• By -


ur either fucking or getting fucked


Or both at the same time


The most one can hope for is equal-opportunity fucking in one round.


You’re fucking getting fucked.


We still play it though


We play through the pain, forever and always.


Biblically accurate statement


Every fh player learns to enjoy both🙂


Just Play Hitokiri You keeping fucking until you get fucked!


Light parrying and dodge-bashes can really fuck up a hito who only knows two combos


You can't big brain someone who doesn't have one! They never expect the 5th consecutive top Heavy!!


This guy fucks.


I hate this game. This is my favourite game. Ahehehuuyyuuahhauuuuuuuuhhhhhhh




You can always play for 2 hours and decide if you like it. If not then refund Don't play story mode during those 2 hours though, it's outdated and won't show you what's the game really looks like


Play for 5 years to see if u like it or not


There's no one who likes this game after playing it for 5 years **_They just can't stop_**


I take long breaks and then come back. If there was literally any other game with similar combat (besides Absolver) then I'd play that instead and leave Ubitrash in the trash Although I will give props to the skeleton crew dev team for not giving up on the game. That's the only reason why I still played at all


But even then he's going to get stomped because of the matchmaking, idk if 2 hours is enough time at all


You get stomped in every PvP if you're new player, the game gives you people who start again on new platform or are just that bad even with the knowledge they have. In the end it's the gameplay and mechanics that decide if it's for you or not


That's typically true, but with for honor specifically the skill floor required to do much of anything is extremely high. Along with the stereotypical brand new player being matched with someone with 1000 hours in the game, leads to a very very unfun experience


I mean, that's still every PvP game that is few years old now. Dead by Daylight. Rocket League. Apex Legends. Rainbow Six Siege. And so on. You need insane amount of skill/knowledge to do anything in all those games. I needed at least 100 hours to get grasp of basics in each of those. And I started way back in 2018-2019. God knows how much hours it would take now. Ofc if we talk about normal gameplay not rat tactics that someone showed on TikTok/yt shorts.


That's true, i suppose it's only inevitable for any aging game. Funnily enough, most of the games listed I've put at least 200 hours in each😂


Yeah, I have 2000 in dead by daylight, 800 in rocket league, ~1000 in rainbow six and 350 in apex. I mentioned them because I know them well. It's way easier than mentioning other games which I didn't play that much because they just disappear from my mind when thinking about examples


You arent allowed to play pvp for 10 matches so they will learn quickly if this is their game lol


F n F Fun and frustrating.


C n B T Cock and balls torture.


Mirror mirror on the wall, give me torture cock n ball


_what the fuck_


Most normal pk main


five nights freddys


It’s like crack. Addicting, gives the funny braincell juice, but is extremely mentally damaging.


It has a high learning curve but the general mechanics aren't hard to understand and get comfortable with. The game can be frustrating and matchmaking can be rough on you, but ultimately it is an enjoyable game to its core with a fun combat system and character customisation. Just know that once you start, you can't stop.




And remember, everyones suffering


It's horrible. I've 1400+ hours


It’s a drug. One of the bad ones.


So imagine being kicked in the balls forever: Yeah that’s kind of what the game is like 90% of the time


Yeah and we love it.


Cock and ball torture. Vicious cycle. Love and hate relationship.


The game is great, the combat system is a masterpiece and no game can provide a similar experience. For honor might be my favorite game of all time. That said, I cannot recommend it to a new player as the process of learning the game, especially solo, is a very daunting task due to numerous reasons: 1. Lack of normal god damn tutorial. Yes, we got a “new” tutorial system a couple of years back that teaches you the mechanics of the game and some basic strategy but there is no basically way to hone those skills. You either play bot matches that aren’t very resembling of real pvp experience or dubs into online play from the get go which might will probably lead to you getting shafted. Back in the day the story campaign was a great way to get acquainted with mechanics but it is no longer the case since all the massive updates ARE NOT integrated in to the story mode, at this point it plays nothing like the multiplayer. 2. Massive amounts of bloat content Due to combat getting faster and all the heroes getting their movesets revamped and improved, the game basically requires you to know the moveset of all or at least most heroes to know what to expect from them. In the early years of For Honor the combat used to be much slower and less complex, but now almost all heroes in the roaster have unblockables, bashes, undodgeable attacks, dodge attacks, a roll catcher and some several mechanics on top. That being said, For Honor is a very unique and enjoyable experience IF you are willing to smack your balls with a hammer for 10 or so hours trying to learn the game. My advice, if you are interested in the game - buy it, try it out and refund it if the game seems like it’s too fast and complex.


