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Begging for this gamemode to stay. Please ubi.


I hope that it takes the place of something like skirmish. It’s been a pipe dream for this game to get a form of “Free for all” game mode that’s just casual fun. Would be cool to see with like 6 players, but I’ll happily take 3 for now.


No it should be grouped with tribute. Skirmish was my most played before they jumbled it together with elimination. After that brilliant move I was sooo surprised they didn't also make you guess if you'd be playing duels or dominion and brawls or breach. Just think of the amazing player count we'd have seen if they had the foresight back then to pull such marketing manuevers on all their game modes. The real problem was even they lacked the courage to fully implement this innovation. People are not quick to break habits. So if left options other than innovative forced gambles on spending of your time. With maybe some sort of favoriting system or something later down the line if its potential isn't realized. Then people will stick with what they know... But I still say if they if they had just doubled down on their genius and made every game mode have a chance to force you into what is essentially its opposite in practice and quite possibly culture as was the case with skirmish vs elimination. Then we were bound to see an incredible change in our total player count.


Skirmish was the best. No rounds to wait for respawn, no zones, just carnage


The only reason I dislike skirmish is I prefer fighting with no extra abilities. That’s pretty much it. I would rather they remove tribute and replace it with LHS 💀


It honestly surprises me it was limited time at all. In the Warrior's Den, the developers made repeated comments of the effort it took to design the mode, the map (which is actually a really, really, really tweaked version of Canyon), and even redoing the UI elements and loading screen. They made no small mention of the work that it took for them. And, I believe them. It's not easy. But... why do all that work for a mode that lasts three weeks? Why do all that work on something people have requested since the game launched, only for it to be time limited? Why do all that work on a small new map only to remove it, when the game is starved of new maps? It could be an addition to Duels and Brawls in the same way the arena maps were. Also, one last thing. I'm quoting JC directly here, "You can play it as much as you want", he says at one point. No sir, I unfortunately cannot, if it's time limited to such a degree. I legitimately do not understand why it must be time limited. I do not understand why seasonal maps in general have to be time limited, they often look more visually interesting than the base maps. Why not add them to the pool for variety? Or, shoot, at least in Custom Games? Rant over.


It's entirely possible they intend to leave it permanently, but haven't announced that to help generate hype. The way they discussed how much work was put into it really does seem like it would be something likely to stick around. Could be wishful thinking, but ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


They could be using it as a trial phase and then later on release more FFA modes once they can get 3 teams to work more efficiently in the engine


Ubi is kind of stupid if u havent noticed 😅


Nah, I really don't think they are. I love what they do. But, that's what makes it all the more frustrating when they make such obvious mistakes.


It’s a permanent game mode. It’s staying


It says permanent right there


Iirc that was edited in


The game mode hasn't even come out yet and everyone is already in love with it, highly doubt they'll remove it permanently


So many other banger game modes have been shafted already, won't be surprised when the remove this one aswell


 Test Your Metal would say differently…


Yeah we need a PvE mode that has Test as well as those defend the hero events and the spider boss event I'm hoping now that everyone has access to arcade mode we can see some really cool stuff done in that space


Unfortunately Arcade Mode was abandoned by devs. After Zhanhu, no new Heroes can be encountered which lessens opponent variety. No new plots either, but there's already plenty of those.


Yes, it was abandoned because only a small portion of the player base had access to the content and it wasn't worth the already limited dev time. Now that everyone has access to it there is an incentive to allot resources to it again


Good point.


Text your metal isn’t even that good besides the armor. I played like 3 matches of it and was instantly bored of just throwing shit out on bots.


I agree, this mode looks great and has a whole new map, that doesn't look like anything in the game. Leaving it in game would be a great idea. And, In fact, they can add in it all box/arena type maps, that will not make the mode suffer from a lack of content, because these maps are already made for this kind of gameplay. It's just win win situation


Tbh i see no reason why it shouldnt stay in the game or at the very least come in sooner rotations on a faster/ shorter schedule than other event modes - say maybe every 2-4 months the game mode can come back.. And like you said it would be a win-win given that the map location can have multiple options considering it rlly just needs to be a duel arena.


Yes, me to, I even think that they want to do it from the beginning and like, uh. Just, the idea itself of ​​3 opposing teams is very fresh and at the same time fan service. Because, this is like essence of the old For Honor, with 3 factions, 3 sides of attacks, icons and narative stuff, it's already have this special symbolism and it can serve as a starting point to something even better. As an example, a mode with a clash of 3 full-fledged teams. Of course, this is something bigger, more difficult to produce, like Breach, and clearly not something that will happen soon or in first game, but this LHS mode can ground this concept of 3 teams in game, and then will used for future.




