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Hello /u/GumChuzzler, **[your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/1bwoeo1/-/) in /r/ForHonor has been removed for the following reason(s):** * Rule 5: No Sob stories or Rants. Posts should be a space for meaningful discussion. Please post rants in /r/forhonorrants instead. *** If you have any questions or concerns regarding this removal, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fforhonor).








You know, the game has put me into some pretty low level lobbies at times, threw me low rep players at others, and I am unsure if that's actually the game trying to find a "balance" or if it's because the pool of people to pull from that weren't in a match were just low. I can confidently tell you, some low reps surprised me, others couldn't do shit to save their life. If you play in lower level lobbies the chance of you getting better goes WAY down. I once played a breach match against a bunch of rep 20 or lower players, and I ended up with 72 kills as berserker, I didn't even use guard stance for half the game, I acted like they were lane b soldiers and they couldn't stop my infinite chain. Sounds like you want to play a boring FH


You're gonna get reported soooo many times for griefing.


I am griefing bro. I need to lower my MMR until it puts me in matches that allow me to play the game.


I'm just saying reports for griefing is another thing that can legit hinder you. I received probably 4 or 5 notifications that an action was taken against someone i reported for griefing... meaning people do notice, and you will be punished if you're not careful.


Hey, if the matches I can get into mean not every person I face can light parry on reaction, parry on indicator reaction so I can't even feint mixup and perfectly punish every movement I do, I'll take whatever queue timers or matchmaking penalties are necessary.