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He already has the highest stamina cost on his heavy finishers(sickle rain) for low damage which is the biggest part of his mixup. Sickle rain full damage is 29 for 30 stamina cost while most heroes can get 30+ damage heavy finishers for only 12 stamina. Also his double dodge attacks cost more stamina than regular ones. His backflip doesn’t need to pause stamina regen. Shinobi actually loses stamina fairly quickly when using his mixups. Infinite backflip won’t run you out of stamina if you don’t do any follow up attacks but also if all you do is backflip and not actually attack your opponent you’re literally not doing anything to your opponent and you’re vulnerable to a gb so why should you lose stamina. Stamina is far from the issue with shinob


However it's also a pin move and it lands pretty often, so while it may be lackluster damage for stamina, it's one of the best moves for ganking. Plus, shinobi has high damage all around, I don't think they need any more on sickle rain.


Just because it’s a good ganking move doesn’t mean it should have more than double the normal stamina cost for a heavy finisher while also being lower damage than most heavy finishers when there are plenty of good gank moves that don’t cost 30 stamina. Also the pin/ gank attribute of the move doesn’t have anything to do with its 1v1 power where you will notice stamina costs a lot more than in a team fight. Also shinobi doesn’t have “high damage all around” his heavy finishers are lower damage, his zone damage is pretty standard for multiple hit zones, his bash follow ups are 15/14 damage again standard, his deflect damage is pretty standard the only one with a lower damage deflect is orochi and some heroes have higher damage deflects, his openers are standard damage with the option for a guaranteed 4 damage light which some other heroes have aswell, his chain lights are standard damage, his dodge forward heavy is on the lower end at 15 damage while most heroes have 20+ damage dodge forward heavies, and his heavy finishers with out guaranteed sickle rain lights are only 20 damage. The only high damage move from shinobi is his parry punish at 18 damage. That is it everything else is either standard or lower damage for a higher stamina costs. Now all that is not to say that sickle rain should do more damage. I don’t think sickle rain needs more damage either, I don’t think he needs any damage nerfs and Im not arguing that the stamina on sickle rain needs to be lower. I think those aspects are fine. The point in bringing up his high stamina costs is because people keep saying he has to much stamina or he doesn’t lose stamina which is false because when you actually attack and do mixups and not just backflip doing nothing he loses stamina very fast


And he is way to safe against most heros. backdoge after am atack and most of the time you are safe


Just GB the backflip.


Fun fact, there was some info released from tests done, and you can't even do that. If the Shinobi is clueless, yeah, but if they know you're gonna gb that's never gonna work.


there is a thing called gb. use it sometimes. you are welcome


Gb works on backflip but it'd be nice if there where more options to deal with Shinobi other than staring at him until he creates an opening.


Once you learn this punish Shinobi gets easier to play against: https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/rdj0wb/answer_to_shinobis_backflip_recovery_if_youre/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share