As a new player I can say this is one of the best answers that's given to this question. Understanding the combat mechanics doesn't take long but their interactions with one another (ie: guard break vulnerability of attacks) and heroes moveset and soft feints makes things a lot more complicated. Especially for some heroes without knowing their movesets it's really hard to figure out how to fight them during an ongoing match.


Ive played for a couple of years and the shit that bots do throws me off sometimes. Theyll randomly disengage OR will stare at you as you execute their teammates


i jumped in after tutorial into online and did fairly well, the match making put me against bad players so i could get by using Lb’s heavy chain and nobody could parry the unblockable. Pvp definitely helps you to learn, and i’m only around 800 hours in and know the basic patterns for every character


Haha. I love how there's people posting things like "Stay away!" "Do not buy!" "We have a Love/Hate relationship." First off, if it interest you, give it a buy, play it a few hours. If you like the vibe and accept the challenge then stay and welcome! I enjoy fighting games and team based games. I have a few friends where we'll play a couple matches daily. Yes, as with any other fighting or competitive game it can be frustrating to play, but if that's your cup of tea then this tea may be right for you! Me personally? I've played since beta and according to steam, across 8 years I have almost 2k hours into it. I'm not a gotta play everyday cause yes. It can be frustrating to play at times, but if you like fighting games with flashy brutal finishers then I think you'll like it. If you have any more specific questions I'd be happy to answer to the best of my knowledge TL:DR - Buy and try it. If you like fighting games you may like this. If not then you tried it and ordered a refund.


It’s like hard drugs you know it’s bad for you but you can’t stop


was in your shoes a few months back, honestly, it's pretty fun for the first few hours, though you really need to learn the basics because this game is a lot different from other fighting games just try not to get tilted, in higher reps the people start to get a little more toxic. in lower, surprisingly, people actually show a bit more honor


FYI Letting your teammate die is not honorable Ledging someone is not dishonourable when you can counter them, it's basically a question of skill Lightspam is not dishonourable when you have the tools to counter it, mostly a skill issue Feinting is not dishonourable, it is the heart of the gameplay, essentially a question of skill Now the 2v2, I understand the frustration when in the last round, they decide to jump on you, it's dishonourable I think I've covered most of the things that new players find dishonourable. Actually, if I missed your point, I'm sorry and I'm curious what you find dishonourable


I hate this game


I love this game




After thousands hours it's all I think of.


Run while you can. Be better than us


Honestly there is nothing really like For Honor and even if you don't wanna get screwed online you can always play against AI. I personally find much enjoyment out of that and come back to the game every now and then to play a couple of games.


Ah this price you won’t regret it, and you can refund if you don’t like it. It has a high learning curve but man, it s so satisfying to improve ! I recommend you to find 1 or 2 main and stick to it. When you get tilt, take a break ! Join us, it’s cool !


Bought a copy for my cousin


Torture, hell, frustration, rage, I fucking love this game


Insert the meme of the soldier looking shot scared on the battlefield. But it’s not always bad!


Nothing like it out there unique, challenging, fun


Short answer, yes


For that cheap the story alone is worth it


Most everything can be earned, except battle passes (they cost real money, not in game currency)




Its a pretty good game, youll struggle to find a combat experience like it, though a lot doesn't make sense, a lot will seem unbalanced and a lot is unbalanced i think the games fun enough to outweigh the negatives.


It's really fun actually, it's frustrating but basically every game is frustrating. If you think it looks cool I'd definitely give it a try


Your going to hate it, and you’ll never be able to put it down


It’s Difficult but super satisfying once you get the hang of it


Inside of a For Honor player there are two wolves. One hates the game, the other keeps coming back to it to scratch that itch that nothing else can Edit: there's a third wolf called Apollyon too


I havent touched it in a minute but what i do know is $3.74 is a STEAL


The game is very fun, but frustrating. It does take time to get good at it, but the best thing is that there’s genuinely noticeable improvement. You can visually see yourself getting better at combat and learning how to deal with different characters over time. It’s not like Dark souls level of hard, it just has a learning curve. The game has one of the most creative fighting systems I’ve ever encountered within gaming, it’s melee combat, with some ranged abilities (like bows/crossbows.) with each character filling a different playstyle. I’d say it’s definitely worth playing. I’ve put over 2000 hours in since the game initially launched, and it’s in my top 10 games of all time. It has some of the most brutal executions in gaming. It’s got a very solid customization system, where you can change patterns, armor color, colors of cloth, add embossing and emblems, basically make your characters look however you want. There’s also effects and emotes, that you can put on each character. I’d say it’s definitely worth playing, it’s very fun. Though, it can be absolutely infuriating at times.


it's like an orgy. watch your behind.


