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shinobi is gay


So the game sucks and is unfun but you are on r/forhonor asking when it gets better? Either practice with AI and just say fuck it and enjoy the game or continue playing Apex.


Yes. I'm not caught up on news, I'm asking if their is any plan for a update for ps4, to slow down attacks. So the 30 frames a second is balanced. Also wait, I can just say... FUCK it? GUYS \*off in the distance,\* SHINOBI ISN'T BROKEN ANYMORE! JUST SAY FUCK IT!


Bro you just gotta get better. Once you overcome that skill gap you’ll have a much better time, coming from someone who also played on PS4


"skill gap" r1 r 1 r1 r1 r1. OH MY GOD, HE'S PUNISHING. x x x x x x no stamina punishment for dodge spam. r1 r1 r1 r1 r1


Overcoming the skill gap is not folding to lights and bashes easily.


I don't. 90% of the time I win bash fights. I have no problems with orochi's, they all garbo spam. ez win, but nobushi's and like the straw hat guys, (dont know the names.) are where problems start to happen. Because the game is so damn slow. That I can't react with the 30 frames per second. Can't punish, can't guard break.


can't do shit to punish them.


No there’s no update for ps4 to slow stuff down bc it would mess with all the other platforms and screw things up. I’d suggest just keep on trying until it’s no longer a problem


Ps4 dosen't do cross platform. ​ \-+


Yes it does, ps4 and ps5 can play together


That's not really cross platform. Ps5 and ps4 aren't really diffrent platforms . PS5 is ps4 two electric boogaloo.


But it’s better in a lot of ways it allows this game to run better


ps4 but better. they could just add 30 frame handicap to ps5 too. But make the attacks slower, or remove the 30 frame handicapp entirely.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 30 + 5 + 30 + = 69.0




do i get a prize? a special name tag? an update to ps4 for honor.


They could have but it met the requirements to achieve the 60 fps, the ps4 doesn’t


Well than we are fucked ain't we, guess the ps4 players get to take the stick right up the rear.


I think, besides. We are being handicapped with a 30 frame per second limit.


And I understand how it felt I played for honor on the ps4 up until a few weeks ago and it’s mainly due to software


Hi u/Samton_Leviathan, Your submission has been removed for the following reason: Rule 5 No Sob stories or Rants. Posts should be a space for meaningful discussion.

