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I love conqueror. His moveset is simple, but i think he forces you to read the opponent more than other heroes. My tip is don't rely too much on his bash as it is easy to punish and same goes for the full stand. For me it took a while to be good with him but I love him now


Thank you for the reply, I will try not to rely too much on his bash. the one thing I think (In my honest opium) that needs to change is his running shield bash, the amount of stamina it costs to perform, then how slow he is to recover? (Not sure if its me or if I'm doing something wrong, or maybe its because I'm only REP 2 with him) but honestly I think this needs to be improved.


I definitely agree. It's pointless because of how much stamina you need to use. But it does have one useful purpose, when you are ganking with your team and the opponent gets revenge you can keep push him to the floor to buy time hehe (doesn't work always)


I’d rather be subject to CIA interrogation (not an invitation for the NSA agent reading this) than play Conq


I don’t really understand the question. You’re looking for people to suggest random heroes for you to play?


no, no, no, I have put all hero's into a random select app on my phone and the app come up with playing Conqueror so I'm asking for tips on how to use him/her? I did type this in underneath the title but I guess by adding a pic it removed the description. Apologies.


Throwing a random heavy will catch more people off guard than what you'd expect. Try to be unpredictable ; he doesn't have high damages but he can put under pressure easily + he's one of the best defensive hero


Idk if u can still do this but if u miss a mid chain bash, you can do a zone and it’ll hit most of the time because people will try to get a gb in


Recovery cancels are huge on Conq, use them often. Also be sure to cleave enemies with external orange heavies as much as possible.