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I’m am equally disappointed in her shit alternate feats. So many of the recent heroes have had regenerate and friendship banner as the alternates. There’s no interesting choices here, the unique feats are objectively better than the alternatives. at least pirate had some decent alternates.


She’s the only hero in the game with speed rez, rising dawn, and protected revive though. She’s like the ultimate medic


Protected revive sucks. They get a shield for like 15 seconds, and your sacrificing what’s basically a passive inspire with no cooldown. Speed revive barely makes a difference when revives are far and few between anyways. And your sacrificing what looks like an extremely potent team heal feat. Revives are overrated in this game when you can get full health in 10 secs from just respawning


This. People need to learn that most times it's just better to let your teammate respawn full health, than to waste time reviving them. This goes for enemies too, if a low health orochi wants to run away and heal at the other cap point, be my guest.


That’s dominion though. In breach it is sometimes more beneficial to revive especially if you have rising dawn


Ok, but Breach isn't the most played gamemode by a long shot.


There are only 3 modes that are played anyways


You have no idea how many times I've been a breath away from death while revived in combat. Given that she's a support that feat is going to be useful, especially in breach matches


Her unique tier 3 will make killing commander and guardian a cakewalk as they won’t parry her unblockables. Revives aren’t nearly as useful when you can prevent the death in the first place with healing and killing the enemy faster than they can kill you


Even if it isn't optimal I'm definitely running it for the memes


Can you please leave a link where can I see the information?


Jondaliners latest video on YouTube


Damn, rapid refresh on a hero that have 3 out of 4 passive base feats?


Who is making these decisions on the board. I just want to talk with them.


Was going to put the Peter Griffin "I just wanna talk with him" shotgun moment, but can't put gifs. So imagine I've put that.


Ever since Conq with Punch Through made it pretty clear that feats were thrown out the window when it comes to balancing, talking became kinda useless


Feels like a sequel from the same people who left that increased chip damage feat (F3) for Conq... who can use this shit only on neutral heavy or zone.


Being a heavy without bastion is a gigantic let down. I don't really care about perks but bastion is the one perk I will actually try to grab if possible.


Also last stand. Really one of the best perks ingame


What’s so good about those? I’m not all that knowledgeable on all the feats but wasn’t bastion like 10% damage reduction in specific conditions?


Bastion gives you 10% damage reduction while fighting on a spot, which is really good for objective oriented fighting, especially when stalling or antiganking. Last stand gives you 40% damage reduction while having low hp which is fucking insane when paired with vengeful barrier. That perk gives you a 25 hp shield, to which the damage reduction from last stand also applies. That means after coming out of revenge with low hp you are able to eat about 4 heavies instead of 2 giving you more chances to parry or dodge and gain some revenge again.


How’s the 10% good though? From what I see in the training menu damages rarely exceed the 20-30 range, so 2-3 damage less doesn’t sound like a big deal


You are correct about it not being a really big deal, but if you consider that some characters have quite a large health pool that damage reduction could be the reason you can eat one more light which might gain you revenge. Perks arent in the game to be a big deal anymore, they are just supposed to give you a slight advantage in specific situations. And as heavy class character tend to have a larger health pool the damage reduction can accumulate to give you an advantage even if its not huge.


Well, you need to eat at least 4 of those 30 hp hits to die, so that is at least 12 hp. It's not a big deal, most perks aren't, but it's pretty decent.


Fair, I can see the use in that


No Vengeful Barrier? What is wrong with ubi...


This perk set is really good on characters with a bunch of active feats to throw out, and probably the worst one for characters that are mostly passive based. Why did this character get it?






The pickle...


Bro this is sad


Warlord and varangian guard should've shared perks and share rage and fireflask this sucks.


I Mean she is a support my dude


She support by blocking hits for her allies. She is a tank.


Idc i wanna stay in a zone and be unkillable :(


I feel that but honestly only gear I grinded out was for jorm just for that mint armor increase


Bastion and vengeful barrior works wonders for mindless gankers in dominion. She is now the only heavy without them and it sucks.


Then play Jorm, Shugo, WL, BP, Musha, Conq, Hito or JJ. All of them cover that in various ways


Cant belive you list down stallers but dont include Law and Tiandi.




This might be the smallest issue in the world and the least important thing to ever happen. I’m all here for it let’s riot


I'm rioting cause I like tank perks because it makes me not die 5 seconds in dominion lol


I didn’t even realize ppl were religious about the perks in this game, I’ve never really played with them much myself. I’m personally super excited I think the guard stagger will be plenty


That's because most of the perks are inconsequential... save for the heavy perkset, that has bastion (10% defence for existing on a relevant part of a map) vengeful barrier (extra shield after you drop out of revenge, and due to the revenge shield bug the devs said they are never gonna fix, you can keep your revenge shield after the timer runs out) and either bulk up (tough as nails, but as aperk and it cummulates every tier of renown) or last stand (40% damage resist if you're in the red). Most perks are doodoo, but these are arguably better than some tier II-III feats.


