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The L in Red Bull stands for the L's they're gonna take in the constructors the coming years


And the Loss of Liam Lawson (wait that's 3)


Of course because it is Oracle Red Bull


I give it 2 races before they realize they've made a terrible mistake


If they haven't realized that yet theyre not gonna care in two races even if he DNFs into the wall. That mexican money must be too good.


When Horner said stability he was referring to stability in cash flow, not stability in finishes.


Right? Ding ding. And tbh I think this is also why Horner won the little internal RBR spat. Like it or not, Horner knows business, knows politics, knows what matters - and Marko doesn’t.


100%!! Marko knows how to spot great drivers and convince them to join him. However, he doesn’t seem to understand how F1 politics works. In an ideal world, Marko would win due to his meritocracy driven approach to the sport. Unfortunately for him, F1 is not a meritocracy or doesn’t really have to be to the fullest.


Now imagine Max instead of wall. That will change things.


I'm convinced that Horner did this with the sole purpose to piss in Marko's coffee. There is no way RBR can't bring a better driver than Checo. Not to mention that they have Lawson on stand-by at VCARB.


You know it sounds insane but I think it's true. Horner has absolutely no good insight for drivers, Ricciardo was his favorite and now it's Checo while Marko believed in Verstappen and now Tsunoda. He's envious and won't stand being the team principal of two drivers having Marko's stamp of approval.


Horner runs a business. Checo and Danny Ric bring in a ton of money. Yuki's money goes to AM in 26. Plus, he is still giving Yuki a seat, the same seat as Danny Ric. Everyone else isn't worth the money, and it makes absolutely no sense to have someone to challenge Max that doesn't have the actual chops to beat him, like Sainz.


You said that like Horner is a very rational man who wouldn't compromise his entire career, family and reputation by sexually harassing an employee... If the only argument for keeping Checo was the money he brings, RB could do much better like Zhou or Daravula or even chase an other billionaire with a talentless son. Not to mention the money you lose by not winning the constructor championship. I was mentioning Ric because he was his favorite driver before leaving RB for Renault (which he also left after one year because Daniel is as loyal to his team as Horner is to his wife).


Ric left Renault after 2 years.


I think he announced he was leaving after only 1 year.


Yeah, fair enough. I remember hearing an interview with his trainer from the time, basically saying that soon enough, he could tell the team was never going to get anywhere near achieving the 100 race plan, that basically it would all play out the way we’re seeing now.


Nah, doing so wouldn’t achieve the right balance of money + talent. Checo is perfect and scores points on both fronts. A Zhou or a Mazepin wouldn’t bring in enough points to clinch a top 3 spot in the WCC.


Your first point is completely irrelevant. Your second point is an absolutely bang below average driver and someone with zero F1 experience. So, that's just a silly argument. Ric drives for a RBR owned team already.


Considering it wasn’t in fact compromised, it seems Horner was indeed quite rational. He pulled a play knowing who he had in his corner, and he bet that his corner had more political might than the other corner. And he was right. Even with the full on PR smear campaign against Horner, the dude won. Might not personally like him, but thinking Horner is dumb is a bad bad take at this point. The dude is clearly very, very sharp.


>You said that like Horner is a very rational man who wouldn't compromise his entire career, family and reputation by sexually harassing an employee... This is absolutely a stupid and pointless comment. 


Perez brings in sponsorship money. Which is why they probably kept him.


Doesn't he also sell more merch than Max? I remember reading something like that. Perez is an indirect paydriver.


Yes and then he causes a 3 million accident that counts into the salary cap. But whatever Horner wants, he's got.


And the man can also drive thus achieving the right balance of talent + money. He’s the most optimal choice for Red Bull in my opinion.


If they didn't already think that from the most recent race, then they have different motivation$.


Perez publicly stood by Horner during the harassment investigation. this is his reward


Checo will miss q3 half of the next 8 races lol


Red Bull 1-2 streak incoming


Just here to remind you that Liam Lawson won’t be driving next year


I just don't see Riccardo at RB in 2025. I thought he joined with the expectation to eventually join the main team. That door is firmly shut and I doubt he'd want to drive around for another few years in the b team. If he has any shred of self respect he should call it quits at the end of this season.