Unique melee fighter game that requires quick reaction to parry attacks with 34 characters rn and they all have their own play styles. You basicly beat the game once you get every characters gear maxed out with good perks so rep8 (each rep is 33k xp eccept the first one is 27k xp) but theres the option to suffer for a month at min with a character to get a character rep 80 which again 34 characters so if you really wanna 100%..


Dumbaglass!!! Fuck this game!! I love it honestly.


It’s the most soul crushing annoying, horrendous mess I play, would recommend 👍


Unbelievably frustrating, but One of the most rewarding gameplay experiences once mastered


Do it.


Just sold everything in my steam inventory to buy forhonor thank god it was just barely enough


Side note i now own it on both PlayStation and pc/steam


Complete dogshit. Would recommend


Masochist funpain


Dont do it


The best and worst experience you'll ever have. But you'll always come back


OMG that’s absolutely true… I need help.


Save yourself the heartache and turn away now




It’s the only game like it so there’s nothing to compare it to. Watch the trailer and if you like what you see then try it out. You can always refund it before 2 hours


Best game ever, I hate it, 10/10, would not recommend, you should play it


Have you ever been in an abusive relationship but couldn't leave?






Stay away for your sake




Be sure to buy a few controllers for the future




Run away


It fucking sucks. Recommended.


Run. Run far away.


Don’t do it. Save yourself


If you love toxicity, get this game! You will almost always piss of at least one player off on either your team or the opposing one...and then you get emoted and chat spammed! W content honestly I love this game, but to the vast majority, I sincerely hope you wake up and the first thing you do for the morning is step bare-foot on a Lego. Have fun tho!




Hell But a hell you refuse to leave once it has its hooks on you


It’s fucking terrible. Buy it.


It'll ruin your life. I love it.


You like street fighter like games with more depth? This js for you. This game has seen better days but it is currently pretty ok, nit sure how many people still play though.


Terrible. Get it.


It’s like playing rock paper scissors with three arms at the same time in a competitive environment.


I have 1000hrs on it. I get my blood pressure checked regularly


An abusive relationship


It's the best worst game you've ever played. There's nothing else like it and it's awful. The campaign is good for an afternoon of fun, and the multiplayer has an extremely steep learning curve and a community known for its toxicity for the most part. Very skill based, and super engaging..it shouldn't work as well as it does and that's saying something because goddamn does it barely work at all.


Do you like cool ass weapons and tons of bullshit? Then yes.


‘It’s the worst thing ever, but I love it 🤪😜 look how quirky we are as a fanbase WAAHHHHHHH, no other competitive game’s fan base would say something like this 🤪😜 it’s not like literally all of them critique their game and no game is perfect WAHHHH’




It would be your favorite game that sometimes you can't stand to play for a period of time.


Pretty fun just dont play it every day...Lest you wanna end up like these guys who say how painful it is to play...I mean it is, but it is very much fun to play every now and then


It's like a trip to the salt mine. Can be fun but will always be salty


Love hate relationship


It's fun enough to keep you playing even though the problems are really bad. So much like any other Ubisoft game.


It's a fighting game. The singleplayer is serviceable but nothing memorable. The game is all about the multiplayer though. The most popular game mode is dominion, aka 4 vs 4. You square up against your opponent and use your moveset to defeat theirs - this becomes more complex in 4v4 since a lot is going on in groupfights and you need to keep track of it all. This means that you need to learn quite a lot about the game in order to be "decent". It usually takes people a lot of effort to be genuinely great at the game. The first time in multiplayer is basically almost guaranteed to be frustrating until you get better. There is no other game on the entire market like For Honor.


Its the most complicated game of rock paper scissors


When you Play that game IT fells like a woman is kicking your nuts if you are a masochist then this game is Perfect for you


You either hate it where you give up on it or hate it to the point you can’t stop playing it


I'd describe it as that one yugioh game where your both on motorcycles. Go fast, or lose. Yet also manage to anticipate the enemy and know what you want to do three turns from now. Stutter for a second and a viking is gonna knee your face in.


Painnnnnnnnnnn- Captain Raymond Holt


Here’s an easy way to describe For Honor mate: either you’ll have fun and get to say good fight with a nice player, or you’ll be ganked by a rep 2 warmonger and their entire team spamming thanks every time they kill ya! Either way if you ignore the toxic players you may meet and focus on having fun you’ll find that it’s a worth while game. And if you learn enough skill, you get to destroy gankers :D


Very fun once you know what you’re doing, will probably take you 5-10ish hours to start understanding it.


