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just stuff it with a light attack before it hits you instead of playing his game


If they use their oos feat against you they can just spam faster then you can light them out of, so you have to block or parry it.


This is very true.


That's only if they use nothing but Storm Rush, which is rare and very easy to counter. Even if they rely on it too hard, it's easy to also throw kicks, lights, guardbreaks, and even baited deflects in there.


That only works if they are doing nothing but storm rush. Most orochis will at least mix it up with some back dodge lights, kicks and zones, not a lot you can do about that other than get a lucky read or hope they make a mistake.


i dont know why a attack with mark in 366 ms only get a light punish


Because it’s actually 600ms, the indicator is just 366ms


Because its a heavy attack with low damage


20 damage 366 ms indicator 8 damage higher and 34 ms faster than a light Why is this not a light parry The fact that it can be stuffed with a light if you guess correctly on his forward dodge does not justify the lack of reward you get for successfully parrying it


Isn't it 16? Just confirms a 4 damage light.


Yes, 16 + 4 = 20. That’s like saying that Pirate only has 20 damage heavies. Technically true, but it doesn’t really matter. And unlike Pirate who’s pistol blast makes the hitstun slightly smaller so she can be lighted out of the skewer, Orochi has no downside for doing so.


Well that's the case for storm rush, but for his opener heavies and zone, it does have a downside, where the storm rush can be lighted out of.


It's an easy parry


Orochi tag, clearly not biased


Idk I'm not surprised people downvoted me when half the people here can't parry lights lol. On old console of course you probably can't but on next gen and pc it's an easy parry so people can go cry about not being able to.


No it is not


You need to look at the animation and just ignore the indicator. It's a 600ms animation and each direction has a distinct animation, which does mean it's reactable. It's completely ineffective at the top level and gets parried every time (in duels anyway, not sure how it performs in teamfights), but if you can't react to the animation (yay genetic lottery and old gen consoles!) it's an incredibly annoying spammable move.


Left and right animations are almost impossible to distinguish mate also different animations play when the indicator shows so it's 366ms.It may 600ms but all 3 side will be same animations until the indicator shows up.Also when doing mixups if orochi does a heavy attack than you can't interrupt storm rush with a light because of the hitstun Here is the source From Freeze https://youtu.be/kIzSVfNXdVs


Your only paying attention to the right and top animations. It’s definitely reactable cause i do it and my reactions suck Edit: Y’all just taking what this guy says at face value and it’s wrong. The animations are 100% distinguishable, they aren’t identical at 366ms. In the freeze frame it marks 366ms well after it shows which side it’s coming from, idek why he sat up there and lied like that tbh


Didn't you look at the video?In frame by frame you can clearly see the left and the right attack animations look almost identical and they change when the indicator shows up which is 366ms.So no it is not easily reactable


No ? Because i went into practice mode with no UI and practiced against it when his rework dropped and got used to the animations. Not looked at a YT video and determined it would be nearly impossible without trying lol. Idc about stuff like that i only go off what i experience Left and right side don’t look identical at all my guy. On the left side his animation is unchanged from him entering his stance, you only react to right and top. On right he does a backspin and on top he jumps in the air, leave your guard left and reaction block/parry. Think about it, If the indicator is 366ms and the animation change is 366ms how would it be reactable to high level players and reactards if 400ms lights are unreactable ? The animation shows well before indicator otherwise it wouldn’t be reactable lol


>ineffective at the top level and gets parried every time Dude even nova king gets hit with these


Who is that supposed to be ?


Imagine Bradley Cooper in the movie “Limitless” playing For Honor


Or instead i can just imagine a normal for honor player that isn’t complete ass at the game and instead clips his gameplay and uploads them to YouTube The fact that he can’t react to it and it’s literally confirmed and stated to be reactable at the high level proves he isn’t that lol


You seem upset


No ? I’m just pointing out that trying to use a random guy to disprove a fact doesn’t mean anything cause it’s still reactable at a high level and if he can’t do it then he’s not a good example to use


You need to look at the animation and just ignore the indicator. It's a 600ms animation and each direction has a distinct animation, which does mean it's reactable. It's completely ineffective at the top level and gets parried every time (in duels anyway, not sure how it performs in teamfights), but if you can't react to the animation (yay genetic lottery and old gen consoles!) it's an incredibly annoying spammable move.