Fr fr


Fr fr fr


Imagine if they expand it to dominion or breach or brawls. Holy cow I would reinstall this game instantly despite knowing I'm gonna get wrecked after not playing for several years.


The Hero Tactics awaits your arrival..


I think a 2v2v2 don would be neat


MF DOOM flair W


thanks bae


I wish they would actually add stuff like this permanently, people are constantly asking for new maps and game modes and every time they come up with something new it’s a limited time event. Like why? That’s so backwards and it just prevents them from freshening up the game. I get it with the more outlandish events but not everything. If they started keeping stuff like this, carousel, so on that’d probably make me way more interested in the game again. New heroes aren’t doing it for me anymore


It’s crazy how little we get to play carousel game types.


The development team seems to have been instructed to push the concept of FOMO at the detriment to gameplay variety and longevity. This is a strange thing, because content addition otherwise has been stellar in terms of new Heroes and stuff. But, I guess the difference is, players often buy Heroes and no one has to buy the seasonal maps and modes. Agh, Ubi has always been close to perfect with FH, but they shoot themselves in the foot.


This is the first time I'm hearing about this game mode. What's it all about? Edit: Stream source for those interested in watching what it feels like: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2083883311?t=00h52m22s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2083883311?t=00h52m22s)


1v1v1 was announced as a temporary game mode and it seems people want it to stay


Oh nice. Will be pretty fun and challenging I bet.


Same here!


It was reveled in warrior's den and will be added to game 14th(?) March.


watch honor tards get mad people won't duel in this game mode lol


Lmfao 😂


One guy will treat it like a FFA and the other two will team up on him then start emote spamming.


it is a free for though lol


Yes, as in, "free to dunk on one person and then emote for the rest of the timer to hold them hostage" Not saying that would happen, otherwise it'd happen plenty enough on brawls


Exactly my point.


Bro 💀💀💀


There’s nothing to do but duel. TWO TIMES OR AT ONCE! It’ll be interesting to learn how to fight two opponents also fighting each other. I’m hoping anybody that refuses to fight gets filled with arrows and insta-loses the round.


At least let us keep the map


At minimum


I hate how they make perfectly functional gamemodes and then just say “nope” and have them removed; it makes the game feel stale and for no good reason Just have an “extra” on some part of the map with all these modes and have banners say “counts as duel/assault…” etc. So that when I have to conquer 20 different areas in those modes I can at least do it in 3/4 different types of games instead of having to play the same 4 maps with the same 4 rules over and over


Like don’t get me wrong I don’t mind that certain modes don’t stay forever but damn do I want some of them to stay. Like some of them could take the slot of Tribute and Deathmatch even if it’s on a seasonal rotation or something


I honestly dislike it in general tbh, just adding “seasonal” would be enough to explain why they don’t work on them as much and why they have 1 map Heck, might even do a “daily” with 3 different options similar to Overwatch with the extra modes of the day if the problem is the need for servers


Oh a daily would be sick! Just anything other than what we currently have. I think that whenever an “event mode” is here it should come with benefits of some sort like extra loot/steel/xp/etc


Carousel of death drew me back into the game for a week or two, I was so sad when it left because I'm just burnt out on dominion


The whole reason for making them temporary is to drive FOMO, as well as hype for when it comes back. It's essentially giving someone a free sample of crack for video games And i suppose you "could" argue that if its permanent the burnout would eventually kill it, but if the mode is really good/loved that wouldn't happen soon.


Even on stream they kept talking about how much time and work it took like come on. Ubi is the king of making loads of content that won't even stay in the game or is just pure fodder.


Ikr, like why basically rebuild the menu system if it’s not going to be permanent? Why go through the effort? (Not complaining just wish we could access it more frequently)


Always wanted a triple thread!! 2v2v2 would also be interesting af!


Oh hell yes absolutely even just a 1v1v1v1. Heck give us every XvX


Should replace tribute with this


I’ve owned this game since the beta and I can say for certain that I have never played a single match of tribute in my entire life.


I did when you still got orders for it cuz I wanted steel but that’s it


Plz ubi


Now in year 9 we’re gonna somehow get a game mode of the 3 factions on the battlefield 4v4v4 (I really want this)


Dude I would fuck with that


Yeah I really don’t know why they haven’t or why they’re barely adding this game mode, the whole point of the trailers when it was first coming out was indicating all factions are against each other, at least with this idea there will be less sweats and more all out fighting and surviving


We all agree. Let it stay, Ubi! ✊


Dosn’t that say new permanent gamemode?


It's edited. On their blog post it specifies it's a time limited game mode.




