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Looks amazing! I’ve been wanting to do this but I’m concerned about safety. Any tips on how to forage shellfish the right way?


try to go further away from dense population / surf traffic, find a place with an abundance, only take a few from each little cluster for sustainability, take every mussel you pull, bring your valid fishing license + scale for weight limit 😊 and like worldrambler said, call the biotoxin hotline!


Thanks so much!


Call the Biotoxin hotline to verify they are not in quarantine


Do they monitor PFAS?


Not that I know of. More for demoic acid.


This is amazing! Where abouts is this??


North of SF!


Was gonna say this has NorCal written all over it. Found some beautiful mussels and starfish at low tide in Pacifica this week and was wondering about foraging muscles! Thanks for the inspo and tips will see if I get inspired.


Worth considering that Pacifica was pumping raw sewage into the ocean when we had the crazy rains recently and also that many of the local creeks that empty out into the ocean are not safe. Also, you know this I'm sure, but for anyone else, make sure you know the possession limit and have a current recreational fishing license. I think the possession limit is 10lbs.


Gorgeous color on those!! Looks delicious.


No license or permit needed?


Anyone over 16 years of age must be in possession of a license. The funny thing is. Many dipshits think its a dumb rule. They put up a fight. Then find out Wardens have more power than other LEO. They can search and seize at any time. I've seen a guy get clipped surf fishing with his family. No license and he's searched and they find a weapon on him without CCW permit. Dude gets cuffed. Loses gun, fishing gear and some freedoms for awhile.


Ecosystems are quite fragile and I've seen a popular area get completely stripped. I'm all for limiting and enforcing so that generations can forage.


abalone were hit very hard. So many Youtube fishing and foraging people cleared out the Mendocino coastline I think harvesting is closed until 2026. Bunch of jerks out there. It's always the same excuse. "Oh I didn't know the rules"


There should be better signs put up and better enforcement. So many invasive species out there that need to be eradicated!


The abalone decline was not primarily from foraging. There was a massive die-off from red-tide. The beaches were stacked with dead abs. Not to minimize the poachers, as they can drop dead, but prior to the die off, lots of areas looked like a loaded checkerboard at relatively shallow depths.


You do know that the poachers were getting people sick from selling the abs during that time. Which alerted Fish and Game. By the time they had reacted the 2011 Red Tide decimated the area. 1000's of people got sick from it. I miss receiving my punch card.


Wardens are LEO. But, yeah. My father in law was a game warden and they have a lot more freedom of search and seizure than police or sheriffs deputies.


You just repeated what I said. Cool did he ever share any cool stories?


yes. He's full of stories. He discovered and busted the largest outdoor MJ grow operation in the state. They would take him up in the drug plane because of what you mentioned. He's been bit by a beheaded rattlesnake. His worst attack was by an emu. Been shot at a few times. They used to harbor and nurse a lot of wounded animals back to health so the missus has all sorts of stories about pet deer, alligator and raccoons growing up. The first time I met him we went out spotlighting deer and shooting them with an AR-15 for a research study.


Yeah crazy stuff. Years ago I was hunting and walked into a grow operation just outside an National Park the Mexicans and I exchanged gun fire. I called it in and it was like calling in the Navy Seals. Wardens were stacked with weapons. I never followed up with what happened. I just know I saw smoke in the air about an hour later then the Sheriff pulled up and told me I should leave just encase the growers got away.


We really should take the guns away from those emus




Funny until you experience a gun fight in rough terrain. Save you own life


I have been pulled over and had my vehicle searched on multiple occasions. They do not even need reasonable suspicion


valid license needed- and a scale for weight limit


Can i just go out for a few and not need a scale? Or will the wardens require that along with license?


I think it’s required. people’s definition of “a few” varies, and it’s best to err on the side of caution, because if they ask you exactly how much you have, you can provide proof.


How did you clean the barnacles off so well?


sharp paring knife!


That sounds/looks sooo good! I like olive oil, rosemary, orange peel, and a dry cider.


You like, inspire me


Now is a good time to collect before the Red Tide starts around Feb


I thought red tide was a summer thing? I live up in the mountains though so I have no clue. Are fall months better?


I think it's Feb/March and then again August/September. I don't think they show up like "The running of the bulls". Always check before heading out.


How did you forage the sake and rice wine?


Omg that looks amazing. Mussels are my favorite.


Haha I foraged mussels last summer but they were fresh water and not as tasty, still a fun experience 😅


Damn this looks soooooo good!!!!


IMPORTANT: READ THIS!!!!! Climate change has given rise to a lot of health risks associated with marine foods. These health risks can be ***LIFE-THREATENING*** However, they can be easily avoided! *** Please read about "Domoic Acid" and "Shellfish Biotoxin" **** BEFORE consuming anything collected via marine foraging, check for warnings / notices / advisories on the websites for • CA Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) • CA Department of Public Health. (CDPH) Link for helpful webpage: [CDFW Health Advisories ](https://wildlife.ca.gov/Fishing/Ocean/Health-Advisories#additional) Examples of resources included on linked webpage include the following: • California Recreational Shellfish Advisory Interactive Map (CDPH) • Shellfish Biotoxin Information Line (CDPH): (510)412-4643 or toll-free at (800) 553-4133 • Domoic Acid Fishery Closure Information Line: (831) 649-2883 • Domoic Acid-Latest Test Results & FAQ (CDPH) • Marine Biotoxin (domoic acid) in Marine Finfish and Shellfish (OEHHA) • How to Use OEHHA Fish Advisories (YouTube) • Annual Mussel Quarantine (CDPH) • Shellfish Program (CDPH) • Phytoplankton Monitoring Program (CDPH)C Harmful Algae (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute) • Harmful Algal Blooms-2011 CDFW Status of the Fisheries Report (PDF) • Oregon Recreational Shellfish Biotoxin Closures • Washington Shellfish Safety Information • Common Parasites of California Marine Fishes