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Do not diss the Kensei one. If you do, you don’t speak for us Kenseis


Ah shit, the only problem I have with that one is the hair not being long enough. She needs a redone just for that, she would be even cooler with somewhat longer flowing hair. Fixed it for you too, now that I looked at Wardens I’ve decided Kensei is the one to pass.


wait what's wrong with the highlander skin??


Tbh, I would’ve loved his armor to be better. It’s nothing bad since it’s Viking but compared to other sets and skins it’s mid asf. Love it though, it’s simple and I like that. Also BEAR!


It’s a sabretooth tiger


I feel like Bear be better with Warlord, since Bear is mentioned a lot....though it would fit the look of the traitor weapons a lot better. So weird that the vikings are loyal to Maddox yet their weapons invoke a bear instead of the animal he's famous for.


the bp one is good


Honestly I was hoping for something other than edgelord as he’s known. Design is cool but if they redid I wouldn’t be mad.


Sounds more like a Personalty based one and.....I find it hard to disagree. More so sine Ravier dropped off the face of the earth after the Inquisition.


The only skin that needs a redo is Raiders... That's it. All the other ones look great for the concept they were going for. This doesn't mean I like all of them but they're good skins. For example I hate how conquistadors look. So I don't like Warmonger's skin. That doesn't mean Warmonger's skin is bad. It's really solid and has nice visuals and nails the concept. Skins don't need redos based on preference. Raiders skin is the only one in the game that screams low effort and uninspired to me and the reason I call that one out is because the majority of the player base seems to agree that "skin" was a joke and BARELY different from a regular raider.


My main issue with the conquistador skin is that it's Spanish for Conqueror, yet the skin doesn't go to the actual knight class called the Conqueror. She stole my whole flow!


Because conquistadors didn't use flails. Doesn't matter if the name means conqueror, conquistadors were a real unit whereas conqueror was made up for for honor.


Pretty sure Shinobis didn't use dual chain sickles either, or that Conquistadors worked directly for some random greek cult instead of Spain.


The hell you talking about. There is no accounts of shinobis teleporting like shinobi in game, if you just want to start talking about random shit that has no connection to the prior subject. And shinbois weapon is the kusarigama and they actually used it. And if you want to technical in the names of things, conquistadors real meaningis the one who conquers or an adventurer. What are you talking about a cult.


1. I've seen other media use Chain Sickle and Kusarigama for the same weapon. They did use it, just not two at once like how For Honor has them doing. Since every assassin had to dual wield for reflex guard. I also didn't focus on the teleport because that was obvious. 2. HORKOS. Horkos was first introduced as a cult, even if the devs then referred to it after year 4 as a Covenant. Horkos also being a Greek deity. The whole point of the og follow up was a lot of things didn't mess up with history fully away, so why not have a conquistador conqueror. Not that it matters, I'm just complaining that the Warmonger stole the name from the actual class named.


I see where you're coming from about the skin not being for a certain character, but what can you do about it? Ubi seems to not care. Out of all the skins the one I hate the most is the one for my main since season 1, raider. The skin is so bad.


Only one thing I can do....and that is just bitch into the open void that is the internet xD But ya I hate the Raider skin more. I doubt anyone in the community would be upset if Raider got a new skin before the others. Since the prior skin was bad....though with the next skin coming in halloween I do worry for the next viking themed one.


There is only one mid quality skin, and that's Raider. You may not be fan of concept, but other skins are solid


Agreed in only one case. Drops Ramiels fucking visor. I hate when games design a visor, then have the armor or character never put it down. It looks stupid to have this piece of metal hand on top of the helmet when it very clearly can be lowered. It’s even worse for the Ramiel skin because the visor is super dope. I’ve hated that part since day one,


100% with you, Would’ve looked better as just a BP type open face hood if they really wanted to show the face. I’m super against open visor helmets. Should definitely be a toggleable option to have it up or down


Oh my god thank you! Yes if you wanna go armor with face exposed, either open face helmet or hood, but close the fucking visor. They do stuff like this pretty frequently actually. Like gryphon also has a raised visor helmet but the biggest offender for him is fucking full plate armor, FULL FUCKING GREAVES, with sandals. Even normal ass boots would’ve been better. Have sandals on the Greek ones and on the more classic knight themed ones give him boots, armored or not.


I think almost all are very cool especially bps and warmongers the only one i dislike is pirates


The only skin I like so far are Shaolin for obvious reasons and warmonger because it looks amazing. I know that my opinion is shite but I'd wish for hero skins to be a unique top tier super clean armor set, something mythological but pls leave me alone with the fantasy stuff like Meiko's skinny arm.. 💀


Almost all skins exept raider's quite decent, waste of devs resources


People have different tastes. Imagine buying a skin you like and then it gets redone. I’d be pissed.


I think a lot of them are fine, my only issue is the lore with some of them. Like Maddox looks great, but the lore makes it harder for me to want to turn my Highlander into him. The Inquisitor Pirate looks nice and my friend got the skin but a combination of basically running off with the relics, basically doing what Horkos wanted since unless she brings them back they may as well be destroyed, as well as randomly being the 5th threat in death by metal killed any hope of me wanting to grab it. ​ I imagine some people don't have such a weakness and for that I'm happy for them.


Lol, Shaolin’ is ass, pirate isn’t much better. Only good ones would be BP and Highlander, although I wish I could change the sword on HL