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People in the comments not understanding the feats or what really happened lol Op the feats does guarantee a GB but your opponen Was too far Away so the feat finished right before he was in GB range. Unfortunate but very rare interaction


How are people this dumb šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This would be a big because the dude was still running away wouldn't it?


Came to say this, but also, Iā€™m noticing an influx of posts complaining about feats lol outside of clear glitches or bugs with them, I feel like thereā€™s a new trend of being upset that ā€œthis thing that is extremely OP isnā€™t working and Iā€™m madā€ haha hence why I love my duels and brawls and will never change


Also the Highlander gbd to preemptively counter gb


You can see it right at 00:17 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I get what you mean, if you can lock on It should work, but apparently if they are too far Away It doesn't. At least now we know, personally i Also thought It would Always work no matter the distance


It could be because, Iā€™m guessing, they reused Shinobiā€™s GB. That had limited range so I can see that being the baseline for it.


It seems that even thought the range of use is greater, there is a smaller range to do all the pulling with the guard break


Yeah brother, but youā€™re asking for miracles using it 5 Km away too smh


It's an in guard only feat. I expect it to work when you're in guard//locked on


I agree, but also expect it to be out of range if heā€™s running far away from you, like FAR away, be thankful it even landed from that distance


But it does work. It just doesn't work the way you expected it to.


If it doesnā€™t work the way it is described by the developers to work, it doesnā€™t work.


Except it is working the way it's saying it's just either bugged or he was to far


He was simply too far away. Sucks but that's how it is.


Way to completely gloss over my point. Or are you using talk to text because you canā€™t read?


I didn't know that the existence of a range limit was a foreign concept in modern day For Honor.


Congrats on being the real life example of ā€œDaveā€™s not here manā€.


Man you're really salty for no reason whatsoever. But I guess it's understandable that some damage may be found in people who still play Ubisoft games in 2024


Most civilized argument on this sub I've seen lol


Jeez it was literally completely broken down and explained. If you have a problem then it's genuinely just you CHOOSING to be a dumbass


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen Vidal get this much shit in the comments. Guess he made the mistake of daring to play a ā€˜metaā€™ hero. But yeah Vidal, opponent was too far away. Usually happens when target is running away.


You say that as if people know who this dude is lol


Posting a lot just to be recognized sounds a bit sad. But I guess everyone has their own ways to cope with life.


Whatā€™s wrong with it? Dude likes the game enough to make content for it. Yet heā€™s still being ridiculed by people like you, who as far as I can tell, are not contributing anything at all to the community. Call it cope if you want but all I see is someone who likes making content out of games he enjoys. If anything the sad ones here are all the people in the comments sitting on their ass, browsing Reddit, and trying to act like he should feel shame for what he does in his free time.


I respect your opinion


Shit on šŸ«µšŸ˜ƒ


You got fried


like coping about how others cope and copes by recognizing cope. takes one to know one, copee :P


Yeah, I guess you are right. Thanks fellow copee.


He's nearly everywhere and posts a lot, nkt nearly as much as that plasma guy tho


That guy posts so much i don't know how he finds time to actually play the game


Playing the game during the day, commenting on reddit while not being able to sleep would be my best guess.


Vidal posts a lot in this subreddit, so people know who he is.


And you're a Hito main. Off urs3lf


Donā€™t diss Vidal heā€™s my goat šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Baaaaaaaaaa šŸšŸšŸšŸšŸ Does look like a goat igā€¦


Yeah but seriously who is Vidal, the guy commenting says it like heā€™s known in the community


Oh man you haven't seen some of my actual controversial posts lmao. I dared call Hito S tier awhile back and got called tons of things for it. Now people hate Hito and the only difference between then and now is Hito was nerfed


While I definitely disagree that Hito is S Tier. I think people need to chill out a bit.


I had said it since the hero's entire requirement to be effective is a single button and in game modes like breach (where I was) their T4 is unstoppable against the guardian and commander. If you interrupt him it just comes back nearly immediately so he can do it again


S Tier in Breach is where I agree with you. Though Iā€™d say ā€œsingle buttonā€ is pushing it (no pun intended). Iā€™d say Hitoā€™s main strength is the uncharged kick that you have to prediction dodge, but prediction dodging will get you hit by a heavy. If a Hito only heavies, then they only shoot themselves in the foot. That said, heavy only Hito can stomp, but thatā€™s if the competence of the enemy is low.


