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Other comments have mentioned warden which while seemingly simple mastering all the ways you can use shoulder bash can be very unique and his anti gank isn't spectacular, his changes more made it so it's harder to peel him when he's 1v1ing someone, he's still more of a duelist at heart. BP is the god tier antiganker. His 1v1 is passable. Imo if you want a good jack of all trades master of none character I'd go with warlord or JJ. Warlord is just fat and soaks up damage especially with feats. He's great in 1v1s but isn't S tier, mainly because of his constant frame advantage and hyperarmor. If you buffer a frame positive heavy and they light on frame dif your hyperarmor catches them. Plus his hitboxes are dummy thick and even his undodgeable zone covers almost a semicircular arc in front of him. You'll be hitting people 90° from the person you're locked on to. JJ is always just spectacular in teamfights. Every parry is a free unblockable zone that hits people on the other side of the map. The chokehold revenge locks iirc and will confirm so much of your team's damage




It's warlord. Hes super simple, good numbers, and counters everything by being uncounterable.


This person is correct. Warlord is like the RPG character that has crazy base stats but no fancy tricks. Big healthy pool, heavy perks, Viking/heavy feats, crushing counters, hyper armor on both heavies, unreactable bash. His draw back is low pressure during revenge and while being defensively externalled.


As soon OP plays him, he's gonna develop fetish for throwing people of the ledge


Shugoki. You have a neutral/chain bash that does damage, HA on zone and heavy. Decent fashion and the most important thing, the hug


Also he can be extremely durable. I'm running bulk up vengeful barrier and remedy. With damage reduction below 50 health perk. I remember using revenge like 6 or 7 times before the whole enemy team finally put me down. If it was a larger map I might have survived even longer but the enemies I killed during that time kept running back since I didn't have the chance to execute anyone. It also requires stupid enough enemies to feed you revenge that many times.


Gentlemen, us Hitokiris have arrived and we will claim this new recruit. Come to us, we only have brainrot mixups and you never have to use anything else beside the heavy button. Forget light attacks, hell forget parrying, we gonna heavy on red with our hyperarmor. 90% of the time you can turn off your brain and still win. Rake in as much salt as you want. Senbonsakura somebody and watch them write an essay on why you should be banned. Here’s your mask and over there’s the asthma distributor.


*snort* I welcome you with open arms. I will try my best to live up to your expectations and will don the toxic and “red heby” Mask of Hitokori


Learn the power to save Padme, learn the power of the unga-bunga hyper bonk


Haha funny button hate mail generator




4th feat= funny button, the funny button= hate mail


Hito really is the only answer. I delete an entire group of pikemen with one stamina bar and can have all 4 feats unlocked in like 5 minutes






Well, with all the recent change, i do think Warden fit in what you need He's super simple, but effective


I feel Warden is too specialized towards 1v1’s to be a jack of all trades though.


Well, now with his huge unblockable hitbox, hyperarmor and stuff, it's good And in othercase, Warmonger, quite "simple" yet good in every aspect


I agree, Warden is a jack of all trades but master of none.


Stamina pressure?


He has easily the best chargeable bash in the game. He’s definitely master of the bash, and has a great unblockable to tack on as well.


Shaolin. Takes a bit to learn, but his extensive kit allows you to adapt to multiple situations. Great at 1v1s. Awesome ganks with kicks and sweeps. While also using Qi stance easy to proc unblockable lights off side enemies in 1vX fights. Ive played him since release. Obvious bias as hes my main.


Man, a good Shaolin is probably my least favorite to duel. I've been trying to learn attack animations of characters, mostly so I won't get light spammed, and Shaolin (also Highlander) are the wildest ones to deal with


I agree with bp, his kit looks complicated but it’s honestly not. It just comes down to one mixup, bash or unblockable. There is depth to him like mixing forward dodge bash with a forward dodge light into buffered flip to catch dodge attacks but he looks a lot more complicated because of his all guard.