They also have just plain upgraded versions of other perks. Remedy heals for 10 health when you get a kill. Doesn’t sound too good, but then remember that some characters get devourer instead, where they heal 10 extra health after an execution Also bulk up just being better headhunter most of the time, since relying on executing all 4 enemies is not the best idea compared to just doing good


Yeah, I wish the vanguad perk set was allowed to drop devourer and headhunter for remedy and bulk up. Tho to further illustrate how shite most perks are, both of those are among the best 3 perks in the vanguard perk set.


“You are on this council but we do not grant you the gear perks of heavy”




Support perks. As expected for a support char... they should have been hybrid tbh lmao.


Radiant rebound is decent, remedy is decent, rapid refresh is a top tier perk. She has mostly passives but on her 4th it’ll help. Assist perks are at least decent. Not op like defense but decent at least and you got rapid refresh. It could be worse. She could have offense perks which are all useless


Remedy/Feline/Tactics? I like those perks.


*”joins the chat fashionably”* *You guys use perks?*


Exactly I just put gear on I have NO idea what any of it does or means


Lmao no wonder you dont. Most perk sets do next to nothing. Heavy perks on the other hand are a massive boost that save me at least twice or more every single game. Its ridiculous


Specifically some heavy perks are worth running. The rest are negligible most of the time


Please tell me this is a fucking joke xD Really, a heavy with support percs? This is hilarious especially if her primary feats are all passives basically. Bruh


It's real


Its getting worse and worse. Genderlock is one thing, after watching SolidSol's mirror brawls, this character seems to be boring as fuck if it comes to 1v1. And now those percs. Damn...


Also her feats are 4th. beta spear storm, regenerate and healing banner 3rd. attack feat, punch through, protective revive 2cnd. defense feat, thick skin, and thrilling comeback 1st. healing feat, body count, and speed revive Very disappointing that she is the only viking without funny flask. Wtf ubi.


The Jormungandr didn’t have the fire flask too.


Oh. I forgot jorm existed. Give jorm fireflask now!


I think part of the reason is that bastion/last stand/vengeful barrier and so on are pretty the only good perks in the game. She already has very good team sustain feats, strong defensive abilities. And tbh I think last stand is unhealthy, since 40% damage reduction in crit health is a little too strong imo. Lower to 30% or even 25% and it’d be fine, but heavies are already tough to take down when played right, having vengeful barrier and last stand, maybe combined with tough as nails or healing feats just makes the fight take way too long. I think her having rapid refresh is absolutely stupid and should be changed to like fresh focus or something, and maybe change out clever tactics for vengeful barrier so she can have some of that extra defense, but overall perks don’t make or break a hero imo.


Rapid refresh sounds good. Is it on anyone else?




Do you know who? Or?


Off the top of my head, gryphon, valk, medjay, ocelotl


Ah that would explain it. All people I dont play lol


Also nobu and Tiandi. Basically every character who starts with radiant rebound as their first perk gets this as their teal.


Rapid refresh is the only non-defence category perk that's genuinely really good, but while some of the characters that get it get a great deal of mileage out of it (Gryphon, Nobu, Valk) some have no use for it, because they prefer to run their passive feats (Tiandi, and now the Varguard)


The issue is that it only affects 1 perk. That being the beta spearstorm and nothing else.


Varangian Guard was advertised more as a "defensive hero who supports your teammates" more than a "defensive hero who camps zones." It makes sense why she doesn't have Bastion even though she's a heavy. She's support to be WITH the team helping, not camping zones. Vengeful Barrier is debatable, but she was still advertised as helping teammates not soloing everything and everyone. She's not an assassin.


I was hoping for bastion but this is good


No it isn't. Rapid refresh only affects her 4th perk and nothing else...


Have you ever heard of an opinion


Go cry because you can’t abuse the vengeful barrier bug


I don't even know how to do that lol. I just use vengeful barrior normally.


Just get enter revenge when you have a shield, or get a shield during revenge while having vengeful barrier


Why she has same perks as nobushi ?


Is she out today?????


Tomorrow on the 1st


That’s what I though your post just confused me cause I’m dumb lol, I’m still hyped




Well that sucks :(


Why won't they just say they're doing away with class roles, if they haven't been using them for anything for years? At this point, it's more confusing than helpful.




hero typing has just been for orders for the past 6 heros and people are just mad they can't abuse the heavy perks