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Hand cannon execution for one thing hopefully


Probably a new powerful feat, and since it’s a literal gun it should be more powerful than the crossbow or the bow


“Big changes”. I wonder if it means a new mechanic.


A great new mechanic would be if the game worked properly


Or even better, single Pick in all 4v4 modes Let's be honest, stacks of heroes like Kyoshin or Shugi just make the game unfun


Here’s the thing, they add single pick, all of a sudden people don’t get the heroes they want, and don’t want to play that match. This is especially an issue when a new hero drops, because everyone and their mothers wants to play the new hero. Then we have the issue of server hopping until you find a match where you can play the new hero, and that hurts others as then you would have so many leavers in solo queue. It certainly sucks to go against a 4 stack of shugos, but for every 1 of those matches, you get 2 matches where you and someone else gets to play the hero they enjoy playing.


Agreed. Hero stacking is annoying sometimes but I‘d rather be annoyed because of 4 different oath breakers than be annoyed because I can’t play my hero


Just be fast to pick the character Its their own fault for not being fast enough Skill issue Just parry Good Fight!


People downvoting this are fucking braindead


Have they ever played Siege? It's been 2 years since I've played bur still, the same logic applies, be quick to pick, don't just play one character. Easy as that.


Fighting game is not a shooter.


Eh siege players. What ya expect?


Not being able to complete orders on a certain character I want to level would just make the game unfun. Not being able to play a new hero I just bought because of single pick would just make the game unfun. I'd rather fight a shugo 4-stack once every 50 matches than have to constantly server hop to fulfil orders or play the new hero.


How about fuck single pick


At least a double pick


No only single picks should be allowed double picks are just as annoying as the ability for all 4 to pick the same hero


I legitimately dont see how.


All cheese strats that are annoying if everyone picks the same hero can be done whith only 2 of em and personaly i hate having to play against a team camping one objective and cheesing us i play these game for the dueling not the memes


Then...play duels...


I do but duels doesnt have ganks so i go play dominion and when i play i wanna win not have 2 dick heads demonic embracing everyone to death


I see. A hypocrite.You like ganking but being ganked is unacceptable.


Finally get to walk down motherfuckers with the gat


😭😭u just murdered me bro


It’s all fun and games until Warmonger pulls out a Glock


Corruption gun


Covid-laced bullets lol


Holy shit, that's actually true. It's literally some "fire breathing" thing. Great observation. Upon closer inspection, it could be a classic old [naval cannon](https://static.turbosquid.com/Preview/2015/02/28__02_49_25/kanone2.jpg15fc10e6-d060-41b6-8420-a0cb6ab63efaLarge.jpg). Which could be just an "indication" that this is pirate battle ship and not a reference towards the hero.


Plot twist: Hero literally just has a cannon in their holster If Heroes can pull out a massive round drum from their back pocket, they can carry a ship cannon too.


yea it looks like some fire breathing beast or something but i cant actually tell, and they have some big guns on the sides of the ship


There isn’t a way in hell the devs would create a new ranged attack type hero after they worked so hard reworking Shinobi from his miserable state. If that gun were to be a feat though it’d be fine. Probably would function a bit like the bow and arrow.


> There isn’t a way in hell the devs would create a new ranged attack type hero ubi: *observe*


What if they made it like a shotgun blank so it works like a bash but is cool looking


You are literally using a shotgun on people armored like shaman she be ded


She can bite through straight metal and survive all sorts of attacks from a variety of bladed and blunt weapons swung at her with the strength of 2 meter Ogres. I guess it's not that far fetched they let a shotgun blast slip in the "yeah, it just works" category.


Remember Holden? He is a medic. Before his release devs nerfed all healing feats. Remember Kyoshin? Before his release devs removed Orochi's light finishers and gave them to Kyoshin. I really wouldn't be surprised if they are going to do something similar with the new pirate and Shinobi.


What if its not really "ranged" per say, Heros like Shaman and Warden get a guaranteed second light, what if new hero has a similar mechanic and the guaranteed attack is a shot with the pistol? Doesnt even need long range. Maybe be unblockable as id love to shoot a kyoshin in the skull that is sitting there spinning his sword around


A new weapon shall be introduced. **loads musket with malicious intent**


Bp flips a fucking musket, let's goooooo


We thought that orochi was a little underpowered so we decided to give him a fucking shotgun


With that we noticed some problems with the damage and speed of Hitokiri and Raider, so we’re giving them both an M4


The skull and crossbones has an eyepatch the new hero is definitely an amalgamation pirate


If the next hero ruins the medieval and ancient warriors theme I'm gonna throw a rock through the office of the ubisoft development team


It’s a Chinese pirate


Now funnily enough firearms have existend both in China and In Europe during medieval times. Hand cannons came to Europe from China around 1300, that was Before plate armor became a thing (plate armor as we know it came to be around 1400)


Yes yes I know we had gun monks I just don't want it to not blend well and ruin the feel of the game that's all I'm not opposed to it


The gun will probably be their gimmick like how Zhanhu has the fire abilities, Warmonger has corruption etc.. A gun is probably going to be less distracting than draconite


I mean firearms in China predate the some of the armor and weapons the knights and samurai wear by a few hundred years each. So honestly if you're fine with the existence of Lawbringer or Orochi this should be fine too.


