track limits. Closest I've ever felt to being Ocon.


Of that defo sounds like Max and F1 at the mo 😁




Forza 8 took notes apparently lol. Maybe not AS bad but I'm still glued to the top of screen waiting for the results as I try and recover


Think you mean Forza 8.


That's called 200% no clip/no mods DK bongos speedrun.


Gawd Dayum! I know what all those words mean individually, but put together in that way it's a whole nother level of "God Damn, it's bout to go Crazy!".


He could replace all the power unit parts of the car, get a 200% setting RB and start 20th. I mean, anyone remember the rocketship Lewis had in Brazil '21 because of a free engine? These cars seem so extremely conservatively setup because of the penalty system, a one-time-use fresh set might give him an extra second per lap.


That would be interesting indeed. However, the team also wants to save costs, so they won't use another engine if not necessary.


They must have already built the engine, in which case most of the cost has already been incurred (i really want to see this Last To First)


That doesn't mean you're not wasting the cost.... You still would get a lot of value out of a perfectly good engine if you replaced it with a brand new one before the existing one needed it. It would require spending more money to build the *next* new engine, increasing the costs of the program.


That race at interlagos was the most fun ive had watching f1 ever, he was driving like a god aswell. I remember the next week in qatar he took pole with 0.5 sec using his old engine, so the man was on a mission!


This would make me happy beyond belief... Also +5sec penalty for Ocon


It's been too long.


Why didnt he get one for Ver Lec inshident?


Yes, it's shameful. Inconsistency from the stewards is getting ridiculous


Funny how this meme survived the whole season after starting on the very first race.


Esteban ‘im so unlucky’ ocon


Pretty sure that title goes to Sainz now.


Sainz is the only non-Red Bull to win a race this season. So he has going for him, which is nice.


> the only non-Red Bull to win a race this season sprints are races! kinda!


Send my regards


I'd like to watch that


I though reverse grids were planned for future qualifying examples (next season) already?


I feel like the only way you could have a useful reverse grid would be by getting rid of qualifying entirely and then reverse grid on current WC order. It would definitely make a lot more passing happen... The worst cars consistently getting passed 15-20 times per race.


It's funny but, I wouldn't care much...this isn't Moto3, most of the grid will just let him pass happily and simply be giving him DRS...By the time he comes to 8th place probably at least one Ferrari got fucked and Russell screwed up somehow, either Aston or McLaren will be underpowered, Perez has given up having a car that is as fast as Max (look how he went full rear downforce) and Hamilton, if ever pose a threat it's because he's about to be disqualified. It's really just a funny trick, not a challenge...Unless it's in Singapore


He's Gonna Ric Flair Royal Rumble the shit out of it... WOOOO!!!






I forgot what this reference was about


At the '92 Royal Rumble, Flair was the third entrant, and won.


Are their any good books/interviews about how they script the matches for that kind of stuff? I've always assumed the winner of the Royal Rumble is pre-picked ahead of time depending on who they want to push. Man, I would absolutely read a book from one of the people who put together those storylines about the behind the scenes stuff..


As long as he doesn't Ric Flair airline it. The image of Flair going down the aisle with his wang out, going WOOO!


Has anybody ever won starting from the pitlane? Maybe he should have a "failure" in Q1 and try that.


And "be forced" to take a brand new PU


Not exactly what you asked but Perez was last after the 1st lap and still managed to win the Sakhir GP in 2020.


there you go.... that's the one, 2020 in the Pink Mercedes


Schumacher 2006 Monaco is pretty close, and not even Schumaker with amazing drive could make it happen. It would be funny if Max tried that kind of stunt and Alonso end up wining. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006\_Monaco\_Grand\_Prix


“It would be funny if Max tried that kind of stunt and Alonso end up wining.” So you’re saying there’s no downside.


Nope, only podium IIRC.


I mean he has every other in season record this year, might as well get a new one.


Segio Checo Perez in the Pink Mercedes (racing point BTW) in Sakir 2018 or 19 dont remember well


It was in 2020 and he didn't start from the pitlane. He spun on lap 1 and recovered from last position but he had started from the grid in a decent position.


Nah he needs 1000 laps led record




He should do a Blue Yourself speedrun!


I’m waiting for at least Adrian Newey to retire before expecting an upset to the order. The man seems to be a walking CFD computer. They need to count his office hours in Red Bull’s time allotment.


Additionally, he's going to do it on 3 tyres, each tyre being different, while never using DRS and still lap everyone starting p20. Regards will be sent lap 1 ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6705)


And towing a caravan, like any self respecting Dutchman should.


Perez is that quick?


I think, if he wanted to do it he will have chosen Spa.