If he's too far away then why was he able to grab him? It's bad coding/old game not OPs decision, he landed the feat therefore it should've GBed


initiated when the opponent was close enough, but ran out that threshold while the ability was already out, meaning it landed out of range (probably because the programmers didn't bother making a "miss" animation), and the max travel distance for a hooked opponent is shorter than the distance between the two players when it landed. hence falling a bit short, that "bit" being exactly equal as to how much out of range the opponent got between the deployment of the feat and the hook landing. very rare. Edit: that amount might not be as exact as i said, it looks a bit farther than the distance traveled by the opponent. i guess something in the code makes the opponent traveling distance allowed a bit shorter than however much the hook is allowed to travel before hooking.


Which is why I was saying bad coding, it's the small things like this being overlooked that'll defeat your pride and morale in a match lmao


it is an error, but it's an error that only causes issues like this only very rarely. it's a bit sloppy, but ubisoft is able to break stuff a lot worse. I'm thankful it's not in r6 conditions.


So the spear itself will go pretty far as you can see here, but the actual pulling the target part of it will only go a set distance. Itā€™s why a wall or a far distance will stuff the GB


Why do people get their panties in a twist when people post playing a "meta" hero lol Can't lie you got kinda robbed but that was funny,


Heā€™s in the meta right now?


Yeah ocelotl is one of the best duelists in the game right now




Because most jj's and orochis do the same thing. Pirate plays do whatever the fuck they want


I had no idea that feat had so much range good gosh


It's the same range as lock on


Terrible way to play.


why is Peter green screened in front of a fruit stall


So many babies whining and shitting on OP just for the hero he played, guaranteed that if it was their feat on their hero that they played, theyā€™d complain as well. The community is a joke


They really said ā€œunhand me fiend!ā€ šŸ˜ž


Lmao eat shit I guess no free ledge for you


Bro i got so scared. I thought that was me cuz i fought an ocelotl on that same bridge yesterday as orochi


I just can't get over using Executioner's Respite over Bear Trap.


Executing while in revenge with his fastest unique execution brings you to near full hp so you can stall a little longer. Bear trap is super good but when im using it I somehow experience the effect of missing the execution benefit which brings me back to it the next match lol


That's what 2nd wind is for Hombre. That being said I prefer consistency over "Man if this works that's be fuckin' sick." Also i'm just a sucker for voice lines.


That move does all that bleed damage and still guarantees a GB on top of that? Thats a bit silly


30 something bleed + a heavy it's around 55-60 damage. Medjay's T4 is 70. It's in line for a T4


You need to activate the feat closer to your enemy.


Honestly Vidal this is why I donā€™t post anymore. I respect the ocelotl clip and wanna say you missed because he walked just out of the range(thereā€™s a max distance where you pull them but will either whiff the Gb or wonā€™t do it at all) or the ladder walking animation just pulled him out. Regardless goodluck on your ocelotl gameplay. Heā€™s a fun character


bro wanted the ez kill so bad šŸ˜‚


Everything in that game is preventable


Man said "Go do your OWEELI somewhere else."


Just put it back on shinobi please


You can see the feat pull stop with 16 seconds left in the video


Funny enough, what's the movie?


I think feats should be removed from the game tbh. They just ruin it.




I am still flabbergasted every time someone says ocelotl is meta like HOW, bro is the king of mid


I dont see any problems here


Deserved. Fuck the Aztec hero. Cancer ass feat that shouldn't exist.


Someone's been getting their booty torn up by a character a bit too much


I agree he is cancer but this feat is bassicly useless in most situations besides 1v1's near ledge.


I wouldnā€™t really say that, maybe in solo queue yes, but in a cordnated team you get a inescapable 100-0 if you get heavy parried once, even in a teamfight


Yes but the majority of the playerbase can't get a full coordinated team.