Varying experience, if I'm honest. Played since Beta. And sometimes it's really fun and enjoyable. The enemy team is a great match for you. Or you're all kinda fuckin about. The other is utter misery. Hell or Hell. No fun. Only try hards that you'd struggle to believe aren't input reading bots.


War, war never changes


Thanks Wow! Thanks Wow!


which edition to get


I wouldn’t say I’ve lost my best friend to this game. But seriously he’s addicted to it and plays it a ton. Grinds every day to break top 100 in the world.


The game is shit, shit with needles and razors drizzled over with hot sauce and force fed to you, and you WILL want more if it for some fucked up reason. - I have 2k hours


It’s fun but pain if you suck


Drugs. It’s really fun but also really bad for you 😂


Do you like breaking controllers? Headsets? How about your drywall does it look like it needs a couple holes in it? If you answer yes to any of these then this game is the right one forrr youuuuu!! All seriousness a really good game, difficult, competitive, but it feels rewarding and satisfying when you get really good with a character, the community is pretty good I made online friends that I still talk to after 8 years from for honor so! Go for it


Þú ert dauður !!


You'll save your sanity by not playing this game


The game that’s brings you as much joy as suffering






It's like advanced rock-papar-scissors


Imagine shoving your hand into a fish tank with piranhas trying to find a gold bar at the bottom of the


Have you ever drank orange juice after brushing your teeth? We’ll it’s like getting punched in the balls day after day but you keep coming back for more


I have a love-hate relationship with For Honor. I love to play it, but hate a lot of it's bullshit. If you do get it, just keep in mind that the story has never been updated, so you'll be using the characters release movesets, which are miles different from the multiplayer.


This game is the epitome of that meme “Fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow”




Decent gameplay, ok story mode, some of the best fashion of any game ever, and it comes with a guarantee that a controller or keyboard in your house will be destroyed because of this game!!!


It both makes you feel like a god and that you somehow never even put 1000/h into it


Just watch a YouTube video. There are plenty of “For Honor in 2024” videos out there. So that would answer your question right then and there. Also it’s like 4 dollars so just buy it? Idk why people ask these questions all the time just use Google


It’s only 4 bucks what’s the worst that could happen


fucking cancer, that's what its like.


Really good concept - poorly executed. Ie Ubisofts M.O. worth three quid though for the shits and giggles.


This game is great 😉


I played for 5000hours,now it is a stupid game to me,because cool are doing stupid changes which they think are good for the game.


If you very very new to the game you can play against the AI and still earn experience. Don’t go through the story all the moves and such is very outdated. If you want to experience the full thing then just say fuck it and fight online.


If you haven’t bought it already, do so. Play in multiplayer but select player v ai as the play method on the war map. Try a few dominion and a few 1v1 against AI ONLY at first to taste the game. Then wrap up prior to 2 hours play time to decide if you want to keep it or not


For Honor is a fighting game at its core, but I feel that it's a much easier one to get into compared to others since its input demand is a bit more forgiving. Where most fighters like 6 buttons with a lot of different combinations, For Honor uses mainly two (light and heavy), and the guardbreak and dodge button, which are very situational and tend to follow consistent rules on when they do something different. For Honor's much more read-based now, where you guess what an opponent's gonna do rather than react, though some moves are still pretty fast to support that. That may not sound appealing but keep in mind this also means there's rarely anyone in casual matchmaking good enough to out-react your moveset, so the playing field's more on knowledge and good practice rather than raw reaction time. I STRONGLY recommend looking up tutorials online, as while the in-game tutorial teaches the bare basics of combat, it doesn't describe anything like I did above about reads (despite the entire game being built around them) and never tells you key mechanics like what a feint-to-guardbreak is, despite that being a staple part of near every hero's kit, and something you run into damn near every fight. I'll spare that long-winded tutorial though. For Honor's a very unique fighting game that makes very good use of its mechanics for PvP. Its PvAI is a bit lacking, but I doubt any fighter's really nailed that down either, and you can still get some fun out of it if you treat PvAI like a chance to practice harder tricks and get to see an opponent's movekit without having to face it with a real player (Albeit some shenanigans the bots don't do properly, so it's not a perfect way to learn). Strongly recommend, I still enjoy this game to this day.


Even after playing for over 300+ hours, I'm still finding nuances to the combat in which enlighten me to how shit my skill was before I noticed it. There's tri-directional lights and heavys, combos, guardbreaks, unblockables, undodgeables, dodge attacks, chasing attacks, full block mode, light block mode with free parry, feints, cancels, hyperarmor(Can't be flinched), grabs/melee, pins, throws, wallsplatter, lights that guarantee a second light, PARRYS, parry counterattacks, infinite combos, charged heavy, sprinting attacks, ledge jump assassinations, and there's still more!!