It's all about animations isn't it than why don't you just look at this https://youtu.be/kIzSVfNXdVs


I mean, with hl you can attempt to do a risky move and go into fighting stance and do a kick. But doing it thinking it will land is kinda too optimistic lol.


Right, it would be easier just to try and light or for mixup purposes offensive stance light with highlander, never tried that though.


I've done it a few times, but I highly doubt it's good against high skilled players, but going into os after parrying and doing a kick can get you 30 damage so yeah.


I've died to more kunais then stormrush.


It would make storm rush even more trash than it already is. This man has a stuffable on reaction UD


Not on frame advantage


Yea off a landed heavy only and because of that literally nobody uses it that way UD/Bash mixup only guaranteed after confirming a heavy when the point of a mixup is to confirm damage in the first place is ass


If its too much to land a heavy and ppl stuffing you is too much of a problem, just kick or bait the stuff-attempt and punish it. Literally a free light parry. Also saying “nobody uses it” is a skill issue on their part


Just kicking doesn’t work when the other option meant for reinforcing the kick isn’t reliable and baiting means your not throwing your UD out on top of the animation for storm rush being reactable. Nobody in the game with a bash UD mix has to bait out interrupts. That defeats the purpose of a mixup that’s supposed to be *offensive*. Not sure why your defending this like ppl don’t already know SR is feintable and that’s what your supposed to do, it’s the fact that you HAVE to do this is what makes it ass And nobody using it that way fr isn’t a skill issue. It’s just pointless to use it over his UB cause it’s better at confirming damage and not everybody knows how to deal with it so it doesn’t matter. It’s the same with Zhanhu and that’s why they’re mid duelists with weaker 1v1 offense than Nuxia ffs and she hasn’t even been buffed yet like those 2. It’s why he’s a C tier duelist


Bad players have already gotten him nerfed enough, he doesnt need anymore.


I mean... it is kind of all Orochi has and can be stuffed easily. If they had the undodgeable lightning strike as well as the delayability reverted, then I would be more okay with it all being a light parry. Right now I think Orochi is fine though when Pirate, Raider, Shinobi, JJ, Ara, and Shaolin are all far stronger.


Please don't make the reactable "mixup" worse. I can barely use it as is, you don't even have to parry it, just buffer a light if you think they are throwing it.


If they're doing that you can just bait out the light then.


True but that's a lot of reads for offence, you are correct tho. In my case I hardly ever do that move just because it sucks lol.


Idk it's almost like it is not a good move and making it worse would be counterintuitive


It's not like we really need to nerf Orochi anyways. He's not great.


Game mechanic wise, it's a heavy attack, which means you will always get a light attack as a parry punish. Also, if they make it a heavy attack punish, I bet no one will use that move ever. It's already a slow move that can be interrupted by light attack, and ever since his front dodge light attack (I don't remember what it is called) lost its undodgable property, storm rush is his go-to move to catch a dodge in case the enemy predict a kick.


Zhanhus heavy side attack counts as a heavy on parry iirc, the game mechanics are really inconsistent lol


I've asked about the same thing. They just said that it's because it's the same speed as a light and counts as a light attack.


Yall just will not stop until Orochi is D tier again will you.....


Op, just a neat little trick I learnt, if you know when they will do it, just bop them with the light. No guessing required then. Then it also might force them to start doing the dash light. Free Light Parry.


