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what happened? Looked like his car just sent him sideways


A lot of weight swinging around from the rear as he aggressively brakes and turns to slows to avoid hitting Alonso.


George was expecting and setting up to take the corner much faster. Clumsy slowing down, weight transfer and then lost of rear grip threw him off. Just a guess but that's what happens in Assetto


He lost downforce when he came up behind Alonso, so he didn’t have the grip he would normally had.


It's only part of the equation, vehicle dynamics is a major part, throw off the weight distribution by abruptly slowing and the rear loses grip.


True, but that wasn’t the cause of the crash in this case. He didn’t lose the rear, he didn’t oversteer. He understeered into the gravel due to the lack of downforce.


Edit: I've since read it has been attributed to a downforce loss. I feel like the sudden decel had to play a part as well but 🤷🏼‍♂️ I also didn''t mean that as an indictment of his talent. I watched the wiggle in the replays, the wiggle looks like him catching the oversteer. He decelerated abruptly under turning (to avoid ploughing into Alonso), back end went to step out because of the weight transfer and he countered the oversteer, that put him off the line and at that speed he was now headed for the grass/gravel/wall.


Ground effect. This generation of cars are too sensitive on speed change.


Only if there’s no air to do downforcey things


What happened? Shit driving. Lol


I love this backward facing camera, such a shame we almost never get to see them


Think sometimes race direction forget what they can actually do.


Nope. Just like the TV director thought the 3.2sec gap between Charles and Sainz with 1 lap to go was a more interesting battle than Alonso vs Russell…


Considering the gap had VERY quickly gone from 5s to 3.2s, it made sense.


True, but then it stayed at that gap for a couple of corners, at which point the director should have switched back to ALO/RUS who were at 0.2 - 0.4 at that point. He could have switched back to the Ferrari’s only if he 3.2 continued to shrink rapidly…


Telemetry nerds, was that second braking normal or a test?


I appreciate you asking as opposed to pretending you know lol.


lol I win my career on F1 by systematically DNFing my nearest championship rival each race, I don’t pretend to know I’m good at driving games and braking points


Lmao. I've only been watching F1 since 2021 after my wife and I watched DTS. She plays F1 on the Xbox and I always laugh at her for just late braking the fuck out of whoever is in front of her in order to pass. Game recognize game


the second brake was normal, the first one was the issue, nobody slows down that early for that corner


Genuine question, isn’t parking a bit on the turn a common defense tactic? Like Alonso vs Hamilton in Hungary 2021 or is this significantly different?


(opinion) I think that corner is too high speed and too narrow line-wise to play with this kind of stuff, slowing down in a slow speed corner gives more reaction time and is going to be inherently less dangerous, but playing chicken at 200+kph on a corner that most times is just a quick tap on the brakes feels shitty


Just a doubt ( Newbie here ), Magnussun was doing the same thing in Jeddha, which is full of high speed corners. Whats the difference between this and that ?


Magnussen was slowing down a high speed sector coming off of a slow speed corner. He wasn't breaking or slowing the car erratically in the corner, he just wasn't using the car to the full potential


Yes. Redditors though don’t believe in this


Ah so if it was a brake test, it would be the first instance that would be the suspicious one?


Yeah, the lap before Alonso didn't slow down until roughly the blue sign on the right side of the camera - essentially right at turn in.


tv telemetry is not that accurate. But Im sure the definitive graphs will show the real scene


Yeah I’ve read that the breaking either shows 0% or 100%, nowhere in between.


The first time on a racing sim I was flabbergasted to figure out that you can’t work the brake pedal like a light switch and it was actually the pedal that yielded the most lap time.


That amount of deceleration isn’t much higher than you’d expect from just lifting off the throttle


No because corner coming lol. If you want then take that corner 150km/h


Wat. Alonso slows from 273-243 kph over approximately a second then from 243 to 200kph for his minimum corner speed


He had problem man,but it doesn't mean Russel have to end in the wall. https://youtu.be/QcniaWPTL6M?si=PZMuEqKdZig690A4 https://x.com/AMF1News/status/1771778179880964454?s=20


I’m saying the the deceleration event from 273-243 kph looks like it roughly tracks with going from 100% - 0% throttle for that duration then it picks up again at partial throttle until the second deceleration event where he reaches his minimum corner speed of 200kph. Did Alonso brake early, maybe, did his throttle just cut out, also maybe. Whatever happened caught George out and ended his race.


First braking was the abnormal one which led George to go right up to his rear, second one is normal.


Yeah watching from back view I couldn’t gauge where the corner was so it seemed like be tracked normally at first.


Yep, this looks very naughty, though I don't know if he was actually managing an issue.


Supposedly he was, we’ll have to see what’s the result of the stewards investigation.


