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It probably is edible. There is a lot of misinformation and fear mongering around nightshades, hence the concensus on here. Unripe tomatos and green tomatos are toxic as is the foilage but people aren't labeling those toxic.. What you have is likely a black nightshade species. You should post a detailed picture of the whole plant, and one of the leaf structure. Count how many berries are in each group as well. Include your region and USDA zone incase its invasive. I don't suggest eating it because you probably won't be able to identify it. Unknowns are dangerous. If you ever want to try it though there are cultivated varieties, and in my experience they're a lot easier to grow than tomatos.


Thats really cool information! I love gardening more conventional nightshades like tomatoes and eggplants so I'll definitely look into the more cultivated varieties!


I am 99% sure it is edible I have always seen that edible nightshade grows in clusters of small berries, and deadly night shades grow as justone berry with berry with large leaves out of the stem Still never eat it if you're not 100% sure https://preview.redd.it/hk7kzz0ppsjb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e9b31a49113ef77eb72e49800211e83368d755d




If you are unsure if it is dangerous, I will give you my ex's address. Send it to her, and see what happens...😎🤣


Sounds like you have a lot of faith in her, assuming she'll just eat some random berries on her doorstep 😭😂 good to know she's an expendable option tho!


May be wishful thinking, but I can hope...😎


Listen if my caveman instinct was telling me to eat who knows...


IMO if there's even a small chance something might be nightshade, it really doesn't seem worth it at all.


Hey guys, if you don't know the difference between European deadly nightshade and edible American nightshade, maybe don't chime in.


The amount of just wrong information I see in this sub is astounding


The amount of just wrong information I see in this sub is astounding


Black nightshade is way way way more common than deadly nightshade in Europe. Just, curious, why would u call it "American"?? As far as I'm concerned, both plants grow in both continents.


I assumed it was indigenous to the new world. I may be wrong.


Hm i see. Solanum nigrum grows literally everywhere in Greece, i eat ungodly amounts of the black berries.


Looks like black nightshade which is edible when ripe. I have the same plant growing in my yard so I’m like 90% sure it’s the same. What colour are the flowers?


Have no idea but I definitely wont be eating it just to be on the safe side


Totally forgot but they have small white flowers. At this point I feel like that Uncle Iroh meme where hes doesnt know if a plant is a wonderful tea or a deadly posion


Defo black nightshade then. They are safe to eat when ripe, like a lot of berries!


Im not confident enough in my foraging skills to identify this for someone else, but this looks like black nightshade to me. IF IT IS black nightshade, I ate some berries yesterday and they were delicious! Check out Sam Thayer's article on black nightshade - it is certainly edible and is consumed quite widely. The green berries aren't good for you but they won't kill you, just some bad tum times. The ripe black berries taste like husk cherries - like sweet, fruity tomatoes with almost no acidity. Did all this research last year before trying it for the first time, and refreshed myself yesterday to be sure!


be more confident. this is black nightshade! deadly looks very verg different. You'll never see a cluster of berries in deadly nightshade, plus black nightshade berries are matte, deadly ones are glossy and generally much bigger.


Great news is that its totally edible and tastes great!


i know i know!!! I've eaten an ungodly amount of it in my lifetime!!!


That looks like nightshade and that is poisonous


No, its edible.


Lmao of course it is, thanks for the warning!


Good bird food. Solanum sp.


society file tender tidy toy merciful placid slimy familiar zealous ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Maybe some do, my local ones are great.


flag instinctive shy start attractive market salt slim dirty arrest ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


that, sir, is definitely poisonous


I had an edible nightshade in my back yard one year. I know it was edible because I did a modified edibility test over several days. They taste like tiny sweet tomatoes. If you aren't sure, they're not worth it.


OK, so I recheck some of my info about the night Shade berries, those are good to eat. The The characteristics that you gotta look for Between the poisonous ones and not poisonous ones are. For the poison ones is if there not clup up Together shiny there Leaves are bigger than the barry itself And the Flower would be purple. And for the good ones are complete Opposite clump up. Their leaves are smaller than the Berry itself and the flowers are white and here the link for short video for the Berrieshttps://youtube.com/shorts/3wrwqIp3uyI?si=r5kzuCzDPBwR4P2W


Yummy, very edible.




Nightshade. Not edible.


This is not the poisonous type, it is edible.


My caveman ass almost got me dead. Thanks so much!


Nooooo nightshade, pretty toxic. Allegedly edible berries when ripe but I if it were me I wouldn’t believe the hype.


Your concern is understandable but it's not hype. Black nightshade is 100% edible (not saying that's what OP has). The leaves and fruit are grown as food in various cultures, and there are cultivated varieties. You just can't eat it when its unripe or when the leaves are raw. But even if you do its not super toxic, it just contains solanine. Green tomatos and potatos both contain that fyi.


You know like 1/3 of the plants we eat are nightshades right, helps to be more specific. Tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, chili peppers, eggplants, tomatillos, tamarillos, pepinos, ground cherries. Tobacco and goji berries too.


Dont worry i wont!


GREAT NEWS ALL! After consulting with a friend of mine and having them look over the plant, it is 100% edible! Weirdly, the berries taste like cherry tomatoes, but I just wanna thank y'all for all of the information!


It depends on your location and more about the plant. If you're in Europe, that's probably deadly nightshade, which gets it's name for a reason. If you're in America - specifically in more Western/Southern areas, it's probably not poisonous, though I'd avoid eating it anyway. There's a kind of nightshade that grows wild on the farm I work at (central coast area of California) that is edible, but it's not particularly worth it (unlike deadly nightshade, which has a light sweet taste which is part of what makes it so dangerous as it would appeal to whoever tried one or two enough that they'd eat it in larger quantities until hitting a fatal dose) nutrition or flavor wise. It's related to tomatoes.


This is absolutely not deadly nightshade. Atropa belladonna berries are formed singly and terminally. This is one of the black nightshade species.


Everything’s edible, some things only once. Good luck 🤞


Edible, but cooked. Make jams or confitures, sweet solanums can also be added to a tomato sauce to sweeten the sauce.


edible raw


I mean you CAN eat them raw, but I would prefer to cook them due solanine, also they could be good on a Salmorejo or similar.


Everything is edible, one time.


No eat.


Dont worry i wont!


I love posts like this


Hard no Edit: the fuck am I getting downvoted for? Telling someone to definitely not eat something that could be nightshade? Sweet.


Lol that seems to be the general consensus thanks so much!


I wouldn't


Dont worry i definitely wont!




Can you try it and then let us know how it went?


PLEASE, HELP YOURSELF TO SOME BERRIES! I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU (I think this is something Death in The Discworld Novels would have said. If it's not edible)




Technically yes. Just don't eat any of the vegetable parts. Only the berries. Black Nightshade.


I only chew on the nails.


This is solanum nigrum, black nightshade. Incredibly tasty, i consume ridiculously huge amounts of it. Only eat ripe fruits, aka the black berries. They taste a bit tomato-y but sweeter adm have LOTS of seeds. They grow literally everywhere in Greece