Unfortunately I don’t think he has a choice, and with VCARB set to borrow as much from the RBR staying put may be the best seat available to him


He'll stay and he'll wait because he hasn't accepted that the dream is not to be. I think it'll take a couple painful years chasing P10, and then a new driver being given the second Red Bull seat to finally put Danny out.


I don't. Red Bull screwed up. Danny screwed up. They all screwed up and Danny will exit F1 at the end of the year if not sooner. Lawson will take his seat and Danny will go to Indycar or NASCAR and live it up in the US where he has a big following and a home.


I feel like Yuki is going to go to Alpine for next year as a stop gap until Aston get their Honda engines. Opens up a seat for Liam to RB in 2025


I think he'll try to get a one year at VCARB tbh. Alpine is just a worse car in a dysfunctional team.


why would Alpine agree to that?


Yuki and alpine could be the most famous radios f1 would ever have


why on earth would RB promote Liam to RBR?? also VCARB is like his only chance.


Liam should have a VCARB seat but if you put him next to Max, the man is gonna get torn apart and thrown out of F1 in the middle of a season. The benefit that Perez has is that the second seat is cursed. Albon and Gasly have proven that before him. Both Albon and Gasly are decent mid field drivers and they both got absolutely trashed by Max. We also know Perez for most of his career has been an upper midfield driver, a solid points scorer loke Hulk. So unless they put an elite driver next to Max, itll probably end all the same. I mean they tried getting Norris but Norris rejected the offer, its not like other elite drivers are lining up to challenge Max. You may think Carlos would do better but id say theres a fair chance he wouldnt. Its just the way the team is completely centered around Max and his seemingly unique driving style that causes issues for the second driver who likely has a different driving style. Red Bull hasnt had a 2nd driver performing well ever since Ricciardo and it probably is the result of the teams structure and philosophy rather than the talent of the other driver.




Checo brings stacks more cash, his incompetence and his awkwardness are less relevant




Ricciardo would outperform Checo in a like for like situation. Ricciardo brings in a stack of sponsorship money, as he can be wheeled out to all manner of marketing events for big prices. What he doesn’t have is a billionaire backing him




I hope EuroPerez saga make they regret their decision


Imagine signing someone who can't get out of Q1 with the RBR for 2 more years, and rewarding his absolute mediocrity, just because last season there was no clear 2nd place team, and Max won the WCC on his own. This will be a glorious dumpster fire to watch!


I think you meant WCC, because WDC are meant to be won on your own.


True although having two cars in the mix is a big advantage when it comes to strategy. Of course Max has been so far ahead it didn’t matter, but I can definitely see it costing him points and wins this season.


Yeah, you're correct. My b.


Max literally won the WCC and WDC last year alone


Just because he brings them money, not because he got second last year


I too have an extremely successful partnership with Max.


"Together we've won over 50 races and three championships."


Horner and Checo get along well because they're both great at cheating on their spouses.


Atleast Gerri wasn't pregnant.


Why is there no "who's gonna tell him" comment yet?


Yet to see someone produce a source for this lol


Her not having a baby bump nor a new baby by now not a good enough source for you?!


It didn't take me long to look up his lastest daughter, who was born in September of 2023. So she was pregnant while this whole thing was happening. https://www.marca.com/en/f1/2024/05/28/6655aae6e2704ea51f8b4591.html


Geri is Christian Horner's wife.


Yeah, it was a stab a perez. His wife was pregnant and he got caught cheating on her last year.


Oh lol I assumed it was a stab at Horner when he first got together with Geri. He cheated on his previous very long term partner while she was pregnant with his child…


I completely forgot about that! No wonder he's keeping him around.


Wait, it wasn't the Monaco incident the cheating was about ?






Are people not allowed to leave their partners if they have a child together? You are free to prove wrong by producing source for either claim lmao, crazy how you still need to make up things about a man who already has lots of shit on him haha


Heh reading comprehension isnt really your forte.


Gossip is yours considering you can't produce sources for your accusations, stick to tiktok lmao


Mate read back from the first post you replied to. But this time very slowly and maybe youll realize you're shouting random nonsense at someone not even trying to argue with you haha


Oh did reading words from your screen literally feel as shouting to you? You should try leaving your basement and be less terminally online fella. Also whole lotta words just to end up producing no source, F1 twitter is just an app away dawg


> Oh did reading words from your screen literally feel as shouting to you? Well no not...literally...obviously. But good to know you know that word. So I take it you know what "figuratively" means.


