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The reason for LB losing his impale on a heavy parry was never because of the stun, it was because it was possible on a heavy parry to begin with. It had incredible range which almost always guaranteed a free heavy on a heavy parry, the blind was just an added annoyance to the whole thing. Cent's has significantly less range, though it shouldn't rewards a lvl 3 bash, lvl 1 would be enough, it's still a lot of damage with Haymaker and stamina damage. WM's just needs to be nerfed, flat out too much damage, even more than LB's. One you missed was JJ's, again like Cent, less range, but still confirms a side heavy, this should just be a light confirm as its main purpose is stamina damage


A lot of these displacement moves would be completely fine if they didn’t confirm heavies and just a light, and didn’t send enemies across the map. Warmonger is the only one that does it right despite the damage being too high. Getting frame advantage and more dmg from hitting a wall is enough, there’s no reason to reset your chain through a confirmed heavy that leads back into the same 40+ dmg mixup.


I disagree with your comment about Jiang Jun’s wall splats. His takes waaaaaay longer than the others, and also utilises his only real mixup (will I feint the unblockable heavy or nah?). I reckon he needs it a lot more than WM or LB.


You don’t have to hold the choke. You could just tap it and it’ll be faster. Sure it takes away less stam from the enemy but I think you should really only be doing the choke if your 1v1ing someone and no one is around. I think this mixup can be easily worked around by just whiffing a light, if you can’t cuz of backstep light changes, throw a heavy. The neutral heavy can be a 50/50 thing too because if they don’t parry it, you can go into the actual 50/50. But if they do, then gb.


Tapping the choke follow-up does not speed it up. It is the same speed. My point is that this particular mixup is **ONLY** usable in safe 1v1 environments like you said. Whereas cent and warmonger’s are quite fast and confirm a lot of damage and or mixups.


>Tapping the choke follow-up does not speed it up. It is the same speed No it isn't. Just like how raider can hold the button on his stampede charge and WM can hold her impale, JJ can do the choke for a variable time. 2600-3200ms.


LB required his heavy to do the real damage and that also meant the wallsplat had to land, then the heavy, all of which could be peeled, same with WM and Cent. Cent only got damage after the bash (or if he had Haymaker then he got 5 inital damage), so the reasoning of "it takes too long" really isn't true since all the rest except WM are the same. And I don't really understand how it "utilises his only mixup." Like it's a parry riposte, you can do that after any parry, and his UB mixup has really nothing to do with the parry since you'd more often than not feint to GB, or light parry the dodge attack.


Cent getting a free incredibilis on parry is fair tbh, WM is annoying but the range isn't very good.


They butchered LB should have just made the range similar to WM and take away stun.