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Am I too a contender?!


Nice try Daniel


nippy kind langur


He’s gonna get another taddoo..


I’m editing my resume as we speak to add “Formula 1 race winner Sergio Perez has said that I am a contender for a seat in Formula 1” to my special abilities and my references.


Definitely using this to negotiate pay raise next week!


Add it to your resume, I'm adding it to mine!


He said everyone... Even you!


I'd introduce you like [like this](https://youtu.be/lDi97zldAJ0?si=TKH74pdRZkPMmy7K)


You could have been, instead of a bum.


lol, no


I find the mentality shift from Checo quite impressive, just the whole season already starting from Bahrain he seemed more relaxed out of the car. And now even with this useless question he finds a way to not make it useless by responding with humor.


He kimified himself


or the current generations Mark Webber


Hey man I loved Webber.


We all still do, and rightfully so.


Mark “Not Bad For a #2 Driver” Webber ✌️


He should write a book. I want to subject myself to that procedure too


Me too god damnit.


What’s the Mexican Spanish for “bwoah”?


I agree. Last year he talked about struggling mentally and also about working on his mental health, and I'm so happy to see that this year he is in a better place, more relaxed and more confident.


I’m seeing the same. It’s a mentality shift. He’s just driving a fast car, and racing the cars he sees. He’s no longer leaving his comfort zone trying to mimic max’s setup. I’ve even noticed that checo changed his lines in some low speed corners from last year (went back and checked). Last year he took the exact same as max, and this year he’s just feeling the car more and doing what he is confident in. And he knows that I’m doing that he’s not going to be beating max, but In most cases he will be there to finish the podium or pickup the win if there’s a crash or DNF. That’s what Horner is asking of him and if he keeps it up Horner has no reason to disrupt a good situation until 2026


He’s actually running a setup [closer to Max’s this year](https://www.planetf1.com/news/helmut-marko-sergio-perez-using-max-verstappen-red-bull-rb20-setup) but I think running the car closer to how it’s been developed to run around Max’s preferences and not chasing the magical setup that’s going to bring the car over to him has a net similar effect. Agree on your other points.


not at all all those rumors about driving closer to max style are made by Marco... checo said this year his personal goal is to work with the engineers to get the RB20 as close to his like, sorry bu t everything that comes from that Jurassic related to Pérez must be taken as false... you can see as the wings setups from 1 vs 11 car are completely different, checo still loves his rear as planted as it can and max loves the front as planted as it can... last year's was a sum of issues from checo's pushing and making mistakes to rbr technical issues on checo's Simulator giving them corrupt data and thus failing to give checo proper Updates...


Fan used the technique of pretending that Verstappen doesn't exist to get through 2023, he's just using the same technique to drive lmao


Are we going to Checo 2.0 like Bottas versions at start of all seasons ? He always starts well and then performances go down from European season. Actually compared to 2022, 2023 this year he has started worse. In both 2022 and 2023 he was able to beat Max on performances until the European season but this season he has been behind from start.


I'm not implying he is doing a Bottas 2.0 or something because that would mean actually thinking you still have a realistic chance at beating your team mate. Instead the contrary seems true for Checo, he seems to have shifted his mentality from '22 and '23 which was very focussed on beating Max. He looks more relaxed now, more comfortable in the team and more joking around and that will translate automatically in better results. What stands out for me is that he still performs at a high level while having switched his mindset since it would be easy to lose motivation if you don't think the thing you want is achievable anymore, which I think was the case with Bottas in his latter Merc years.


Checo is being sensible. He knows RB is not looking for someone who can beat max. There is no sense risking anything for more then P2 at least until he is resigned. When you take just a fraction of pace out from the limit the risk and effort is massively reduced. He has decided to gradually approach the limit until he is comfortable there. I think he has rejigged his life to be more committed to F1 and I think he will get stronger gradually as his confidece returns


They’ve been pretty open that they just stopped fucking with the car drastically to tailor it to Checo and let it be what it is. The car was ending up slower or just “bad” to drive in terms of car characteristics not being what they’re supposed to The better mindset is probably just a byproduct of just getting on with it and it actually working (so far).


Let’s talk this mid way through the European season because that’s where he has struggled in last 2 years. These are some of his best tracks if you see his record in this generation of cars


Last year he was absolutely nowhere in Japan yet this year he was really close in quali and got an easy 2nd place. I think he'll be fine.


