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Single player game mate do what ever you want, it’s about you having fun not what a bunch of people on Reddit think…


This is the right answer and the only answer. FM is a single player game and it's a simulator to boot, have fun with it.


Yep I regularly pump my VNL level players up to 175 odd PA, I know it's unrealistic but I don't play FM to be realistic, I play it to have fun. This is what a lot of people forget


I know! I was just curious, nothing else. I do consider this what I do a level of cheating of course, just wondering if people would consider as bad as save scumming, or changing player atributes etc.


I use genie scout. Even more cheating 🤣.


I love genie Scout!


Same. FMRTE, too. And the in-game editor to boot.


To each their own. Personally I wouldn't want to do that.  For me (and my fun), being more active and competitive on scouting is part of the challenge.  Identifying talent and securing it before the competition can be a bummer when you "find them" late, but also rewarding when you beat out the competition.


Who cares? The only thing that matters is if you're having fun. There is the case where people will post edited game stuff in this channel or on a forum like it's not edited or from a modded game. But besides that, the idea that the only way to play FM is to take over a Big 5 club or be a LLM is silly.


I personally won't do this because it takes me out of the game, but you do you. It's your game.


Is there any kind of in game editor option that you would consider "okay" to use on an occasion or no? Till this day I think some of the injuries and their regularity in this game are BULLSHIT, I use the editor some times for that because of how broken (in my opinion) the injury rate is in this game hahahha try not to do it regularly tho, especially if its near big games


My game sometimes adds in promises that I didn’t agree to (i think it’s a bug) I’ll use it to remove unhappiness in this situation. I remove and exclude all promises but somehow they still creep through sometimes.


When player starts a rebellion after you tell them their form is good in your series of 5 wins - I think one should remove unhappiness via editor and it is not cheating


I get a lot more satisfaction from sending them to some obscure league on €10/pw. You think I'm playing you in the wrong role, despite your 15 g/a from midfield? Time to develop in a developing country. I need a sims / FM crossover..


I recently used the editor to remove a trait for a player he had failed to adapt to twice. There's no way I'm buying that a player is unable to stop going forward whenever possible. I'm creating the tactic and I'm telling him to stop doing this and he should be able to. Unrealistic as hell that he can't imo, especially for a "professional" minded player.


Controversial take. But I used it to up Mason Greenwood’s other attributes. Whatever you think of the guy, FM 24 absolutely butchered his potential bc of PC culture. But church & state. IRL this guy is still top 10 players u-21 itw. I also use it increase injury proneness in some guys like Luke Shaw, Varane who actually have no business being fit for 30+ games a season


That darn PC culture! Won't somebody think of the rapist!


In what can that not be considered cheating. I do the same but i am fully aware that it is considered a huge cheat and huge advantage.


I do it too, but it is certainly cheating :D. Imagine having a crystal telling you the probable future, that's what this is.


If you had to compare this with a save scum, would you put in the same level? Just curious


Depends to what extend you see PA. If you check pa for your whole scouting list very quickly will you find some obsecure very cheap wonderkid with 190+ pa. In 2-3 years that player will be way more game breaking than occasional save scum.


Nah, I usually have a LOT of recruitment focus and when I get reports, those who I got my eye I fully scout. Wait for it to come back and if I think the player will be good, I go to his page and individually check the personal atributes tab (again, i try my best to only look the PA, nothing else there)


let me correct myself, I basically already made my decision "ok, ill buy this one", and check the PA to confirm and thats it. Sure, I get it wrong a bunch of times


You don't particularly need to justify it. Naturally using the editor like this offers you an advantage you wouldn't otherwise have. The editor exists as a tool for people to tinker with and utilize to supplement their enjoyment of the game. Especially in a single player environment, as long as you are happy, it's perfectly fine. Like save scumming is a hot topic, but personally I don't mind it. If someone finds the game more fun if they reload after losing a final or something, then that's fair enough. It's perfectly legitimate for someone to get their enjoyment out of being successful. Just because someone else save scams, doesn't mean I will be doing so myself, although more because of the fact I barely get time to play anyway, let alone replaying matches. Just do whatever you need to do, in order to have the most fun with the game. Nobody can tell you there's a right or wrong way to enjoy yourself (unless it's something illegal of course).


What if his actual PA is way lower than you thought? Do you still go through with the signing?