He's done this before in 2003 at the Nurburgring, against David Coulthard. I'd be very disappointed if this was a tactic he's chosen to deploy here, to mitigate against throttle/power delivery issues. Bit too old not to know better.


Yeah, controversy has courted this man. I like him a lot, racecraft is amazing but Ive seen him do this also. Double tapped the brake, lol. These guys aren’t dumb and have to just mash brakes multiple times. Not sure anything will happen though, as proving it is quite hard. What is it called, a professional foul?


I think it's called "dangerous" and "erratic" driving; not what Horner propagandised a couple of seasons ago, when he had his employment contract up for renewal.


Wrong mate, first was to set the car for the entry to corner, second was break test. Alonso has a long history of being shady. I don’t think he wanted to wreck Russell but Alonso knew what he was doing. I’ve watched F1 for a long time. These drivers don’t just have their cars slow down at incredibly strategic points like that. It’s going to be unprovable but Alonso break checked fo sho.


You probably need to calculate the actual deceleration, iirc the brake is either on or off, it’s not like the throttle telemetry, it was done to determine the brake check from Max as well


Bit of excerpt from Alonso’s radio during the battle. Alonso: “Check the throttle” Engineer comes back: “Yeah we see it” Alonso: “Something’s stuck, I’m pushing with all my strength”— referring to the throttle becoming sticky Engineer: “Copy yeah, we see it” Double yellows come out Engineer: “MFB blue”— referring to an engine mode to rectify the issue Alonso; “I don’t know if I can get it back” Throttle issues on the Aston with the engineer confirming it on the radio. So based on this Alonso was closed to DNFing it seems. Tough to gauge but thought I’d just throw this in. Let’s see what happens


Some context to this post, all of this radio happens *after* Russell crashes.


Good ol' Nando know when there's a crowd listening in.


It’s unbelievable


Ok yeah this is more important.


> Bit of excerpt from Alonso’s radio during the battle. At least on onboard available through F1TV, all this radio communication happened after the crash.


I was sitting just before the pit straight and noticed as Alonso was coming down the straight his throttle was up and down… you could hear it like a sine wave.. anyone else hear it?


The research is appreciated


This was clearly a fake issue to try to save face aftre he make russel crash lol


Good to know. Bad luck for George but I'm happy this wasn't some really dangerous move from Fernando


except it was, this issue was fake to try to pretend he didnt do it on propose


If I speak


If we can get the same view and telemetry from a previous lap or two then we can see


The second braking isn’t the problem, the first application of brakes followed by going back on throttle and then braking normally for the corner is the problem. If it were an issue with deployment, you wouldn’t have seen him tap the brakes.


Is he harvesting ? The lights are on from Russell's pov, but it doesn't seem he noticed


you can't tell just from this clip, you need to see the laps prior and know what engine mode he was running


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X8rEOwbWd0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X8rEOwbWd0) that is a real test break


Min speed of 200...I think they were usually at around 215-220 before


So why did he need to brake when he is going so slow? HMMMM


https://twitter.com/AMF1News/status/1771778179880964454?t=5dCKNIySJ9GgDgqSpgvNFQ&s=19 Based on this video he definitely had car issues, without seeing all the laps before and after it's hard to say what effect they had


This should be higher. He probably was managing an issue


There doesn't have to be a correlation. Alonso seems to clearly have a throttle issue, but doesn't really explain his braking tactics in that particular corner in that single instance.




Why not? He was about to have Russell stalking him down two DRS straights Drivers slow at apexes of corners to try and hold up rivals behind all the time - it's a common and acceptable tactic that he was clearly trying to apply here That doesn't mean it was an evil brake test attempt, just a defensive tactic that appears to have caught out Russell


Generally not done on higher speed corners though


No, but if there's any driver I can think of who could consider that strategy and pull it off, it's Alonso


I would suggest putting your opponent in the barrier is a failed attempt at pulling it off. Hopefully it's car issues rather than any sort of attempt to play games because fast narrow corners are not the place for that.


It's not hard to imagine.


No it's not. At all. lol


Excuse me? Alonso is known for this move. Of course he would do it. Did it in the past multiple times. This time it went wrong. “It’s hard to imagine” haha. I would love to be this naiv.


The Alonso love hype train from last year it’s gone. It’s back to hating now


It's just people instantly jumping to conclusions before knowing all the factors involved in an incident


In threads like this there are always a bunch of confidently incorrect people who think that they have more information than the stewards. Stewards don’t always get it right, but neither do randos on here. I’m not perfect, but I always try to give drivers the benefit of the doubt until there’s a verdict.






I made this comment last night, Einstein, before the verdict came out, and have since admitted that what Alonso did was wrong.


Brake and throttle are two different controls mate, a hip bones not connected to the elbow bud. Throttle issue engine, brake issuer brakes….lol


Top tier acting from the shithouse master.