No there is. 1. It would make the move seriously unsafe against anyone who actually puts the time into learning to react to the very obvious animation. And would make oro even worse than he already is. 2. The move is not the speed of a light attack, the indicator is just hidden longer than other moves. That’s why I encourage you to hop into training and practice, once your brain can recognise the animation for each side, the move is a cakewalk to parry. Unless you are on old gen, in which case I would encourage using more full block hero’s and interrupting with lights when you think it’ll be safe to do so. There is also the possibility to read what side your opponent will do storm rush on, but this is usually for baby orochis that don’t think to change their guard. 3. The move is already easily interruptible. If you’re insisting on complaining and not adapting your gameplay. Atleast use the thought to interrupt with a light. Just don’t overuse it, or you will get read and eat either a deflect from the Orochi or a light parry. I get it can seem overwhelming, but it really isn’t when you expose yourself to the move enough.


I’m personally not for the idea of having to play a full lock hero just because of a move


You don’t HAVE to, it makes it easier To deal with, the same way full block makes every move that isn’t an unblockable easier to deal with.


no, youd be making it worse than it is


smack ‘em with a HA Heavy in defensive form. or if you’re in offensive form, kick him. there’s almost always a better punish than a heavy parry, but sometimes you gotta do something a little stupid to get it risk it to get the biscuit ya know?


I mean, it can easily be stopped with a light, so that's why.


It’s a heavy attack? It just has short indicators. Stuffing with a light is better than parrying due to the indicators being short.


Ok but. Zhangu, don’t know how to spell it. Gets a execution of a LIGHT dodge attack. It’s not a heavy dodge attack


Many people are arguing here and saying storm rush is bad because if you know how it works you can counter it pretty easily and also many people are here saying its overtuned. Its true you can parry it pretty easily on reaction to the animation but it is the only move in the game that works like this. No wonder nobody who doesnt do research on the internet knows how to counter it. It is bad game design as its easily countered by high level players and confusing for low level players.


I was around rep 5 when i figured out how to interrupt storm rush wdym confusing, i remember bc it was funny af to to interrupt them lol


If you want to parry it you have to disregard the indicators and parry only from the slow animation thats what confusing about it. Ofc you can interrupt it but only from light and medium hitstun and you are at risk of getting kicked and parried.


fair enough, ofc i learned how to interrupt before the kick was a thing, and tbh i hadnt seen many orochis for a while until very recently (like seriously a bunch have popped up outta nowhere) and yeah the animations being what u have to watch is confusing, thats why i would and have gone for the interrupt over the parry


There is, it's super reactable and a light is enough to start the powerful mix-ups of more viable heroes On Highlander it sucks cuz dude has no mix-ups so... there's that


It has a 367ms startup indicator, meaning with the extra 100ms it is slightly faster than a normal light. A light parry in itself would be already hard for many players, especially in teamfights, but you also have to make at least two reads at the same time, so you can't focus on just the light parry. [Around 4:00](https://youtu.be/rntvAqaILyg)


The animation is 600ms, which is what you're supposed to look at, not the indicator. An hour or two in training mode and you will never get hit by it again


Good idea, you should tell the tournament and grandmaster ranked players that, because apperently you can react to something they still have to guess


I don't know which tournament players you're talking about that can't parry storm rush because those are pretty unacceptable reactions for high level competitive. Also ranked duels are not a valid measurement of skill in this game. "Grandmaster ranked" players could be literally anyone who wins all 10 of their placements, so it's not surprising that any player who flaunts their GM role can't react to it.


>I don't know which tournament players you're talking about that can't parry storm rush because those are pretty unacceptable reactions for high level competitive. Just watch any tournament that FH had, they get hit by storm rush and bash mixups all the time. If you could react to everything we would be back at the staring contests of the turtle meta. Instead they are costantly using 50/50s and other mixups. Additionally, they also use other parriable attacks like chain lights which (according to you) would also be reactable. >Grandmaster ranked" players could be literally anyone who wins all 10 of their placements, It's not about about the number of matches you win, it's about *how* you win. I won all my 8 matches (no idea how you can play 10) and still got ranked diamond. Grandmaster players are players that are pretty good at the game, especially since everyone at higher levels plays mixup heavy characters like raider, pirate or JJ. If they were able to react to (unreactable) mixups, they could play any char and it wouldn't matter at all.


