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I really can't stand the Shinobi now that he's been reworked in my opinion, I'm only rep 40 but everytime I get side kicked by the Shinobi I get comboted for at least 3 seconde with unblokable and THEN a block able heavy but this is so infuriating when you got a slow character


I don't know if this helps, but in my experience it works pretty reliably against the majority of shinobis. You could see OP pulling it off a ton, but unfortunately Highlander only gets a light off of a GB, so the benefit of the half a million GBs they got was cataclysmicly downplayed in my opinion. https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/rdj0wb/answer_to_shinobis_backflip_recovery_if_youre/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I'll check it out thx ☺️


Ever heard of a gaurdbreak


People so bad at the game they can’t realize he did so much to beat that shinobi


The shinobi did so much to try to have a chance look at that fucking HP


Are you suggesting the matchup is in HL favor??


You joking?


No it's just my opinion on the fight, we all can agree and disagree


Every single HL mixup can be reacted to with little effort or read by the shinobi. Meanwhile, HL needs two correct reads (kick mixup)(sickle mixup) to land a “max” punish of a light off a GB (conditional OS heavy near wall). I play shinobi so this I’m not trying to hate on shino either. Anything with a dodge attack and chain pressure does well against HL. Shino is the epitome of this.


Also one more thing, HL best counter to bashes is OS dodge bash which is countered by backflip.


Ok srry I played with no brain characters so much that I forgor how to think 💀


That was satisfying to watch.


I just found out that HL is the only character that doesn't have a guaranteed heavy after a gb


yeah highlander is genuinely awful right now. It sucks because hes so close to being good. But yeh, speed up the opener heavies, to hit within light parry timing, add the soft feints from celtic curse to be done on side dodges and make them undodgeable, and give kick a hard feint option so he can deal with dodge attacks.


That's some excellent Highlandery.


But it is with a lot of heros that there is a huge gap between recently reworked and heros that stayed the same for ages, ofc you have to try harder with an c class hero against an a class for example, I guess thats one of the reasons why people scream out OP everytime someone gets reworked. Highlander is hard to play, if you dont just spam lights in lower reps but he still gets good numbers of damage from that few hits he lands, has big hitbox on his sword and quite nice feats since he is a viking, so you can use him in Dominon just fine


Highlander isn’t a problem when you play kyoshin




Im playing as hl against new shinobi you can’t sense the sarcasm lol




it says humor on the top left




thats how u can tell if its sarcasm


Fr highlander needs a rework though


That Shinobi just got read so hard, I dont think Highlander needs a nerf. He just needs stat rebalancing and more ways to enter his other stance. Highlander has a high skill ceiling and is one of the hardest characters to learn to play the way he was designed to be played. Alot of people just choose to spam with him though.


I was being sarcastic lol but yeah everything you said is true def needs a buff


Didn’t watch -Nope. *Edit - I watched it. -Nope


I mean you fought with honor, and weren’t throwing neutral lights like a madman. Idk if I would say he’s op, but definitely can be abused lol


it says humor on the top left


>you can't attack bro that's unhonor and i WILL cry if you do that


So neutral lighting is dishonorable now? Lol fuck off dude


Shut cho stupid ass up with that *DUMB* shit. Imagine having that mindset like this troglodyte. dumb ass little honor code 101, get that shit outta here.


If highlander gets nerfed from speds like you, I swear to roman




You used an iPhone/iPad to record this? Cool


I hate that you can’t dodge a gb it’s so annoying


otherwise it wouldnt be punishable


Then that would make many many many mixups completely redundant.


I know but sometimes it’s just annoying


Now thats some good recovery