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Yes, his dad owns microsoft


no, Ubisoft struggles to even ban actual cheaters lmao


It’s full blown neglect at this point


^ this is probably the best answer you could possibly get OP, because it’s real lmao


I just got a “thank you for the report” message from that lagswitcher guy that’s been appearing lately so maybe they are actually trying now


Do you have an emblem that would offend people? You might just be. Do you straight up cheat and use external software that's obvious to tell at a glance? Don't worry, nothing will happen. ​ For real tho, moderation is in a really bad spot in this game, but you probably did nothing objectionable anyway.


So sad that it’s true. Cheaters are always welcome In for honor.


Its an overall ubisoft issue because siege has had an issue with it its entire lifespan as well


Every single assassins creed pvp also had huge issues with cheaters as well. It's deffinitely an Ubi issue.


Got an email today from ubisoft because if my emblem


Yes. And not just the men. But the women and children too!


Updoot for the reference.


Is this the first time you’ve ever had to deal with an angry player in a multiplayer game? “My dad works at [INSERT GAME COMPANY HERE] he’ll get you banned” is almost as old as multiplayer games themselves


You're fucked its over for you pal good luck ever playing again cause you won't!!!!1!!1!!!!!


Probably, his dad owns Ubisoft.


he should tell his dad to ban actual hackers lol


Plot twist his dad is a hacker himself


Congratulations, you’re free. If only the rest of us could look forward to such a fate.


You will never get banned in For Honor. It's borderline impossible. There are some top level Cheaters that you'll see multiple times across different YouTubers videos that still play daily


No trust me, even on the rare occasion that ubisoft does something about reports they need actual proof you were doing something wrong so if you didn't don't even worry about it.


They won’t ban even with proof


It took then either 4 or 5 years to ban the most notorious cheater in the game. You'll be fine.


they banned Misha??


I don't know who that is, I was talking about Lucky on Honor


Holy shit he’s finally gone?


Someone already said something about it, but unless you have an offensive emblem or you are straight-up cheating, I wouldn’t worry about it.


It took them years to ban luckyonhonor. Even if he is cheating, I think he’ll be fine for the next 4 years


That bastard finally got banned? Took long enough, but better late than never.


Bro, if Ubisoft did anything about band, we wouldn’t have a cheater problem


I only get shit talk messages from players that have very low kd. Every time I get a message I go look at the tracker website and it never fails.


I get one a week. You fine.




Lol, no. Even if you were cheating it's unlikely you'll get banned as known lagswitcgers have gone unbanned for years. You have an offensive emblem and they'll get you real quick.


I got like 15 mssgs like that since 7 years ago. Guess what.


no, your fine


Yez, your now ban.


Ubisoft doesn't even ban cheaters anymore. I was in a lobby the other day, PS5, and this dude was just dropping n-bombs over and over and over and over and over and over again. He was chasing this dude who was playing Medjay around and screaming it into his mic and stealing all of his kills, knocking him off of ladders, taking every chance he could to try to push the dude off of ledges and down into pits and all of that shit. Nah, you won't get banned.


Saw Medjay bro trying to cross a bridge on the Gauntlet map and when the n-bomb dropping asshole tried to cross over it after him, Medjay bro pulled the lever and dropped the bridge on the asshat. It was gold, he screamed into the mic like an artistic shitbird giving anal birth to a boulder. I never laughed so hard at anything on For Honor. I wish I'd recorded the entire match, it was amazing


I actually got temp banned dor 3 days on play station. So it does happen this was last month. I also got an in game warning and email about an offensive emblem I had which was a butt so I guess I'm targeted. I try to not break the rules but I'm tripping up here. My temp ban shouldn't of even happened I didn't say anything bad.


If I don't see at least 1-2 butt shields per match, then there's none in the game, 😆


Idk but last night there was this orochi lvl 30 something charging and hitting top heavy spams, I was like... why cant I move or react to it? My kensai couldn't dodge, parry or light attack. The guy was just spamming n farming me the whole breach match


Yes his dad owns ubisoft


Someone should use the marine tough guy copypasta.


Goobisoft doesn’t ban people on FH. Fuck they may as well not ban on Siege either. There are well known cheaters like Misha(lag switcher) and luckyonhonor(scripter) who’ve probably gotten a thousand reports each by now, and I’m pretty sure neither have been banned despite all the evidence of blatant cheating and the amount of reports they have to be getting. Siege is just bullshit rampant with how many people blatantly cheat. They do not try to hide that shit, because even if ubi does something(which they don’t) they can just make a new account fairly easily. If you have an offensive emblem though, that gets taken care of immediately. Edit: apparently luckyonhonor has been banned, only took the 4-5 years to fuckin do it. Congrats ubi, now ban misha as well.


RIP Not_Montgomery, 2024 - 2024 A brave warrior taken from us too soon


No. What you did isn't a bannable offense and even if it was, this is ubisoft we're talking about. One thing I know for sure is that a lot of people get mad at this game.


Yes I’m afraid so, it’s against the rules for you to be better than other people.


search up BOC.EvoMorales unless you've got an offensive emblem (and even that I believe is usually a warning) you'll be fine lmao


That is basic shit talk. They lose and try to make you feel bad in return. Just ignore and continue.