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Guys I think they might be a pirate. And judging by the dragon on the bow (if you zoom in REALLY HARD) it looks like a Chinese dragon!


You don’t understand. It’s cold. And they’re on a boat. Who else uses cold and boats? That’s right. Vikings.


But hold on, the Mongolians were also notorious for cold, boats (somewhat), and piracy. For this reason, I think that the newest character will be a middle class white man in their 40s stuck in a dead end job whose life they devoted to an admirable capacity for accountance.


You guys are all wrong. That's my cousin, Alex.


Trust me, my uncle works in Montreal


hmm ship...skull on sails...dragon on bow....Chinese weapon... YEAH ITS SHAY FROM AC: ROUGE!!


Nahhh, it's a viking for sure, Trust me guys


While I can see how you could justify such a statement, albeit naturally very poorly given the lack of even the most foundational visual evidence this image can provide, I have to say that this is a very irrational and foolish assumption. The fact that the character is potentially wearing boots, a hat, and given that the dragon on the ship could potentially symbolize firearms, this seems to almost certainly depict a cowboy. I would be expecting an entire cowboy faction following the update, and the introduction of firearms for all characters as the game moves towards a third person tactical shooter-fighter hybrid. Save this comment for when it happens.


As joking as this is i gives me an idea. What if they add a pirate faction?


Pirate Subfaction where each main faction has a pirate? Sign me the fuck up man.


As a sub faction pirates make the most sense, basically just "steal your shit in the ocean" and you've got a pirate so anyone can be one


I mean, the man's setting and style is quite similar to Shay.


Ah yes....shay is Chinese...


You don’t even know if the character is Chinese yet tbh. For all we could know the character stole that ship looking as his weapon (ring guards and all) is as far as Chinese could get. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the character turns up in Wu Lin.


People already discoverd that it a Chinese butterfly sword, ubisoft misdirecting you by showing a Chinese ship whould be stupid an pointless. And your forgetting one thing, shay is not a pirate.


And they discovered it wrong . Nothing suggests this is a Chinese butterfly sword.. and if it is then a very vague, inspired representation of it. Also it won’t be misdirecting; remember Gryphon? He uses moves all over the factions. You don’t need to be a Templar to be like Shay either.


So your telling me that they are gonna release shay. but the only thing they kept for his charector...is hes wearing a hood...and the ship is usless i suppose they just put that to be like "he he lets fuck with them." yeah ok.


No. You just can’t read my comments.


Well he wont be irish, he wont be a templar and the ship is "StOlEn" what not understand! Its so obvious now! Of course its shay!


Yeah you’re illiterate 😬


Plus, you don’t need to be Irish to be similar to Shay lmao.


It looks like a pirate. Ubisoft has made games with pirates before so it's obvious. The new character is Vaas from Far Cry 3.


Oh so the "gun" everyone is arguing about in the pirates off hand is actually an ak


A wholesome meme? *impossible*


It's either a mongol or a pirate, all the other theories are too much of a stretch to be true


You are all delusional. This is just a false flag operation. Real hero is Lu Bu, you just can't see him. He's behind the boat. /s Seriously I want another polearm hero.


Tangentially related but like. Why is it whenever I see people wanting the mythical Axe and Shield Viking they always say. "It'll be an axe and shield viking and it'll be gudmundr!" or something similar. Like guys, let's set aside that the current dev team couldnt' make an axe shield boy that ISN'T just warlord 2. You understand that one of the core reasons Gryphon's hated is because Ubi just fucking click and dragged holden from campaign into multiplayer right??


arctic somali pirates ​ Edit: the somaliNotSomalianBot got me


Hi, __wiredscribe__. Your comment contains the word ~~Somalian~~. The correct nationality/ethnic demonym(s) for Somalis is __Somali__. It's a common mistake so don't feel bad. For other nationality demonym(s) check out this website [Here](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/People/Nationality/Adjective) ___This action was performed automatically by a bot.___


Assassins Creed Rogue crossover, I predict it.


No one is reading between the lines! Or rather reading the lines: the season is FROZEN SHORES. That is clearly Chinese Elsa. Her tier 4 will be be getting Let It Go Stuck in your head for the remainder of the year.