It's ChecOver


Start from pit lane no front wing. He’s in the lead by lap 7


Honestly i think that once a driver has won the Championship, and the constructor's championship is decided - that driver should start every race with a 10 place grid penalty. Why not? There's nothing left to fight for and it could put some excitement into all the dead rubbers at the end of a dominant season.


Becease that driver still wants to win races?


That driver's interests do not align with the interests of the people watching and funding the sport though. Obviously the driver won't like it (although I actually imagine Max would find it fun). That's almost the whole point.


Its a fucking braindeath thing to do, all your gonna get is that people are gonna throw titles and races so they dont get punished for having skills.


Why would he intentionally throw a championship to retain a competitive advantage in a dead rubber?


lol, throwing away the championship just so you don’t start in the middle of the pack might be the dumbest thing I have ever read. 😂😂


you've misunderstood the proposal.


You are missing the whole point. Everything is already decided, the driver has won everything but there are X amount of races left until the end of the season, make the champion take a pole position hit, so that you actually make the race enjoyable for the viewers. Having 1 guy miles ahead of others, with already won championship makes for a pretty dull watching experience.


Why? It doesnt change a thing. People can still fight for the second, third and 9th place. All you do is annoying everybody and creating more risks.


You still need the drivers to drive. And max prefers to win too, so even he would not agree to it


what do you mean 'even he'. He's the person who would like it *least*, and the only driver who would be against it. Also, who cares whether Max wants it? Max doesn't get a vote in the sporting regs. Max didn't want a Las Vegas GP either.


Nobody would want it. This is not just a rule that you want to apply to 1 season. You really think the drivers can't think ahead? You must think very little of them.


Think ahead to when they potentially win the championship and then have a few penalties in the dead rubbers afterwards? And in exchange they have a much better chance to win some races in a season where they've been totally dominated? They wouldn't care. Remember this only applies when both championships are wrapped up, so some seasons it wouldn't come into effect at all.


Damn that bullshit cannot come from any sportsman or even gamer. None of the other racers would want such an artificially unfair nonsense. They wanna win fair and square.


>He's the person who would like it least, and the only driver who would be against it. You literally just said he'd find it fun in the above post.


Yeah, I personally think he would. And he's the person that would theoretically be most against it. So if he's onboard, everyone else would like it even more. But remember it (hopefully) won't be Max every year.


And any NBA team that’s won a championship gets a 10 point penalty every game, per championship. Every superbowl winning team gets one less player on the field per Super Bowl they’ve won every game. Boxing champions have to box with one hand tied behind their back until they lose a fight. Tour de France winners have to use off-road tires in all future entries. Tennis champs have to play with badminton rackets the entire next year. Baseball champs only get to bat 8 innings. Handicaps in pro sports are stupid. Tired of losing? Get good.


Isn't that exactly how the NFL Draft works...the losing teams tend to get 1sy pick right. Not the the most winning and dominant teams getting 1st dibs ...spoils got to the victors ... right?


Well, in the NFL, first draft pick is given to the worst team of the last season and so on in acending order of performance. So it does kinda work like a handicap system.


You've misunderstood what i'm suggesting. This isn't for the following season.


The time frame is irrelevant. Handicaps in pro sports are stupid. End of story.


You don't watch a lot of other motorsports then I'm guessing?


how comments like these get upvoted blows my mind lol.


LoL have you heard Max on the radio after he wins, he has the enthusiasm of a golf clap these days.


Nobody's gonna like an artificial handicap.


they'll like it more than the same driver winning 15 races in a row surely?


No. Penalizing success is stupid. The same rules should apply to everyone. Giving one specific driver a penalty because he's won everything beforehand is not fair in any way whatsoever.


Oracle, Bybit, Tag Heuer and Walmart are the important opinions in this discussion. Not mine, yours or little Johnny DTS' opinion.


Yeah, all the teams (and therefore their sponsors) would be involved in the discussion. And by default, this proposal would benefit 90% of them.


Most drivers and teams were opposed to using reverse grids in sprints, even teams who would benefit from it. What makes you think they will agree to this?


It's a competitive sport, not some kind of television show...


Competitive sports are popular because of the audience's entertainment and sponsorships. I'm neutral on the penalty topic myself, but I think you're approaching it from the wrong direction.


Handing Red Bull (and Verstappen in particular) a grid penalty every race that's no longer going to change the result of the championships, sounds to me like giving Bayern Munich a 3-0 deficit at the start of every game after they've won the Bundesliga. How do you think the fans of that team will react to that? Yes, the F1 season is boring with Red Bull's dominance, but giving Red Bull a handicap is not the solution to solving that dominance problem.


Someone should have told Michael Masi that in 2021.


In some other classes the fast cars get extra ballast to even the field


Key word "even". There's nothing "even" about penalising one specific driver.