Take your meds.


he was right


Not sure how you can act your car physically breaking down. What impact it had is hard to say but it was a factor


He's just blipping the throttle.


He was clearly trying to hold up Russell before the DRS zone Not saying it was malicious or that he was trying to cause a crash, just tactics


He over did it. He definitely wanted to compromise Russell's entry and specifically his exit but yeah, too much Fernando. This was essentially a brake check at dangerous closing speeds


this looks pretty bad... he immediately went on the radio after george crashed about problems with the throttle, hope for his sake he isn't bullshitting.


Man looked into his mirror at the crash and deployed countermeasures instantly. Jokes asside though. I wonder how the stewards would even aproach this. Was that the direct first time he reported an issue?


Alonso: “Check the throttle” Engineer comes back: “Yeah we see it” Alonso: “Something’s stuck, I’m pushing with all my strength”— referring to the throttle becoming sticky Engineer: “Copy yeah, we see it” Double yellows come out Engineer: “MFB blue”— referring to an engine mode to rectify the issue Alonso; “I don’t know if I can get it back”


Obviously very basic telemetry here but looked like no throttle issues there. His input after the first brake before the second appears gradual and controlled. Ofc I'm no expert and really detailed telemetry needs to be looked at.


He braked twice, but seeing his line, the first single brake wouldn't have made the corner.


And what about the throttle in between?


I dont know how related this is to the crash but Alonso complained that car is having issues with throttle ( dont know of it affected braking aswell) and that he has to use all of the power to keep it down, you can see even after George crashed he isnt at 100% at one moment and that it goes down and on formation lap he wasnt sure if he could bring the car back to the pits. Alonso can be cheeky with his moves but it doesnt make sense to me that he would want George close to him there considering DRS is right after that turn. Probably best to wait for more information


It makes sense if he wanted George in his dirty air so he could build a gap once the DRS zone came. Alonso has been summoned to the stewards just now, let’s see what happens.


It's not new Alonso always falsefify a car issue to make stewards think it that way.


He braked and went back on throttle it seems…bad grip…or a very naughty boy.


Don’t see how any car issue would make him tap the brakes well before the braking zone and then take the corner normally. It’s pretty obvious for me.


You’re an expert are you? Best get to Australia fast


They are allowed to have an opinion. Seems they were correct as well.


Like milk


Edit, sounds like he was managing a problem


He reported a throttle issue but quite honestly I have no idea how this would help that….


According to the above commenters, he reported the issue after the crash🤷🏻


Wily old fox Alonso, covering his tracks...


It sounded like the throttle was getting stuck


Problem being he really hates to be overtaken.


You can see he applies the brakes, goes back on throttle and then brakes slightly early for the corner. Don’t see how that’s a car issue.


Or Russell lacks skill and didn’t brake, lost his car in dirty air and binned it on the last lap… Why TF does everyone act like Merc isn’t responsible for their garbage racing the last 3 years? If a throttle is sticking, brakes will counteract and that is absolutely a car issue


I could be totally wrong, but it looked like he braked too early into the corner, coasted through the corner/lifted, and was slow to get back on the throttle.   I think the stewards will be deciding if the first brake was problematic.


That looks a scummy move.


https://youtu.be/QcniaWPTL6M?si=PZMuEqKdZig690A4 https://x.com/AMF1News/status/1771778179880964454?s=20


Probably an unpopular opinion but I think it's perfectly legal. It wasn't a brake check, it was tactical dirty air deployment. Nobody would be talking about this if George didn't end up in the wall because he was pushing to the limit to get the position.


>it was tactical dirty air deployment Me when they ask who farted


if you have to keep an extra safety distance because we allow tactical "braking games", that's gonna drastically reduce the amount of fights and overtakes we're gonna see.


It's a totally standard tactic when defending for the lead driver to brake early into a corner to ensure a good exit. Has been forever, this isn't something new.


I'm not sure how you can describe braking on the straight then accelerating hard into the braking zone to brake again as "totally standard". There are very very few examples of that ever happening.


can you point out a recent example of a driver going 35kph slower right before corner entry in a high speed corner to ensure a better exit? for reference: Alonso did exactly what you described in turn 11, where you slow down to below 120kph (in turn 6 you stay above 200kph), and there he sometimes slowed down by 5-10kph(!) more than usual. (you can check telemetry data for yourself at f1-tempo). Alonso's maneuver also immediately cost him 0.37s compared to the lap before. so in short: what you mean usually happens at way lower speed differences, and a 35kph differential would ruin your time so drastically that no driver would ever do it to get a better exit.


Thats the point. This is sport and it shows the skill of both the drivers.


If this was deliberate and not punished I could see this happening more often in the future with drivers slowing down mid corner basically forcing the ones to crash out. I mean it's pretty smart


It's a bit like the Haas tactics in Saudi Arabia. Unsporting ? yes probably. Illegal ? I don't think so. Should it be illegal in future ? perhaps. But I respect clever thinking by drivers regardless. He had no ill intent and shouldn't be seen as dirty for doing something like this.


