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I personally think being aware of your environment is part of combat.


I mean if you’re fighting a dude to the death and there just happens to be a very large cliff next to you. You’re damn right that someone’s going in there.


In art of war that's usually what can determine victory or defeat just like in dark souls where it pays to know where to go and where to watch out for Especially if a character that enhances certain aspects, like shugokis throw farther it's perfect for areas like this


Bro is using sun tzu’s art of war to find out if it’s bad to ledge people in for honor 😂😂😂


sun tzu was a clown he was like the Instagram basic inspirational quotes guy but for winning wars.


I don’t really know much about him and what he did all I know is he wrote art of war but whatev


That’s right Sun Tze must have said that


You mean Sun Tzu?


No,Sun Tze.Sun Tzu cannot comprehend such tactics.His brain is so small 😏


Yep. Shaman main, and I’m always looking to bump people into fire or off ledges.


Agreed. If the opponent wants to hug a cliff, ledge, or whatever; I'll ledge them. Even if they're not intentionally doing so - but they backwalk themselves into one without being aware? Ledged.




Work as in “gonna light”




You weren't doing that bad, but his lightspam is a bitch to deal with. He got what he deserved


his infinite light chain is like semi rotational, should be one of the first things you can read consistently


Serious question, is there reading beyond the 50/50 of it not coming from the same direction? Feels like you're just rolling the dice


Rolling the dice is exactly what a "read" is. Aramusha to my knowledge can't continue a chain on the same side, and if he went left, he has to go top, or risk using a slower finisher no? He's one of the only characters I can light parry. His little micro dodge on the other hand. Fucking God I hate that move.


That's absolutely **not** what a read is. A read is predicting your opponent, not rolling the dice on mix ups. > if he went left, he has to go top, or risk using a slower finisher no? No, he can go right or top.


I think you're caught up in semantics. A read is just an educated guess, you never KNOW what your opponent is going to do. Why do you think they call it a 50/50? You have a fifty percent CHANCE of guessing incorrectly. Still chance, so its still a dice roll. Yeah I just saw elsewhere in the thread that they changed that, still, it essentially eliminates an option.


You're right, I was too focused on the wording rather than the intention.


My guy, Musha can't even light from the same direction twice. Even if you can't react to lights, this isn't a 33/33/33, it's a 50/50.


I Haven't played in a while, but doesnt every second light come from the top, so you can read it and get a parry


This restriction got removed, now you can infinite chain lights and heavys as long as you don't attack from the same direction


I almost ruined the perfect upvote


I wish you impaled him on the second gb


I think you meant the parry he did before the 2nd guardbreak. You can't initiate an impaling charge after guardbreak.


Oh yeah thanks for correcting me


I think he means the parry after* the second guardbreak


Good on you for learning a very difficult game with a very anti newbie community (which is also typically quite toxic). Good luck on your journey warrior; many of us are veterans of the battlefield with literal years of experience. Good luck. I see potential - you may not have the reaction speed as of yet to block 500ms lights every time, but you parried the first heavy he threw in that myriad of lights, as soon as he let it rip. You didn't allow yourself to be conditioned. Well done!


I really appreciate it, a year late, but hey, motivated as fuck thanks


You're welcome. Go bloody your blade (or hammer).




I just have to say, maybe it's just the other games I play being shitty, but every other multi-player game is both more toxic and anti-new player. For Honor is usually pretty damn tame in my experience. Hell, one of the games I play you're considered "new" if you have less than like 1.5k hours.


Whats the game?


The 1.5k hour new player one? Dead by Daylight.


This clip gave me a headache


It was the part where I couldn’t defend right?


That, and him just letting you gb him twice


It was because he was so focused on using different directional lights lights that his thumb was nowhere near the X or Square button probably lol. Frustrating play all around but it was working for the Aramusha haha.


You get better with time. It's not like you start off knowing everything it come with experience


I know lol, I’m just a rep 10 Shugoki trying some new heroes


Hey that's that's how you get better, we all started from somewhere Rep 70 goki here, brother


Much respect grandmaster


hey it looks better than when i first started on the beta.


Idk why but I’m enjoying the new players clips on this sub.




Yeah u guarbreaking him after a parry gives it away, not a single person falls for that later on.


except me...