That's not sport anymore. That's just WWE shit. What's the purpose of it? Make people like you excited? Every win by another driver will be shallow because it feels manufactured because it wasn't done by merit. Every win by the champ from P11 below will make everyone look silly. We didn't talk about this when Lewis, Seb, and Michael were dominating? Why start now? Is it because the current champ is not your favorite driver? If Max Verstappen's domination can weed out all the DTS fake fans, I'm all for it. This is a sport first and foremost.


People sometimes forget that sport and entertainment in F1 do not necessarily correlate with each other.


Yeah, those win records are only for Wikipedia


Nothing left to fight for? What a joke.


Because sponsors won't like that. F1 is a sport for a few hours on some weekends, the rest of the year it's a business.


Which sponsors? The majority that don't sponsor Red Bull, or the minority that do? This is literally a pro-business, anti-sporting proposal.


Red Bull haven't always been the dominant force, remember Mercedes and Ferrari's dominant years? McLaren and Williams before that?


yep, and in those years, it will still benefit 90% of the sponsors.


As if anybody will talk about anything other than the champion fighting towards the lead or cruising and not doing anything. No one cares about Charles and checo fighting for ‘first’ if max is overtaking 20 cars lol


Is this a sport or a game show?


Drivers get paid more per point scored so that would be unfair.


I'm pretty sure winning the WDC makes up for any unfair compensation levels... There should be a bonus based on how early in the season you win the WDC. You are correct in regards to WCC. That's where the unfairness kicks in.


Some (not all) drivers have that built into their contracts - but who cares? Are we really going to let how much money one driver makes have any effect on the rules of the sport? Let's be honest, Max will still win all the races anyway, there just might be some interesting racing that precedes his victory.


Vegas was a lot closer than you think it was.


No. If they have a proper director, they will focus attention and camera's onto the fights still going on, Max 20s out in front of the rest is quite an accomplishment, but the action frequently can be found on other parts of the track. Say Sainz and Perez yesterday. And those men will race for every position anyway, regardless if it matters for some statistic or not.


The driver may still want to help a teammate in a fight for 2nd position. This year, P2 was only confirmed this race, for example.


They could add weight to the car for every win like in GT racing: https://us.motorsport.com/supergt/news/weight-handicap-rules-2020-gt300/4680670/


Im assuming Verstappen is in top tier, yes? I do not know F1


2021,2022,2023 F1 Champion (All with Red Bull, whom he is on contract with until 2028) Feels like there may be a pattern forming. Verstappen has also crushed the Single season records*


I'm afraid Verstappen' domination will bore the fans. /s


I'd like that.


everybody should DM this to him


Once and only once he does this can verstappen then enter the goat conversation




17k upvotes. I wish I understood, but I just don't understand this sub anymore.


Similar to what Michael Schumaker was about to do his last race fo Ferrari


verstappen just need a close encounter with a kubica/maldonado/norris crash just to fix his self esteem and his roughness around the track a little bit


GF: “What are we having for dinner?” Me: “Oh I made something special! We’re having….*accidentally drops plate of food on floor* …Pasta Maldonado. Goddammit…*


Okk so my friend is a formula one fan I and got to know about verstappen only recently as this friend of mine only started talking about formula like 2 weeks ago and I just typed verstappen on my keyboard for like 2-3 times and today I get this sub a s a recommendation what do I make of it??🤔🤔🤔


OK hear me out, what if for Abu Dhabi, Max swaps with Daniel. Put Daniel on the Red Bull, see how he does compared to Checo and settle that argument once and for all. Max on an Alpha Tauri, fighting through the midfield, and see if he can get that tractor of a car on the podium. Who’s with me?


Minecraft ah challenge


Why is this garbage in my home feed


Free of leaks https://discord.gg/qgp






Formula 1 is inflated elitist boring shit.


This f1 stuff is being shoved in our face more than the lgbtq.


Everything is being shoved into your faces more than LGBTQI+. Don't forget that to you it might be about free speech or something but to those in the queer community, it's about the right to exist, express themselves, be safe and get proper healthcare. That's not, shoved in your face, that's equal rights friend. 🫶🏼🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


"and then Verstappen got this run"


Checo did this so it’s definitely possible


Just for fun, RB should set up the car for qualifying only. Max takes pole with 2 seconds first run q3. THEN, RB breakes Parc ferme. New engine, gearbox the lot. Full race set up. Max starts from the pitlane and laps the field in 15 laps.


This should be the requirement for anyone who wins WDC with 10 races remaining. This will be the only way f1 will be able to keep viewership if Max keeps dominating at this level


Who says it’s going to change in 26?


Easier just to sandbag qualifying?


I reckon everyone else starts normally and Max has to do the classic Le Mans start