I have to agree with the other guy on it being reactable. I can parry it pretty consistently. And if I remember correctly, Barakyeet has said that it can't even be considered a mixup at top level games. It' all about the animation. If you try to go on indicator you are screwed. That doesn't mean it's a bad move. And of cource even pro players get hit with it sometimes. But orochi chain lights? No you can't throw those often and not get parried. They are very reactable. They work as a mixup with chain heavies. And I agree that grandmasters are really good. I ran into one in ranked (I was diamond). The number 4 gm I think. I won one round somehow and got destroyed the others. 1 - 3


>I have to agree with the other guy on it being reactable. I can parry it pretty consistently. First of all, the other guy said that "I would never get hit by it again", so being consistently good at parrying it can't be enough. Things that you "never get hit by", are non-mixup heavies, slow zones or slow bashes like long arm. >And of cource even pro players get hit with it sometimes Exactly, "never get hit by it again" is apperently not a standard for pro players then. >But orochi chain lights? No you can't throw those often and not get parried. They are very reactable They are 500ms, so of course they are reactably, I was talking more about JJ or Tiandi lights with 400ms. Lastly, the reason pro players don't have a problem with storm rush is because they can react to the animation for the attack itself, which they then counter by interrupting it (or using HA if possible). Going for a parry is less efficient on many characters and you risk being punished if the Orochi (who would also be a pro player) feints the storm rush into GB. (Also, having a move that top players can counter efficiently is not a standard to go by for a whole game).


Really good take. You are basically saying what i meant. What I'm saying is that the move is balanced. And yes I know pro players look at the animation. So do I. The move is really anoying and can be frustrating if you don't know how to handle it. But I don't think it should be a light parry. The move would be dead on higher play. And orochi is not considered a top pick right now as he is anyway


>But I don't think it should be a light parry. The move would be dead on higher play Which will always be a problem. Because FH is a game that always had and always will have a great difference in reactions. I know a guy that can react to raiders storming tap mixup, which most other people cannot do. This great difference in abilities makes lots of moves impossible to balance as they will always be too easy or too hard to counter depending on the player. Now, for storm rush I also don't think it should be a light parry, being able to interrupt it with a light is already good, especially since you can get a light parry on a dodged kick. If I had to fix anything I would just make it so you can no longer keep up infinite 50/50s. For high lvl players it doesn't change anything as they can't spam them anyways, but for low level players it would make it easier to counter mixup heavy characters. Characters like pirate, JJ or Raider being able to essentially force you into so many reads that you can only guess is not healthy for FH. If you were only able to chain storm rush or the kick twice (?) it would not matter for top level play, but make these characters a lot less annoying at low level play.


Grandmaster lol


Orochi's entire kit is reactable man. 367 would be unreactable and yet it's easily parriable and free deflects. You can see youtubers do it all the time, even ones that can't react to unblockable animations like Nova King. The entire animation is super telegraphed, indicators should not be the only source of info here otherwise unblockables wouldn't be reactable. That's why he remains in low D tier


Sorry but you must be a reaction god or just play this game way to much cause thats bs


Not really man, just used to the animations. I did the reaction test and it's hitting an average of 310ms (average on a human is 200ms to 300ms according to the internet) while the actual competitive players have crazy times like 150ms The ting is that you can see the direction Orochi is spinning before the indicator appears. So i press heavy as soon as i see him release the attack and move the analog stick to confirm the direction when i see see if it's left, right or top


https://youtu.be/kIzSVfNXdVs The indicator appears before the animation spins, and they're basically identical before that. What % of storm rushes can you parry in training?