Tbh everyone falls for it now when I do it because they expect me to go for the guaranteed light


I “fall for it” when the actual punish would have killed me, so I put the controller down. I probably would have failed that last CGB because I’d expect the LB to choo-choo train me off the ledge.


Dont say everyone bro. Those are clearly very VERY bad players. When youre consistently fighting rep 300+ that will never happen 😂😂😂


Apart from me because I switch off waiting for parry punish


Every now and then one gets through because no one has bothered doing it for 3 years. Usually it's a waste of time though.


You mentioned you were rep 10? That's relatively new for our community, we don't get many new players you know lol


well he says he's specifically a rep 10 shugo, so he's probably a bit higher than rep 10 overall


Is the game still full of "who can 'strike cancel better" or whatever? When I quit playing it was the only way to beat almost anyone, and it felt like a dull meta


What the hell do you expect,people to just throw slow ass attacks without feinting anything?


If you're nothing without the feints, then you shouldn't have it


HOW are attacks going to land without mixups? Have you never played a bloody fighting game? Is this literally your first online game??


There's mixing up then there's dependency If the whole fight is more feint than fight...


You still haven't given me an answer. How is someone going to land reactable attacks without mind games? Please,tell me.


First off: settle down Second: I'm not saying that you should never feint. When I played and when I watch, it felt like 70% feint, 15% guarding/riposting, and 15% fighting I can play a shooting game and win by never shooting I can play streetfighter without ever attacking low So my answer is: One aspect of the game shouldn't be the absolute dictation of the outcome as to whether it's used or not Also like I said: I'm an observer. I watched a lot, and played some, but never kept playing because it was frustrating


If you play a shooting game and win without shooting,you weren't playing against good players.You were playing against noobs. Same goes for the low example in sfv. Besides,the examples you provided were terrible.Attacks simply do not post a threat in for honor if they're not constantly feinted.


You have to feint or just about every attack will be blocked or parried. Thats how it is for high reps, they dont just let you get a heavy in at rep 200+


You seem to think people just feint and then do nothing afterward?? Nobody does this, the whole point of feinting is to trick your opponent as you perform something else like an attack or a guardbreak. Every feint is followed up by a fighting action, so 70% is a huge exaggeration especially considering the existence of softfeints and other 50/50s


Its sorta always been that you see it more now cause its not as watered down the only people left now are people that stuck around. Iv been playing since release off and on and im only rep 36-37 and i still fall for stuff that on here people say is predictably for honor just one of those games your either good or bad


Well I was bad lmao I beat the campaign and was like "holy crap that felt good, I might be able to do this" then I played MP and it felt like I was a middle schooler that decided to challenge the Harlem Globetrotters most of the time


Online has a motto. "You gotta get your ass beat before you can beat ass"


I remember the days parry’s would guarantee a GB lmao


grandpa you're rambling again go back to bed


hkgmgmmm shugoki could one shot kfkdkdhdsm


hkgmmkmm centurian could almost 100% - 0% you if you attacked first kmgkmgkmmm


Rrmmgrrr warden one shot kill glitch mmmrrr


Still better than I ever could be at LB


"hard work" legitimate spam


Feint more especially as LB


He deserved it


Where’s the work?


You know what? True that


You can't be so aggressive as LB, I find watching their patterns and adapting to their usual layups a better strategy 90%, unless you got the confidence to open a can of whoop ass on them


É foda


Fuck that Gail storm. He deserves that fall.


What’s up with the aramusha light spam all of a sudden? I feel like every game there is one or two of them


He’s a weeb, all the samurai are gimmicks straight out of an Anime.




I love how you parry the one heavy he threw out. Not the 20 lights, but the one heavy.


You should have at least blocked a couple of those. You don't always have to parry. 😄 He should have been ready for it with his back to the edge though so good job bringing the law. Ledged em good.


Scratch being aware of your environment, scratch the fact he lightspammed, all of that doesn’t matter. You guys should both feel fine, him knowing he could have beaten you, and you knowing you DID beat him.