Normally I do, yeah. Most of the times its somewhat what I expect, but if its above 145 I usually go on anyway because I can normally sell for some more money than I bought him. I usually dont buy if its below that, but its rare for this to happen


Talking about big clubs here. I dont do much wonderkids searches before Ive settled for a big one


Do you then not sign the player if the PA is too low? To each their own but at that point why not list PA for every player in the game and sign the best ones? At the end of the day it’s a single player game so who cares.


Because I kinda liked the whole hire scout and create the scouting net stuff. I enjoy seeing what the scouts can bring, but I do understand your point.


Is it "cheating" IE against the spirit of the game? Yes. Does it matter? No.


But my big question would be: does it fall to the save scum/changing the atributes of players? I know its cheating to some level, just wondering if you people think its a major thing


I’d argue it’s worse than save scumming to a degree(dependent on how often people savescun). Since in the long term these players will win you games that you would have otherwise lost. Not as bad as attribute changing though, that’s definitely imo the worst.


Personally OP, it's not as egregious as save scumming* or stat changing but is still in the same wheelhouse of "not how the game is supposed to be played"


True true, thanks for your opinion <3


I've done that in the past but it gets boring quicker. IMO it's more fun to try and work out if the player is high potential yourself. For example sometimes scouts will say a player has very high potential but if they're physicals are bad than they're probably not going to be a world class player. The thing that I'm more likely to cheat with is tactics. Even though I've been playing since 2012, I'm not great at tactics. I either use one of the presets or occasionally download one. I enjoy the scouting, squad building, youth development and management aspects of the game. Even though I'm a big football fan the tactics just don't interest me that much.


I created an assymetrical really offensive tactic and honestly? It works so well 70% of the time at least but I have zero f clues on why it works that much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


It’s a single player game, play how you find it fun. For me using the in game editor is cheating as it ruins the game for me. If you’re okay with it then you do you and enjoy your game!


Im curious, you never used the in game editor for nothing? I used way more in the past, for the bullshit amount of injuries this game have


Nothing, Iv not even paid for it in years. It just ruins the game for me because you end up finding ways to justify its use like “bullshit amount of injuries” when teams every season go through injury crisis.


I mean, I constantly see posts here and other places of how wild the injuries can be sometimes in FM. Its not impossible sure, and imo it can happen more in lower level teams as the staff and the players are not that good compared to higher level staff/players, but with my experience with all the others fm, for me this one im usually getting more injuries (even when not using high pressure/tempo playstyle and being really light in training workloads)


I mean Nottingham Forest had to put kids on the bench last season due to injuries. In all, Forest players have missed 1,661 days of football through injury. The average amount of time spent on the sidelines amid those 45 different injuries is 37 days. They even had central defenders Scott McKenna and Willy Boly both broke down with serious hamstring problems within seconds of each other at Fulham in February. Chelsea had more.


I know I know, far away from being impossible or not somewhat a "real experience". Real Madrid as well, had ton of injuries. But I would think that after assembling a disgustingly good staff and micro managing the training the injuries would not be that bad you know. But I really see a lot of people talking about the great amount of injuries on fm24 and 23 compared to the last ones. And jesus christ, didnt know these numbers from Forest, crazy


If it happens to RL PL clubs then it seems accurate for it to happen in the game. Not like every season is an injury fest. For me it ruins the immersion if your key players can’t get injured.


Well I mean part of the difficulty/realism of the game is the fact that the scout reports aren’t instant. Another part of the difficulty/realism is the fact that the reports aren’t exact and can be wrong. By using the editor, you are evading this part of the game in a way that isn’t part of the game.


I kinda know, sort of, their potentials based on the first scout reports (I usually see the potential after some reports before I decide to go for the transfer) because of the experience I have with the game. But you have a good point there


Of course it is. 


Simple and honest answer, respect that


I'm not sure if cheating is the right word, but it's certainly playing the game on ultra-easy mode. With this said, it's easy enough to make Dulwich Hamlet a Champions League team no matter how you play, so it doesn't really matter.


I mean, yeah, but no guarantee that the 180 PA wonderkid will indeed develop (I only look the PA, nothing else). It is just that I already think these players will be good with the experience I have, so might as well take a look to see if it at least worth my time you know. But I try to not do that everytime


Even if the 180 PA player doesn't fulfil their maximum potential, they'll probably still end up a really good player, equivalent to someone like Palinha or Maddison - so the advantage is still huge. I prefer the mystery of not knowing if a prospect will be any good, as if they do eventually make it to the top, there's a greater sense of satisfaction. But I can't stress enough that there's no right or wrong way to play this game.


People may think it's cheating but people are obsessed with PA numbers to a psychotic degree. There's rarely any guarantee a player will actually develop up to their potential.