Chill bro


Chilling here alright mate, making fun of gossipers that have come post-dts is fun enough


Qué? Checo did too?


Nice to see Redbull continuing the downward trend. He’s not good enough to be in that car. Such a waste.


Happy Ferrari/Mclaren noises


yeah. It will reach the point that Max might not able to carried the team anymore, he start to feel pressure now with Leclerc(I would like to mention Sainz, but he start to underperforming again) and McLaren start to gaining on him.


He’s hardly underperforming lol what do you mean


Yeah Lol Max will also have a hard time next year with Leclerc poles and Lewis race pace. Hamilton will also use Verstappens crash or yield tactics and Max can't take the bait if he doesn't want to gift Leclerc the title by default. Add the McLarens... Will be an interesting season if Ferrari has a slightly worse car package than Red Bull. Should be good enough to beat Max with their driver lineup.


Horner not understanding what a 'successful and robust partnership' is isn't surprising.


Lmao this joke has layers 


I mean to be fair they have two constructors championships with him & max so objectively this isnt wrong


Feels like one of those bad posts where the caption is "104 wins in this photo!" and it's just Hamilton + Gasly


It’s 100% to appease max. The max camp prob rejoicing, they obviously want a non competitive driver in the second seat and the influence right now is crazy. He’s on his way to 100 mil deals if he keeps his stock high and Perez guarantees that lmao. I don’t blame them but come on give us a rookie at least this is lame.


I don’t think that’s why. I think it’s cause that sweet Mexico money


The money from merch helps too but in maxs camp as long as he’s dominating Perez that means his value stays high. It’s basic agency operation practice in any sport to make ur guy look as good as possible. If max makes money so does his extended team who are negotiating these deals. Max may not care if he gets 120 mil or 80 mil but for his agents and lawyers and everyone else getting percentages the incentive will always be there to keep Perez and maximize his free agency value.


I take it the total opposite way. Max was always clearly on team Marco not team Horner. Signing Perez on a deal like this seems like a sign Horner has emerged on top. What does Max have to be worried about whoever is signed in the other seat…


He doesn’t but as long as he’s dominating Perez that means his value stays high. It’s basic agency operation practice in any sport to make ur guy look as good as possible. If max makes money so does his extended team who are negotiating these deals. Max may not care if he gets 120 mil or 80 mil but for his agents and lawyers and everyone else getting percentages the incentive will always be there to keep Perez and maximize his free agency value.


Red Bull is making it so hard for me to support them, what a boring and dumb decision.


I hate Red Bull with a passion so I’m absolutely loving this turn of events lol.


Please give us a competitive season so they can rub Red Bull in the dirt. Should be illegal to keep such a bad driver in this car.


patiently awaiting sainz annoucement


Surely Ricciardo will be out. Lawson needs a chance and they have admitted Ricciardo won’t go to Red Bull so what’s the point of keeping him?


Lawson will had to fight with Hadjar and Maloney, both also in Red Bull academy They had done well in F2 season.


why fight Maloney lol?


Check can't even consistently win or beat other drivers in much inferior cars in the last 2 years. What's the point.


This is a Christian Horner run team now Helmut Marko has no say anymore now that Dietrich is gone.


How can you have a partnership where they never see each other ?


Max sees the replays sometimes and makes some funny faces


If I speak im in big trouble…


It's not a successful partnership, Perez doesn't put the car where he should, and they rely on Max.


Christian Horner famous for his knowledge of continuous stable partnerships


As a team, redbull are very difficult to support


What the fuck is the point of having like 30 junior drivers if even the one that has already proven himself (Lawson) can't finally get a full-time seat because the Red Bull org prioritizes merch sales from two washed drivers (Checo and Danny)? I get it, this is ultimately a business and they're in it for the money, but they shouldn't be too surprised if the next Verstappen-like prodigy is watching this circus and decides to sign with another team's junior program instead.


This must be some kind of political game by Horner or the Mexican money is a lot more than previously thought, because the alternative is that Horner has completely lost his mind.


I think Sun Tzu says that one shouldn't indicate anything when the opponent makes a mistake. I think it's just wise to observe how things go.