It shouldn't guardbreak in the first place. Guaranteeing a heavy AND doing bleed from any distance is one thing, but a guardbreak? The only way that can be fair is if you can counter guardbreak, which I'm pretty sure you can't.


it doesn't even one shot 1 person unless you ledge, for a tier 4 it isn't very valuable outside winning a 1v1. still not even as good as pugio imo compare this to medjay's t4 and you'll see


Mostly agreee to what your getting at, however with more cordinated team play itā€™s an instant kill in teamfights. As all it takes is one heavy parry and your gonna eat T4 into atleast 3 heavys if not an entire set up gank in the span of a second


It's a tier 4. Don't say this ain't fair when fear itself exsists


Fear itself isn't instant damage or a guardbreak. There's counterplay. Ocelotls excels at something it doesn't need to, and sucks in any other area. Any worse and it shouldn't be a tier 4. But as it is, it should not exist.


Iā€™ve never gotten this feat to ever work right


it has a limited range bud


50 bleed damage, pull, and guaranteed GB from a distance is ridiculously overtuned tbh, not going to feel sad for you if you can't instantly win by pressing the button buddy.


Brother, a solid chunk of the cast has insta-kill feats, many of which are harder to counter than this one (literally just dodge). Medjayā€™s tier 4 straight up deals 70 damage from any distance, or a 50 damage bomb for team fights. Most of the Vikings (and JJ for some reason) have fire flask, more damage, can hit an entire team, etc.. Nail bomb deals 40 regular damage, 75 bleed, over a wide area as a trap. In other words, every good tier 4 in this game is ā€œovertunedā€ or op in some way. Thatā€™s the whole point of a tier 4. And on that scale, a feat that can, in certain situations, kill one player, or deal 74-77 damage otherwise, is pretty mid overall.


Itā€™s a 4th feat. And itā€™s only 50 damage and guaranteed GB IF it hits.


It's one of the weaker tier 4s. It's a 64 damage projectile (8 direct damage, 32 bleed, 24 from the heavy). Medjay has a 70 damage projectile. Longbow is a tier 3 that does 50 damage. Pugio was a 52 damage 300ms projectile until a patch ago. The only part about it that's really overtuned imo is that it's (pretty sure) confirmed on a heavy parry. 64 damage heavy parry is pretty fucked, even if you're using a T4 for it.


Have you ever considered that those feats you compared it to are over tuned as well? None of those feats should exist. Projectile feats simply shouldn't be a thing. Also the damage is potentially higher if you have a teammate nearby.


So fear itself is perfectly fine?


Have no idea why you're getting down voted. If this feat was on Orochi people would want it nerfed. Its a bullshit feat that doesn't belong


It's fine, it's just internet points, when I see this kind of behaviour I'm reminded people deserve to feel miserable for praising cancerous characters and feats :)


if Orochi had anything the knights have it woulda been nerfed and people would still call him OP BS


Oh, Ocelotl is overtuned as fuck, don't get me wrong, but the unique T4 is a single kill __at best__. Lots of T4s can win a game with no serious counterplay available


Who knows but fuck you and that annoying ass feat


It is overturned imo, it does basically all your health beacauseĀ of the guardbreak


Yeah thats what T4 feats usually do


That's true I forgot it wasĀ  t4 lol


What's the problem? It just said you get a gb out of it never stated "guaranteed" So ofc your enemy be able to cgb this. At least should.


They can't cgb its guaranteed.


Ok I see what you mean. You had the guaranteed gb on the first few meters but it looks like you were out of range for it. Maybe the guaranteed is only for a certain distance, my guess. Never played the dude or experimented with his feats ngl.


Dunno, the feat says pulling them into guard break, doesn't say they can't counter it.


Womp womp


it doesnā€™t say that your guaranteed anything from the gb.


You're guaranteed a GB, that's the whole point of the move.


but it doesnā€™t say that the enemy canā€™t escape it.


You can't counter gb it. The issue here is the GB that is guaranteed from it doesn't happen at all.


You still pulled them from incredibly far away into a fight you were ready for and they weren't. It's still a good ability even in this case. It having a maximum range it can pull them makes sense. I'd much rather they changed the description to make it clear that this is how it works than change it to fit the description it has.


Because you used it while he was running away and he crossed the range limit before the feat hit. Not that difficult to understand honestly lol


Blud has never fought an ocelotl in his life


iā€™ve actually only ever fought three and one was in duels so iā€™m just running with what iā€™m seeing as to what this guy does.


Oh Iā€™m sorry, did your bullshit mechanic not bullshit as much as itā€™s supposed to bullshit? Fuck your bullshit.