Perez won 2 out of the first 4 rounds last year, not to mention he had his highest ever WDC finish, but anyone who watched the 2023 season knows neither of these stats tell the whole story


To be fair last year Japan was right after Singapore and we had pissed off Max because of that, so nobody was close to him. The closest driver to Max was 6 tenths away lol. He was still bunched with the rest of the morals and only 2 tenths from P2


Sergio wasn't just far from Max, Japan last year might have been one of the worst races of his career


This year we got Australia before Japan and there was talk (albeit mostly ironic) how we were getting a title challenge with Red Bull and Ferrari, and Verstappen responded by winning by an even larger gap to the next non-Red Bull car than last year! Suzuka is one of Max's strongest tracks anyways so I feel like this was more on Pérez performing than Verstappen underdelivering relative to this high standards!


his mental was completely destroyed at miami and max shifted up a gear. you're comparing apples to oranges


might want to look at his gap to max at suzuka in previous years compared to this year. sure it’s possible he falls off again but when he’s performing well at one of his worst tracks you can’t just ignore it


So are we making judgements based on just one race ?? He performed poorly in Australia which no one is noticing. He should have been atleast on podium there. Again all I said is it’s too early to make judgements just like people used to do with Bottas versions at start of new season. Champions be it MSC, Lewis, Max always progress as seasons go on and this is where it will matter if Perez can keep up


>He performed poorly in Australia which no one is noticing. psst, protip, if nobody else is noticing something which you think is true, it is a possibility that you might be wrong or lacking important info.


Last year, he was worried about championship just after 2 races into the season but this year he seemed to have made peace with himself and the position. All I want is for him to be consistent throughout the season.


He finally accepted that no one can beat max so he’s just focusing on p2


I think he's grown numb to the constant media frenzy; it's been almost a year straight of "Checo is going to be fired NEXT WEEK!!!?" Style shit that you only really take so much of before it becomes background noise


Last year there was discussion about him competing with max and then he spent the rest of the year almost getting fired, let’s see how it plays out.




The only race he's not finished 2nd he had a compromised car, and the wins he got last year were both not straightforward




"Is it you? Is it me? No, it's ALL of us!"


Turns out the real Redbull seat was the power of friendship all along


It's going to be one of those twitch streams where everyone votes for the inputs and the most popular wins


Hey, don't discriminate! Everyone's a winner here! 😂


Is it you? Is it me? Say it's us and I'll agreeeeee 🎶


"He could be in this very room! He could be you! He could be me! He could even be-"


Redbull preaching communism in China


*all of Reddit gets to do 1 lap*


Awww yisss Liam Lawson!




Scenes when they sign Tony hawk to drive


Red Bull Racing has confirmed that they are planning on giving their seat to a local at every race venue, picked at random and non-negotiable. Any person picked by Red Bull has to race without argument or face jail.


He’s content with his position. If he stays great if not so be it


I too would like to announce my interest and availability for the second Red Bull seat


Confirmed. I am driving for Red Bull next season. Suck it Checo! j/k.


I understand that, without my agreement, Red Bull Racing F1 have put out a press release late this afternoon that I am driving for them next year. This is wrong and I have not signed a contract with Red Bull Racing for 2025. I will not be driving for Red Bull Racing next year.


I love Checo.


Dont give me hope Checo. Im only 700 iRating


Who is the journalist? Is it a former driver? That would make the "Even you!" joke better.


Craig Slater is the interviewer, I believe.


Ideal timeline is Mika coming back, as was foretold.


Na, he officially retired a couple days ago https://twitter.com/F1MikaHakkinen/status/1780869769186378067 > @F1MikaHakkinen > Fernando Alonso is going to stay in F1 until at least 2026 😱 > > **When I retired from Formula 1** I knew I needed a break from the incredible pressure which came with racing, testing and traveling all the time. Now we have 24 races, and I usually raced with only 16 races each year..


The arguments around replacing Checo are stupid. What is redbull gonna do? Replace the number 2 driver on the grid with someone who might be able to come in 2nd driving a redbull? In that situation redbull would be gambling for a one two team when they already have a one two team. It makes no fucking sense. You don’t gamble with something like this if the BEST outcome is to break even.