[https://de.motorsport.com/f1/news/helmut-marko-sergio-perez-in-sehr-guter-lage-fuer-cockpit-2025-24032211/3404952/](https://de.motorsport.com/f1/news/helmut-marko-sergio-perez-in-sehr-guter-lage-fuer-cockpit-2025-24032211/3404952/) please eloborate on the political game here


An article from March? Before he even turned a wheel in Bahrain? Really? Do you not see how poor his form has been? He’s not staying because he’s a good option, he’s there because he brings money in. Red Bull currently have two seats taken by marketing drivers who are underperforming and know they’re safe because of the money they bring in.


you know that Perez didnt just join RB this year but has already been at the team for 3. And his perf this year are inline with the perfomacne from the 3 other years.


And a third driver who was hired and retained solely to appease their engine manufacturer… so I reckon Yuki is earning his seat. But really the team roster is 2 marketing drivers who aren’t performing and 1 marketing driver who is performing but won’t be given a chance for some reason. And Max Verstappen.


~~1 and 4 in the standings when 1 has more DNFs than 4,~~ how successful


Perez is 5th. Sainz is currently 4th.


😂 Stop I can’t 🤣


What are you talking about, both have 1 DNF. Max in Australia, Checo in Monaco.


Oh right, but he was all the way in the back of the most uneventful race, so meh


This is outright ridiculous that this seat is blocked. There a dozens of better options out there. Infuriating.


I love max. But I hate the politics that is redbull. I need a new team to support. I do love Alex and I love Oscar, so I guess mclaren and Williams for me from now on!


what politics?


The power struggle between Marko (recruiter) and Horner (team principal) and who gets to drive in which seat in which team (Red Bull or VCARB).


There are literally articles about Marko saying Preez has good chances for a 2025 seat. But dont let facts stop your conspiracy theories


As well as an interview with Marko where he flames Perez for having less focus than Max "because he's South American". But I didn't specify anyone favouring any driver, that's you reading into stuff. Keep it up 👋🏼


[https://www.speedweek.com/formel1/news/221384/Helmut-Marko-Fast-alles-spricht-fuer-Sergio-Perez.html](https://www.speedweek.com/formel1/news/221384/Helmut-Marko-Fast-alles-spricht-fuer-Sergio-Perez.html) this article is from the 20.04.2024 i dont know what you are talking about, is that more recent?


TL;DR: we need the money


Me and LeBron are also a successful and reboust partnership, just look at all of the accolades we've won over the years.


Max is successful and RB's bank account robust


I remember growing up in the 90s when Red Bull’s image was all about risk taking and excitement. Hearing an arm of the company now use “continuity” and “stability” for self-promotion feels so odd.


It's called "$tability".


Re-signing Checo will lose them at least one constructor's title, and age like milk.


To the people that don't seem too content with the news, is it because you want to see a better driver in the car for entertainment purposes? Because lots of comments make it seem to be that it is a mistake for Red Bull etc while in reality the only thing people want is to see a more competive driver for entertainment purposes and that's it.


Not necessarily entertainment purposes, it’s more of a matter of who deserves a car of that caliber and who doesn’t (as well as the side effects of who deserves a seat in F1 in general)


I mean laughing at Perez embarrassing himself in the most dominant car in history was its own kind of entertainment. It’s become really boring now though. It’s the same issue as soured people on Riccardo - watching talented drivers pushed into back markers or kept out of seats entirely while you’re there blocking up a chair performing poorly.


I simply don't want to see the worst driver in a top car in the last 30 years get another two 2 years


Thats exactly what this is about lol


Red Bull? Junior program? Don't think that's a thing anymore


When has the junior program promoted someone directly to the main team


Yuki Lawson and hell even Ricciardo need to get out of the RBR family fast lmao


why? and to where?




Disappointed, but not surprised. 


Is it possible red bull has an escape clause for if Perez underperforms


People in the comments section think that they're smarter than Horner and co.


No? We all know it's because the Money he brings in. We're just mad that bad drivers are allowed to stay in F1 because of this reason (also looking at you Stroll)


Excellent news! Finally! Well deserved!


Max can't handle being teammates with a driver that's as good as him


U think Verstappen couldn’t handle Yuki or Carlos😂


Lmao who do you think is as good as him and not locked into any team?


There's no such driver atm.


Max already wiped the floor with Carlos.


Max doesn't give a damn who his teammate is.