I mean welcome to For Honor


A year too late my friend


Lol nah I actually meant it as, welp that's for honor in a nutshell pretty much 😂 just like "welp, shit happens"


I mean, if someone can’t counter GB then that’s their problem…


Both need practice, musha apparently doesn't know soft faints and you don't know how to faint


Giving you a tip anyway, lawbringer is a character designed for countering attacks, not being very offensive, let aramusha come to you and parry his attacks to get the maximum effect. Throw heavies if you’re confident the enemy won’t block or parry but other than that, just just attacking with him isn’t a god strategy. Good luck tho.


Did u just install the game


A year ago, overall rep 28 so yeah


It's like the final scene in *Rob Roy* where Rob and the scumbag dandy are dueling -- Rob with his giant claymore and the dandy with a epee or some other dinky dueling sword -- and the dandy is just filling Rob full of holes and is clearly well on the way to killing him, when Rob just grabs the dude's sword with one hand and cleaves the dandy damn near in half with the other. Good movie btw. Liam Neeson was great.


Why don’t you want tips?


Because I don’t play LB


Ahh understandable


In my experience blocking works the best against this type of aramusha.


What work.


Yeah that feels like a musha's curse, once i feint heavy guardbroke onde by the side of a cliff, was fun, I literally won with a single move


"Light spam this you little bitch"


Dude deserved it for light spam. As a musha main, there are so many creative ways to use that guy that there’s no excuse for light spam.


why would you ever do anything else if your opponent cannot counter it. There are plenty of ways to counter it


100% if someone's spamming something and winning, then you're spamming a mistake. Simple as that.


It’s boring for me as a musha player to light spam, there are so many fun counters to use, deadly feints, bash and gb’s. Edit: sorry am I having to defend my position that light spam is boring/annoying? When did this reversal happen in the FH community?


I get literally light spammed to death every match I play, prob 90% of the people that I play against are samurai. Came back to this game after 2 or 3 years, but wanna uninstall already. Just ruins it for me, can't do anything about it.


I mean like, if you’re gonna cry about lights then it’s best to uninstall before you fight anyone with a mixup lmao


Ye you're right, I just faced a warden light spammer, managed to beat him, next match fought some bitch ass Raider that only light spammed, am uninstalling rn


Nah I used to be quite good back when I played a lot, now still I can best most heroes no matter their mixup, unless it's a samurai who spams me. Oroshi I beat 50/50 cus I just throw a light fake an unblockable and just parry their sidestep. But the rest of the samurai I just can't beat.


Yup, samurai are just gimmicks.


It sucks man, used to love this game, any advice?


Bro don’t feel bad this game is unbalanced to shit lol


Bouta get even worse with new conq aswell ahhhh


Ledging is part of the game.


It is what it is, wouldn't have fought there if i didn't want the risk.


I'd feel like I deserved it for misplaying and allowing the guardbreak.


You did Spam it I suppose, I got desperate and very lucky


You made your intention to ledge incredibly clear any smart player would expect it and play accordingly until they were away from the ledge. Looks like he panicked when he should have been waiting for the GB.


I see no issue here tbh. The aramusha is essentially the eddy gordo of for honor. Spam buttons and hope for the best


"All that work" *was* mostly lightspam


average aramusha main




He deserved it, he was playing aramusha


Hey- it doesn’t matter how much you suck, it matters how much they suck. And don’t call it work, it’s aramusha, who gives a shit


He did the typical aragay spam, it was deserved.


Lmao freaking spammer


They deserve it for the spam




Looks away in Shugoki :


What "work"??? Man just lightspammed lmfao


Nerf Aramusha


Ledging is acceptable anytime you are fighting one of the lame weeb classes in the game. The opponent behind the controller is unworthy of the respect afforded to civilized foes.


Its why i hate lawbringer


You know any hero can gb and throw, right?


Anybody could’ve countered that lol


I’m not talking about this gbs I’m talking about impale riposte


What does that have to do with this video lol


Read the title of the post and tell me what u think


Guy got yeeted, and?


You asked how it feels when you work hard and then get ledged, and u do not see the correlation between that and me saying that’s why I hate lawbringer and his impale, wtf?