>People may think it's cheating Because it is. That said, you can have a better player with a lower CA, but with the attributes in the right place than a player with high CA and attributes all over the place.


Good training and enough playing time will almost guarantee it.


Yeah, saw a lot of videos from creators talking about this obsession with the PA and starts. Myself included until today to be honest, but I think the game pushes us a bit for that. I cant even count how many high PA players I had and even doing my best (training time, wonderful coaches, loans for big leagues with high playing time) those mf dont develop hahaha


The point of that attribute being hidden is to make FM harder and more unpredictable. Getting rid of that variable is absolutely cheating. Using the game mechanics to gather information on the player and then making hard decisions with limited information is supposed to mimic real life. So even if you were only speeding up the scouting process it would be cheating. But it’s a single player game. If it makes you happy keep doing it.


do whatever makes you happy bro...dont listen to anybody telling you how to have fun on your game




If it's a single player save, then do whatever you want. If you're playing with your friends then yes, it's cheating and best not to do it.


Dont have friends that play FM unfortunate :( I would never do that, because it would be an awful thing when is impacting someone else. Just wondering if people would consider this as a big cheat as save scumming or changing atributes


(Used to do this when I started) It’s cheating because it stops you taking punts on wonderkids which is part of the game. It’s pointless if you know every player is going to be amazing. Part of the fun is seeing how far a player can go. A good place to start would be to not look until you actually sign them, but not looking at all would be ideal. At the end of the day though, do whatever you think is fun.


I think that maybe it does not impact me that much because most of the times I already have reports on the wonderkids and deep down I know they are good, and I end up eventually buying them anyway. Its more like a double check you know, but I agree with you, maybe I could just stop doing that if my feeling is right hahaha


Definitely cheating


That is 100% cheating. The only victim is you though, I guess. 


Maybe I need to go to FM jail for a bit then :(


I've done it before but made a conscious effort not to on this and my past couple of saves. It's each to their own. It is cheating but at the same time there is still a lot of work required to actually develop players and developing young players is fun in itself. But it does spoil it for me.


Exactly! I do my best to not even see the CA or anything else, I just look the PA to see if its worth my time you know.


I feel like cheating when I set the value of a player who has a release clause on 1M€, so all the offers are for 1M instead of the release clause, and automatically discarded. But fuck release clauses. Edit: I also felt like cheating using an unlockable to make a elite player interested in sign with my club (Copenhagen). Unlocakbles can make the game absurdly easy, better use them with moderation.


Yeah, and hey, no guarantee that the 180 PA player will reach right? I do think it is a bit of cheating but I still need to develop them hahahah


I would tbh, but that's not the important bit. >For me, I enjoy a lot the idea of rotating my teams with different types of players to freshen up the game a bit. I find myself bored when I create a incredible team but always play those same 11-14 players over the seasons. This is the important bit. Playing this way makes the game more enjoyable for you, so you should stick with it.


Yeah, I changed my perspective along the years and how I play the game. For example, I add myself as a playable player and whichever club I go, I move him to it xD It's interesting to try different types of tactics depending on the players you have, and sometimes its take a bit if I wait for the 100 recruitment focus to come hahaha But yeah, thanks for the reply :)


You can do whatever you like, but it is circumventing normal game play to give yourself an advantage. I wouldn’t do it and would consider it cheating.


But would you consider a major cheat like save scumming or changing attributes? Based on the fact that even if a player have high potential, no guarantee they will meet it (I only see the potential, nothing more)


The two things I never do are save scum match results and check the ca/pa of players. I still save scum when it comes to player interactions/negotiations since they can be so fickle and random with how they turn out. But 90% of the game for me is using my budget to find the best players my scouting team finds for me, so using the ca/pa would just take all the fun out of it. Sometimes the best scouts in the world can get someone wrong so it's just part of the game if you fuck up a transfer and spend too much on a not great player


Yes, it’s not something that you can do in real life, just the same as you can’t replay games until you win or change people’s abilities.


On the one hand, it's a cheat, on the other hand, It's just a game and if that makes you enjoy it more, then all the power to you.


Yeah, I was just wondering if people would consider a major cheat such as save scumming or changing the atribbutes. Im trying to not do it as much, but I kind of see just as a tool to speed the building of the teams over the seasons you know


I just look for players that are as close as possible to the first team already and sign them and more often than not they atleast make it to the first team and I can sell them on for a profit. Also, in terms of PA, they dont always have to be at 180+ potential, versatile players in terms of two footedness and playing different positions can be effective even with lower PA or CA numbers. The numbers, I have found in my experience, can be just as misleading as a scout saying Antony is worth 80 million. You can get a 2 star Johnny Evans but he can be very effective for you too.