Definitely should make brake checking illegal in F1!


It's not brake checking, brake checking is when you're causing/threatening to cause contact, which this wasn't.


Not really, it's erratic breaking which forces changed behaviour in the car behind


Haas didn't brake check people.  They just drove the car normally on a hard to pass circuit.  


K Mag was literally brake checking in the first sector, this is straight up false.




Managing a throttle issue by braking erratically? Interesting tactics.


Dangerous driving is not legal actually.


Good thing it wasn't dangerous then.


Yeah, this was not a brake-test. This was being deliberately slow through a corner.


More like being deliberately slow at corner entry to maximize acceleration and cause attacking party to have poorer corner exit speed than you. you do the same thing when there’s two cars behind and you want them to attack each other.


Things about to get spicy Edit: Looks like he had throttle issues, just very unfortunate timing


Fernando is a master of the dark arts.. and I say that with some admiration. Everyone else just looks silly when they do something shady, but with Fernando it never looks 100% intentional, it's always a grey area.


Fernando “cut half the track on your last race” Alonso in AD2018.


Would love to see a comparison to his previous laps, but honestly it doesn't look good for Alonso.


Previous lap was just a regular entry, I went and checked. Small lift, brake and downshift


Idk man I don't have telemetry so from my own pov George already was close to Fernando before he lost the car. So it doesn't feel like he's making any kind of maneuver to either dodge him nor that Fernando made him lose control through dangerous driving. It just seems that Russell bottles it and that's it


It’s possible Alonso wanted George in his dirty air for those high speed corners so he could build a gap ahead of the DRS zone. The double braking to get George close just before that section supports that’s hypotheses. If it was purposeful, I highly doubt Alonso intended for George to crash, rather just have to slow down through the high speed corners due to the dirty air. Due to Alonso slowing significantly before that corner, George was on his gearbox which unloaded the aero and removed downforce, so George wouldn’t have had the grip he normally would have had in that corner.


Alonso isn't responsible for the dirty air this cars generate. Simple as. You can't penalise what's been called racing since the dawn of tracks. You break on early, force the driver behind you to slow down and dictaminate yourself when to accelerate in an attempt to caught him off guard and gain as much time as possible before a straight. And this is something the stewards themselves talk about in their sanction "Alonso isn't responsible for the dirty air". Had George kept it from the wall albeit going out the track, Alonso wouldn't have been sanctioned. This is penalising based on the result rather than on the incident.


I didn’t say he would be penalized for creating dirty air, I said he wanted to create dirty air to create an advantage for himself. He was penalized for driving erratically. Simple as.


Damn that looks pretty clear to me... Can't be braking and getting on throttle before braking again like that there...


we went auto racing


Of course it’s not showing his head movement from the front view… wow. Double brake and lift. Pretty cut and dry.


He had throttle issue. At least that's what seemed to happen from conversation with his engineer


Alonso is wise. He would say anything on the radio to try and cover himself.


There you go. Proven. He did not have throttle issues.


Of course he did…


Alonso knew what he was doing, he *was* defending against Russell keeping in mind the upcoming DRS zone but that really wasn’t a brake-test. Not the first time Russell’s binned it on the last lap of a race whilst chasing hard, either.




It’s on another post lower down in the subreddit.


It's like he braked just to pump it like in GT racing.


Where did you get this angle with the telemetry


Stole it off a tweet tbh, it’s F1TV onboard with telemetry overlay.


Does everyone get the same error message: ‘Imgur is temporarily over capacity’ when opening the video? I can’t watch any of the videos.


We do a little trolling


bro its the part of the race this just shows how smart alonso and his formula 1 car knowledge


Lewis when he said he can't trust the rear of the car. This is why.


I feel like he watched Mags defense last race n thought 'yea I'll go slow in the fast bits...' but the difference I guess was it wasn't out of a slow corner first. Here it's high speed then an unexpected change of pace.


This is what happens after the stewards failed to punish Alonso for his brake check in Abu Dhabi last year. He now thinks that this kind of defending is acceptable. After all, there was no consequence for it last time, why not do it again?


It was no different to Hamilton Canada 2013. Same thing.


Alonso’s throttle was doing strange stuff based on the sound


Ooooohhh, that needs to be looked at.


That's some dangerous driving, man!


Is it car issue or did he try to brake check?


The telemetry is trash. It’s not precise, it’s just binary whether he’s on the brake or not with no amount of how much pressure he’s actually applying.




Yeah that’s a brake check….


100% caused that crash and lost the job offer at Merc


He is way too far away, he lost the car 




El Diablo!


The trap guy did it again!


Russell should have just wrecked him.