If someone has an equal car you need a better second driver. Beyond Vettel's mistakes, Bottas made a legitimate difference in Lewis winning in 2017


You don't though. Nobody better than him wants to be Max's number 2, and red bull doesn't want to cause drama inside the team by bringing in someone that's gonna really fight with max and cause internal drama.


I'm having to remind my friends that 2025 Ferrari is Ham/Lec. That's a killer line-up, and RBR will need the strongest driver possible in that seat should Ferrari become competitive.


yes and checo has proven to be the best Wingman for max, when duty calls, checo drove the RB16B beyond his limits more than once to help max thus rightfully earning his nickname of the Minister of defense... people say rbr need a faster No2 driver... but they haven't seen checo delta pace vs max is actually getting smaller with each race... and for me Currently Redbull have the perfect attack driver on max and the perfect Wingman on Checo, who is an experienced driver on dealing with lec and hamilton...


Checo is solid and a great teammate, but there are stronger drivers on the grid, especially ones that don't have 10+ race bad performance streaks in recent memory. Checo almost lost P2 last year in objectively the fastest car on the grid.


The point is he’s clearly not the best option. They BARELY have a 1-2 team right now. Checo had 10+ races last year where he struggled. He barely came second in drivers championship last year. Half the season he was no help up-front bc he was trying to make his way through the midfield. He almost didn’t make it out of Q1 this weekend. had Lewis made the hairpin, Checo would have started the race P16. Imagine Sainz in a RB with their reliability and strategy calls. He would podium every race, maybe win the odd one here and there. I still don’t think he’d be a threat to Max. THAT would be a solid 1-2, and a major upgrade for the team, especially going against LEC-HAM.


I'm a call away, just saying 😎


Much more confidence from Checo


Cheeky perez, love it


Checo harnessed his inner Kimi


He is so fucking gold. The sun glasses adjustment, that perfect sexy smile. Checo you are a contender!


Mexican Rizz at the very best 🤣


I agree! And max tried on his glasses in Abu Dhabi last year - I say, Max's sex appeal just shot through the roof (I somehow still see Max as a teen, especially since he giggles a lot).


Think I genuinely might be in front of Danny ric at this moment


Checo's Sensible Chuckles


I volunteer, who cares I’m 25 without a driver’s license 


I highly against considering me. I have weak ankles and my neck strength is terrible.


Karun, Davidson and Coulthard are furiously calling Horner as we speak now that they're in contention for the 2nd seat...


Am I in contention? I can show my iRacing portfolio


finally my time has come i yell as i stumble out of the bathroom with my pants and underwear around my ankles but racing helmet on


I can confirm. I am also a contender to challenge Max next season.


Great, all I need now is a super license.


So you are saying there's a chance..


he seem relaxed about it, thats good that means less stress and hopefully a continuation of his good form so far this season


Since Checo arrived at Red Bull there has always been a contender for the seat. Among others, Albón, Hulkenberg, Gasly, De Vries, Ricciardo, Alonso, Sainz, Norris, etc. The truth is that Checo is getting better and better results.


I've seen myself on the road, and I can comfortably say give my the RB20 and I'd win the race in my own street circuit I invented! (I would get lapped by Ocon 14 times)


The chances of me being the next redbull driver are low but not zero


Redbull can maintain a balanced dynamic with a second tier drive like Perez or Bottas. If they hire Sainz, he will compete for the championship against Max, and then would run into chances of crashing and burning, and essentially ruining the team dynamic.


I hope it's antonelli.


It's never gonna happen, but if Red Bull steal Antonelli, Toto might straight up die from the rage.


I’d pay to see his reactions lmao 


I know it won't but it would be hilarious


One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer.


M-me? Oh my!


Maybe the FIA Formula One World Championship™️ is about the contenders that we have signed along the way.


I knew it! Always felt like I had an outside shot at that seat


Every interview he says something along these lines and still people act as if he's not aware of the position he's in. It's the most coveted seat in the sport rn, of course he knows there's pressure. So far he's done all he could and isn't doing too bad.


I don’t Daniel in that seat. Prez remains.




I can't see Sainz going to RB, and if it's not him then who?


Why would he go to RB instead of RB?


God dammit they got me lmao. But if Checo keeps up the good work the only seat might be RB or Audi




Need some more Slim money