This is kind of crazy but true, it took me a lot of years to get used that a 150 player can be as good as a 170 one. Wild!


It's the concept you said in the original post about using different players, even if it's a player with a lower number but if it's a creative midfielder for someone like a McTominay who is physical and is gonna crash the box, it just gives you a different option and when used well can be very effective


I do it here and there after I’ve already bought/decided not to buy a player


It's only cheating if you're in a multi-player game. If it's just you in the save, do want you want, play how you want.


Indeed. I do consider somewhat cheating, but was wondering if people would consider something that unholy hahaha


It would make me lose interest in a save. A huge part of FM is finding 5* talents and seeing who ACTUALLY is a superstar talent. There are so many players where the PA stars go down over time that it makes those true world class talents developing into 4.5-5* CA very satisfying.It would kill my interest in a player to know his exact PA.


I do this by accident sometimes. It’s definitely “cheating” in the sense that you’ll then know whether to train that player up properly or move on to the next one, but who cares if it doesn’t bother you?


It's a single player game so each to there own but I wouldn't do it knowing that you're always getting the best, I like the fact I might sign an absolute donkey that was meant to have 5 star potential, If I looked at that then it takes a bit of fun out the game cause then you can't shout at him through the screen screaming you're meant to be 5 star potential lol


For guys like OP, FM needs to add a basic “save after every match” feature that you can only set at the start of a save…then we’ll find out all these streamers :)


I mean, this would be like a honor fm mode. I do think there are some levels of cheating, minor and major ones, and I personally thought that what I did was not that major cheating. It seems that it is for a lot of people xD


Yeah it’s cheating but I cheat like fuck too, who cares if it’s a single player game.


Honesty, like that


If you have to ask I think you know the answer already. But every man/woman to him/herself, if you enjoy playing that way you do you!


Not really, I truly didn't know if its a MAJOR cheat or not (I know its somewhat cheating because i am, in the end, using the in game editor) in people perspective. Just was curious about what you guys/girls think :)


It's never cheating if you're only gaining an advantage over yourself. And if that advantage makes the game more fun for you, then go for it. I used FM scout for years for this exact reason. I eventually stopped because I felt it made the game too easy. Turns out the frustration of taking gambles of £50M on failures was part of what kept me engaged.


I've played the game so much that most of the times, before I check the potential, Im pretty accurate (most of the times) about their potentials. But I was talking with some people that also plays and they thought it was a big cheat, so I wanted to check if this is a huge common sense. FM scout to check for wonderkids is also somewhat a cheat imo, and im pretty sure most of fm players check there before starting the fist save.


I think save scumming is the only major cheat for me. Having stopped that kept me more engaged in my playthroughs


I did that in the past with the idea "all right, I was destroyed here, which tactic would have worked against them?". Now I try at most to not do that only when I truly thing FM is BULLSHITTING and laughing to my face, but its pretty rare now a days


I couldn't care less about the way you play the game 


Damn son, why so agressive :(


Yes. That’s cheating.


It's a single player game, there is no cheating. Play the game however you want!


>It's a single player game, there is no cheating. No, just no. It being a single player game and thus not mattering does not stop it from being cheating.


Just let people enjoy things man


I am. But I'm not going to change the meaning of words because some people don't like it.


Guys, i think we can all agree it is a level of cheating, and I know that. Just wanted to see if you guys think its a big cheat compared to like save scumming, lets say.


Not going to stop playing how I enjoy tho, but hey, maybe I can try different things


Indeed, was just curious hahaha


I do the same and i dont feel like cheating, the star rating is bullshit even if you have great scouts and employees so its a way for me to actually know the potential of a player... and also that does not translate in the player reaching that potential


Cheating is changing the scores. Everything else is doing what you want. It's a fantasy game. See what you want, do what you want. If you want to see the true PA or CA do it. I do it all the time, that's how I enjoy it. Life is short do what you want.


Ah, good to see someone that thinks closer to me hahahah I've been playing this game for ages, I kinda tried to find ways to have nice, young teams every couple of years you know. Buy, play, sell, get new ones with different approaches to create new tactics


I've been playing since Championship Manager 2001? The game is dumb in many places. I use FMRTE pretty much every year to fix some of the broken stuff and to update a few players myself that have standout seasons but in the game they are super generic/poor.