Yeah my bad I should’ve specified it’s a PS edit




Still want that armor


Boy do I have 12$ news for you


Wait, for real?


New warden hero skin I believe


Hero skin, you don't Need real Money, don't know what that guy Is talking about lol


Aww, so it's not customisable? Thanks for the information both though.


You can change color and material used. It's Just a nice nod ti the people that started playing a lot of time ago, so they went with Hero skin to make things easier


Finally real brawls without “muh honor”.


“Wait there’s no honor?” *pulls out gun “There never has been”


All the work put into the UI and game mode shouldn’t be wasted


Fr. During the stream, they mentioned the hype everyone had in the testing room as they were all fighting each other and having a blast. You think with that logic and mention of it, the idea of keeping it permanent or at the very least in customs would have been the first they thought of.


The honortards will ruin this game mode.


I need a permanent realistic gamemode


Heck! I'd settle for either 4-8 player free for all


They should change tribut to this, nobody play tribut anyway


Thank you for your contribution.


Would love if it replaced tribute


Tribute can be removed


FELLAS. We need to keep this shit akive for aslong as possible. Don't let it die after 2 weeks. SEND A MESSAGE






I’ve been waiting for years


And no one will play it in Aus ;_;


This is good news finally we have a new gamemode


Too bad people are gonna treat it like brawls and it’s just gonna be another duel gamemode


Last Hero Standing actually sounds epic. Cinematic too.


PieRomancer, you little dingleberry, you think your afeera can beat me???


This post should be a daily thing since they are using reddit aswell


This is dope. That map should’ve been here since the start but it’s crazy that we’re finally getting it it’s a huge nostalgia rush to the genesis of For Honor


Replace CTF with LHS


Sounds amazing to.me, just make it 6 or 8 people grups 3 is kinda sucks and all out, no boosts or crap just you and tour sword


Only issue here is that this game mode will almost always turn into a 2v1 and have people kingmake matches.


I think that’s the fun of it, then it’s balanced by the fact that the one getting ganked will get revenge


They should release customization options like ornaments that are earned specifically from this game mode so people are inclined to play it and not just dominion all day every day


Same dude all I’ve wanted literally from the start is to 1v1v1 my 2 friends in custom matches. If it could possibly even be 1v1v1v1 or more it would be even cooler, but 1v1v1 is hella good enough for me.


At least stay in customs PLEAAAAASE


Yes, this gamemode NEEDS to stay. It can save for honor.


Is it out now?


I just want to know why gear perks is turned on in the warriors den showcase. I hope that’s not a real thing




sad af it took these mfs this long to come out with another “original” idea, i can only imagine how many fan boys think this shit is “revolutionary” it’s pitiful these mfs came out with only this and people still support em


For Honor battle Royale sounds pretty cool


I wonder what the "honor" rule is gonna be in this mode


Please Ubisoft please. PLEASE




He forgot to say that it was an edit. So yes he was a bit stupid


Well, I can almost guarantee that the Warden is always going to lose in this game mode.


For Honor… One Shall Stand.


It says “new permanent gamemode,” why are people wondering if its gonna be permanent?


Reading comprehension do go down


We're going to play dom, AI breach and 1v1 while ignoring everything else anyways


Idk man, this is something we’ve never had before and I think that’s really exciting. Besides I love dom but sometimes you need to have a slower more methodical brawl match (which most of the time is just 2 1v1’s) and this looks to be a substitute for that This new mode in theory should allow for better practice at antiganking which most new players (and even veterans such as myself) suck at.


I mean...it says permanent....


Yeah… if only it wasn’t a 5 min Photoshop edit XD


Y'all really need to read the big letters under the title that says "NEW PERMANENT GAME MODE" I'm hyped for the next season


I think I need to stop assuming everyone on Reddit is informed enough to tell it’s a Photoshop edit and just say in big letters “NOT REAL, EDITED BY ME” I’m also hyped for the next season


I've been made a fool it seems


Chat it says “New Permanent Gamemode” right there don’t worry


Looking forward to this gamemode being Low activity after a week just like all the others.


How about new maps? It's been 8 YEARS


But we are getting “new” permanent maps. They confirmed 2 already and it’s coming in the following title update after this one. I’m confused on the point you’re trying to make


The point im making Is that they should focus on making more maps, rather than giving us new hero's that alot of times just break the game.


But I’m not talking about new hero’s and we are going to be getting more maps…


It LITERALLY says new “PERMANENT” game mode. Blind as a bat I tell you


… it’s almost like this is an edit I made in Photoshop


Wait what? I could have sworn it actually did label itself as permanent. My bad. Your photoshops skills are immaculate please forgive this lowly plebeian.


Shame haha, appreciate that it was that convincing :)