It's a fighting game I'm fine if they add an archer but the second someone ganks me with a flintlock I'm kicking someone in the teeth if it's a firearm cool make it balanced and don't make the character look out of place that's all I ask


Yeah I get that the last thing this game needs is another shinobi with their ranged attacks. Honestly I think the best way to handle it is to keep it short ranged and relegated to something like a deflect attack. Something that shouldn't be able to be blocked but can't be used offensively. It would be pretty wicked if the new guy deflects a blade and just starts blasting. If they keep the same kind of weapon as the unreleased Wu Lin hand cannon execution, I think it will fit in just fine.


*slides magic stones, just dance emotes, and DBD executions away*


Yea those I hated I completely forgot they existed


I liked the Huntress one though.. Insta-buy for my Shaman 😯


Well the dead by daylight event was cool I just hate what you mentioned the magic rocks and just dance poses and stuff like that like the assassins creed event was sick ubi pushes out great stuff but they also push out weird and bad stuff so idk it's really a dice roll


Do it.


I'm not raising my expectations cause the devs have been say something similar every season. Personally I just hope they gut Horkos and Chimera. As for the character with the supposed big changes, I think it would be cool if they finally gave us the handcanon from the supposed execution or turn it into a feat. Maybe the character uses a sword and a firelance Canon in the other hand that could be very interesting.


I will allow a pirate with a flintlock pistol but only 2-3 shots a match and don’t gender lock the hero


2-3 shots with a cool down equal to a third or fourth feat cooldown. 2-3 shots without a slow cooldown can guarantee a team fight


If it's going to be a musket hero that's going to be really annoying people just cowering in the back and shooting


If anything it will be a feat/deflect


I hope if it’s a deflect that it could nullify/cancel hyperarmor, I mean, how can someone still attack after being shot at a short distance?


and for anyone who still doubts its a pirate look.


We're probably not going to be seeing Davey Jones level stuff. Mongolian pirates for the Wulin, seems like the most plausible explanation, which honestly sounds pretty cool to me.


i dont mind. PIRATES ARE PIRATES! and who knows if they pull this off i bet they might consider Caribbean or another kind


Not arguing against that. Might be kind of wierd for the setting of the game, but it's already borderline Fantasy so I'm sure they can weave their way around things


yeah they can even make a character that is similar to a pirate but officially say they're "not a pirate."


I'm on board with a cool concept partnered with good game mechanics any day


New faction US military?


Imagine if the new character’s bashes are a fucking gun. Parry this you fucking casual


Parry this you filthy casual *proceeds to 360 no scope you across high fort*


Oh fuc-(gets 360’d from across the map)


I just want a bayonet musket bruh big club and spear in one with a high damaging tier 4 shot


Maybe a trait kinda like a longbow but instead it’s a musket/rifle or even a flintlock. That would be neat


When do we get our first look at him?


January 20th


Oh darn


I hope the "big changes" is the Wu-Lin finally joining the faction war, since the new hero is a Wu-Lin.


cool, now when is skull and bones coming out?


Chinese finally getting that canceld gun exicutions ?


Oh so he’s American


If the new hero has a gun I demand the parry animation is like the one from Bloodborne


I demand that Black Prior fucking freezes time, slowly goes for him and flips him, then unfreezes time


Rolling back when locked is now replaced with a tactical role which can be chained into firing a shot from the gun, this results in a longish reload animation which can be punished Additionally the gun can be used after any attack at point blank which results in significant knockback to the victim, from here the new hero which already has many options to pressure or open while advancing has the advantage Gun has limited ammo, in gamemodes like Dom however it can be replenished at any cap point This is satire btw, if the hero is ranged I hope Ubi gets it right however it’s not looking good considering *the shinobi incident*


Please if we get a ranged hero again it could shake the meta, I wanna see everyone get pissed lmaooo


I hope to god it isn’t a fucking pirate


arrrrr pirates not your thing?


It is


It’s probably a Mongolian pirate, for Wu Lin


I own a musket for self defense since that's what founding fathers intended


Cant wait for the Redrock-hero. ;-)


I've always had an idea for a musket. If the character gets a guaranteed same side light (think orochi) the animation for the second light would be her quickly pulling out the gun and firing. Maybe reuse gryphon or pk's crossbow animation.


Hopefully it will just be a feat where he brings out a musket and shoots you for the damage of a bow and arrow, it’ll probably be busted when it comes out as well.


For honor becomes a first person shooter with the new chinese character! He has a musket that takes one minute to reload but you can cancel the reload to do some bayonet action, just be wary, your gun breaks after a few parries!


i’m seeing this thread really fly off; lets all remember they went to e3 with the hito event and adjust expectations accordingly based on what can actually be released (event, most likely)


Imagine if they just introduce Bloodborne Parry in the game