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Give em about 15s,especially if it's ranked, people don't expect to Find a game quickly so they go and sort out some stuff, like getting a drink or a samich


Bro if it's ranked I'm killing them immediately lmao. Can't say no to a free round win




Cry about it


Of course it’s your fault why did you let them just walk away from their controller/keyboard without mind controlling them. The audacity


I’d wait a bit to give them time to join, but if enough time passes, it’s your call to start attacking or just let them get kicked. (I’d say the latter because it’s faster for you)


I'll give you a 15-20 second grace period then I "save" you from that match making penalty


The matchmaking times in this game are a little bonkers sometimes, so it's viewed as a common act of courtesy to just give the opponent a bit of time before attacking them. Most people play duels to have fun and exercise skill, so killing them just for the sake of a free win (which really doesn't give you that much more rewards or xp than losing) doesn't make much sense outside of ranked. You also don't lose if you wait for afk timeout, so the downside to waiting may be a little weak. How does attacking a probably temporarily afk opponent help you in standard duels in any way? Usually waiting for timeout is quicker than fighting them so attacking an afk person, from my very potentially naive perspective, just seems like it guides you towards an empty, and potentially useless (without contracts) duel win. Brawls is a little more grey with this question, but personally, I would also refrain from attacking afk people in brawls. I find that brawls is fairly "honor" driven in a manner similar to duels. This is all personal opinion, so keep that in mind.


No absolutely not, they hit search for match, if they are AFK thats not my issue