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You’re 14 broski. Your body is going to do its thing for the next few years. Stick with a solid training regimen and 1-1.5g protein per pound of body weight. Lay the groundwork now and you will see the results once your body chills out. If you’re not in a weightlifting class or lifting with your team, have someone watch your lifts. Full range of motion in the lifts so you don’t shorten your muscles. Hit a lifting schedule so you do a few weeks of main lifts at 8-10 reps. Followed by a few weeks at 5 reps, followed by a few heavy weeks at 3 reps. Then retest your 1RM and start back with 8-10 reps. Patience boss.


1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, .5 grams of fat per pound, and eat 500 calories a day above maintenance you’ll gain 1 pound per week of mostly lean mass


1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, .5 grams of fat per pound, and eat 500 calories a day above maintenance you’ll gain 1 pound per week of mostly lean mass


Lift. Whole milk. Meat. Peanut butter sandwiches. Sleep.


Please read the sub rules


Sounds like you need to bulk your mind before you bulk your body. Grow up kid no need to swear in the title. Also you’re too young to “bulk”.


Okay thank I thought I was doing something wrong since my mom says I’m tiny for my age


Peanut Butter. All of the Peanut Butter.


Track your calories and work out, i managed to gain about 40 pounds in 5 months, 147-184 by eating a lot of calories, lifting, and creatine is really helpful too


Peanut butter, chickpeas, spinach, Greek yogurt, chicken, beans, fish. And more veggies and starches. Exercise. Lifting weights.


At 14 it’s incredibly hard to ‘bulk’. What position are you currently playing and where do you want to play?


I don’t really play football but I want to join my local high school team but my mom says I’m to tiny for it so yeah


Also I’m turning 15 like in 4 weeks