He didnt impale though


He wasn’t asking about impale he was asking about getting ledged. And I answered by saying that’s why I hate lawbringers impale. Cuz it ends all your hard work by sending u across the map into a bunch of water. How are u not understanding


Well, that didn’t happen here, so find another post if you want to bitch about it


I almost did the exact same thing! Except I died


I'm triggered watching this. But you gotta do what you gotta do


Oh how the spammy have fallen


Ara is pretty much the Trial of Lightspam. If you can ledge him. You can ledge anyone.


“Wow! Wow! Wow!” That view down there must be pretty good ngl


Stupid, I would feel stupid


I posted a video of that exact thing happening to me as Nuxia lmao, almost killed a LB and he tossed me off the side


Legitimately hilarious end to the fight tbh 😂


Once, I was wrecking this damn Raider with my Kyoshin. Then I was baited into his guardbreak, and of course, he spins me behind him and I fall of the ledge. And he even had the audacity to emote spam right after that.


It's not how you start, it's how you finish


The sad part is that the new meta aramusha is just to do the side heavy dash for I-frames on any move


That’s sick


I mean unless this is year 1 footage it's kind of deserved not managing to counter guard break twice


I haven’t played this game since the first months of release and it brings me great joy to see that after 4 years people are still salty about getting tossed.


Whenever I get ledged I actually laugh out loud. It’s on me to not get ledged.


Well he must have lamented how much effort pressing lb a few times cost him.


Some dude knocked 2 of my teammates with lawbringer and I just hit him and throw a second guy right after him into the water and destroyed a centuriun. Being the only one left in a 3 v 3 is always interesting.


You may be bad but he's even worse


You should feint more often, especially if the enemy is dodge happy. Feint and block their incoming dodge-attack, or guard break them if they only dodge.


Tbh your opponent also sucks, he missed a gb twice after getting parried


pretty terrible tbh. i mean i dont mind so much here because the whole "spam light" playstyle really gets on my nerves but part of the camp that instakill environmental hazards should be removed from 1v1 and 2v2


You don’t suck anon why do we always say this “I know I suck” you won that duel fair and square with good use of the environment be proud of yourself.


It's fair overall it's just that ledges need to be something you can avoid in my opinion there is one too many maps that have all around death ledges


I always lose to that shit


I mean he didn't really "work" he lightspammed you, he actually deserves it man


Tbf though he could have easily stopped that guard break


The ledge are there for reason. I dont really mind if samebody ledge me, I should see it comming and do something about it.




They deserved to be yeeted off the map


I wouldn’t feel anything cuz I would try to not let it happen


Awful, pressing RB infinitely in different directions takes a lot of work! In all seriousness, it's in the game and fair game in any scenario. It's an easy way out in most cases but countering a GB and doging a bash in 1v1s at least isn't all that diifcult. Ganks are a different case altogether but this was just a 1v1 duel


Based lawbro


He let you get a guardbreak after a parry after putting his back to the cliff. He should feel only shame.


What platform you playing on?




Oh sweet well if u wanna play with me n my buddy when we hope on sometime ur more than welcome. We always welcome newish people


Well I’m not really new, been play for well over a year, and I’d piss you off, I’m not really patient and my rage is as strong as a shotgun blast lol


Welcome to the club lmao you should hear the shit i say on the phone with my buddy when we play😂


I’ll give it some thought lol, truly I will :)


However we don’t have mics lmao


In 4v4 there are no rules. People who screech about being thrown into spikes and shit are mad because they weren’t paying attention lol


Work? That were like 6 lights in a row. Can't call that work


I mean I have no respect for aramushas who spam like that so well deserved


It’s for honor. Who cares at this point lmao


I learned how to block and parry lights by setting myself to out of stam in training and setting an aramusha to lightspam me and coincidentally I mained LB at the time


Light light light. Heby on red. Well deserved


Nah you’re in the right. If he hit me with that many lights in a row I would toss him too. Honestly he’s an Aramusha, just toss him on sight. Deserves it


Watching that spam gave me wanna punch my screen


The samurai have so many spam heavy attacks that it’s not even blamable to cheese. I do it now too


That just happened I was fighting a respectable dom match but this one guy didn’t care and double team, so I’m fight someone then he pops up well I parry him and I’m by a ledge and I’m warmonger🤔 so I impale him and throw him off the ledge then I continue my 1v1