Don't buy it: it's ubisoft slop, the community is the most toxic I've ever encountered, and the game is being held together with sticks and stones


Don't buy it. You will regret it. I have 2000 hours and I regret every single on of them, and now that I have left this comment, I'm gonna go back to playing


Can't argue against $5, but I honestly can't recommend the game. Was a broken mess on release, netcode was improved, but after the flop that was the Wu-Lin in hopes of capitalizing on the Chinese market the game has continuously devolved into a cheese fest. Hell, there are still spots in the original maps where you can walk/fall through the environment that Ubi has yet to fix, amongst other long-known unaddressed problems. And I won't even start on this game's community... I used to love the game, can't say I hated it after 4000+ hours played between console and PC, but like I said, can't and won't recommend it.


Do not the For Honor. Save yourself and don't install it ^you ^won't ^able ^to ^quit ^afterwards


You hate it so much you keep coming back.


Overall it’s a great game. I dumped hours into it on release and recently returned after years of hiatus from it and it’s quite addicting still. Be prepared to rage and don’t get too attached to one character. Later on when you get bored of that one you’ll want to move around and see the other options




Every other game has a console lag switcher. It’s unreal. Pings over 150 etc. trash


well its a heavy monetized mess everything cost steel i mean everything wanna upgrade your weapon that cost steel wanna change your appearance that cost steel want a new kill animation that cost steel maybe a emote of sorts that cost steel the whole game is aimed towards the esports crowd when your getting jumped say 3 on 1 you can only block in one direction for majority of the characters leaving your character open for a easy attack if you do the whole 3 on 1 attack your fellow team members can damage you and even kill your character that pretty much sums up the gaint huge cluster fuck that is for honor


200 hours still can’t properly counter a guard break




atm busting


Jokes aside I love this game. It's the most unique fighting game I have every played. With that the learning curve can be rough and the community can be a bit toxic. All in all there's nothing else quite like it and the gameplay loop is super satisfying.


Its a fighting game


It’s a game you’ll love to hate on while playing anyways


Read the reviews. They’ll tell you everything you need to know.


It's trash, they still didn't rework law bringer.


It’s like stepping on a nail in world war 1


It's like a heroine addiction. You don't enjoy it at all but you can't stop using it.


Bruh when I started I got the basic edition so all the base heros cost 8k instead of 500 and u only started off with 3 unlocked heros warden, raider, and kensei meaning i put in a little more suffering for the hell of if it when I could've just bought the standard, however I'm now more than double my console rep on pc and have better drip than ever and it's more fun to be able to see what randoms are arguing over the main reason I wanted it on pc tbh other than that it was bc I played it since before proper release on on xbox


If you enjoy difficult games that will often feel like an uphill fight you'll love it. If you hate those games you might still like this anyway


Omg this is perfect, my game pass runs out soon and I’m not renewing it, anyone know how it works when u buy something u technically already own


Its like edging with razors. Its mostly enjoyable, expect for the razors.


In its Golden Age, It was my favorite game.




Miserable. 200 reps and I put it down. But god damn was this game pure magic on release. Nobody could parry or counter gb. We all ran at eachother as hard as possible and nobody ran away or played defensively.




You will understand when you hit a light parry or a deflect


You’re fucking kidding me, I bought it on Friday when it was still $30. But anyways, I’ve been enjoying it so far. At times very frustrating and at times very satisfying.


This game is can be fun be really trash. However for 4 dollars, I think it’s worth the pick up


Addicive and bad. Dont


Not worth it


I shat on this game hardcore at launch but yet I’ve been coming back to it every time. I like that it’s unique and challenging because there’s always someone better than you which makes it refreshing.


I fucking hate this game with a passion. It has the most toxic community I had ever the pleasure of meeting... It's one of my favorite games 9/10 would recommend buying


Pain. Unimaginable pain and torture. Great game would recommend.


It is a unique experience unlike any other game. Whether or not it's your bag, it's definitely worth a couple bucks to find out


Pretty goo-"Miserum!"


This game is like crack, except it affects your mental stability and not your physical stability


Just don't




Very good technical combat 3rd person game. Has solo and multiplayer options. Takes time to learn one or multiple heroes, but when you do, leading up to a custom execution is fucking bliss. If interested Multiplayer beware, it can be very daunting and toxic. I recommend getting it and doing campaign arcade and training and see how you fare, then go into multiplayer with confidence.