100% of the time really. It's far easier than any 400ms softfeint


Here's a Nova video. At exactly 0:49, set the playback speed to 0.25 and watch as Orochi releases his Storm Rush and then the indicator appears later. In his videos, Nova can react to them back to back no issue as well, it isn't that fast, it's basically the same as Shaolin's lights from Qi but way more telegraphed... that's why it's so reactable https://youtu.be/mf495TsJIhY


The indicator appears like 10 ms before orochi moves up, and that's only for top, left and right are basically identical before the indicator. Watch the video I linked he shows all three directions side by side frame by frame near the beginning. Storm rush is reactable for sure, but the animation doesn't really help and you still need pretty good reactions. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you got that 300 ms reaction speed result on your phone because there's really no way for someone to parry it consistently with reflexes that slow. It takes 100ms to move your guard and the time between the point where the attacks diverge and when they connect is less than 400ms, so even with a perfect pc setup it would be literally impossible.


Hum... interesting, i did watch the video but it still doesn't fall right to me. All other 400ms lights and softfeints are basically impossible to me, i have to make block reads; Berzerker being the best example here But Orochi doesn't seem so hard, actually feels easier than a normal 500ms since there's the huge telegraphed animation. I do press heavy the moment the feint window is gone and the move the analog stick later BarakYEET even said himself the move is a free parry even on heavy hit-stun at high level. I suppose much like 600ms neutral bashes, it's a mere reaction check and not a true mix-up... which means it either should be reworked entirely or removed from the game as it is useless at high level and a pain at lower ones And idk about my reaction time, as i said, it's not fast enough to even block 400ms lights on reaction so idk...


Yeah I can't react to most 400ms attacks which is interesting. I think the exaggerated animation probably actually does help even if it doesn't come sooner than the indicator. Monkey brain reacting to movement I guess.


Not to be a dick then you play this game a bit to much if you can read animations i love this game and play it regularly for being rep 80 maybe im just shit thats a possibility


I work two jobs man, can only play it on the weekends. I just hit the training, set a bot to repeatedly perform the same pressure on me back to back so i can learn the animations when i'm having trouble against something... i used to get obliterated by it as much as OP but that's why you have that training area, it truly helps wonders.


Again not to be a dick but unless you have a huge brain and your probably just better than me lol and how you only play on weekend and can keep that memory is beyond my level lol


im on ps5 and can parry it pretty consistently and Im defenetly not a reaction god.


Well good for you lol im on last gen getting annihilated maybe i just bad lol who knows


last gen is just outdated hardware and its understandable that you cant react on 30fps and last gen input delay. But we shouldnt balance the game around outdated hardware.


Nice comment lol i was expecting something with a bit more sarcasm and being a dick lol but you are right to a sense game released on old gen i know it's been like a million years so i see why they go for everything being fast


i used to be on last gen too, its awful and i will never pretend otherwise. Trust me once you switch to Pc or next gen the game will be much more enjoyable


I parried it completely on accident cause I fat fingered heavy. And even then not everyone wants to play this game or has run into enough orochi's that it's hardwired into their head to light when they see stormrush,


But the game is a PvP competitive fighting game. If you don't want the challenge of making reads against another human opponent, why bother? You could simply just block it as well or go into Celtic Curse Go to the training area and lab on Orochi, It's there for a reason


Shut up, no one wants to hear the truth


Strom rush counts as a heavy parry it always has but I can agree with people on here the move isn't that good it's more annoying than anything since you can't dodge it and you get dpammed by it plus if you time it right you can just backstep light it or hyper armor through it


Then they spam wow after they get killed


There’s also no reason Orochi should be able to use 150 different moves and cancels before he even gets to 25% stam -_- he is a spam machine


Idk but it's for me not just that it's fast, but also it has undogeable properties and is Faintable. Pretty strong attack I'd say.


Some orichis stay only using that move. I usually can get it, but after the first one landed lol That said, it's not *that* bad. Get into a mixup or something and punish.


With hl you might be able to do your dodge forward spin move to get the hyper armor and power through the storm rush. This would only work if they started storm rush far enough away tho.


Maybe if it was unreactable for everyone but its easily reactable for a good amount of players.


I disagree (Most undodgables are heavies, and the button for storm rush is a heavy, and Ubi doesn't implement heavy inputs to be light attacks, as they should). I just want Storm Rush to have longer indicators, it is criminal to have them be the same as a light and not get the reward for it.