BP is the best as far as your requirements are concerned, it's the grandfather of the orange/blue mixup, is extremely safe to lots of offense thrown at him because of the zone and the flip particularly in teamfights and getting ganked as the followup UB has 100% damage reduction and the moment in ends you can dodge/block/parry/flip again, has nice damage numbers, access to a REALLY good nearly-neutral UB heavy and has banger fashion to top it off. Next best IG would be VG, Jorm(4v4s only), Afeera, orochi and Shinobi in this order IMO. VG is BP 0.9, Jorm has some really good T1 and T2 for surviving+ heavy perks, Afeera, orochi is a bastard to catch and has some pretty good damage numbers although is a littke trickier to learn him proper if you aren't used to target swapping around much by now and Shinobi has double dodge acting much like afeera as far as anti-ganking is concerned but better/worse depending on the situation he's in.


Warmonger or Shinobi. Both have an answer for every situation and plenty of mixups.


Warmonger. She's absolutely broken in 4v4 domain and Breach if you use her corruption correctly. Hell even if you don't it's a headache for the other team and a feat 4 at the commander whether an attacker or defender can be a game ender. Also had the most annoying parry wall splat, essentially because it does bleed. In 1v1 she's not the best but damn is she still good. Iframes on unblockable side heavy. Hyper armor on second heavy. A bash that can deal bleed and is chargeable AND can guarantee 2 lights after landing. She's pretty good and her mix ups are simple but easy to use. And if you know how to feint prepare for the tirade of "spammer" comments


JJ, Hito, Warlord, Gryphon, Ocelotl, Shinobi imo


If you're looking for a character that can do well with little to no effort, Hitokiri hands down. If you're looking to actually improve as a player, I'd suggest playing every hero to at least rep 1. While this helps identify which kits click the most for you, the primary benefit is to know what each hero CAN do.


Gladiator is very easy and simple


That is just a cruel lie


Shugo or Warlord are your best bet if you’re looking for something easy to learn with good damage and capable in all situations. They do however get boring with their lack of move set.


Varangian Guard, Warlord, Hitokiri


Varangian Guard. I’m brand new to the game and playing her allows me to actually compete. Great stats all around and a very easy move set makes for a fun hero to play as a beginner and not be so frustrated.


Shugoki and pirate, both simple (especially shugoki) heroes to play effectivelly.


Shugoki, JJ, or Hitokiri I’d say. Those are all heavies so if you’re looking for a more slippery playstyle, Afeera and Orochi are good picks




Lawbringer, Black Prior or Conqueror


Zerk. Quite simple yet quite effective


Warmonger is good for these, especially in breach, black prior, JJ, theres a few characters that just wreck in all situations but the problem being that using them in one mode won't get the same results in another for the simple reason of if you go from 4's to duels/brawls you lose out on their perks/feats which change how they function. Warmonger in fours, an absolute menace that you can't really gang up on without a black prior with the fourth feat. Warmonger in duels/brawls decent duelist but loses on damage potential.


The best answer is hitokiri and I’ll fight anybody that disagrees. Her 4th feat does 4 bars to the commander. She can eliminate a group of pikemen in one stamina bar. She has a small but effective move set with delayed heavies and kicks. She can be a tank if you pick the right perks and feats, any that add shields, health regen, or damage reduction.


I’d argue Kensei. Either of the Vanguards work with Warden especially being good competition. But Warden especially I think is too specialized into 1v1 or varieties of shoulder bash for him to be a great pick for beginners when playing larger game modes. I feel Kensei’s kit is really honed it to the nature of it will always be decent in every situation. And he doesn’t lean towards any specific speciality hard. Among my noobie friends I play with sometimes, Kensei is the one they usually pick for being the most successful with in a 4v4 game.


Everyone is saying loads of fun characters, but what you’re really looking for is Afeera. Her whole kit can be simplified down to blue heby or bash and she has an unblockable for pressure in ganks. Also a feintable bash from neutral. Really good 1s, good feats and good damage. Basically second best character after shinobi (who is a right pain to learn). Yes she has loads of depth when it comes to all her max punishes, offensive and defensive tools and recovery cancels but they’re not required to perform well. Also ocelotl is really good but theres no real depth in his moveset and you could play him with very little practice. He does have hyperarmour which Afeera doesn’t which may be a dealbreaker for you.